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国家是国际关系的基本行为体,国际贸易是一种特殊的国际关系,国家在国际贸易自由化进程中扮演着极其重要的角色。本文通过在贸易自由化的现实中引入国家利益的视角,实证分析了贸易自由化过程中对我国出口企业的影响。正视国家利益原则,才能有序推进贸易自由化。  相似文献   

经济全球化以及贸易自由化是当前世界经济发展所体现出的重要趋势,在国际贸易发展的过程中,劳工标准问题也得到了越来越广泛的关注。劳工标准对我国国际贸易影响的深化决定了对国家贸易体制中的劳工标准问题作出研究能够在推动我国国际贸易发展方面发挥出重要作用。本文从我国劳动法制中的自由结社权、集体谈判权、强迫劳动的禁止、童工劳动的禁止、平等就业权几个方面对我国劳动法治的完善进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

WTO与国际环境法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济全球化的迅速发展,人类面临的环境问题也呈现全球化。环境问题已经成为与和平、发展问题并列的当今世界的三大主要问题之一。WTO作为国际贸易的管理机构,在促进经济全球化和贸易自由化,建立世界贸易规则和秩序的过程中,也必须促进环境保护和人类的可持续发展。WTO有利于实现全球贸易自由化,而自由贸易又对环境产生直接或间接的影响。随着国际环境保护法的迅速发展,对国际贸易产生了重要影响。环境保护给国际贸易造成的障碍称为环境壁垒或绿色壁垒,就是以国际或国内环境保护条约或法律为依据限制外国产品的市场准入。在许多方面,WTO的国际贸易规则面临着国际国内环境保护法的挑战。WTO在促进贸易自由化的同时,应当采取措施实现与国际环境保护法协调一致,实现人类的可持续发展,还要照顾发展中国家的具体困难,解决发达国家与发展中国家在发展经济与保护环境问题上的矛盾。  相似文献   

<正> 战后世界产业结构发生了历史性变化,服务业的比重不断上升,在发达国家及新兴工业化国家,服务业已超过制造业成为最大产业。在各国服务业发展的基础上,国际服务贸易迅猛发展,其增幅大大超过国际货物贸易的增幅,其总量目前占到国际贸易总量的1/4到1/3之间。随着服务贸易迅速增长,在世界经济一体化、国际贸易自由化的背景下,服务贸易领域开放市场的呼声也日渐高涨,尤其在1993年《服务贸易总协定》(GAST》签署之后,形成了一套国际服务贸易的准则,各国也相继作出了降低服务市场保护程度的承诺。国际服务贸易自由化,已成为大势所趋。面对这一自由化的大趋势,我国的服务业又当如何应对呢?  相似文献   

WTO对我国农业的影响主要源于两个方面:一是WTO《农业协议》的影响.该协议以实现全球农产品贸易自由化为目标,它的生效将导致世界农产品价格、农产品市场开放、世界农产品进出口贸易格局以及农产品国际贸易规则等方面发生显著的变化,对世界农产品市场以及国际农业发展产生了巨大而深远的影响.这些影响将不可避免地传递到已经开始且越来越国际化的我国农业.二是今后我国在受WTO《农业协议》约束的同时,也要履行加入WTO过程中在农业问题上所作的承诺.  相似文献   

一、引言 随着经济全球化和贸易自由化的加快,国际贸易中传统的关税壁垒和非关税壁垒正在慢慢减少,逐步被更新型的环境壁垒所替代。特别是在WTO/TBT协议签署以后,环境壁垒日趋严重,正在成为国际贸易中的主要障碍,严重地影响了国际贸易的健康发展。我国作为一个近年崛起的贸易大国,正成为环境壁垒的主要受害国。  相似文献   

国际贸易保护的新趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪90年代以来,伴随WTO的成立和贸易自由化的发展,贸易保护不仅没有偃旗息鼓,反而愈演愈烈。全面了解当前国际贸易保护的新趋势,在政府按照承诺接受和执行贸易自由化原则的同时,寻求适当的贸易保护措施来维护自身权力,就成为一个不得不面对的问题。  相似文献   

