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This paper explores three omnichannel retailing models—that is, a Buy-Online, Pick-Up In-Store (BOPS) model, a Showroom model, and an Interactive model (a model that combines the characteristics of BOPS and Showroom)—under which the retailer offers coupons online and invests in service efforts offline. For each omnichannel retailing model, three coupon distribution scenarios (i.e. no coupon, coupon with a common value, and coupon with a different value) are discussed to investigate coupon promotion policies and omnichannel operation strategies. Profits in the omnichannel system and under each model are compared by deriving three decision values: price, coupon value, and service effort. The key findings show that the retailer achieves profit improvement when the incremental purchasing reaches a large value. In addition, a great service effort coefficient leads to a high price, service effort, and retailer profit. The service effort and coupon value in the Showroom model are the largest among the three omnichannel models, while its profit is the lowest. Conversely, although the retailer invests less in service effort, and the price and coupon value are not too large in the BOPS model, the retailer still gains the highest profit. Additionally, in the BOPS model, it is profitable for the retailer to distinguish the coupon value for the online-only and BOPS channels when consumers are less sensitive to the online-only channel’s coupon. However, in the Interactive model, the retailer derives increasing profit by providing coupons with a common value for the online-only and BOPS channels.  相似文献   

The electronic workplace, a greater emphasis on knowledge work and teams, and the increased relevance of managing impressions of work performance are among factors that relate to higher levels of withholding effort among problem employees in the 21st century. This article considers these three factors in the context of dominant organizational forms—low-cost operators, global competitor corporations, and high-involvement firms—and how each can lead to lower on-the-job effort. Remedies are offered for new forms of withholding effort such as cyberloafing, as well as hiding lack of effort in virtual teams and through impression management. In addition, a different way of considering the problem of lower job effort is proposed through examination of how a work ethic and a leisure ethic can be synthesized to enhance organizational creativity, innovation, and performance.  相似文献   

Drawing from the attention-based view, this article extends the study of international entrepreneurship by investigating how the contribution of international ventures’ entrepreneurial strategic posture to their actual learning efforts in foreign markets depends on various flexibilities that underlie their operations. The results from a sample of international Chinese ventures indicate that an entrepreneurial strategic posture enhances international learning effort more to the extent that the ventures possess greater cognitive and political flexibilities. Somewhat paradoxically, greater structural flexibility impedes the translation of an entrepreneurial strategic posture into international learning effort. The findings have important implications for the growing body of research that adopts an international new venture perspective.  相似文献   

Export channel selection is an important strategy for exporting firms. Over the last 45 years, there have been a number of studies investigating the antecedents and outcomes of this strategy. However, no single study systematically reviews the findings in this field. In order to address this gap, we review the literature on export channel selection up to 2015 and analyse findings on the determinants and/or consequences of export channel selection. Our review shows that in general export channel selection remains underexplored. We identify a number of issues in the current studies, including lacking knowledge of performance implication of channel selection, missing theoretical bases, weaknesses of research methods. Based on these, this review provides future research directions for development in export channel selection research.  相似文献   

Marketing managers concern that Word-of-Mouth (WOM) can affect the efficiency of sales promotion policy. Sales promotion might also amplify the strength of WOM which further complicates decision-making. In this study, we deploy an agent-based simulation optimization framework to find an efficient sales promotion plan in the presence of WOM for launching re-purchasable products. In this model, consumers' purchase decisions are influenced by price history, availability and satisfaction of the consumers, and positive/negative WOM. We show that taking WOM on board while determining the promotion plan can significantly increase the net present value. However, amplifying WOM might damage the firm's profit for some product categories.  相似文献   

This paper studies the cooperative promotion problem in the presence of the promotion reference effect. We consider retailer price-reduction promotion activities that enhance their sales but may impair brand image for the manufacturer. Moreover, because frequently used promotion induces a promotion reference effect on customers, we investigate how the promotion reference effect influences cooperative control strategies. We do so by examining the context in a supply chain with one leading manufacturer and two competing retailers, where the manufacturer implements a cooperative promotion program for the retailers. We use differential game models vis-a-vis dynamic promotion control strategies and cooperative promotion strategies under the scenario of existence and non-existence of the reference effect. Findings show that the presence of a promotion reference effect increases profit for the manufacturer but generates reduced profit for the retailers. We also find that the manufacturer augments the level of national brand advertising when incorporating the reference effect, and retailers raise (lower) their degree of promotion when the negative effect is low (high).  相似文献   

郑毅 《国际商务研究》2001,41(3):115-118
数据压缩编码与解压解码技术是目前应用的数字通信系统中的关键技术之一。本文介绍常用的数据压缩编码与解码技术及其最新研究进展,包括语音压缩编码、图像压缩编码与解码技术、多媒体数据压缩域处理技术以及差错控制编码与解码技术等。  相似文献   

