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随着我国《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的正式颁布实施,自2004年7月1日起,国有投资工程施工招标必须采用工程量清单招标。因此,在清单模式下施工企业如何进行合理的投标报价成为企业当前面对的突出问题。现就工程量清单招标时企业投标报价需注意的问题谈一点个人体会。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国国家标准《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500—2003)(以下简称《计价规范》),自2003年7月1日起施行。采用工程量清单计价招标,是我国工程造价管理改革和招标投标制度与国际惯例接轨的要求。作为建筑市场主体的施工企业,必须熟练掌握工程量清单计价的方法。在清单招标过程中,由于我国清单计价起步晚。施工企业已习惯于依赖定额计价模式,能否迅速接受和应用工程量清单报价,建立合理的企业定额,提高投标报价水平,还有很多问题值得我们去探讨和解决。现就工程量清单计价与投标报价问题谈谈自己的想法。  相似文献   

工程量清单是国际上普遍采用的一个比较成熟的计价方法。国际承包工程采用的FIDIC条款要求投标报价采用工程量清单形式 ,它是建立工程造价机制的有效方法。作为国家标准的《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》已颁布实施 ,因而在工程量清单模式下 ,研究建筑施工企业如何进行合理的报价 ,已成为当前的热点问题。一、工程量清单报价的特点1 工程量清单报价的优点及存在问题。①工程量清单是由标底编制单位根据施工图纸、现行预算定额子目分项特点及计算规则 ,将拟建招标工程全部项目和内容按工程部位、性质等列在清单上作为招标文件的组成部分 ,…  相似文献   

随着我国从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转轨,工程造价管理体制也进行了一系列改革。定额管理从“量价合一”到“量价分离”,逐步实现“政府宏观调控、企业自主报价、市场形成价格”的目标,逐步推行工程量清单计价。对于目前招投标中存在的工程量清单编制不规范。招标文件不规范、合同条件不平等,无标底招标造成市场无序竞争等问题,有待进一步解决。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价是在建设工程招标投标中,招标人根据施工图纸,按照《建设工程量清单计价规范》计算工程量,并在招标文件中给出工程量清单,作为招标文件的重要组成部分,它反映了工程拟建情况,拟建数量,作为各投标人投标报价的共同基础。再由投标报价人依据招标文件中工程量清单和有关要求,结合施工现场情况,根据投标人自身的技术专长和管理水平,经营状况、机械配备以及合理的施工方案,按照企业定额或参照建设行政主管部门发布的现行消耗定额及价格信息,并考虑工程施工风险因素等进行自主报价的一种行为。这种投标方式较好地解决了“政府管理与…  相似文献   

我国自从加入WTO以来,随着社会主义市场经济的不断完善。建筑市场的日趋规范,尤其是随着我国《招标投标法》、《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的颁布实施,工程造价计价工作正在逐步实现“政府宏观调控、企业自主报价、市场形成价格、社会全面监督”的目标。但是,在工程量清单计价实施过程中却存在着诸多问题,特别是对现代施工企业来讲,更是缺乏自主报价的能力,而工程量清单计价方法实施的关键就在于企业的自主报价。  相似文献   

工程量清单报价的方法是工程项目招投标过程中,招标者根据国家颁布的工程量计算规则提供准确的工程数量,投标者自主报价,同时根据经评审低价中标的工程造价计价模式进行。本文首先概述了工程量清单报价,其次论述了工程量清单报价模式下的工程造价控制。  相似文献   

2003年7月1日起,我国《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》正式颁布实施,国有投资工程施工招标必须采用工程量清单招标。因此,在清单模式下施工企业如何进行合理的投标报价成为企业当前面对的突出问  相似文献   

《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》于2003年在全国实行。本文通过分析目前施工企业在清单报价上存在的问题,探讨施工企业在工程量清单计价模式下投标报价的对策,以使企业在竞争中处于优势地位。  相似文献   

工程量清单就是由招标人提供工程数量,由投标人自主报价的一种计价行为;工程量清单计价模式是对原有定额计价模式的改革,其措施有“控制量、指导价、竞争费”。工程量清单计价要求投标单位根据市场行情和自身实力对工程量清单项目逐项报价,可以避免工程招标中的弄虚作假、暗箱操作等违规行为;工程量清单计价采用综合单价计价,实体和非实体分离,分部分项工程量清单项目是按综合实体划分,项目设默默置不含施工方法。实行工程量清单计价,有利于建筑市场公平竞争,有利于业主对投资的控制,有利于实现风险的合理分担。  相似文献   

