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In this paper, we used pooled regression within the ARDL approach and augmented Solow framework to explore the emerging uniformity and polarization in the two clusters led by Brazil and Mexico in Latin America and the Caribbean, adopted from Izquierdo and Talvi http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=35816781, 2011. The results show that effects of capital productivity and official development assistance are predominantly led by Brazil cluster while remittances, foreign direct investment and domestic credit are led Mexico cluster. While ODA is has a negative effect on the region’s growth, capital productivity, remittances, domestic credit and foreign direct investment are promising indicators for short-run and long-run growth in the region.  相似文献   

One feature of economic recessions is the appearance of aggregate liquidity shortages that can exacerbate the economic downturn. We develop a model in which the demand for liquidity arises suddenly in response to continued funding needs of partially completed investment projects whose outcomes are subject to idiosyncratic shocks and moral hazard. When the economy experiences an adverse aggregate productivity shock, incentive constraints that underlie equity contracts may bind, provided the shock is severe enough. In this case, credit-rationing appears, and the heightened demand for liquidity coincides with a greater reluctance to take on equity positions or deepen investments in on-going investment projects. The consequence is a reduction in new investment and termination of on-going projects due to a lack of liquidity, thereby worsening the economic slowdown.  相似文献   

烟草多元化投资管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章根据"认真清理、严格管理、健全制度、严肃纪律"的总体要求,通过对烟草行业多元化投资的特点与历史背景进行分析,以有效提高多元化投资项目的资产回报率以及资金的集中度为目的,从产业规划、公司治理结构以及约束激励机制三方面提出了建立烟草多元化产业长效增值机制的建议。  相似文献   

农业行政管理部门人力资源管理现状及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业行政管理部门人力资源管理直接影响到"三农"工作的推进,文章从人力资源管理意识、规划与配置、人力资源获取与激励机制以及人力资源开发等4个方面分析了农业行政管理部门中人力资源管理的现状及存在问题,并提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

We investigate whether convex incentive contracts are a source of instability of financial markets as indicated by the results of a continuous double-auction asset market experiment performed by Holmen et al. (J Econ Dyn Control 40:179–194, 2014). We develop a model to replicate the setting of the experiment and perform an agent-based simulation where agents have linear or convex incentives. Extending the simulation by varying features of actual asset markets that were not studied in the experiment, our main results show that increasing the number of convex incentive contracts increases prices and volatility and decreases market liquidity, measured both as bid–ask spreads and volumes. We also observe that the influence of risk aversion on traders’ decisions decreases when there are convex contracts and that increasing the differences in initial wealth among the traders has similar effects as increasing number of convex incentive contracts.  相似文献   

财政激励政策对企业投资结构的调整具有重要影响。实证研究结果表明,财政激励政策会促使企业选择提升权益性投资比重,且这种促进作用具有递减倾向。其中,税收返还和财政贴息会显著促进企业权益性投资比重升高,研发补贴则会促进企业固定资产投资比重升高。进一步以企业融资效率为中介变量进行检验发现,财政激励可以通过提升企业融资效率进而促使企业提升权益性投资比重。因此,在利用财政激励政策工具调节企业投资结构时,应充分考虑企业金融化水平,以避免企业投资结构出现失衡。  相似文献   

The quantitative significance of shocks to the financial intermediary (FI) has not received much attention up to now. We estimate a DSGE model with what we describe as chained credit contracts, using Bayesian technique. In the model, credit-constrained FIs intermediate funds from investors to credit-constrained entrepreneurs through two types of credit contract. We find that the shocks to the FIs' net worth play an important role in the investment dynamics, accounting for 17% of its variations. In particular, in the Great Recession, they are the key determinants of the investment declines, accounting for 36% of the variations.  相似文献   

河南金融生态环境现状分析及优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王芳 《企业活力》2010,(7):79-82
优化金融生态环境是改善地区投资环境、吸引资金流入、实现金融协调发展的关键所在。河南的金融生态环境存在经济增长质量不高,金融结构失衡,社会信用体系不完善及行政干预等问题。推进河南经济快速、协调、可持续发展,必须高度关注金融生态环境建设,大力加强法制建设和信用建设,整合金融资源,提高经济运行质量,进一步优化金融生态环境。  相似文献   

潘新 《价值工程》2012,31(1):136
加强企业诚信制度建设,提高企业信用,是推进企业的诚信建设及经济发展的必要途径,市场经济是法制经济,也是信用经济。当前社会经济生活中存在的信用缺失问题,已经严重困扰了企业经营和市场经济秩序,成为制约我国经济发展的突出瓶颈之一。因此,构建适合我国的企业诚信制度管理以提高企业信用,推进企业的诚信建设,已成为我国企业面临的一个紧迫问题。  相似文献   

本文认为,现代企业理论是公司治理研究的理论基础,企业是一系列契约的联结;契约是不完备的;所有权安排是重要的。公司治理则更侧重于分析企业内部组织结构与企业成员之间的代理关系。股份制改革是我国企业改革的方向,公司治理改革则是股份制改革的核心。按照现代企业理论和公司治理理论,我国公司治理要解决的基本问题是激励问题和经营者选择问题;剩余索取权与控制权的均衡问题;要使经理的补偿收入同公司经营业绩相联系。  相似文献   

