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<正>在具体操作中,联合体要管理好,要做好六大关键要素:联合体合作方选择、联合体协议、联合体组织设计及人员配置、联合体合同管理、联合体财务管理、联合体文化管理。2019年12月底,住建部、发改委联合发布了《房屋建筑和市政基础设施项目工程总承包管理办法》(以下简称“办法”),其中明确了对工程总承包单位双资质的要求,这一要求正式宣告建筑业大规模的设计施工联合体模式时代的到来!  相似文献   

一个煤矿的建设是个很大的工程,往往需要多个施工企业同时参加。那么,如何进行这些施工企业的组织,协调他们之间的关系,使投资、工期、质量达到要求,是一个很重要的问题。这里介绍两种国际上流行的建筑工程项目任务组织的模式——施工联合体和合作施工体。一、施工联合体施工联合体是一种经济联合机构。这种施工联合体并不是几个施工企业长期合资经营的联合企业,而是几个施工企业以一个施工联合体的名义共同承包建筑施工任务,与建设单位签订承发包合同。合同期满后,该施工联合体即解散。所以施工联合体是几个  相似文献   

项目风险的合理分担是有效控制紧密型水利工程施工联合体风险的重要基础,文章结合相关研究成果和联合体实际运作状况,从有效控制风险的角度建立了影响风险分担的指标体系。基于风险控制法构建了网络分析的风险分担模型,利用三角模糊数对模型进行了求解与运算。结果表明,施工联合体风险分担可通过AHP模型的分配比例实现有效控制,该方法同时考虑了联合体组织运作机制和风险分担意愿,在水电工程施工联合体中具有较高的合理性与可行性。  相似文献   

去年10月一条消息引起业内的强烈关注.中国建筑联合意大利Webuild、韩国GS和澳洲CPB公司组成联合体,中标签约了澳大利亚墨尔本东北干线项目设计施工总承包项目,合同额110亿澳元,主要工作内容包括6.5公里双线六车道隧道及配套工程设计施工.该消息引起关注的主要原因有三:澳大利亚人均GDP5.18万美元,市场进入门槛...  相似文献   

联合体EPC总承包即项目的设计、采购、施工总承包一般由两家具有良好声誉和经验丰富的公司,双方利用各自的优势,本着相互信任、优势互补、风险共担、利益共享的原则以EPC总承包的方式组成联合体单位执行该煤化工项目管理。文章仅从业主方的项目合同管理角度,探讨如何对现代煤化工项目装置联合体EPC总承包实施有效管理,从而达到项目装置顺利建设直至项目竣工验收等目标,为同行业项目合同管理提供经验参考。  相似文献   

目前,惠生工程(中国)有限公司和韩国大林工程公司组成联合体,与巴斯夫聚氨酯(重庆)有限公司就重庆40万吨MDI一体化项目在上海正式签署EPsCm(设计、采购服务、施工管理)合同,  相似文献   

当前国内联合体运作中出现的普遍性问题有哪些?工程建设联合体的成败取决于哪些关键性因素?如何组建优势互补、风险共担的联合体?如何防范和应对联合体运作中的风险?联合体如何进行有效的合同管理?近年来,我国工程建设项目投资规模不断加大,高大精尖项目越来越多,对施工企业资金、技术、专业、人才、管理、品牌等方面的要求也越来越高。在这种形势下,由数家企业联合,发挥各自的优势组成工程建设联合体投标、承建工程项  相似文献   

联合体在投标过程中存在哪些问题?联合体的投标管理又有哪些策略和方法值得探讨?现代一些工程建筑的建设项目涉及的专业比较广泛,技术含量相对更高,并且建设周期也不断延长。这种情况下,单个企业单独投标承建在技术力量、施工能力、资金、风险等方面就显得相对不足。因此,许多工程建设企业组建了联合体对建设项目进行管理,一定程度上弥补了单个企业在资源以及技术方面的不足,同时也很好地降低了企业投标建设风险。由此可见,工程建设联合体是我国目  相似文献   

作为国有水电施工企业,通过联合体的方式从事水电站工程建设,并以市场经济为导向,以“集约型”生产经营走建立“集团化紧密型”现代企业管理模式,在许多水电站工程施工中充分显示出了“紧密型”联合体强大的生命力和优越性,探索了一条符合现代企业的经营管理模式。  相似文献   

近些年来,工程总承包究竟是政府行为还是市场行为、是采用以设计为龙头的模式还是以设计-施工联合体的模式等讨论不断,市场的不统一性造成企业观望情绪浓重,影响了工程总承包实施水平的提高和行业的发展。近日,住房和城乡建设部、国家发展改革委联合印发《房屋建筑和市政基础设施项目工程总承包管理办法》(下称《办法》),给整个工程总承包带来了新的方向。  相似文献   

