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研究目的:针对当前不动产登记数据多源异构、数据量大等特点,探索一种以土地登记数据为基础,依据宗地管理单元(地籍区、地籍子区)从空间上对数据整合区域进行剖分、基于任务协同和不动产单元的房地登记数据整合方法,解决房地登记数据难以高效率、自动化、流程化整合的问题。研究方法:利用协同理论搭建房地登记数据整合框架,利用实证分析法验证提出的数据整合技术方法。研究结果:提出了基于任务协同的房地登记数据整合方法,构建了房地登记数据整合框架,解决了数据匹配、任务推送等关键问题,进行了基于徐州市房地登记数据的房地登记数据整合应用实践。研究结论:房地登记数据是不动产统一登记数据整合的难点,以宗地管理单元对数据整合区域进行剖分、基于任务协同和不动产单元的房地登记数据整合技术,能够高效实现房地登记数据集成,对构建房地登记数据整合长效机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

研究目的:为推进中国不动产统一登记提供建议。研究方法:描述性研究。研究结果:中国分散的不动产行政管理体制导致了分散的不动产登记制度;登记矛盾和冲突问题是迫切需要解决的分散登记弊端;构建中国不动产统一登记制度时,应当贯彻统一性、有效性、效率性、可行性等原则;推进不动产统一登记,一是必须从法理上合理界定不动产物权的关系,明确以土地登记为基础,二是不动产登记机关可选择行政机关,三是在过渡期可通过优化登记机关职能来推进统一登记。研究结论:当前可构建以土地登记为基础的统一的不动产登记过渡方案,即以土地所有权登记为基础,统一协调、行使“不动产权利类型认定”和“不动产界址划定”两项职权,建立协调或者统一的不动产登记信息系统来推进不动产统一登记。  相似文献   

宗地统一编码是国土资源部为了推动城乡一体化地籍管理进程,实现不动产统一登记和全程监管的新型地籍管理手段,与传统基于行政区划的宗地编码规则存在很大不同,需要进行编码转换。在对比分析新旧两种宗地编码规则优缺点的基础上,提出一种将旧规则数据无损转换为新规则数据的编码方法,并以云南省澄江县和景洪市进行实验验证。结果表明:该方法科学、合理,可在未来不动产统一登记工作中进行推广。  相似文献   

不动产统一登记制度显示了党中央和国务院对不动产统一登记的重视、决心和努力。对不动产统一登记制度研究的历史演变和契约登记制、权利登记制和托伦斯登记制三种主要类型的国外不动产登记制度进行了介绍,分析了不动产统一登记的难点,有政府部门和个人利益阻力,登记人员知识结构需要完善更新,登记所需技术急需发展完善,没有统一的法律法规依据,登记标准不统一,登记不规范,重视管理轻视服务,不动产统一登记的法律风险承担及登记过错的赔偿,甚至不动产统一登记中工作人员的失职等等方面。阐述了不动产统一登记遵循服务第一,快捷使用,循序渐进三项原则。针对当前我国不动产登记中种种问题和困难,当前比较紧迫需要解决的主要有简政放权,加强登记人员的培训,出台不动产登记条例,登记机构统一,设立弥补登记过错的赔偿基金,法律公证风险共担,加强不动产登记工作监督等几个方面。  相似文献   

三维地籍的建立分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
三维地籍是土地利用和社会、经济发展的必然结果,它将会在土地管理和社会经济发展规划中发挥重要的作用,但是在现有的技术、经济和法律条件下将土地空间信息进行登记、利用还存在着一定困难.通过阐述我国土地利用发展对三维地籍的需求,从经济、法律和技术方面讨论了目前三维地籍在建立过程中存在的障碍.  相似文献   

研究目的:对中德不动产登记效力进行比较研究,为制定统一的不动产登记法提供理论支撑。研究方法:比较分析法、规范分析法、案例分析法。研究结果:与中国不动产登记相比,德国不动产登记在区分原则与公示原则的基础上具有统一的物权变动效力;具有明确、统一的权利顺位效力,能够在意思自治原则的基础上准确地解决多项不动产权利之间的冲突;具有以公信原则为基础的权利推定效力与公信力,与无因性原则一道构成了交易安全保护的铁壁铜墙;对于登记错误则赋予权利人以更正登记请求权等完善救济措施。研究结论:中国不动产登记法须从四方面完善不动产登记的效力体系:通过将登记对抗的物权变动统一于登记要件原则之下以进一步统一不动产登记的权利变动效力;强化不动产登记薄的权利推定效力与公信力;构建不动产登记薄的权利顺位效力;增设权利人的不动产登记更正请求权。  相似文献   

