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Cheung and Chung (1996) presented a set of four basic components that can be used to reconstruct piecewise linear payoff diagrams associated with single-payoff instruments. Arbitrage arguments indicate that this provides a method to value complex financial instruments as the sum of the values of their underlying basic components. We present a modified scheme using two hybrid components which were constructed so that each piecewise linear segment can be replicated independently. This leads to a simple algorithm that is amenable to quick computer implementation. 相似文献
Optimal Financial Crises 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
Empirical evidence suggests that banking panics are related to the business cycle and are not simply the result of sunspots. Panics occur when depositors perceive that the returns on bank assets are going to be unusually low. We develop a simple model of this. In this setting, bank runs can be first-best efficient: they allow efficient risk sharing between early and late withdrawing depositors and they allow banks to hold efficient portfolios. However, if costly runs or markets for risky assets are introduced, central bank intervention of the right kind can lead to a Pareto improvement in welfare. 相似文献
Phil Hancock 《Australian Accounting Review》1994,4(8):3-12
The explosion in the growth of derivative financial instruments in recent years is a major cause of concern for accounting standard-setters. This paper considers the reasons for the growth and identifies the accounting problems associated with these instruments. The relevant United States and Australian pronouncements are discussed. Major proposals in ED 59 Financial Instruments are outlined and two critical issues concerning the automatic writedown of financial assets and the treatment of anticipatory hedges are identified. ED 59 contains similar proposals to E 48 issued by the IASC. However, there are some differences between the two documents and these are discussed. The paper also considers possible developments in accounting for financial instruments. 相似文献
EDUARDO DÁVILA 《The Journal of Finance》2023,78(1):5-61
This paper characterizes the optimal transaction tax in an equilibrium model of financial markets. If investors hold heterogeneous beliefs unrelated to their fundamental trading motives and the planner calculates welfare using any single belief, a positive tax is optimal, regardless of the magnitude of fundamental trading. Under some conditions, the optimal tax is independent of the planner's belief. The optimal tax can be implemented by adjusting its value until total volume equals fundamental volume. Knowledge of (i) the share of nonfundamental trading volume and (ii) the semielasticity of trading volume to tax changes is sufficient to quantify the optimal tax. 相似文献
This paper studies the optimal financing (capital structure) of entrepreneurial activity in the context of risk-aversion by incorporating the deadweight costs of bankruptcy and taxes. Unlike the extreme debt ratio (corner solution) predicted by scholars using linear models, this paper provides unique interior results for risk-free as well as risky debt, irrespective of corporate taxes. The paper also shows the necessary and sufficient conditions for both forms of debt, and the pareto-optimality of one over the other. The important findings of this paper are: (i) the existence of an equilibrium, where the borrowing interest rate is greater than the lending rate, despite the violation of Fisher separation theorem (1930); (ii) wealth plays a critical role in determining the debt ratio and the equilibrium risk-free rate of interest, complementing the De Meza and Webb (1987 and 1999) studies; (iii) an explanation for the preferred stock and income bond puzzles, extending Fooladi et al. (1991) and McConnell and Schlarbaum (1991). 相似文献
Optimal Long-Term Financial Contracting 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We develop an agency model of financial contracting. We derivelong-term debt, a line of credit, and equity as optimal securities,capturing the debt coupon and maturity; the interest rate andlimits on the credit line; inside versus outside equity; dividendpolicy; and capital structure dynamics. The optimal debt-equityratio is history dependent, but debt and credit line terms areindependent of the amount financed and, in some cases, the severityof the agency problem. In our model, the agent can divert cashflows; we also consider settings in which the agent undertakeshidden effort, or can control cash flow risk. 相似文献