建筑装饰企业设计施工一体化是企业根据建筑装饰设计与施工的内在联系,将相关专业分工紧密地结合起来,使装饰设计与装饰施工形成一个有机的整体。建筑装饰企业没计施工一体化是建筑装饰施工企业专业延伸的必然趋势,是其求生存求发展的内在需要,强化了其核心竞争能力。建筑装饰企业要实现设计与施工一体化,需要不断地提高内涵,提高综合设计施工能力,提高综合协凋能力,需要引进设计人才,并充分发挥建筑装修设计工程师的独特作用,更好地满足和适应建筑装饰市场的需求。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on the determinants of union activism has focused on biographical and attitudinal precursors or correlates of several measures of union participation. Although interactionist theory emphasizes the importance of social context, little attention has been paid to union presence. The argument of this paper is that union presence, defined by certain structural arrangements, and the quality of union service, influences measures of workplace and non-workplace union participation through the mediating influence of union orientation. The paper begins by reviewing the literature on union presence and participation, before presenting a model of the joint impact of union service and union presence on both on- and off-the job union participation. Data are drawn from a study of membership involvement within the Irish-based Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU). The main findings are that there are significant relationships between presence and service level variables and measures of union participation. In particular, service variables appear to affect workplace union participation largely through the mediating influence of union orientation. Presence variables, by contrast, have both direct and indirect influence on participation in union activities within and outside the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of union status on workers' compensation claim duration in Canada. I find that unionized workers have shorter claims than nonunionized workers and that relatively little of this difference can be attributed to differences in worker or job characteristics. I interpret this as being consistent with a strong union effect that reduces union member's claim duration. Plausible explanations for this finding and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Decline in electoral participation is a feature of many Western democracies. In this paper, we focus on the relationship between trade union membership and political participation. Workplace authority structures, trade union membership and union presence have been identified as important influences on electoral participation. Based on a survey of employees in 15 member states of the European Union, we test for a relationship between political participation, union membership and union workplace presence. The independent effect of trade union membership on political participation was found to be both significant and positive and is associated with higher levels of political activism and electoral participation. Furthermore, an institutional context that facilitates high levels of union density seems likely to have an overall positive effect on citizen participation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether young people whose fathers are union members are themselves more likely to join a union. We find that young people with unionized fathers are twice as likely to be unionized as those with non‐union fathers; this rises to three times higher for those whose fathers are active in the union. This supports the idea that socialization within the family plays a role in encouraging union membership. It is not the case that the cross‐generation correlations we observe are driven by common within‐family characteristics (like occupation, industry and political persuasion) that are strongly related to union membership.  相似文献   

Training and development have featured as key issues on the 'new bargaining agenda' outlined by the TUC. Although evidence suggests that union successes in achieving a role in training decisions at the workplace have thus far been limited, few studies have sought to examine the impact of union involvement on training outcomes. Drawing on a survey of members and representatives from the Manufacturing Science and Finance union, this paper demonstrates that union involvement in training decisions is associated with relatively superior training activities and outcomes at the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper uses two recent large‐scale surveys in New Zealand to test the various reasons given for lower rates of union membership among younger workers. Younger workers’ disproportionate location in smaller workplaces and those industries where union reach is lowest accounts for a substantial part of their lower union density. Along with the tendency of younger workers to explore their options through labour turnover, this factor offers a much better explanation for the younger‐older worker union density gap than do assertions about a growth in individualism in Generations X and Y.  相似文献   

Twelve years ago, Working for the Union presented an analysis of paid trade union officers working for UK unions. This paper returns to the themes of this earlier study using a fresh survey of union officers carried out in 2002. It provides limited support for two of the principal findings of the earlier research: that union work is performed differently by officers with different demographic and attitudinal characteristics and that union management systems can be effective in encouraging officers to respond to a new bargaining and organizing agenda.  相似文献   

Using survey data on labor union coverage at the firm level, this paper examines union-nonunion differences in investment activity among 706 U.S. companies during the 1970s. Consistent with a model of union rent seeking, firm-level collective bargaining is associated with significantly lower physical capital and R&D investment, even after controlling for firm and industry characteristics. Deleterious union effects on investment are considerable throughout the 1972–80 period, but they vary across industries. Without significant changes in collective bargaining power or strategies, diminished investment activity by unionized companies is likely to exacerbate the already considerable decline in U.S. union coverage  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of various facets of satisfaction with union representation in determining overall satisfaction with the union. Samples of union members from Iowa and Sweden are used in the analysis. The results clearly support the view that member–union relations is a major determinant of overall satisfaction with union representation.  相似文献   

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