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郭颖 《旅游学刊》2001,16(3):68-71
少数民族文化旅游是我国旅游产品的重要组成部分。少数民族文化旅游的开展在一定程度上促进了少数民族地区的经济发展和民族文化的保护,但同时也可能给少数民族接待地区的社会文化带来负面的影响。本文以泸沽湖地区为例,从文化人类学的角度探讨了少数民族地区文化旅游资源保护的方式和开发的具体模式。  相似文献   

<正>四川省凉山彝族自治州拥有历史悠久的少数民族文化资源,同时还有丰富的红色文化资源。长征途中,中国共产党在该地区始终坚持贯彻民族平等和民族团结的原则,将马克思主义与当地的革命实践相结合,留下了丰富的红色文化资源。文章以凉山彝族自治州的红色文化资源开发现状以及存在的问题作为叙述主线,探讨该地区红色文化资源的整合方案,并分析将红色文化资源与少数民族文化资源结合的可行性,为凉山彝族自治州红色文化资源的开发提供新思路,对其他少数民族地区红色文化资源的开发具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

西部地区民族旅游开发与民族文化保护   总被引:85,自引:2,他引:83  
马晓京 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):50-54
随着西部旅游大开发战略的实施,西部地区以少数民族文化为主要吸引物的民族旅游开发也将进入一个新阶段。民族旅游资源开发给当地少数民族地区带来经济发展的同时,也将不可避免地给当地民族文化带来一系列的负面作用。本文分析了民族旅游开发对民族文化的消极影响,探讨了西部民族旅游开发中民族文化的保护问题。  相似文献   

任唤麟 《旅游学刊》2012,27(7):35-40
“八景”曾是重要的地域文化景观与地方旅游资源,深受传统文化影响,具有非功利性、山水人文化与人文景观化、审美意境典型性及景观的多元融合等文化特征,并因相沿袭久而起到文化承传的作用.八景又是一种景观(景点)塑造与资源利用文化模式,具有旅游资源开发与保护、旅游宣传与指南等功能.在当今的旅游开发与建设中,八景文化不仅具有资源的意义,而且具有方法论的意义.  相似文献   

王洁 《西部旅游》2024,(5):102-104
文章首先介绍环境舞蹈的概念和特点,然后探讨桂林山水的文化特色和旅游资源,分析环境舞蹈与桂林山水文化融合的可行性,最后提出环境舞蹈在“文兴广西”桂林山水旅游中的应用策略,旨在为环境舞蹈与文化旅游资源结合提供理论支持和实践指导,促进旅游业和文化艺术融合发展。  相似文献   

文化绘图:文化乡村旅游社区参与及实践的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化绘图作为国外文化资源管理和旅游规划的重要工具和方法论,在我国的应用和研究明显不足.文章回顾了国内外文化绘图的研究和实践,将其应用于文化乡村旅游产品规划和管理及社区文化资源管理,并从人类学和管理学等角度分析了必要性、可能性及关键问题.通过“乡村空间模型”在乡村旅游语境下的解读及对文化绘图理论和实践的分析,文章认为,乡村文化空间是乡村生活、乡村表述及乡村地方性的三位一体,中国文化乡村旅游规划和管理中各利益相关者相互协作并进行资源整合,才能完整、真实地解读当地文化资源,并将其向旅游业转化.因此,文化绘图有利于组织整合嵌入乡村社区的文化资源,可有效解决社区参与中社区本位的缺失问题,并激发旅游业发展的社区内动力,强化合作网络,促进体制创新.  相似文献   

巴渝文化是重庆最富鲜明个性的民族文化和重要的旅游资源,弘扬巴渝文化对于重庆城乡统筹发展中提升重庆旅游文化品位、促进重庆旅游经济发展具有十分重要作用.结合巴渝文化的内涵与重庆旅游资源分析,遵循旅游产品开发原则,把巴渝文化设计为生态与民俗风情体验游、长江三峡生态文化观光游、现代都市休闲游、文物古迹游等旅游产品,有助于推动重庆旅游业的快速发展.  相似文献   

历史文化街区既是城市文化的重要地标,也是旅游发展的重要资源,由此成为新时期文旅融合的重要实践载体。本研究基于符号学视角,选取黄山市屯溪区毗邻的屯溪老街和黎阳in巷分别作为传统与复建历史文化街区代表,基于扎根理论构建历史文化街区文旅融合的符号学理论框架。实证分析表明:传统与复建两类历史文化街区均形成了主题定位、文旅功能、空间布局、物质载体、业态产品、旅游服务六方面的文化和旅游符号,前者以传统文化符号居多,后者以现代旅游符号居多;两类街区文化和旅游符号融合的独特性、凸显性、融合性和适应性等特征差异明显,前者偏向地域文化的独特性,后者偏向旅游介入的适应性。据此提出传统历史文化街区“旅游趋向”和复建历史文化街区“文化趋向”的文旅融合路径,两类街区在文化传承与旅游发展中应加强文化资源符号化、资源功能多元化、符号空间整合化、文化符号全景化,促进文化产品价值化、旅游服务品质化,以实现历史文化街区可持续发展。  相似文献   