Although many researchers have noted the widespread adoption of managerial intuition in choosing retail sites, few empirical studies consider the construct and those that do tend to examine it in isolation. Here, intuition is investigated in conjunction with the more quantitative variables typically used to model site selection and it is found to make a significant contribution to the choice process. Data collected from 253 individuals responsible for leasing/real estate decisions in the U.S. retail sector were analyzed. Findings confirm the widespread use of intuition in making site selection decisions, but further indicate that decision-makers may not be fully attuned to their decision making process. Counter to prior research, the use of intuition in this study does not differ based on the size of the retailer or the experience level of the decision-maker. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed and ideas for future research are explicated.  相似文献   

During the past quarter-century, digital technologies-based innovations for creating, communicating, and delivering products of value to customers have significantly risen in importance to the competitiveness of firms. Digital technologies-based innovations have been transformational in numerous ways, such as their impact on firms’ marketing behaviors, consumers’ search and buying behaviors, and the structural characteristics of markets and industries. Against this backdrop, this article provides a perspective on the evolution of research and practice in digital product innovations and digital marketing innovations. Specifically, the article focuses on (a) innovations for the greater good in the domain of the former and (b) direct and mediated communications through social media platforms and omnichannel marketing in the domain of the latter. In respect of each of the above, the article provides an overview of the evolution and current state of the field, highlights certain current issues and the trajectory of the field, and proposes directions for future research.  相似文献   

Identifying and selecting the ‘right partner’ is one of the key topics in the international retailing literature. Yet, current research provides little knowledge of how international retailers find and select joint venture (JV) partners in foreign markets. We investigate seven cases of British retail multinationals to address this research gap. We find that some retailers initiate formalised partner searches. In other cases, however, JVs arise opportunistically, involving no planned partner identification and selection. Retailer selection criteria revolve significantly around local relationships and market knowledge, specifically concerning local real estate. At the same time, some retailers understand that to leverage these local resources, the relationship and strategic fit with partners are critical.  相似文献   

曹明星 《财贸经济》2022,43(1):44-58
数字经济国际税收改革是百年变局之际世界格局转换的焦点问题之一。数字经济加剧了全球化中的经济失衡,导致市场国征税权随之兴起,国际社会随之提出了税改的初步依据,但是仍需结合政府征税原理创新展开进一步探索。综观以经合组织双支柱为代表的市场国征税权改革方案,在数字经济居民国与市场国、政府征税与跨国公司避税、发达国家与发展中国家的复杂博弈中,“选择性”改革和复杂的规则设计展示了重大历史进步意义,但也凸显了欧美的妥协及其对既得利益的保护,同时更阻断了发展中国家对工业经济税基公平权的追溯,压制了落后地区和新兴行业启动经济的发展权。作为全球数字经济第二大国的中国,基于发展中社会主义市场经济的基本前提和税基安全、公平和发展的复杂目标,需要审慎参与反避税全球竞争与合作、全面协调数字经济与实体经济平衡、科学安排税收收入与经济成长的战略关系,才能在增强以中国为代表的发展中国家在税收和经济利益上的全面的、实质性公平权利的前提下,推动形成更加科学合理的国际税收秩序。  相似文献   

谢莉娟  庄逸群 《财贸经济》2019,40(3):84-100
为了探讨互联网、数字经济背景下的零售本质及其创新机制,本文从马克思流通理论出发,认为无论基于社会再生产视角还是商业资本视角,零售的本质始终在于作为关键的"交换"要素而发挥"媒介供需"的功能,应重视发挥零售识别需求、引导生产的联动机制,而零售商业资本则通过专业化的零售活动以保证更高的媒介效率,亦即以"质效担保"而更好发挥零售最本质的媒介功能。互联网和数字化技术不是对社会再生产基本规律的突破,从而也不改变零售的媒介本质,而是引发了具体的媒介机制的变化。适应互联网长尾需求的极大显现和"拉"式产销逻辑的转化,利用数字化驱动引导形成高度适应需求动态的柔性生产,是零售深度媒介供需的新机制,也是数字化零售引领形成经济增长新动能的体现。本文还进一步应用案例研究法佐证了上述机制。  相似文献   

对粮仓仓外安装的不锈钢和PVC两种不同材质的环流熏蒸管道,通过在高温季节,对环流熏蒸管道的温度、仓温、粮温等进行实仓对比试验。结果表明:仓外安装的PVC环流熏蒸管道比安装的不锈钢环流熏蒸管道对稻谷低温储粮更为有利,且安全、经济、有效、实用。  相似文献   