随着世界贸易自由化领域不断扩大.国际贸易正呈现从货物贸易向服务贸易、知识产权贸易、信息技术贸易领域延伸的趋势。当前.广西现代服务业与国际先进水平相距甚远,国际竞争力不强。在开展国际劳务输出活动中遇到了不少问题。本文根据当前我国实际情况。研究我国劳务输出中存在的问题,提出改善广西服务贸易现状的建议。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正> 一、世贸组织的体制基础-市场经济世贸组织以市场经济为基础,它要求国际贸易应遵循国际经济规律形成统一的国际大市场,按公平、公正、公开的原则,进行无扭曲的竞争,克服贸易保护主义,促进贸易自由化。所谓贸易自由化,就是允许货物和生产要素的自由流动,在国际价值规律作用下,可以刺激竞争,鼓励发展,提高经营管理水平,促进世界性的分工和贸易发展,扩大市场;同时使消费者得到物美价廉的商品和服务。但考虑到世界经济和各成员的发展不平衡,使得贸易自由化呈现以下特点:(1)不是绝对的贸易自由化;(2)贸易自由化是个渐进的过程;(3)允许发展中国家成员方贸易自由化进程低于发达国家成员方;(4)鼓励计划经济向市场经济转变,世贸组织对经济转型国家采取鼓励政策;(5)世贸组织不是一个"自由贸易"机构,它只是致力于逐步贸易自由化,使  相似文献   

李群  蒋丽君 《价值工程》2007,26(2):8-10
当前国际服务贸易自由化趋势已成为强劲的时代潮流。在此背景下,中国应如何开放服务业以把握机遇,又该如何实行适度保护以规避风险,这些都是亟待解决的问题。文中首先分析了国际服务贸易自由化对中国服务业和服务贸易的影响,继而提出了中国服务业实现对外开放的模式、原则及策略。  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the environmental consequences of trade liberalization in a general equilibrium model of a small open economy facing trade and environmental distortions. I show that, under certain conditions, trade liberalization achieved by reducing trade barriers increases the amount of pollution through change in the optimal pollution tax. This result is worthy of consideration in regard to countries that pursue trade liberalization, and the subsequent environmental cleanup.  相似文献   

Improving environmental quality across South Asia has become one of the utmost important policy agendas of the concerned governments. The susceptibility of the majority of the South Asian countries to multifaceted climate change adversities has motivated the need to identify the factors that can function to ensure environmental sustainability across South Asia. Although several studies have highlighted the importance of globalization and cleaner energy use in tackling the environmental degradaton issues of the South Asian countries, very little is known regarding the impacts of regional trade and renewable energy transition in this regard. Hence, this paper aims to scrutinize the effects of enhancing intra-regional trade integration and undergoing renewable energy transition on per capita carbon dioxide emissions in the context of six South Asian nations between 1990 and 2016. The results from the recently developed cross-sectionally augmented autoregressive distributed lag regression approach, accounting for cross-sectional dependency and slope heterogeneity issues, reveal that facilitating trade among the South Asian neighbors reduces carbon emissions in both the short and long run. Moreover, enhancing the share of renewable energy in the aggregate energy consumption figures is also found to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in both the short and long run. Furthermore, both regional trade integration and renewable energy transition are found to jointly reduce carbon dioxide emissions in South Asia. The results also authenticate the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, while financial development and urbanization are found to boost carbon dioxide emissions only in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper examines the environmental effects associated with Mexico's participation in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The objective is to provide quantitative estimates of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from changes in the level and structure of production and consumption activity in Mexico following a liberalization of trade. The quantitative analysis was performed using input–output methods with fuel use modifications to account for CO2 emissions before and after NAFTA's implementation. As a result of NAFTA, CO2 emissions are expected to increase from the anticipated increase in the size of the Mexican economy. While total emissions increase as a result of tariff elimination, there is also a shift in the structure of production and final consumption away from those sectors that are the most C02 intensive.  相似文献   