9月3日省旅游局与东方航空公司联手推出“东方空中文化体验之旅——山西旅游文化宣传周”新闻发布会。省委宣传部副部长王建武、省旅游局籍振芳局长与东方航空公司石富康总经理出席了会议,并做了热情洋溢的讲话。发布会指出:山西,是中华民族和华夏文明的主要发祥地之一。山西,作为旅游资源大省,以纵贯全境、连接全省主要旅游区(点)的大运(大同-运城)高速公路旅游经济带为龙头的旅游产业,正在蓬勃发展,快速崛起。为多层面、多渠道、多形式广泛宣传山西旅游资源产品,落实中宣部、文化部中华文化“走出去”工程和国资委“2007优质服务年”,以及民航总局“提高服务水平、建设和谐民航”的精神,山西省旅游局与东航股份公司经多次协商。决定于9月9—18日,在“中国(太原)国际煤炭与能源新产业博览会”召开期间,共同举办“东方空中文化体验之旅——山西旅游文化宣传周”。[第一段]  相似文献   

南阳具有丰富的自然和人文资源,南阳的文化旅游业经过十年的发展,取得了显著成就,但是也存在文化与旅游的融合度不够、宣传推介力度不够、旅游配套设施不够完善、文化旅游部门合作不够、服务旅游意识落后、从业人员素质不高等突出问题,要想把南阳打造成旅游强市,就必须:营造良好的文化旅游软环境;加强文化与旅游的融合;强化旅游产品促销;完善旅游交通条件;全力打造精品景区;推进旅游服务体系配套;强化旅游安全工作;注重旅游资源保护.  相似文献   

民族旅游发展有着巨大潜力,民族地区文化旅游资源的保护开发亟待探索最佳的途径.创意产业能够有效地实现经济增长而得到发达国家和发展中国家的极力推崇和大力发展.在民族地区发展旅游创意产业,能够有效地改变民族地区的经济增长方式,对当地经济、文化、社会发展具有重大意义.本文首先分析了国内外文化创意产业的发展和创意产业与旅游业的融合现状与趋势,其次探讨了我国民族地区发展旅游文化创意的基础与意义,然后提出了旅游创意产业发展应采取集群式发展的模式,最后,以湖南张家界旅游创意产业发展为例,就民族地区发展旅游创意产业给出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

Ethnic tourism has been employed as a development strategy in many minority communities where options for development are often limited. This research explores the impacts of ethnic tourism development on minority people and their identities in an ethnic community in Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China. Findings reveal that active involvement in tourism and commercialization of Mosuo cultural traditions have resulted in the consolidation of a collective Mosuo identity for economic, social and cultural purposes. Local villagers actively express their identity and re-create their dress, dances and religion to satisfy tourists' desires for authenticity. Tourism has reinforced elements of Mosuo culture, giving it new prestige in the Han-dominated society, but it has also brought numerous changes to Mosuo communities. It is argued that the preservation of minority culture and identity should be enhanced if long-term sustainable development of tourism is to occur and the evolving nature of ethnic identity is to be recognized.  相似文献   

Ethnic tourism development:: Chinese Government Perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ethnic tourism is often used by governments to facilitate development and to preserve heritage. This paper examines the relationship between government and tourism in Xishuangbanna, China. Different levels of government play key but different roles in development through regulation of production, consumption, and investment. Their policies and decisions tend to create tensions when they promote tourism as a regional development strategy as a result of contradictions in regulations, ethnic rights, and relationships with entrepreneurs. It is concluded that more nuanced government policies could mitigate many of the issues. Future tourism planning should provide greater control of tourism by local ethnic people, cultural preservation, and public participation in decision-making processes.  相似文献   

