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The Russian Far East (RFE) is still a backward region of Russia. Per capita agricultural output is lower than the national average. Chinese agricultural entrepreneurs are farming in the region. The business environment is challenging for both Chinese and Russians. We analyze possible ways for agriculture to develop in the RFE with Chinese agricultural entrepreneurs as the main agents of development. We discuss the investment environment in the RFE, the role and impact of Chinese agricultural entrepreneurs, their ability to assist in rural development, and the challenges they face. We examine the current state of agriculture in the RFE, the experience of Chinese and Russian farmers, and the impact of Chinese farmers on Russian farmers. Agriculture can improve in the RFE with better communication and better coordination mechanisms among governments and with more training to help businesses understand existing policies and regulations.  相似文献   

Chinese originally migrated to the Russian Far East (RFE) to fill a labor shortage on collective farms. In more recent decades, some Chinese migrants have chosen to lease land from Russian farmers to manage their own farms. Rising soybean prices and the trade war between China and the United States have increased demand for land capable of producing soybeans. Thus, Chinese farmers in the RFE compete for land with Russians. The Chinese also contribute positively to local food security by increasing food availability and accessibility. This study uses an econometric model to analyze the impact of Chinese on local land markets in the RFE. Financial support for Russian farmers by the government depresses their demand for land; rising soybean prices and the employment of Chinese farm workers by Russian farmers encourage farm expansion, resulting in higher land prices. Selling farm produce to Chinese merchants increases the amount of land owned, cultivated, and rented by Russian farmers.  相似文献   

China’s international position as a net creditor nation provides it with foreign exchange that it has invested in Asian and African countries. One example is China's investment in the Russian Far East (RFE). Thousands of Chinese agricultural workers have migrated to the RFE in recent decades. They are often welcomed by Russian farmers who face a labor shortage and by local residents who can buy cheap vegetables from them, but there are others who resent their presence in the region as competitors. Our study is the first empirical study of this relationship. Our results demonstrate economic benefits to the Russian households. There are, however, some negative repercussions of Chinese farmers in the RFE, and the governments of both China and Russia need to manage the situation wisely.  相似文献   

The close proximity of China and Russia, the activities of Chinese farmers, and the reduction in Russian labor resources have created job opportunities for Chinese workers in the Russian Far East (RFE). Chinese workers fill a labor shortage in agriculture, but little research has been done on them. We developed an econometric model to test the effects of Chinese intermittent migration on labor markets in the RFE. We found the proximity of Chinese to Russian farms reduces wages for both Russian and Chinese workers and increases their part-time employment on Russian farms. The greater availability of Chinese workers in the region results in lower number of family members working on Russian farms. Thus, the influx of Chinese workers may contribute to demographic shifts in the Russian population.  相似文献   

Chinese farmers are actively engaged in the economy of the Russian Far East. We used an econometric model to analyze panel data on the socioeconomic impact on local residents of Chinese farmers and workers in the Russian Far East (RFE). Proximity to Chinese farms and sales to Chinese retailers increases the well-being, the farm income, and the food costs of Russian rural households. The same factors raise land prices through increased competition, reduce the wages of Russian workers and the number of family members working on Russian farms, increase the number of full-time jobs for farm workers, lower yields of corn and wheat, and raise yields of potatoes and rice. Thus, the effects of the Chinese presence on rural Russian households varies with the makeup of the household, the amount of land it owns and leases, and the number of household members who work on other farms. Cooperation with Chinese farmers and retailers plays an important role in determining the ability of the rural areas of the RFE to develop sustainably.  相似文献   

The study investigates talent management practices in Russian and foreign companies and their influence on a company's performance. In our work, foreign companies are foreign-owned companies (multinational or global) that operate in the Russian market and their headquarters are located outside the Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the analysis of the factors that support talent management implementation. As the results of the research are based on a comparative analysis of differences and peculiarities in talent practices in Russian and foreign companies, the paper explores and provides a number of ideas and conclusions about talent management elaboration, realization and talent practices improvement in the Russian context. Our data show that talent management practices are influenced by a number of factors that are different, in parts, in Russian and foreign companies. Supplementary analysis also suggests that the positive connection between talent management efforts and a company's performance can be found.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between talent management (TM), absorptive capacity (AC), and firm performance. We build a theoretical framework and examine the mediating role of a firm's AC in TM–performance relationships in the contexts of China and Russia. We use a sample of 120 Chinese and Russian firms to provide empirical evidence of our hypotheses. Our results show for both Chinese and Russian firms, a well‐developed TM system positively influences a firm's ability to acquire, assimilate, and exploit knowledge as well as increase the overall level of a firm's AC. We also found support for the argument that TM has an indirect positive effect on firm performance through its AC; moreover, the effect is stronger for Chinese firms, specifically, within the link between AC and performance.  相似文献   