基于AHP构建中国不动产登记制度的分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:构建不动产登记制度可选方案的体系,并评选出适合中国的不动产登记制度与配套方案。研究方法:运用层级分析法(AHP),借鉴各国或地区的制度经验,构建中国不动产登记制度可选方案的体系,再针对土地、法律专家以及政府土地部门领导专家进行专家问卷调查,求取专家意见的一致性。研究结果:中国应采取土地管理部门统一不动产登记、土地及房屋均采取强制登记、以产权文件作为确保登记无误的关键审核文件、登记机关设立基金赔偿或投保赔偿以及设立土地登记代理人5个方案。研究结论:中国适合采用强制登记、实质审查以及错误赔偿的权利登记制,以及发放权利书状的托伦斯登记制,成为混合登记制;实施时应依序进行土地确权、土地与房屋管理部门整并、建立登记机关赔偿机制以及建立土地登记代理人制度。  相似文献   

我国不动产登记制度若干问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从不动产登记机构、登记簿内容与编成方法、登记信息公开与查询、登记依据和登记信息平台等方面对我国不动产登记工作进行浅析,并对我国不动产登记制度建设提出了一些建议:(1)不动产登记簿应采用物的编成方法,对不动产自然属性、权利属性及其他依法应当登记事项内容进行登记;(2)不动产登记资料中的结果资料可实行公开查询,申请资料应实行有条件查询制度;(3)不动产依据登记信息错误应区分权利事项登记错误和非权利事项登记错误采用不同更正方法;(4)尽快统一不动产登记法律法规和技术依据;(5)整合现有不动产登记相关信息平台,达到基础数据统一、数据采集标准统一、数据转换规则统一、业务和服务平台统一。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于土地立体利用趋势,剖析秉承三维思维的产权管理,以期为土地领域的实践问题解决提供思路.研究方法:文献分析法,归纳演绎法,对比分析法.研究结果:传统土地管理不能精细化描述、界定和管理三维产权空间,需法律界定空间权利、三维宗地、立体土地一级开发、空间供应、立体相邻空间利用关系、已出让用地的空间范围和空间登记等规则;需从编制立体空间规划和优化空间管理等角度变革行政程序;需三维地籍、三维土地核查、立体可视化技术和三维管理信息系统等技术支撑.研究结论:应加快土地立体利用专门立法,优化行政审批流程,并以三维地籍为核心,开展相关技术和标准规范研究,创新三维认知理念,以推动土地立体利用及其产权管理.  相似文献   

研究目的:归纳分析2016年国内外土地管理领域的研究进展,展望研究趋势。研究方法:文献统计法。研究结果:2016年土地管理领域国外研究侧重于土地制度改革及其所产生的政治、经济、生态效应,土地法律与政策的作用效力及效应,土地权属与登记等方面;国内研究则更多关注农村土地制度改革、不动产登记成果整合应用、自然资源资产管理理论及成果应用、土地市场监管与土地财政影响、“三权分置”法律关系界定、集体土地所有权立法及集体成员资格界定、土地用途管制与耕地保护制度等相关问题。研究结论:2016年土地管理领域在不动产登记与自然资源资产管理、土地市场监管与调控以及土地用途管制方面的研究有所进展;2017年将重点关注土地管理制度改革、不动产统一登记制度的推进与完善、自然资源资产管理体制建设、土地及房地产市场调控,乃至农村土地市场的管理与调控、土地法律体系改革等方面。  相似文献   

Identifying the processes in the cadastre enables understanding the principles on which the cadastre works. Processes in cadastre define the way how the cadastre manages information and what are the prerequisites for the data to be stored in the appropriate data structure. In order to explicitly specify cadastral procedures and workflows to support their automatization, we developed a process model for Serbian cadastre. The main reason for developing the process model is to ensure the framework which will provide possible integration and interoperability with other systems outside traditional cadastral system and between cadastral subsystems themselves. The process model is based on hierarchical decomposition of two basic groups of processes: processes for changing cadastral data and processes for displaying cadastral data. Each group of processes is further decomposed step by step until the workflow of a single process is shown. The developed process model is an abstract model, i.e. it is independent of the implementation. However, in order to instantiate such process model, it is necessary to provide binding of the abstract process model to its underlying implementation. Cadastral registration of spatial units may be beneficial for activities that relay on land administration, such as taxation, spatial planning, obtaining a building permit or legalization of buildings. This relation to the processes under jurisdiction of other organizations justifies the use of cadastral process model and its implementation into SOA environment. Traditionally, cadastral processes include alphanumeric data and 2D spatial data on cadastral maps that contain 2D borders of parcels and buildings. However, recent advancements in 3D technology bring the opportunity to enhance such processes with 3D information. In particular, the aim is to extend current 2D process model to support data maintenance and transactions in the upgrade towards 3D cadastre. Therefore, these 3D data supported workflows are introduced to the process model. For the processes that include 3D information the choice has to be made which specifications will be used and how representations of 3D spatial units will be resolved. In this paper, we first develop an abstract process model of Serbian cadastre. After that, we extend the process model to include 3D information, discuss the options for using the encodings of 3D spatial units (legal spaces) and select buildingSMART openBIM IFC standard for this purpose.  相似文献   