贸易开放后,因贸易开放而扩张的部门所密集使用的生产要素将得到更多的收益,因贸易开放而收缩的部门所密集使用的生产要素收益将会减少,收入差距因此而发生变化。然而,贸易自由化对城乡收入差距产生的影响并不确定。文章选取1995年-2007年的数据为样本,分析贸易自由化对城乡收入差距影响,以实证方法得出贸易自由化是城乡收入差距扩大的原因。  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(3):539-563
This paper investigates the impact of the trade liberalization process in Tunisia on employment by distinguishing different skills and different types of firms using micro level data covering the period of 1983–1994. There is considerable disagreement among analysts on the impact of recent trade reforms upon labour. Our contribution to these debates in this paper is essentially an empirical issue. The analysis of a Tunisian firm's data may be viewed as an attempt to apprehend how employment in Tunisia, a developing country, adjusted to the trade reforms. Using micro-level detail on individual firms, we are able to trace the relationship between changes in trade policies and manufacturing employment at firm level and by skill. Although trade reforms are generally implemented at the sector level, their effects may vary significantly across firm characteristics such as output orientation. We measure the effects of trade policy on employment according to different types of firms. We also associate changes in employment directly with a measure of change in trade protection, rather than linking them to changes in imports and exports which would be more common. The results suggest that the impact of trade liberalization on labour demand depends on a firm's characteristics. In particular, the estimates obtained suggest that trade liberalization has beneficial effects on employment for exporting-firms. Conversely, trade liberalization has negative and disciplinary effects on employment for domestically oriented firms. The reduction in tariff levels conducted in this first phase of liberalization in Tunisia seems to have had effects with different intensity on unskilled labour and on skilled labour; this justifies the examination of these two skills.  相似文献   

In the light of the significant role of environmental accounting in sustainable development, this study examines whether climate change disclosure reflects a firm's environmental performance. The novelty of the study stands on the approaches adopted to describe environmental performance. The first approach concerns performance in terms of output, direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, while the second one is based on environmental intention of mitigating climate change, including climate change policy and emission reduction initiatives. The Climate Performance Leadership Index is employed as a measure for climate change disclosure level, incorporating initiatives contributing to climate change mitigation, adaptation and transparency. Ordered logit regression is the appropriate methodology for the data employed concerning firms listed on FTSE 350. According to our findings, environmental performance for both adopted approaches entails a positive effect on climate change disclosure, a result that is consistent with voluntary disclosure theory. It is inferred that firms cannot manipulate their information reflecting their actual environmental performance and adopting a forthright and factual attitude towards sustainable development. Finally, findings provide an insight into managers' strategic behavior towards climate change issues. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   


Concerns about the effects and consequences of climate change have notably increased in recent decades. Despite large advances in the understanding of this phenomenon, further research into the determinants of gas emissions is necessary, to shed light on the responsibilities of producers and consumers, and their potential contribution to mitigation strategies. This paper studies the trajectories and determinants of carbon embodied in world trade during a period of 15 years. Our methodology relies on a multiregional input–output model, environmentally extended. Drawing on data from the World Input–Output Database, we estimate embodied emissions in bilateral flows. Then, we assess the determinants of CO2 emissions embodied in trade, combining input–output modelling with trade gravity panel data analysis. This paper offers a methodological approach that explains and quantifies the underlying factors of carbon trade, integrating the production and consumption perspectives and considering the geographical, structural and institutional context of countries.  相似文献   

Does environmental purchasing and supplier management (EPSM) help to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the supply chain and, thereby, mitigate climate change? And, if so, under which conditions? Taking these two questions as a starting point, we hypothesize that heightened environmental protection efforts targeting the upstream value chain should lead to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the buying companies' supply chain. We continue to delineate three contingency factors that might affect the relationship between EPSM and supply chain GHG emissions: The power of the buying firm over supply chain partners, prior experience in EPSM, and materiality of environmental supply chain management in a certain industry. We collect longitudinal data from 260 companies and analyze them using hybrid panel data analysis. We find that the increase of EPSM leads to a significant reduction of the GHG emission intensity of buying firms’ supply chains and that this reduction is stronger for companies operating in industries where emission management is more material.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence has shown that exporters are more capital intensive than non-exporters. Based on this evidence, I construct a two-factor general equilibrium model with firm heterogeneity in factor intensities, monopolistic competition, scale economies and international trade. This setting can explain several empirical regularities on international trade, factor market competition, factor relocations and factor returns: (i) exporters are more capital intensive than non-exporters, regardless of a country's relative factor endowments; (ii) finite supply of capital limits a country's export activities; (iii) trade liberalization increases the relative return to capital; (iv) new profit opportunities in export markets change the distribution of firms towards the more capital intensive ones. Finally, I extend the setting to endogenous capital accumulation and show that trade liberalization induces economic growth and, in the long-run, benefits all factors in real terms.  相似文献   

This paper examines recent developments in US climate change policy from a public choice perspective. Policies such as ‘cap and trade’ threaten to impose substantial costs on individuals and businesses, yet their effectiveness at reducing greenhouse gas emissions is questionable. Support for legislation that restricts emissions can partly be explained by the strategic behaviour of various special interests.  相似文献   

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