民族认同感是族群意识的基本组成部分。在旅游影响下,少数民族地区的民族认同呈现出多维度和不同方向的发展轨迹。文章通过对一位土家族青年女性个人生活史的记录,分析了在旅游发展进程中族群个体的民族认同感的演化过程,发现旅游对民族认同的影响在于:旅游引致的经济增长提高了民族文化的"势位";旅游产品创造了民族的集体记忆和文化景观;文化旅游的发展使民族认同的层次不断深化;民族旅游的盲目开发和过度开发将误导民族认同的方向。研究将为民族旅游地社会文化影响研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Authenticating Ethnic Tourism: Li Dancers' Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Authenticity is a negotiated rather than an absolute attribute of tourism phenomena. A large number of stakeholders is involved in the negotiation of authenticity, including the state, the business community, tourists and, in the case of ethnicity, representatives of minority groups. Each of these is likely to hold its own perspectives on authenticity. This presentation focuses upon the latter group and examines the perceptions of tourism and culture of Li dancers who perform for tourists in purpose-built folk villages in the island of Hainan, China. In order to structure perspectives on authenticity, survey responses of Li dancers are arrayed upon five constructs that can be viewed as representing different dimensions of the authentic. These constructs are: commodification versus spontaneity (non-commercialization), cultural evolution versus museumification, economic development versus cultural preservation, ethnic autonomy versus state regulation, and mass tourism development versus sustainable cultural tourism. It is demonstrated that there is tension both within and between each of these constructs. Furthermore, the perspectives of Li dancers on tourism and culture are formulated and reformulated within the context of the perspectives of other stakeholders who may hold different positions related to authenticity.  相似文献   

民族地区原住民参与旅游开发的法律赋权研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐兵  惠红 《旅游学刊》2014,(7):39-46
民族地区原住民既是当地旅游活动的重要对象,又是民族文化旅游资源的创造者和传承者。但在旅游扶贫开发和运营中,由于旅游吸引物权规定的“法律真空”,缺乏法律制度保障的原住民在与开发商和政府博弈中往往被边缘化,导致经济收益偏低,却要承担旅游开发所产生的各种各样的成本,严重损害了原住民的利益。文章运用赋权与产权理论,对原住民参与旅游开发的弱势地位的核心原因进行了辨析,指出原住民参与处于“无权”或“弱权”状态是因为对旅游者最具吸引力的天然属于原住民所有的原生态民族文化旅游资源产权界定上的法律缺失,提出了加强旅游吸引物权的“确权+流转”为主要内容的法律赋权建议,并分析了赋权后可能产生的消极影响及其防范措施。最后以石泉苗寨为例,具体剖析了法律赋权下的民族地区原住民参与旅游开发的方式与企业的经营机制,以期彻底改变原住民的地位弱势、收益偏低和参与“无话语权”的现状,增加原住民的财产性收益,缓解原住民与开发商之间的矛盾,维护民族地区的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

Population displacement through desertification has affected the socioeconomic and cultural development of Jordan's Badia desert. To counterbalance this change, it is important to preserve and revitalise cultural heritage as a source of tourism development in the desert. One possible way of revitalising the Badia regions is to highlight their cultural resources for tourism. The goal of the study is to find alternative tourism resources based on understanding the potential tourism resources in the Badia and to attract tourists for cultural heritage experiences. The analysis suggests new opportunities for cultural heritage tourism with elements of Bedouin material and non-material culture. Solutions include establishing community-based Bedouin tourism that involves the local people in partnership with the BRDC,1 expanding the tourism network to include the Badia region using resources such as folkways and archaeology to enrich the experience, building a rest house; and erecting a Bedouin heritage village. This will generate income and give Badia indigenous communities additional revenue, thereby positively impacting the regional and national economy.  相似文献   

Partners for Livable Places has, for the last 15 years, seen tourism as a resource of great importance for community economic development with tremendous impact on shaping future growth. Robert McNulty and Patricia Wafer of Partners for Livable Places, comment on transnational corporations. Their standpoint is that of an organization interested in tourism as an economic development strategy at the local level in the industrialized West, and as the most important economic argument for protection of endangered flora and fauna, and preservation of historic, cultural and archaeological resources in the Third World.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of tourism on the preservation of ethnic identity with specific reference to the Louisiana Cajuns. Tourism has helped the Cajuns retain a separate identity by reinforcing the differences between Cajuns and outsiders. Cajuns are increasingly relinquishing their traditional culture in favor of standard U.S. values, but they retain a strong sense of identity and ethnic pride. A growing tourist industry was institutionalized at about the same time as the development of ethnic pride, and the two phenomena have profoundly influenced each other. Cajuns have become tourists in their own culture, joining outsiders in seeking and celebrating their brand of “local color” Cajun culture is now enacted on a “tourist stage” for the benefit of locals and their visitors. The tourist stage is an arena for the expression of ethnic differences, and it helps perpetuate an ethnic boundary that might otherwise disappear due to acculturation. Using the Cajuns as a case study, this paper proposes a model for the process of ethnic preservation through tourism.  相似文献   

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