A. Rashad Abdel-khalik 《Abacus》2019,55(4):676-708
Both the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the codified accounting standards (ASC) for the US GAAP categorize hedging relationships as falling into several buckets. The two buckets of relevance in this paper are (i) hedging the volatility of fair values, and (ii) hedging the volatility of future cash flow. In this paper, I argue that at least three accounting treatments of derivatives and hedging lead to creating serious distortion of reporting actual transactions, to combining hard and plastic valuations, and to violating adherence to the principle of ‘faithful representation’. The three accounting treatments are as follows: (1) creating the fictional Hypothetical Derivatives Method; (2) allowing for the establishment of purely discretionary valuation adjustments for all over-the-counter derivative assets (Credit Valuation Adjustment) and liabilities (Debt Valuation Adjustment) without any guides or constraints; (3) requiring subjective metaphysical separation of embedded derivatives with the main guide being the management's own perception of the instrument's embodiment of unrelated value and risk generators. To remedy the resulting distortion in financial reporting, significant revisions of certain accounting standards are sorely needed. 相似文献
衍生金融工具会计风险问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
刘文国 《上海金融学院学报》2008,(2):60-64
针对大多数衍生金融工具为表外业务,无法在财务报表中加以确认和计量的特点,本文讨论了衍生金融工具存在的计量风险,以及采用公允价值方法与及时信息披露方法结合对衍生金融工具计量和披露,由于会计计量属性的原因,会计难以全面披露衍生金融工具的风险,由此讨论如何规避由于采用衍生金融工具而导致的会计风险的方法和措施。 相似文献
非活跃市场条件下金融工具计量问题研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
非活跃市场条件下,金融工具价值的确定没有可以直接使用的市场价格,从而产生了非活跃市场条件下金融工具计量的一些特殊问题。中国许多金融机构持有不具有活跃市场的金融工具,在初始计量和后续计量方面面临着诸多方面的挑战。我国现行规范对非活跃市场条件下金融工具的计量缺少必要的操作指南,而金融机构自身缺少必要的估值管理制度、估值能力也相对有限。本文认为,应当通过完善相关规范制度、提供必要的操作指南、推动财务报告目的资产评估业务的发展来解决现实中存在的问题。 相似文献
阮绪平 《中国农业银行武汉培训学院学报》2001,(4):24-27
中国加入WTO以后,我国银行业首先面临的将是外资银行抢滩登陆后异常激烈的人才与产品竞争,作为衍生于计划经济时期的农业银行,由于受传统的银行业行业分工后遗症的影响,其金融产品短缺问题尤其突出.要应对外资银行的冲击,首先必须突破其产品短缺性制约的壁垒.本文旨在通过对农行现有产品短缺现象的解剖,以及产品开发动因的分析,联系农行业务经营实际,重点对农行金融产品的开发原则、重点及路径进行探讨. 相似文献
衍生金融工具的套期会计研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
《关于衍生金融工具的会计问题研究》课题组 《会计研究》2001,(4):30-35
衍生金融工具得以迅速发展的一个重要原因是它能给企业控制和防范风险提供一种有效的途径和手段。企业利用衍生金融工具进行套期避险需要管理层进行一系列的策划和运作 ,其结果将会使企业产生各种不同的经营业绩。这些套期运作的管理活动及其相应的不同经营业绩应该在会计和财务报告中得到反映 ,这是衍生金融工具套期会计研究的主要内容。本文在对有关国际会计准则、以美国为主的西方国家衍生金融工具会计实务进行研究和在我国进行调研的基础上 ,探讨衍生金融工具套期会计的相关问题 ,并归纳我们在研究和调研中得到的启示和提出我们的建议。 相似文献
中国货币政策工具选择研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文在普勒规则研究的基础上进行适当扩展,对我国货币政策工具选择问题展开研究。通过研究本文发现:第一,货币政策工具的选择,与经济体所承受的冲击主要来自商品需求层面还是货币需求层面、货币需求主要来自商品市场还是货币市场以及总需求相对名义利率水平的弹性系数相关,而与社会福利损失函数中通货膨胀的厌恶系数、商品市场供给层面的诸变量(包括商品市场供给层面的冲击、商品供给曲线的斜率等)无关;第二,当经济体的所受冲击主要来自商品需求层面、市场货币需求主要来自商品市场、且货币政策对总需求的调节作用效果较小时,则货币当局采用数量型货币政策工具更有利于维护公众的社会福利;反之,则价格型货币政策操作更有利于维护公众的社会福利。 相似文献
金融市场正规金融与非正规金融并存,使得货币政策工具的操作和传导具有更加复杂和非可控的微观因素。本文尝试将非正规金融纳入研究框架,建立四部门动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型,比较数量型和价格型货币政策工具的有效性。研究显示,价格型货币政策工具对宏观经济变量的影响大于数量型货币政策工具,且持续时间较短,导致的通货膨胀上升幅度小。在对非正规金融的影响上,价格型货币政策工具的效果更显著。 相似文献
Neil Fargher 《Australian Accounting Review》2001,11(24):62-72
Accounting for all financial instruments at fair value is a controversial issue currently under review by standard-setters. Banking industry associations have typically opposed the use of fair-value accounting for financial instruments. This study examines perceptions of managers at financial institutions regarding support for recording all financial instruments at fair value. Managers at financial institutions do not uniformly oppose the use of fair-value accounting for all instruments. Considerable variation is found, ranging from strong support to strong opposition. Support for fair-value accounting is negatively associated with concern about excess volatility in reported earnings. There is less concern that the fair value of assets and liabilities cannot be reliably measured. 相似文献