“数字丝绸之路”是数字经济赋能下“一带一路”国际合作领域的延伸和拓展。在“一带一路”建设由项目导向到规则导向的转变下,进一步健全国际规则体系已成为“数字丝绸 之路”建设的主要目标。对此,以守正思维和创新思维回溯实体化“一带一路”法治实践经验将具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。一方面,承继实体化“一带一路”的法治价值、治理原则、路径选 择;另一方面,更新适应数字贸易模式、维护网络空间安全、处理数字经济纠纷的规则。鉴于实体 化“一带一路”规则法治实践经验,“数字丝绸之路”国际规则体系可以从三个方面建立架构:完善以自由贸易协定和数字经济专项协定为主要载体的数字经济合作体系;加强打击网络犯罪和 网络恐怖主义、ICT 供应链风险管理、跨境数据保护等安全保障体系;构建适应数字纠纷特点的权利保障和争端解决机制。  相似文献   

根据矿石性质,对新疆哈密低品位铜镍矿石进行了浮选分离研究,通过试验,调整、优化了工艺参数和工艺流程,有效解决了回收率低的问题,提高了资源利用率,镍回收率平均达到82%以上。  相似文献   

"一带一路"高质量发展为中新经贸合作带来更大发展机遇,"一带一路"倡议下的中新经贸合作受到双方外交关系、中美贸易摩擦、中国投资环境和彼此文化认同等因素的影响。要抓住发展机遇,改善现状,就要在正确分析其存在问题原因的基础上,强化中新高层战略沟通、推进中新经贸纵深合作、优化中国西部投资环境和实现中新民心相通互融。  相似文献   

成本费用内部控制相关问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
成本是企业为生产产品、提供劳务而发生的各项耗费;费用是企业为销售商品、提供劳务等所发生的流出。成本费用主要反映资源的耗费情况。成本费用内部控制作为企业生产经营活动自我调节和自我约束的内在机制,其建立、健全及实施是企业生产经营成败的关键。加强监督、强化企业成本费用内部控制,是促进现代企业制度的建立和完善企业法人治理结构的重要措施,也是社会进步、经济发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

当前我国发行市政债券融资的策略选择及实施路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前我国农村城镇化和城市现代化的加速发展在短期内对城市基础设施建设提出了大量需求,在现有城市基础设施各种融资方式分别受到一定限制的情况下,发行市政收益债券是一种较好的选择。本文结合实际情况和市政收益债券的特点,提出优先在上海、天津等经济较发达并正在进行综合配套改革试点的城市进行试点,依托城市政府已有的投融资平台发行市政收益债券,并在试点基础上不断总结管理经验,发挥其示范效应,推动相关政策及法律法规的调整,尽早明确市政收益债券的合法主体地位,为城市基础设施建设探索一条可持续化、稳定的资金供给途径。  相似文献   


Tariffs and other policy distortions typically lower real national income relative to what it otherwise would have been for any given rate of factor accumulation. Even so, policy distortions may raise an economy's real measured growth rate and, somewhat deceivingly, give the impression that national welfare has benefited from things like tariff protection. This would be an incorrect conclusion. This paper discusses the issue of how policy distortions can affect the rate of growth for a small, open economy. For example, in the presence of exogenously given factor accumulation, a tariff can either raise or lower an economy's growth rate (measured by the change in the value of output at world prices), relative to the no-distortion growth rate. We also discuss the relevance of this result for tariff uniformity, ‘tariff jumping’ foreign direct investment, and the empirical literature on trade and growth. Finally, we use a numerical simulation model of Egypt to assess whether the costs of its tax distortions have increased or declined over time.  相似文献   

Innovation project selection is a decision of major relevance to firms. Errors in this decision may have serious consequences for firms, especially as many firms struggle with optimizing innovation project selection decisions. In their pitches to innovation decision-makers, project teams invariably present financial projections on their innovation projects, which often include best- and worst-case scenario presentation. Despite the potential influence the presentation of such financial projections has on firms’ innovation project selection decisions, this topic has not received sufficient attention in the literature. This study examines the role of scenario presentation on financial projections in innovation project selection by conducting two conjoint experiments among 2,425 managers and 11 follow-up interviews with senior executives. First, the findings of this study suggest that firms should help project teams present small- rather than large-range scenarios. This is important for at least the 57% of firms surveyed in this study where project teams are reported to present ‘too wide’ and ‘too extreme’ scenarios. Second, firms seeking to promote transformational innovation in their innovation pipeline should make the presentation of small-range scenarios required for an innovation proposal to be presented to a project selection committee. This is relevant for 79% of surveyed firms that would like to select more transformational than core innovation projects and especially for the half of which that currently do not require scenario presentation. Third, project teams with less expertise should develop scenarios analytically rather than intuitively and convey the project’s strategic merit to decision-makers to help increase innovation project selection likelihood.  相似文献   

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