金融信用体系的建立和完善是改善投资环境的长效机制。信用制度完善的综合配套改革,有利于形成与“两型社会”发展相一致的企业自主创新和高新技术企业加快发展的金融环境,为推动武汉城市圈走出一条资源节约,环境友好型的区域经济发展新路径,奠定良好的基础环境。  相似文献   

本文认为,信息基础建设是我国信用体系建设的关键性基础性工作。现阶段,信用信息基础项目建设,应由政府和从社会引入项目主办方共同投资,此种项目投资建设,也会面临影响项目成本进而影响项目收益的风险,这些风险应该在政府与项目主办方之间按比例分担,本文给出了项目成本风险分担比例的计算方法。  相似文献   

张君兰 《价值工程》2010,29(23):58-59
代建制作为一种同市场经济相吻合的工程管理模式,在政府投资工程项目中发挥着积极的作用,但也暴露出一些问题。本文对我国代建制实施现状及存在问题进行描述,提出完善代建制模式的建议——建立激励与约束机制。通过建立代建制的激励与约束机制模型,总结激励与约束机制的四方面内容。  相似文献   

赵夕长  李静  赵树平 《价值工程》2010,29(19):151-152
随着计算机网络和信息技术迅速普及与发展,信息技术在会务计划管理上应用越来越广泛。本文主要描述了企业会务计划管理系统的功能需求,采用企业门户软件SharePoint 2007、工作流等技术来构建企业的会务计划管理系统。实际应用表明,基于SharePoint的会务计划管理系统,对企业项目的决策、规划和实现具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

作为国有企业经营管理的重要组成部分,财务风险管理对于投资项目经济效益的保障具有积极作用。论文在阐述国有企业投资项目财务风险管理必要性的基础上,就现阶段财务风险管理的问题展开分析,并指出国有企业投资项目财务风险管理的策略。期望能进一步提升财务风险管理质量,确保投资项目资金运行的安全性,进而促进国有企业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

服务质量是养老服务的重要因素。针对我国养老问题,结合养老服务供应链思想,通过建立单集成商、多合作性提供商的质量风险模型,研究集成商和提供商之间不同质量激励合同对服务质量和供应链收益等要素的影响,探讨了合同成立的潜在条件,并分析了合同内变量之间存在的潜在关系。发现在满足一定条件时,适当的激励系数会使得提供商产生合作关系、提高风险防范水平并增加供应链各部分收益。对供应链风险环境下有效激励合同的建立提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

胡青 《价值工程》2014,(3):157-159
随着国家投资体制改革,我国传统计划经济体制发生了彻底的改变,取而代之的是社会主义市场经济体制。投资体制的深入改革,不仅使得项目投资过程中政府的干预作用降低,同时也使得相关的项目投资决策者对项目本身的控制性增强,进而有效增强了项目风险评估的必要性。本文基于投资体制改革的基础之上,随着投资体制改革的不断深入,对我国项目评估方面产生的深层次影响进行了研究,主要集中于银行的信贷方面、企业方面以及信托企业方面的影响进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

现代企业理论认为,企业是一系列合约的组合,其中最重要的是企业所有权合约,提高企业所有权安排效率的出路是资本所有者拥有剩余索取权与剩余控制权。在这种理论的基础上产生了“股东至上”理论,公司治理采用“股东至上模式”,与此相适应产生了相关的业绩评价体系。但是这种治理模式和业绩评价体系都存在着缺陷,为适应现代公司经营环境的变化,笔者认为,应该采用“共同治理模式”代替“股东至上模式”,并建立与之相适应的业绩评价体系。  相似文献   


Despite the obvious problems associated with collections, firms routinely sell on credit. Conventional wisdom suggests offering credit is a necessary evil when dealing with insistent cash-constrained customers. This paper provides a more positive view of trade credit. We find that offering credit can enhance the efficiency of incentive contracts with sales personnel. In effect, with a credit sale, a client gets a second chance to generate enough cash. The client's second chance gives the sales agent another opportunity to demonstrate his past diligence to the firm. Moreover, to limit the risk associated with the fact that even a high-quality client may fail to eventually come up with funds, the firm relies on the accrual system. In particular, the agent's (discretionary and early) choice of the bad debt allowance conveys his private information regarding client quality; the payments associated with subsequent collections/default keep such reporting in check.  相似文献   

Option Contracts in Supply Chains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper considers optimal contracts in supply chains that consist of   n ≥ 2  firms and face a potential investment hold-up problem. We show that option contracts may solve the incentive problems. First, we provide case-study evidence for the use of option contracts in the semiconductor industry. As our second contribution, we generalize the earlier option contract approach by introducing continuous quantities. Third, we extend the setting to n parties. For long supply chains, the first-best allocation can be achieved if there is a particular order of renegotiations .  相似文献   

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