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随着互联网交互性的增强,企业和消费者之间的互动也逐渐增多,商家的在线回复管理在电子商务交易中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本研究结合以往文献资料,构建了商家在线回复对消费者满意度的研究模型,并通过实证研究的方法对研究假设进行验证,结果表明:商家在线回复的信息质量、策略选择和情绪表现对消费者感知服务价值有显著的正向影响,消费者感知服务价值对消费者满意度有显著的正向影响,并结合研究结论提出了提升商家在线回复质量的对策建议,希望通过在线回复正向促进消费者满意度。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查,运用相关分析及回归分析方法,研究网上商家面对买家的负面评价所采取的反馈策略对网络消费者购买决策的影响,得出结论(1)买家负面评价的商家反馈策略有赠送优惠券、主动联系并及时处理、返现要求删除差评对消费者购买决策有正相关关系。(2)赠送优惠券、主动联系并及时处理对消费者购买决策影响显著,返现要求删除差评对消费者购买决策影响不显著。本文结论对网络商家面对消费者的负面评价所采取的反馈策略有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

近年服装已经成为网络市场交易规模最大的销售品类之一,竞争程度日趋激烈。网络服装商家如何在激战中保持主动性,塑造鲜明的品牌形象,在消费者心中形成清晰的感知价值,最终使其转化成消费者实施购买的积极因素显得至关重要。为了能够精准地分析网络服装商家的品牌形象究竟如何影响消费者购买行为,文章在分别研究商家品牌形象的影响因素和消费者购买行为影响因素的基础上构建品牌形象影响消费者购买行为的概念模型,提出相关假设。然后通过对相关假设的逐一论证,得出研究结论。再根据研究结论对网络服装商家提出营销建议。  相似文献   

商品保险具有广泛的社会性,涉及到千千万万的保险消费者的利益,在商品保险的购买与管理的过程中,需要确保消费者与商家利益,从而确保商品保险市场可持续发展。本文对于商品保险的消费者以及商家利益进行分析,对影响利益的因素进行解析,并且提出相关建议保障消费者与商家利益的机制。  相似文献   

电子市场与企业采购:任务与技术的协合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采购是影响一个企业赢利的关键环节。电子市场作为一种完全不同于传统市场的、新兴的、虚拟的、依赖于互联网发展的新型市场,是电子商务的一种重要模式。本文认为,电子市场所具有的聚集功能、撮合交易功能和支持交易功能,能够支持企业除内部需求识别之外所有的采购任务,电子市场与企业采购之间有较高的协合程度。文章指出,电子市场将促进企业采购模式向电子化采购模式转化,大大降低企业的采购成本,提高企业的采购效率。它代表了电子商务未来发展的主流模式,并将成为企业采购的重要渠道。  相似文献   

折扣是价格促销的常用手段,多数商家和生产企业都向顾客或者中间商提供折扣销售,作为理性经济人的商家和消费者,都期望获得最大利润和最大消费者剩余。市场竞争的日益激烈,降价、打折、买赠等促销方法已屡见不鲜。从经济学角度看,商家进行价格让利,消费者在享受折扣的过程中,折扣是从哪些方面影响了消费者的购买行为来进行了销售促进。尽管消费者在一定程度上获得了实惠,但是折扣策略也是存在一定弊端的。在将来的市场中,规范经济行为,合理利用折扣策略有利于市场经济秩序的正常有序进行。  相似文献   

旅游业是最适合发展电子商务的四大产业之一。旅游产品可完全数字化的特性,使得旅游电子商务市场透明度有很大的发展潜力。本文围绕旅游电子市场,分析了国内旅游电子市场的发展现状,探讨了市场透明度的含义、影响因素及其对网上旅游企业的影响。  相似文献   

随着现制饮品行业的迅速发展,探究企业销售渠道和消费者渠道偏好是优化现制饮品行业市场营销策略的关键要素。现讨论堂食、外卖和BOPS三种渠道模式。以顾客感知价值理论为基础探究运费和等待时长等因素对消费者选择现制饮品消费渠道的影响;通过数学建模和模拟数据,讨论商家引入BOPS模式的最佳时机,以及商家在外卖模式中支付的最佳运费比例。研究表明,在消费者视角下,三种渠道模式在不同情况各有优势,当运费普遍增高,店铺等待时间变长时,BOPS模式的优势较为明显;商家视角下,当运费足够高时,随着运费增加,商家选择引入BOPS模式后的总利润将增加且优于不引入BOPS模式;商家承担的最佳运费比例在引入BOPS模式后增加,与消费者渠道结构有关,与运费价格和商品价格呈正相关。  相似文献   

