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农民在我国人口中占比大,解决农民贫困问题是解决中国贫困问题的关键所在.建党百年来,在马克思主义经典作家反贫困理论的指导下,结合中国实际,中国共产党对如何消除农民贫困、实现共同富裕问题进行了久久为功的理论与实践探索.从消除农民土地生产资料绝对贫困到解决农民生活资料绝对贫困,中国实现了全面消除农村绝对贫困的伟大目标,走出了一条中国特色农村反贫困道路,形成了中国特色农村反贫困理论,丰富和发展了马克思主义反贫困理论.回顾中国共产党百年农村反贫困的历程,总结提炼其中的理论结晶、治理方略和宝贵经验,对巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果,扎实推进共同富裕的历史进程具有十分重要的借鉴意义,也可为全球贫困治理贡献中国智慧.  相似文献   

贫困问题是一个世界性课题,而反贫困始终是当今世界各国所面临的重大主题之一,改革开放以来,我国政府在反贫困等方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,但由于长期的历史因素和现实因素,贫困问题仍然是困扰中国社会的主要问题之一。当前,中国贫困问题的一个突出特点是城镇贫困化日益严重。 同农村贫困不同的是,城市贫困人口集中,贫富差距对比明显,群体被剥夺感强烈,因此,所引发的社会问题也更为多种复杂,稍有不慎,就会矛盾激化,进而影响城市经济和社会发展,甚至导致社会不稳定,进行城镇贫困和反贫困研究,实施有效的社会救助举措和城镇反贫困战略,对维护社会稳定和社会公平,促进经济和社会发展,推动社会主义现代化建设,具有十分重要的意义 。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,在农村居民收入水平快速增长的大背景下,农村减贫进程却表现出明显的波动性和不一致性。基于此,本文在贫困分解的基础上,运用贫困弹性的动态特征,从理论和实证的角度探讨了收入增长和收入分配对贫困减少的影响,解释上述问题。文章发现:(1)人均收入水平越高,贫困越有可能和收入不平等联系在一起;(2)收入不平等越严重的地区,贫困对收入不平等的反应越迟钝;(3)1998年是我国农村反贫困性质发生改变的拐点。文章建议,今后农村反贫困政策的重点应从以促进收入增长的开发式扶贫向以改善收入分配为重点的社会保护式扶贫政策转变。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,在农村居民收入水平快速增长的大背景下,农村减贫进程却表现出明显的波动性和不一致性。基于此,本文在贫困分解的基础上,运用贫困弹性的动态特征,从理论和实证的角度探讨了收入增长和收入分配对贫困减少的影响,解释上述问题。文章发现:(1)人均收入水平越高,贫困越有可能和收入不平等联系在一起;(2)收入不平等越严重的地区,贫困对收入不平等的反应越迟钝;(3)1998年是我国农村反贫困性质发生改变的拐点。文章建议,今后农村反贫困政策的重点应从以促进收入增长的开发式扶贫向以改善收入分配为重点的社会保护式扶贫政策转变。  相似文献   

中国城市贫困空间分异与反贫困政策体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市贫困问题日渐严重,贫困人口行业固化、区位固化和群体固化逐步形成。由于中国各城市发展水平不同步,城市贫困状况和人口构成呈现出地域、行业、城市等级的空间差异。以最低生活保障制度、就业再就业和失业保险制度、住房保障制度等救助制度为主体的多层次、多维度的城市反贫困政策体系逐步形成。为遏制城市贫困日益恶化,有效破除城市贫困固化态势,应在现有的城市反贫困政策基础上,构建统一的城市反贫困政策体系,多元化社会救助制度,重构贫困人口聚集区地域格局,提升贫困主体反贫困能力。  相似文献   

巴西是南美洲第一大国,也是南美洲贫困现象最严重的国家之一,从上世纪60年代开始,历任巴西政府推行了一系列的反贫困措施解决国内的贫困现象,经过近半个世纪的努力,巴西在经济建设、 社会发展、 扶贫事业方面取得了令人瞩目的成就,为人类反贫困斗争做出了巨大的贡献.我国和巴西同属世界上发展中大国,在国情上有很多相似之处.本文通过对巴西贫困现状进行描述,分析巴西贫困现象产生的原因,总结巴西扶贫开发工作的实践,从而提出对于我国扶贫工作的经验启示.  相似文献   