Drawing on recent theoretical tenets regarding cross‐border regions, this article analyzes China's state spatial policies that aim to transform Yunnan from a peripheral frontier into an economic bridgehead. The purposes of the present study are threefold: to contextualize the formation of Yunnan as China's frontier; to examine why Yunnan has been strategically selected as a bridgehead to promote China's transnational economies; and to explore the central–provincial alliance as an innovative institutional arrangement and look at how this alliance can convert Yunnan into a space of exception or new state space of development. This study finds that in order to convert regional assets into real competitiveness, the Chinese state (national, provincial and local) emphasizes transnational cooperation, endeavors to maximize Yunnan's place‐specific locational advantages and promotes the differentiation of regional developmental trajectories across China's national territory. The article contributes to studies of institutional arrangements for cross‐border cooperation in a non‐Western context and sheds light on China's regional development policies in its hinterland.  相似文献   

abstract    This paper presents a set of theoretical propositions regarding knowledge sharing in China and Russia. We argue that there are important national cultural similarities and differences between the two countries that result in certain similarities and differences in individual knowledge-sharing behaviour in Chinese and Russian organizations. We claim that vertical collectivism and particularistic social relations in China and Russia lead to intensive social relations among organizational members, which facilitate knowledge sharing between in-group members in organizations in both countries. We also maintain that differences in the essence of collectivism as well as in the extent of collectivism in the two cultural contexts lead to different intensities of knowledge sharing in Chinese and Russian organizations. Finally, we discuss theoretical and management implications of this research.  相似文献   

车春鹂 《基建优化》2006,27(5):86-88
目前,我国大多数公共投资项目由政府投资建设厦经营管理,其结果是经营管理效率低下、建设资金短缺、融资难等问题日益突出,发展特许权经营已被公认为解决上述问题的有效模式。本文从法律、风险分担、政府监管等角度分析了在公共投资项目领域实施特许经营所面临的问题,并提出了有效实施特许经营模式的对策与建议。  相似文献   

冯志卿 《中国企业家》2012,(16):107-112,15
8年前,海尔集团首席执行官张瑞敏就感觉自己如履薄冰,今天他的危机感丝毫没有减弱,"第三次工业革命带来了社会结构的变化,整个社会变为网状,过去自上而下的集权式管理恐怕不行了"他告诉《中国企业家》。10年前,张瑞敏开始探索适应互联网时代的大规模订制,2007年正式提出"人单合一"的商业模式。海尔的组织结构为之扁平化,7万多人的金字塔式管控结构变成网络状的2000多个自主经营体。与此相应,海尔的管理方式也发生剧变,原来发号施令的上层转变为听从员工需求,提供资源支持,一个个小的自主经营体被赋予了用人权和分配权。  相似文献   

Oil and gas producers play a pivotal role in the Russian economy. The industry itself is very energy consuming and capable of producing major environmental damage. For a long time, however, innovative ways of production were low on their priority list, leading to heavily outdated equipment and hardware. Recently, Russian oil‐ and gas producers have kicked off major programs to catch up with their western counterparts. Until now, however, insights into the importance of environmental management of oil and gas producers are very limited. We studied the annual reports and environmental reports of the six most prominent industry actors between 2008 and 2010 and analyze their changing approaches to green management. Most companies start in 2009 to address their environmental activities in the statement of the CEO and chairmen. In 2010, the environmental activities have made it up to the list of top priorities in the companies. On an industry‐level, we find that management's own initiatives drive companies' adoption of greener production technologies and are much more influential than government regulation. In fact, we see that leading industry actors inform government regulation and thereby lift up the greening of production also in late followers. Green innovation either stems from international cooperation for industry leaders or out of in‐house knowledge generated through own R&D institutes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