在淘宝网上,商家没有钻石或者皇冠级别的信誉,很难卖出产品。商家要在淘宝建立高级别的信誉,要么花费一定的时间成本或者费用成本,要么刷信誉作弊。目前,淘宝商家厣J信誉作弊十分普遍。本文利用博弈模型来说明商家作弊的原因,并提出解决这一问题的建议。本文的分析和结论广泛有利于B2C电子商务平台的制度建设。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,各商家、厂家采取了许多竞争手段,或投入资金改善购物环境、或对售后服务做出可人的承诺、进行有奖销售或让利降价等等。但是,仅凭这些尚不能为企业创造高额利润,还必须通过行之有效的保销手段去占领市场,使企业立于不败之地。  相似文献   

We implement an endogeneous switching‐regression model for labour productivity and firms’ decisions to use business‐to‐business (B2B) e‐commerce. Our approach allows B2B usage to affect any parameter of the labour productivity equation and to properly take account of strategic complementarities between the input factors and B2B usage. Empirical evidence from 1,460 German firms shows that there is a simultaneous relationship between labour productivity and the adoption of B2B. Firms deciding to use B2B e‐commerce employ their input factors more efficiently than non‐B2B users. Conversely, firms refrain from engaging in B2B probably because they expect the cost of B2B adoption will not be sufficiently compensated by productivity gains.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to better understand B2B paper-based catalogue and online buying channel determinants in the education supplies sector by identifying factors that are critical in determining buyer channel preferences. A conceptual model was developed and empirically tested using self-report survey data from 316 B2B New Zealand educational institutions and analyzed with Hayes PROCESS macro (SPSS). The findings indicate that catalogue is the preferred channel for B2B educational buyers. The most important determinant of channel preference is channel experience. The catalogue and online channels appear to be less substitutable in B2B markets then proposed by B2C market studies. Structural assurance (trust, security, safeguards, and robustness) is a significant predictor of general channel satisfaction, and online channel preference, but not catalogue channel preference. The study results benefit practitioners in the development and implementation of channel strategies by providing a better understanding of the factors that determine online and catalogue channel preference in B2B markets. This study is the first to empirically demonstrate the influence and importance of structural assurance in catalogue channels, while channel experience supported by structural assurance significantly influences online channel choice. These findings indicate that determinants of channel preference found in B2C studies cannot be uncritically transferred to the B2B domain. The research also suggests that existing B2B channel adoption and preference drivers are different from B2C, and B2C research is not necessarily applicable in the B2B context.  相似文献   

农产品电子交易市场参与供应链金融服务,不仅有其独特优势,还有其重要作用,农产品电子交易市场作为供应链金融代理机构角色的存在,有助于形成供应链上企业风险共担的格局,有助于通过协调活动促使各企业保持高度信任的状态,起到改善与增强合作关系、协作效率、供应链完整性的效果。农产品电子交易市场开展供应链金融服务,有利于推动供应链企业之间逐步建立长期战略协同合作关系,平衡供应链上力量不对等的状况,破除信息不对称的危害,改善资源配置扭曲状况,有助于自身的完善、发展、壮大,提高农产品供应链竞争力。  相似文献   

This research aims to empirically determine which factors best explain business to business adoption of a radical, high-tech innovation early in the diffusion process. Early lifecycle data collection provides insights about the differences in determinants of adoption at different times in the product diffusion process. The results indicate that differences do exist between the determinants of early adoption, intent to adopt later, and unawareness of the innovation. The influencers of earliest adopters appear to be innovation-focused: the perceived benefits of the innovation as well as the strength of the producer network positively relate to early adoption; early adopters also tend to perceive the technology in the innovation as less different than previous technology than do those who intend to adopt later. The influence of a champion within the adopting firm, the ability of the firm to sense and respond to new technology, and the depth of technology knowledge within the adopting firm are significant influencers across multiple stages of diffusion, showing that firm-internal traits are particularly important influencers of adoption. Laggard firms are missing the critical firm traits that lead to information gathering and understanding of innovations. In addition to contributing to adoption research theory and methodology, this research has implications for innovation-marketing and innovation-adopting firms.  相似文献   