缓解和消除贫困已经成为全人类的共识,中国更是如此。中国的反贫困形式仍然很严峻,加强对中国农村贫困问题的理论研究和建设社会主义新农村任务非常紧迫。黑龙江省的贫困问题值得关注,探讨贫困县的现状及原因,根据实际情况提出反贫困对策,对于黑龙江省反贫困问题具有理论及现实意义。  相似文献   

构筑社区平台:城市反贫困的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,中国社会的贫困问题发生了重大变化,在政府实施农村反贫困政策取得很大成绩、农村贫困人口进一步减小的同时,城市的贫困现象却日益严重,并在城市社会中引发了诸多经济、社会矛盾,从而对中国的社会稳定和社会发展产生了极为深刻的影响。  相似文献   

贫困现象在全球特别是发展中国家普遍存在,是世界所面临的人类生存问题。改革开放以来,特别是市场经济体制下,我国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,但是由于地理位置和资源问题,收入差距逐渐拉大。在中国经济持续快速增长的大背景下,各级政府主导型的农村扶贫开发战略也在大力促进贫困人口的脱贫进度。长期以来,政府对于农村反贫困工作的开展取得了举世瞩目的成就,各种政策和各种资金流向贫困地区,对边疆地区明确贫困的功能定位,并且根据实际情况制订和调整反贫困战略,对于构建和谐社会,实现民族地区的安定团结,缓解直至最终消除农村贫困、促进贫困地区的发展具有极为重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

中国农村贫困问题与城镇贫困问题比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪初,中国的贫困形势之一是农村贫困与城镇贫困共存,因此对我国农村贫困问题与城镇贫困问题之贫困原因、社会经济特征进行系统比较,并对当前我国反贫困政策提出建议是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

At the core of poverty eradication is the need to eliminate that poverty that is persistent over time (chronic poverty). Unfortunately, traditional approaches to identifying chronic poverty require longitudinal data that is rarely available. In its absence, this paper proposes an alternative approach that only requires 1 year of cross-sectional data on monetary and non-monetary poverty. It puts forth two conjectures and contends that the combined profile of a household as both income poor and multidimensionally poor can be used as a proxy of that household being chronically income poor. To explore the viability of this approach, we use a probit model and longitudinal data for three Latin American countries to estimate households’ probabilities of remaining in income poverty based on their past income and multidimensional poverty statuses. We find empirical support for the approach that is significant, consistent across countries, and robust to various controls and periods of analysis.  相似文献   

Traditional poverty accounting decomposes changes in a country's poverty headcount ratio into changes in income and inequality. We argue that this approach is unsatisfactory from the perspective of policy analysis because it compares a country in two points of time without taking the country's initial situation, and hence its potential for poverty reduction, into account. We thus suggest comparing traditional poverty decompositions with a counterfactual situation. This counterfactual indicates what a country starting from its initial situation could be expected to achieve in terms of income, inequality, and, hence, poverty developments. We construct those counterfactuals by modeling income and inequality trends characterized by convergence and a “Kuznets” relationship between inequality and development. Parameters in those relationships are estimated using PovcalNet survey data from 144 countries and we construct our counterfactual poverty predictions for 71 developing countries. While there is overall a tight relationship between actual developments and counterfactuals, we identify several cases, where both deviate from each other and discuss the policy implications. We also check for commonalities in differently performing countries and find that those who fell particularly short of expectations often underwent political transition and state fragility.  相似文献   

The impact of unemployment on inequality and poverty in OECD countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this research is to examine the contribution of unemployment to income inequality and poverty in various OECD countries. These relationships have been explored using Luxembourg Income Study micro-data. Considerable differences across OECD countries are revealed through the use of within-household unemployment distributions. These differences help to explain most of the observed divergences in the relationship between unemployment and income distribution, in conjunction with the heterogeneous influence of social benefits on the economic position of the unemployed in these countries. A sub-group decomposition analysis corroborates the limited effect of unemployment on income distribution in most of the considered countries. However, it seems clear that the unemployed are among those with the highest risk of experiencing poverty.
JEL classification: D31, I32, J31.  相似文献   

The financial liberalization in the 1980s and early 1990s led the CFA Franc Zone countries to deepen reforms in their financial systems. These reforms fostered financial development, which in turn may have reduced income poverty, as emphasized by several theoretical arguments in the literature. This study aims at estimating the contribution of financial development to poverty alleviation in the CFA Franc Zone. Results based on a panel of CFA Franc Zone countries show that financial development is associated with a drop in the proportion of poor population. Next, financial development reduces the extent to which the income of individuals falls below the poverty line. Moreover, in some cases, the effect of financial development on poverty may be subject to nonlinearities. Finally, financial instability or unstable financial development leading to crises may mitigate the favourable effect of financial development on poverty reduction. These findings are robust to the use of alternative measures of financial development and hold after controlling for a potential simultaneity and a small sample biases.  相似文献   