在我国近代教育中,"公私并举"的管理体制是教育发展的基本模式,促进了近代教育的发展,为国家和民族培养了大批人才,其中许多经验值得总结和借鉴.十一届三中全会以后,我国的民办高等教育迅速发展起来,在高等教育中形成了三分天下有其一的局面,构成了我国民办高等教育特有的新格局.我国的高等教育改革开始逐步走上了"公私互补"的道路,正在与中国自己教育管理的优秀传统相衔接.然而对我国民办高等教育的发展,还应注入理性的思考.  相似文献   

董健 《企业活力》2012,(8):28-32
在实践中,中国服务业发展迅速,但营销水平有待提高,很多管理人员对营销以及服务管理的理解有限。在理论中,对感知服务质量各个维度、顾客满意和顾客忠诚之间的关系讨论很多,尚无定论。实证研究发现,是顾客满意正向影响感知服务质量各个因子,而不是相反,说明基于交易的顾客满意会影响对服务进行长期综合评价的感知服务质量。只有忠诚度一个因子影响顾客忠诚,因此企业在培养忠诚顾客上应该有所侧重。顾客满意和顾客忠诚的关系被验证并非线性关系,在线性方程模型中未能验证成功。  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in how multinational corporations transfer various management practices from one country to another. The positions vary from an extreme where all practices will become globally standardised; to claims that the local context will be a decisive factor. In this article, the research question is why an MNC would want to transfer the partnership practice and what the key elements to success might be. As pointed to, partnership is a part of the company's business system, the way they are used to operating. Also important is that the risk of failing in terms of technological issues was important, and thus commitment and cooperation are crucial. Success can be understood by their effort to reduce the institutional distance as much as possible, including the choice of location, hiring policy emphasis on education and training, the strategy of building strong connections to the senior shop steward.  相似文献   

董光 《价值工程》2010,29(20):254-254
伏特加酒从传入时的浓烈的"烫嘴的水",到被人们视为"绿色的禁果",到修道院的修士们把它当成"万能的药"来普济众生,到著名化学家门捷列夫将它定为标准配方—4成酒精、6成水的"莫斯科特制伏特加酒",再到成为俄罗斯人须臾不能离开的酒精饮料,经过了六七百年的发展过程。本文简要介绍了俄罗斯的国酒-伏特加的发展史。  相似文献   

政府是突发公共卫生事件应急管理的主体,拥有强制性管理工具、非常态化管理职责、迅速调集物资的能力和以人为本的价值理念。在新冠疫情的防控中,政府作为应急管理的主体,其应急管理能力相比甲型H1NI时期有了质的提升,具体表现为政府应急保障能力、应急协同能力、信息处理能力、执法监管能力的提升,而促使政府应急管理能力提升的原因主要有四个:制度优势、科技发展、观念更新和政府管理创新。  相似文献   

王雪姣 《物流科技》2009,32(6):131-133
产学研合作办学的模式已经有过很多的探讨,文章仅对“红鹰九龙物流班”的模式进行了实践和探索,为物流管理专业校企合作人才培养打下基础和提供借鉴。  相似文献   

运用时变随机前沿引力模型,基于2011—2018年中国与中东欧17国的进口贸易数据测度进口贸易潜力、技术效率及其影响因素。实证结果表明:中国与中东欧国家进口的贸易潜力较大,且不同国家之间呈现较大的不均衡性,波黑、克罗地亚、黑山可挖掘的进口潜力较大,匈牙利、保加利亚、斯洛伐克和波兰的进口效率较高。从影响因素看,中东欧国家的供给能力、中国的市场规模、“17+1”合作机制等因素推动了进口贸易的发展,而中国的供给能力、中东欧国家的市场规模、文化距离等因素对进口贸易有阻碍作用。经济自由度、基础设施质量、中欧班列等构成了影响进口效率的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper explores the green supply chain management (GSCM) of companies based in the Yangtze River Delta, China. The companies' overall GSCM practice level (LGSCM) is measured by using the data from 165 valid respondents in a questionnaire survey conducted during April and May 2009. The relationships between LGSCM and the classified determinant factors are analyzed. It is indicated that Chinese companies are still at a preliminary stage of GSCM practices. Their environmental management in cooperation with external members of the supply chain is very marginal. A company's LGSCM is significantly and positively associated with the external pressures from regulatory, domestic clients and business competitors. As an internal factor, a company's learning capacity greatly determines LGSCM. We also confirm that the internal factors function as intermediate variables of external pressures in influencing a company's GSCM. A company's environmental management capacities will be strongly enhanced by frequent internal training of employees to increase its involvement in GSCM practices. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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