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外商直接投资(FDI)作为国际资本流动的主要形式,已成为我国经济增长的重要推动力量。内生经济增长理论认为,FDI通过技术溢出效应提高东道国的技术水平,进而促进该国内生化经济的增长。但FDI的技术溢出效应并不总是为正,其效应的发挥还受到一系列因素的制约。本文从东道国角度出发,从宏观、行业、企业三个层面对我国FDI技术溢出效应的影响因素进行分类分析,以期为我国FDI技术溢出正效应的发挥提供相关的理论依据。  相似文献   

人力资本是一种基本的生产要素,人力资源流动是任何市场经济国家必须面对的基本现实。从微观层面来看,人力资源流动受劳动力接受教育的程度、年龄、收入、成本和工作环境等因素的影响,人力资本的逐利性必然流向回报更高的地方。从宏观层面来看,人力资源流动会增加整个社会的产出。产生正的溢出效应。因而。人力资源流动具有自己的动力机制,并且能增加社会总福利。因此,建立统一的人力资源流动市场将会降低人力资源流动成本,促进人力资本优化配置,有利于经济结构的调整与升级,促进社会的全面制度创新。因此,应采取相应的人力资源流动管理对策,促进人力资源合理流动。  相似文献   

本文通过构建两阶段的两部门开放经济模型,考察了基于人力资本流动途径的FDI溢出效应的作用原理,进而研究了该过程中金融发展的作用机制。理论研究表明,FDI能够降低东道国人员自主创业所需的企业家才能门槛值,实现基于人力资本流动途径的FDI技术外溢;金融发展效率提高能扩大"FDI对企业家才能临界值的边际降低值",通过促进东道国自主创业推动国内经济增长。基于1985-2009年全国时间序列和省际面板数据的实证结果表明,FDI对我国经济增长具有明显的资本积累效应;受金融发展程度所限,现阶段我国FDI技术溢出和人力资本外溢拉动国内经济的效应尚不显著。  相似文献   

文章利用非竞争性投入产出表,通过将FDI经由总中间投入产生的两种垂直溢出效应分解为经由国内投入和中间进口的四种垂直溢出,并考虑投入产出效率的动态变化,对中国制造业FDI溢出效应进行研究.结果表明:只有外企通过提供给下游行业中间进口而产生的前向溢出有助于技术进步的提升,从而提升全要素生产率.而水平溢出、外企通过提供给下游行业国内投入产品而产生的前向溢出、外企通过购买上游行业所提供的国内产品而产生的后向溢出对技术进步的影响均为负,并且各种FDI技术溢出效应似乎有降低技术效率的趋势.  相似文献   

FDI作为资本、技术和管理经验等一揽子要素的综合体,对国内企业的技术进步、经济增长和产业结构升级都产生了积极深远的的影响.如何更好的利用外资,优化外资利用方式和结构,畅通FDI技术溢出渠道,改善内资企业技术吸收能力,进而提升FDI技术溢出效应,具有重要的现实意义,本文阐述了FDI技术溢出效应的四种表现方式,分析了技术溢出效应的影响因素,进而为提升FDI溢出技术效应、推动国内企业技术进步和产业升级提供对策.  相似文献   

我国服务业FDI技术溢出效应渠道主要有示范与模仿、竞争效应、联系效应以及人力资本流动四种。服务业FDI技术溢出由于自身的特点,会受到东道国和投资企业等两个层面因素的影响。在东道国层面主要受到其法律制度、人力资本、技术差距等因素的影响。在投资企业层面主要受到外资企业的投资方式、FDI来源地和企业规模的影响。所以,应当根据各个地区的经济和社会发展水平合理制定吸引外资的政策,提升我国服务也FDI技术溢出效应。  相似文献   

FDI对本土企业的溢出效应是正是负未有定论,造成争议的一个重要原因是企业的异质性在研究中往往被忽略。事实上,企业异质性,尤其是所有制结构的不同会带来技术溢出差异,并且在行业当中具有普遍性。厘清企业异质性与FDI溢出效应的关系,一方面可以最终回答FDI技术外溢效果如何,并有助于深入理解FDI技术溢出的作用机制;另一方面有助于理解所有制结构本身如何影响企业的效率。本文采用中国规模以上工业企业数据,从产业关联视角研究发现,产权结构异质性的确影响了国内企业对FDI技术外溢的吸收。具体表现为FDI对民营供应企业的后向溢出效应非常明显;但却在一定程度上阻碍了下游采购企业,主要是其中的非公有制企业的生产率增长;国有企业对FDI技术溢出的吸收能力非常有限,基本不显著。进一步分析发现,引进FDI普遍促进了包括国有企业在内的各种所有制企业的技术效率提升。  相似文献   