发展中国家贫困的特征表现为生产力和人均收入水平低,这两点导致了发展中国家个人的粮食获取能力受到制约。市场交易、自行生产和粮食援助是个体获取粮食的三种渠道。贫困通过对这些因素的影响最终导致了对粮食安全的威胁。"交换权利映射"通过个体拥有的资源与交换权利集合的映射关系说明了在发展中国家因为贫困而导致的个体拥有的资源匮乏而使其处在粮食不安全集合中。  相似文献   

While economic growth generally reduces income poverty, there are pronounced differences in the strength of this relationship across countries. Typical explanations for this variation include measurement errors in growth–poverty accounting and different compositions of economic growth. We explore the additional influence of economic structure in determining a country's growth–poverty relationship and performance. Using structural path analysis, we compare the experiences of Mozambique and Vietnam—two countries with similar levels and compositions of economic growth but divergent poverty outcomes. We find that the structure of the Vietnamese economy more naturally lends itself to generating broad‐based growth. A given agricultural demand expansion in Mozambique will, ceteris paribus, achieve much less rural income growth than in Vietnam. Inadequate education, trade and transport systems are found to be more severe structural constraints to poverty reduction in Mozambique than in Vietnam. Investing in these areas can significantly enhance the effectiveness of Mozambican growth to reduce poverty.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):235-251
In the past three decades, income inequality in China has increased rapidly relative to both China’s own past and other countries at similar levels of economic development. Using recent longitudinal data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), this article examines changes in income inequality and poverty prevalence between 2010 and 2012. Surprisingly, we find a modest decline in income inequality as measured by the Gini coefficients in the CFPS data. The urban–rural gap narrowed, with rural families enjoying faster income growth than urban families enjoyed. Income growth was greater for middle-income families than for families with either high or low incomes in 2010. By all measures, poverty was greatly reduced between 2010 and 2012. Two-thirds of families that had been poor in 2010 escaped poverty by 2012.  相似文献   

When measuring poverty in developed countries, the poverty line used to identify the poor is usually relative and set as a percentage of the median (or of the mean) of the total income. In consequence, when poverty is analyzed over a period of time, changes in the poverty level depend on the impact of evolving standards. To eliminate this effect, sometimes, an anchored poverty line is used. Furthermore, changes in the mean of the distribution and in the inequality among the poor may also affect the poverty levels. This note proposes a decomposition of the changes in poverty as the sum of four terms. The first two reflect the impact in poverty of changes in living standards and the other two measure the effect of the distributional growth and redistribution. This decomposition will help policymakers in the implementation of a more specific antipoverty agenda. An application with data from the European Union Survey on Income and Living Conditions shows the potential of the decomposition proposed.  相似文献   

通过运用FGT贫困指数和在Lorenz曲线基础上的贫困指示增长曲线对新疆农村最近几年的贫困变动进行研究。研究结果表明,从2003年到2007年,经济增长减缓了新疆农村的贫困状况,但收入分配状况的恶化在一定程度上抵消了经济增长减缓贫困的积极作用。除2003~2004年以外,其余时期的经济增长都不是亲贫式的增长,新疆农村的贫困人口在经济增长中获得的利益少于非贫困人口。因此,为了有效地减少贫困,新疆不仅要注重通过经济增长减少贫困规模,同时也要重视缩小收入分配差距,并且把减少收入分配不均等的重点要放在提高最贫困人口的收入水平上。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the key distributional issues arising from the regulation of the environment and the management of natural resources. The paper is divided into a section dealing with poverty and a section dealing with broader income distribution effects. Although there is much discussion of the linkages of poverty to environmental degradation, empirical studies establishing these linkages are few. The relationship is critically dependent on the institutional structures in the countries concerned and how they respond to changing environmental pressures. On the broader distributional impacts, the papers focusses on the analysis of ganiers and losers from environmental regulations. The analysis is complex because the direct incidence is not the same as the final incidence. Much of the work has looked only at the former. In addition, the political economy of regulation needs to pay greater attention to impacts on key and vulnerable groups; more so than can be done by looking at broad income bands.  相似文献   

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