Digital 3D cadastres are often envisaged as the visualisation of 3D property rights (legal objects) and to some extent, their physical counterparts (physical objects) such as buildings and utility networks on, above and under the surface. They facilitate registration and management of 3D properties and reduction of boundary disputes. They also enable a wide variety of applications that in turn identify detailed and integrated 3D legal and physical objects for property management and city space management (3D land use management).Efficient delivery and implementation of these applications require many elements to support a digital 3D cadastre, such as existing 3D property registration laws, appropriate 3D data acquisition methods, 3D spatial database management systems, and functional 3D visualisation platforms. In addition, an appropriate 3D cadastral data model can also play a key role to ensure successful development of the 3D cadastre.A 3D cadastral data model needs to reflect the complexity and interrelations of 3D legal objects and their physical counterparts. Many jurisdictions have defined their own cadastral data models for legal purposes and have neglected the third dimension, integration of physical counterparts and semantic aspects.To address these problems, this paper aims to investigate why existing cadastral data models do not facilitate effective representation and analysis of 3D data, integration of 3D legal objects with their physical counterparts, and semantics. Then, a 3D cadastral data model (3DCDM) is proposed as a solution to improve the current cadastral data models. The data model is developed based on the ISO standards. UML modelling language is used to specify the data model. The results of this research can be used by cadastral data modellers to improve existing or develop new cadastral data models to support the requirements of 3D cadastres.  相似文献   

Underground space is being considered as a sustainable development resource, especially in heavily urbanized areas such as Seoul, in Korea. However, regarding 3D underground property, uncertainties and gaps exist between cadastral system and real property registration system. In Korea, cadastral system is able to deal with only 2D surface parcel, on the contrary, real property registration system is able to register and manage legal status of 3D underground properties. The mismatch between these two systems causes various types of problems for underground properties such as a vertical boundary disputes between aboveground and underground ownerships, administrative confusion and dual-compensation problems for new underground construction, reconstruction and haphazard development for underground space due to the lack of systematic registration procedure. In order to overcome these problems, this research proposes a 3D underground cadastral data model, which is associated and integrated with classes in ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) developed by the Technical Committee 211 of the International Organization for Standardization. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model comprises two packages: 3D underground parcel package, and 3D underground surveying and mapping package. It would support a better service for land administration by providing reliable and accurate spatial information on 3D underground property. In order to validate the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model, the prototype is developed and implemented in real-world situation for the first time. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model can register various types of 3D underground properties including architectures such as shopping mall, public walkway, parking lot, and etc., and civil infrastructures such as subway, road, water supply, sewage, common utility tunnel, and etc. The results show that the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model could be applicable for other information system such as land valuation and taxation system, urban planning system, construction and facility management system.  相似文献   

2D Land cadastre on the present territory of the Republic of Croatia has been continuously developed in the last 200 years. Throughout the years, survey methods, needs and purposes of cadastre have changed. This resulted in a variety of cadastral data with different accuracy and completeness. Today, we can collect an enormous amount of data and the need for cadastral data has never been greater. We need to find feasible solutions to make the initial acquisition of 3D cadastral data which would satisfy the needs of stakeholders involved in Land Administration System (LAS).This paper will present a historical background of the cadastral data acquisition which would help to understand circumstances on how this variety of available cadastral data has been produced and the data available nowadays. Based on the historical overview and the overview of the current state, we will upgrade the data model of a LAS used in Croatia to support the implementation of a 3D cadastre. The model will include its static components but also proposed improvements of cadastral resurvey related processes. The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), which in 2012 became the ISO 19,152 standard, will be used as the formal basis.This paper offers a proposal for cadastral resurvey improvements, better registration of public rights and registration of separate parts of real properties. It will identify and explore critical points and make recommendations to bring Real Property Cadastre closer to a real 3D register.  相似文献   