本文构建了以柯布-道格拉斯生产函数为基础的经济计量模型,利用2002—2011年我国高技术产业及其下属五大行业的数据,研究FDI与内资企业的关系,其产出表现为正相关,产生比较明显的技术溢出效应。而在整个高技术产业、电子及通信设备制造业中,FDI与内资企业的产出表现为负相关。在此基础之上,对加强FDI对我国的技术溢出效应提出一系列对策建议。  相似文献   

陈元刚  冯丹  蔡振武 《商业时代》2015,(11):138-139
外商直接投资对一国(地区)经济增长的推动作用受到金融发展水平的制约。本文从区域金融发展水平、FDI溢出效应与经济增长的传导机制出发探讨三者之间的关联。选取2000-2012年珠三角九个城市的面板数据进行分析,得出珠三角金融市场发展规模对FDI溢出效应起到促进作用,金融市场效率起到抑制作用,FDI总量以及由金融发展所决定的FDI溢出效应促进经济增长但不显著。  相似文献   

通过对FDI与产业内溢出、FDI关联与产业间溢出等进行理论研究发现:在一定程度上FDI推进了东道国企业进行战略性调整,促进了东道国经济的增长,但是,东道国引进FDI重要期望是FDI产生溢出效应,给东道国带来更为先进的技术和管理经验,而实际上,一些核心技术、关键仪器设备以及一些很重要的岗位仍牢牢地掌握在投资国手中,东道国亦未给予投资国相应的激励,东道国所想要得到的预期溢出效应并不乐观。FDI的溢出效应具有环境的依存性,东道国的经济环境、政策、法规、人力资源状况等都会影响FDI溢出效应,所以,溢出效应的作用机制应该成为研究的重点与核心,进而营造促进FDI产生溢出效应的环境,使我国达到FDI溢出效应预期结果。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how productivity spillovers from foreign to domestic firms are affected by foreign firm characteristics and labour market conditions in Moldova. We use firm-level administrative panel data and annual survey region-sector indicators of labour market conditions in 2005–2014. Baseline regressions show that domestic firms benefit from backward FDI spillovers, while we find no evidence of horizontal or forward spillovers. Spillover effects are heterogeneous and depend on the ownership structure and age of foreign firms. Domestic firms in upstream sectors benefit from both wholly foreign-owned companies (WFOC) and joint ventures (JV). However, JVs need less time in the market for positive spillovers to materialise, while WFOCs only lead to larger spillover effects when they are older. In regions and sectors where firms experience fewer labour market restrictions, backward FDI spillovers are larger. Interacting foreign firm characteristics with labour market restrictions, we find that spillovers through the labour market channel materialise only for older FDI, regardless of ownership type. The results are in line with our expectation that WFOCs need more time than JVs to develop linkages with local suppliers and lead to spillovers through this channel. Moreover, in developing countries labour market restrictions reduce labour mobility and consequently, the size of FDI spillovers across industries.  相似文献   

While previous literature has extensively shown that foreign-owned firms pay higher wages than domestically owned firms, the examination of intra-industry wage spillovers between foreign-owned and domestic companies has received much less attention, particularly among non-core EU economies. In this paper, we contribute to the literature on wage spillovers of foreign multinational enterprises onto domestic firms by considering whether the presence of MNE subsidiaries in the Spanish manufacturing industry affects wages in domestic firms in the same industry. Although no evidence supports the existence of wage spillovers from MNEs onto domestic firms on aggregate, we show that the effect of this outside presence on domestic wages is significantly more positive in step with the higher level of workers’ skills in domestic firms. Because only workers in domestic firms with a highly skilled workforce will benefit from wage spillovers from the foreign firm presence in the industry, policy makers need bear in mind that not all FDI will automatically generate spillover benefits to domestic firms.  相似文献   

This article examines spillover effects from inward investment on domestic firm growth in the case of a developed host country. The emphasis is placed on the role of the technological gap between domestic and foreign firms in identifying the importance of technology diffusion from the presence of multinationals. An augmented production function is employed to account for technological, financial and market structure effects. Based on a sample of 2589 manufacturing firms operating in Greece between 1992 and 1997, the analysis provides evidence that the significance of spillovers varies with the relative technological position of domestic firms and is higher in the middle and upper quantiles of the growth distribution. It was estimated that a unit increase in the foreign presence in Greek industry raises output growth by 7% on average, in a five‐year period, after controlling for technological differences among firms. This result is consistent with the ‘absorptive capacity’ hypothesis that the technological capability of the host country relates positively to FDI spillover benefits.  相似文献   

In recent decades, theoretical debate on firm innovation has considered particular forms of spatial clustering and foreign direct investment as almost mutually exclusive drivers. While cluster literature pays less attention to firm heterogeneity in ownership structure, FDI literature ignores the importance of geographical dimension in spillover effects. This study combines these two lines of theoretical inquiry to investigate regional FDI knowledge spillover effects on product innovation of China's indigenous electronic firms. It is found that localized innovative-related activities of foreign-invested firms significantly facilitate product innovation of domestic firms. However, FDI horizontal spillover is more important than vertical spillover and cross-sector rather than intra-sector knowledge is significant for indigenous innovation. FDI spillover effects can be reinforced by local innovative activities of domestic firms. This study highlights the significance of geographical proximity and relatively heterogeneous knowledge in FDI spillover effects on domestic innovation but questions the mutual trust relationship between foreign and domestic firms in a cluster.  相似文献   

