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成果简介 该产品生产工艺先进,采用絮凝剂和助剂复合成新型、高效、经济的聚硅氯化铝水处理剂,摆脱了传统的水处理工艺中絮凝剂和助剂单独投加的方式,将类似水处理剂的保质期由三个月提高到了半年。该产品对高浊度水和含油废水的COD、SS去除率分别达到85%、98~99%。采用该技术生产聚硅氯化铝水处理剂,能耗低、劳动生产率高、[第一段]  相似文献   

通过用XRF法测定硅铁中硅和铝的含量,阐述了其规定试验条件下的可行性、准确性和优点,分析了电压、电流、室温、整机稳定性、样品均匀性等因素对测定结果的影响,本法测定所得结果与湿法化学分析结果相符,并且更加简便.  相似文献   

用于水处理的絮凝剂的制备方法、聚硅铝絮凝剂的制备方法、一种聚合有机硫酸铝絮凝剂配方及制备方法、一种絮凝剂及生产方法、有机无机复合型絮凝剂及其生产方法  相似文献   

介绍了高硅氧玻纤制品生产工艺流程。分析了高硅氧玻纤制品生产过程中影响产品质量的各种因素,阐述了在生产过程中通过有效的质量过程控制,是提高高硅氧玻纤制品质量的有力措施。  相似文献   

河南省纳米材料工程技术研究中心和胜利油田合作开发的NPS-1型纳米聚硅增注剂,日前通过河南省科技厅的鉴定。  相似文献   

水稻田应用不同硅肥试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅是植物体组成的重要营养元素.连作的水稻田施用硅肥对水稻的增产作用非常明显.在稻田施用硅肥可提高水稻的抗性,增强水稻抗各种病虫害的能力,有利于提高作物的光合作用.经多年试验、示范与应用结果表明,硅肥对水稻生长发育、提高单产具有十分重要的作用.本实验通过对生产水平一致的水稻田施用不用的硅肥进行试验观察.  相似文献   

研究用壳聚糖、聚铝和助剂A复合制备出一种成本低、絮凝效果好、出水铝离子含量少的新型自来水处理絮凝剂,并确定其最佳配比为:ν(O.1%壳聚糖):ν(2%聚合氯化铝):ν(0.1%助剂A)=1:6:5.此絮凝剂与传统聚铝类絮凝剂相比,其出水浊度和铝离子质量分数分别下降了2.97%和10.7%,并且药剂成本下降6.25%,有明显的经济和环境效益.  相似文献   

本文概述近年来无机高分子絮凝剂絮凝机理的研究进展及它们的优缺点.简要介绍了国内外油田水处理用的无机絮凝剂的基本情况.综述了无机高分子絮凝剂的种类、开发情况,重点介绍了聚铝、聚铁、硅酸盐的絮凝机理及在水中的形态,并指出其在油田水处理中的优缺点.提出了当前无机絮凝剂的应用和发展方向.  相似文献   

硅粉混凝土作为高强度、抗冲和抗磨蚀的特种混凝土,用于水利水电工程的水流流速较大的部位,本文主要阐述通过加强施工技术要点的控制减少和避免硅粉混凝土产生裂缝.  相似文献   

试验结果表明:正大速溶硅肥确实能起到水稻抗病增产、提质增效起到的作用,具有用量少,利用率高的特点.  相似文献   

This paper explores the possibility that booms and busts are endogenous with an econometric examination of the U.S. economy. Although existing empirical results suggest the contrary, a theoretical literature discounts the stability verdict on the grounds that it is based on linear econometric evidence which is unreliable when the underlying phenomenon is non-linear. We study a simple Keynesian cycle model which is theoretically general enough to include convergence to equilibrium or endogenous cycles as special cases. We find one particular nonlinear econometric specification which exhibits a limit cycle when estimated on postwar data, while the estimate of its global linear approximation converges to a fixed equilibrium. Our results are an empirical investigation of the boundary between stability and instability.  相似文献   

We examine prospects for a monetary union in the East African Community (EAC) by developing a stylised model of policymakers' decision problem that allows for uncertain benefits derived from monetary, financial and fiscal stability and then calibrating the model for the EAC for the period 2003–10. When policymakers properly allow for uncertainty, none of the countries wants to pursue a monetary union based on either monetary or financial stability grounds, and only Rwanda might favour it on fiscal stability grounds; we argue that robust institutional arrangements assuring substantial improvements in monetary, financial and fiscal stability are needed to compensate.  相似文献   