Managing land information effectively is a key factor in achieving successful land administration and sustainable land development. To manage land, each government has a land policy and administration system. A land administration system (LAS) enables identification, registration and sharing of information about land in compliance with land policies by using information technologies effectively. In this context, land information systems (LISs) are designed to fulfill the requirements related to land, to provide tenure assurance and to manage natural resources sustainably. In Turkey, the necessity of information technologies and geographic information systems (GIS) was recognised by public institutions in the early 1990s. The Land Registry and Cadastre Information System Project (TAKBIS in Turkish) started to manage land registry and cadastre data and processes throughout Turkey. By using a standard framework, the project aimed to digitise land registry and cadastre data and to perform all activities and queries in a digital environment. However, the project did not reach the expected level of success because the data infrastructure was not standardised and did not meet the data requirements of other stakeholders at the national and international level.On the other hand, studies of a new e-government project called Turkish National GIS (TUCBS in Turkish) was initiated to establish a national geographic data infrastructure (GDI) which allows efficient management of geographic data and corresponds to national-level user requirements and Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) specifications. In this study, to provide data interoperability among different institutions and meet stakeholder needs, the data model of the Land Registry and Cadastre Data Theme is examined and improved. Within the design process, the ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) and INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels are examined and applied as the baseline international standards. In addition, main land and land group parcel types in the Turkish cadastral system, the main rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to land in the Turkish registration system, mortgages established over rights, cadastral maps, standard subdivision of two-dimensional (2D) space with special names, surveyed point and monumentation types were explained briefly within the revised land registry and cadastre data model. As a case study, data sets from different sources were transformed to open data sets compatible with the model. This model enables data interoperability in land-related applications. However, models should be kept as simple as possible for effective data transformation and management.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid development of indoor spatial data acquisition technology, there are currently no solutions that enable large-scale indoor spatial data acquisition due to several limiting factors that characterize the indoor space. This fact, together with the rapidly growing need for indoor models, is the main motivation for our research. The focus is on the study of the appropriateness of existing cadastral data for 3D indoor modelling. Within the study, a framework for 3D indoor modelling has been developed, comprising a chain of processes, starting from initial cadastral data and ending with the OGC IndoorGML compliant document. The process chain is divided into three parts, which are described individually and supported by UML activity diagrams. The Slovenian Building Cadastre data represents the basis for the framework design and data assessment. The IndoorGML standard is used for final outputs, as it provides a standardized data model for the representation and exchange of indoor spatial information designed for indoor navigation and location-based services. The data storage options using a spatially enabled database are presented for storing 2D and 3D geometries. The stored data enables fully automatic IndoorGML document generation on request, while also taking advantage of all spatial database functionalities. The proposed approach is software independent and can be implemented with various spatially enabled software packages. In addition to 3D indoor data modelling, the framework represents a comprehensive method for assessing the usability of input data for the purpose of 3D indoor modelling. The assessment is done for the case of the Slovenian Building Cadastre. The assessment of the cadastral data suitability for 3D indoor modelling can be used for decisions regarding future steps towards a multi-purpose 3D real property cadastre. The presented concept can be applied in many countries worldwide that have a similar condominium registration system.  相似文献   

There are a wide variety of cadastral objects, ranging from simple 2D entities such as a land parcel, to complex 3D objects such as multistory/multi-owned buildings. The complex infrastructures development happening above and below the ground complicates the processes required for defining rights, restrictions and responsibilities in 3D (3D RRRs). Even in the current, predominantly, 3D analogue cadastral system which relies on 2D drawings and representations, defining 3D RRRs is still a complicated task. With the widespread use of 3D geospatial information technologies, it is increasingly becoming easy to realise and interpret a 3D digital cadastre system. As part of the process of transition from the 2D representation of cadastre towards a 3D digital cadastre, not only will 2D representations be replaced with 3D models, but the examination workflow and its principles also need to be able to manage 3D models. Developing principles and validation rules is a critical requirement to guarantee that the diverse cadastral data is trustable and contains enough detail to define the spatial and legal extents of ownership. This paper proposes a structured framework to define validation rules for 3D cadastral models. The paper’s methodology utilises a case study approach where a plan examination process in Victoria, Australia has been analysed to investigate the principles of examining cadastral plans, and further expanded on for validating 3D digital plans. The paper concludes with a discussion on the implications of the proposed 3D validation rules and proposes future research within the topic of 3D cadastral data validation.  相似文献   

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