建设工程施工投标最终报价是投标单位以标书编制的预算坐(标价)为基础,综合考虑各种因素后对预算标价进一步修订的报价,对是否中标将产生直接影响。章介绍了承包商选择工程标段位置和编制投标书的方法,论述了如何根据标工程报价的不同类型,确定工程施工投标最终报价的技巧。  相似文献   

A two-tiered, front-end-loaded tender offer system is shown to catalyze a market for partial property rights. This market would obviate any legitimate need for governmental zoning, and thus would put an end to zoning's inefficiency and inequity. The proposed system would facilitate development and redevelopment, cause nuisance producing zones to become more compact, stop the subversion of zoning for fiscal and exclusionary purposes, reduce the opportunities for corruption and end rent seeking as well as "not in my backyard" activities. The proposed tender offer system would fully compensate those who are injured by negative externalities, thereby eliminating adverse distributional effects.  相似文献   

对工程项目招标中的综合评估法和经评审的最低投标价法进行比较,阐述了综合评估法的含义、评标过程,着重探讨了南京地铁项目综合评估法的设计,包括理论依据、评标因素及权重的确定、分值的确定以及具体的运用,分析了综合评估法在南京地铁评标中应用的效果和经验。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the way in which subscriber line charges (SLCs) have affected telephone company residential customers, comparing residential telephone bills before and after the $2.60 SLC began. Customer bills are analyses using the net bill reduction method and the consumer welfare method. Bills of low-income area and senior citizen customers are studied using a similar technique. The cumulative bill savings accruing to customers whose bills have been lowered for outweigh the small increases experienced by those whose bills are higher. Since the SLC programme began, interstate long-distance usage by low-income area customers has grown, on average, to nearly the same levels as usage for all residential customers.  相似文献   

工程投标中串标问题的分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着我国建筑招标投标市场的完善和规范化,大多数的违规行为已得到了有效的控制,但串标行为却有愈演愈烈的趋势,严重影响了建筑市场的公平竞争,阻碍了我国建筑行业的顺利发展。文章从招标者的角度分别对串标人及陪标人的期望收益进行经济分析,得到投标人串标的根本原因在于制度的缺陷及招标人对串标者的处罚费过少,并指出治理串标行为的主要措施是提高串标成本、增大串标查处概率,以及加大串标处罚力度等。  相似文献   

South Korea has the highest mobile bills among the OECD countries, and there is strong public demand in the country to reduce expenditure amounts. In response, the South Korean government and mobile carriers have implemented measures such as a “Smart Choice Service,” data-centered plan, and 20% discount scheme in order to reduce mobile bills. However, it is unclear whether these systems have actually led to such a reduction. The present study analyzes quantitatively how people's acceptance and awareness toward rate systems reduce or do not reduce mobile bills, based on the results of a survey conducted here. More specifically, to solve the endogeneity problem of saving behavior's effect on mobile bills, the study adopts the instrumental variables of degree of acceptance and awareness of systems relating to mobile bills. The results show that acceptance and awareness of the system do affect savings behavior and thus mobile bills. If the degree of savings behavior (affected by acceptance and awareness) goes up one step on a seven-point Likert-type scale, there is an average 8.28% savings effect on mobile bills. Thus, this study shows that degrees of acceptance and awareness of the rate system do affect mobile bills.  相似文献   

I discuss some recent progress in the empirical analysis of multi-unit auctions, through which a number of important commodities (Treasury bills and bonds, electricity, emission permits, monetary infusions by some central banks) are allocated.  相似文献   

招投标对投资控制具有积极的作用。但是,当业主消极实施招标工作时,其投资控制作用减弱。当招标投标受权力寻租活动影响时,招投标形式程造价失控起到掩盖作用。对此,行之有效的反腐措施是增加企业权力部门的全面透明度。  相似文献   

Time-varying retail electricity pricing is very popular with economists, but has little support among regulators and consumers. I propose an opt-in time-varying residential pricing plan that would be equitable to both customers who opt in and those who don’t. Low-income households would, on average, see almost no change in their bills under time-varying pricing, while low-consumption households would see their bills decline somewhat and high-consumption households would see their bills rise. Most importantly, I show that the opt-in approach is unlikely to increase the flat rate charged to other customers by more than a few percentage points.  相似文献   

We examine the role of public and private interests in the passage of major legislative bills that have governed the rail industry since 1887. Our model of voting patterns in the House and Senate introduces novel measures of industry concentration, competition, and network characteristics. We find that both the level and concentration of rail infrastructure in a state, the presence of water competition, and the level of agricultural production each have a major influence over voting patterns not only for the inception of regulation but also in the major bills that deregulated the industry in the 1970s and in 1980.  相似文献   

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