Stability and change may seem contradictory features but in business networks, they coexist [Hakansson H, Snehota, I. Developing Relationships in Business Networks. London, Routledge; 1995]. This article explores the paradox of the coexistence of stability and change in an Australian context. Previous research illustrated that stability over time can exist in specific business relationships [Sutton-Brady C, Donnan, M. Nexus nonsense or is it? Conference Proceedings, 19th Annual IMP Conference, Lugano, Switzerland September 2003; 2003]. This research study further investigates time as a proxy variable of stability [Halinen A, Tornroos, J-A. The meaning of time in the study of industrial buyer–seller relationships. In: Moller K, Wilson DT, editors. Business Marketing: An Interaction Approach. Norwell, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1995.] and attempts to uncover other variables, which may influence the stability of the relationship. Given the exploratory nature of the research a case study approach was utilized to gain an in-depth understanding of the variables, which may contribute to the stability. This article further advances the concept of time as a proxy variable for stability while investigating what other variables may be crucial in understanding this concept. From analysis of the case studies, the findings show that other variables do play a role in determining the stability and change in the relationships and networks, these included location, product/service quality, technology, cooperativeness, adaptations and cost. The major contribution of this article is the reopening of discussions on time as a proxy variable for stability and attempts to broaden this to include other variables.  相似文献   

Explicit matrix representations of solution concepts in a graph model of a multiple-decision-maker conflict with preference uncertainty are developed. In a graph model, the relative preferences of each DM over the available states are crucial in determining which states are stable according to any stability definition (solution concept). Unfortunately, it is often difficult to obtain accurate preference information in practical cases, so models that allow preference uncertainty can be very useful. In this work, stability definitions are extended to apply to graph models with this feature. The extension is easiest to implement using the matrix representation of a conflict model, which was developed to ease the coding of logically-defined stability definitions. Another benefit of matrix representation is that it facilitates modification and extension of the definitions.  相似文献   

There is a cultural lag in economic policy, particularly when it comes to inflation. Should inflation continue to be a concern, or is the new “normal” one in which inflation is low on the list of threats? In particular, central banks should focus on their original mission of ensuring financial stability and recognize that monetary accommodation is likely to continue to be appropriate. Budget policy, too, must play a role in promoting economic healthbut expenditures should be shifted toward investment that increases productivity rather than consumption. Also, the federal tax codes and entitlements should be restructured so that they promote rather than impede growth. Finally, it is important to guard against institutions and individuals that have enormous financial power using that power to gain short-run advantage for themselves at the expense of long-term stability and prosperity for all.  相似文献   

基于成本收益视角的我国显性存款保险制度有效性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行体系的稳定是金融稳定的核心。我国一直实行的是隐性存款保险制度,由于其隔断了各银行资金运用收益和资金筹集成本之间的制衡关系,使政府实施这种制度的成本越来越高。本文从显性存款保险制度与隐性存款保险制度的比较分析入手,基于成本和收益的视角,指出引入显性存款保险制度的最大成本在于其引致了新的道德风险问题,而且我国的制度环境薄弱加大了建立成本。在此基础上本文对建立我国显性存款保险制度的有效性进行论述,并提出一系列配套改革措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of business diversification of banks on their risk, with efficiency taken into consideration as a conduit. Using bank-level data from more than 1000 commercial banks in 39 emerging economies during the period of 2000–2016, we find that increased business diversification exerts two competing effects on bank risk. The direct effect of increased diversification bolsters the stability of banks, but it is offset by the indirect effect whereby lowered efficiency, which is resulted from higher diversification, increases the riskiness of banks. Thus, the overall benefits from bank business diversification on bank stability rely on the trade-off of the two competing forces.  相似文献   

Drawing on victim precipitation theory, we propose that certain employees are more likely to perceive abusive supervision because of their personality traits. Specifically, we hypothesize that subordinates’ emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness will be negatively related to perceived abuse from their supervisor and that negative emotions at work will mediate these relationships. We surveyed 222 employees and found that emotional stability and conscientiousness negatively predicted employees’ self-reports of abusive supervision and that this relationship was mediated by negative emotions. Thus, employees lower in emotional stability or conscientiousness are more likely to experience negative emotions, which in turn is related to higher levels of abuse.  相似文献   

The current debate as to whether the natural environment should be accorded stakeholder status involves an assumption that it is in some way 'different' from other stakeholders, requiring favourable discriminatory treatment. Essentially it is regarded as passive, requiring regulatory agencies to represent its interests or the wider public to demand its protection on the occasion of, for example, oil spills that leave wildlife in a visibly distressed state. But the natural environment does not have 'consciousness' as do traditional classes of stakeholders such as employees, shareholders and contractors, nor does it negotiate in markets over the price at which it sells its output in the way that a trader haggles with potential buyers. This paper proposes that in the context of financial markets the natural environment possesses stakeholder status, founded upon the essentiality of ecosystem stability for their proper functioning and the structuring of instruments traded on them.  相似文献   

In a world in which exchange rates are floating each country must have some device for measuring the average exchange rate change, whatever exchange rate policy it chooses. The weight for each currency in computing such an average depends on the objective which exchange rate stabilization, or change, is expected to achieve. If balance of trade stability is the desideratum, the optimum weights (optimum currency basket) are shown to be a function of demand elasticities, GNP, trade shares, etc. We derive a loss function measuring the cost of using a ‘wrong’ basket, and compute the value of this function for our ‘optimal’ Israeli basket as a case study.  相似文献   

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