电子商务平台理论综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
B2B电子商务主要是围绕电子商务平台而开展的,基于电子商务平台的交易一般模式表现为信息、谈判、执行与事后四个阶段,主要以聚集和匹配机制来实现其功能;围绕电子商务平台所形成的电子市场既可以是交易者聚集的场所,还可以是供应链整合的平台,由于受制于交易模式转换风险和平台控制权的局限,电子市场的发展方向令人关注。  相似文献   

Given the importance of widespread adoption for the success of electronic data interchange (EDI) and the "much-slower-than-anticipated" growth of EDI adoption in small businesses, in this study we aimed to identify the key determinants of small business EDI adoption. Based on prior research on IT/EDI adoption in large/small organizations, a model that incorporates 7 factors that are hypothesized to have influence on the EDI adoption decision was developed and empirically tested against data collected from 627 small businesses, with 38% of them having already adopted the technology. The findings suggest that in the eyes of small businesses, EDI still is not considered as something that enables a business to gain major strategic benefits or competitive advantages. Although perceived costs are found to be major impediments to adoption, small businesses tend to have an "unbalanced" treatment between direct and indirect benefits, focusing more on those that are immediate and direct rather than on long-term, indirect benefits. Furthermore, prior EDI experience and perceived level of support from the vendor are also important determinants of EDI adoption in small businesses. Implications to Internet-based EDI systems are also discussed.  相似文献   

The information systems outsourcing (ISO) field continues to grow, as organizations consistently seek improvements in IT activities. The global scope of outsourcing participation and growth leads to gaps of knowledge related to the contextual factors that influence ISO adoption. Using the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework, this study identifies and contextualizes the determinants of ISO adoption. Data collected from 261 firms suggest that relative advantage, firm size, top management support, and competitive pressure are the main determinants of ISO. This study highlights the importance of assessing ISO using the TOE theoretical lens, and offers replication of prior results, the lack of which is a growing concern in social science research.  相似文献   

Telehealth is an effective and promising mode of healthcare delivery. It is crucial for society to understand the determinants of user adoption of telehealth to realize its benefits. This research investigates and analyzes the factors that impact the adoption of telehealth services from the users' perspective. The study integrates three theoretical frameworks, namely, Health Belief Model, Perceived Value Theory, and the Self-Determination Theory, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the determinants of telehealth adoption. Using an online survey conducted in Singapore, the study collected 500 responses for data analysis. The findings indicate that perceived threat, cues to action, and perceived relatedness directly affect perceived value, while self-efficacy, perceived relatedness, and perceived autonomy have a significant direct impact on emotion. Additionally, users' perceived value of telehealth services has a direct and indirect positive influence on their intention to adopt telehealth services through emotions. The study offers practical implications for healthcare organizations, policymakers, and media management teams to encourage the adoption of telehealth services by integrating various psychological and health concerns of users that impact their adoption behavior.  相似文献   

This study identifies key factors driving the organizational adoption of social recruiting technologies, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) framework, as an initial exploratory approach, is used to identify underlying factors of new technology adoption. Qualitative evidence collected from 12 Australian firms serves to specifically categorize key determinants of the organizational adoption of social recruiting technologies. It is found that apart from several TOE factors that significantly influence the organizational decision making with reference to social recruiting, top management support is seen as imperative for successful adoption of recruiting technologies. Formalization, comprehensiveness, and strategic orientation of organizational human resource departments are closely linked to adoption of social recruiting at the firm level. In addition, job applicants’ readiness and local success stories have driven firms to adopt social recruiting technologies. The study extends and modifies the TOE model to provide the theoretical foundations of social recruiting in the context of Australian organizations and help human resource professionals and practitioners to gain a better understanding of key drivers of organizational social recruiting.  相似文献   


A telephone survey of 517 corporate executives in large and mixed-sized companies was used to determine the status of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce. Findings included that only one-quarter of respondents used B2B e-commerce in their businesses, but 41% said that their companies planned to add e-commerce to their Websites. Of those who conducted e-commerce, 73% found it a profitable way to reach customers without cannibalizing traditional sales revenue. The timing of the survey, between periods of economic expansion, makes this a valuable benchmark for the adoption of e-commerce.  相似文献   

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