The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on domestically owned firms in developing countries has been widely debated in the literature. It has been argued that FDI provides access to advanced technologies and other intangible assets, which may spill over to the host country and allow domestic firms to improve their performance. While there is a substantial literature on this issue, for obvious reasons, little is known about the effect of FDI on domestic firms in the African context. Noting this gap, this paper uses two-period (2003 and 2007) firm level panel data from South Africa to examine the impact of FDI on the labour productivity of domestic firms. A key policy change during this time period was the passage of the broad-based black economic empowerment act (BB-BEE) and we also examine the effect of the interaction between foreign firm ownership and BEE on labour productivity. Regardless of the empirical specification, we find no spillover effects and no evidence that a greater degree of BEE compliance by foreign firms influences labour productivity.  相似文献   

浙江省外商直接投资技术外溢效应实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过构建回归模型,从行业、城市和因果关系三个层面定量分析了浙江省外商直接投资技术外溢效应,最后得出结论:FDI(外商直接投资)能通过对内资企业的技术外溢效应而促进浙江省经济增长。因此,今后相关外资政策的制定不应该只一味强调引入外资的数量,而必须从影响FDI技术外溢效果的诸种因素出发,充分发挥外资对当地内资企业的辐射作用以促进浙江省经济长期增长。  相似文献   

On the basis of an augmented Euler equation, we use firm survey data provided by the World Bank to investigate the impact of FDI (foreign direct investment) on the financing constraints of firms in China. First we calculate the forward and backward linkages of FDI. Then through empirical estimation, we find that only private firms have financing constraints and that the incoming FDI alleviates this situation. Private firms with more foreign capital shares or having stronger vertical linkage with FDI can get financial resources easily. Furthermore, industries hosting a large amount of FDI are favorite clients of the financial institutions because they are usually much more competitive in the world. As a result, the private firms in these industries also have easier access to financial resources. In the financial market, FDI is a helping hand that reduces the information asymmetry between firms and financial institutions. Financial resources go where FDI goes, which to some extent improves the allocation efficiency.  相似文献   

运用2008年第二次全国经济普查服务业企业数据,文章实证检验了外资进入对服务业企业劳动收入份额和技能工资溢价的影响。结果显示外资企业存在更高的劳动收入份额,且外资进入程度对当地企业的劳动收入份额存在正向的外溢效应。文章进一步将不同所有制类型与技能劳动力占比的交互项引入工资方程,发现外资企业存在更高的技能工资溢价。我们进一步验证了外资进入对当地劳动力市场技能工资溢价的影响。结果表明,在那些外资渗透率较高、市场竞争相对激烈的地区和行业,外资企业的技能工资溢价现象会产生溢出效应,促使当地企业提高对高技能员工的薪酬待遇。因此,在合理发挥服务业外资进入对收入分配优化效应的同时,也要采取相关措施防止其进一步拉大工资差距。  相似文献   

A number of existing empirical studies have attempted to estimate the foreign direct investment (FDI)-related productivity spillover effects to domestic firms in host economies using various methodologies and measures of FDI. This literature has produced mixed results. While some studies found positive spillovers, others reported zero or even negative spillovers. In this paper, using a model of firm heterogeneity, we provide a rigorous theoretical justification for the mixed findings. We show that FDI-related productivity spillover effects can be decomposed into a direct and an indirect effect. If the direct effect is positive then relatively less capable domestic firms that were not able to survive in the industry (before the arrival of foreign firms) can enter the industry, which decreases the average (expected) productivity of the industry. If this indirect effect is sufficiently strong then the overall impact of FDI on productivity of domestic firms can be zero or negative. Hence, irrespective of the type of FDI (vertical or horizontal) and control variables included in empirical models, one may find negative or zero spillover effects.  相似文献   

This article tests the view that the impact which foreign direct investment (FDI) has upon employment within the host economy will vary according to the entry mode which the multinational enterprise (MNE) chooses, the type of subsidiary and the nationality of the parent organisation which is established in the regional economy. Data were collected from the subsidiaries of foreign-owned firms in the UK. A model was devised and tested with estimations using this data. The results provide support for the view that the impact of FDI may be differentiated by entry mode, nationality and subsidiary type. Specifically, firms which entered by way of greenfield investment created positive employment effects as compared to those which entered by means of a merger or acquisition where the effects were relatively negative. There is some evidence that impact is also ownership specific. Finally, those subsidiaries which performed more value-added functions had a positive effect on employment.  相似文献   

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