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This study empirically analyses the determinants of start-up firms in the Tsinghua Science Park in Beijing using survey data. More than 50% of firms are software and Internet related with CEOs has a strong technological background. It is found that firms that have their internal innovations grounded in their own competitive advantage show better innovation performance, while formal research and development collaboration with Tsinghua University plays only a marginal role. However, they benefit from informal connections with faculty members and access to students. Human resource management services by the Science Park management company are highly appreciated by tenant businesses. Finally, networking activities among tenants are found to be weak.  相似文献   

Research on industrial clusters mostly focuses on the effects of the competitive advantage they generate. This study takes a different approach, conducting empirical research on three types of Taiwanese parks (export processing zones, industrial zones, and science parks), in which economic development is particularly prominent, and which have industry cluster characteristics. The study explores the effects of special resources and relationships among cluster firms on innovation performance, and focuses on knowledge management as the mediator for investigation. A survey, regression analysis, and correlation analysis probe into the effects of the special resources and relationships among industrial clusters on corporate knowledge management and innovation performance. Knowledge management emerges as the mediator of industry clusters in terms of corporate innovation performance, thus providing support for the research hypotheses. The findings of this study are valuable for further research and strategic thinking on the sustainability of corporate operations.  相似文献   

The traditional department store was clearly the center of retail activity in cities and small towns in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. However, by the late 1970s and beyond, the department store industry began experiencing financial problems, and serious questions were being raised as to whether their demise was eminent. This article traces the evolution of the industry, and explores some of the underlying dynamics for the changes in the retail trade sector, including the emergence of new alternative retail formats, such as discount stores and category killers. This study further explores the major strategies used by the leading traditional stores with reference to new industry life cycle models and a strategic positioning framework. Of particular interest is the discussion regarding: Were the traditional department stores “locked in” to a declining trajectory? How effective were their strategies to counter the decline of the industry? And what were and are the repositioning options available to the traditional department stores?  相似文献   

创新文化是与创新实践相关的,以追求变革、崇尚创新为基本理念和价值取向的文化形态的总和,包括与创新相关的理念、制度和环境等三个层面。中国科协在面向建设世界科技强国的新征程,系统谋划,提出了到2050年建成世界科技创新文化高地的宏伟目标。科协组织要发挥自身优势,以科技工作者为本,在弘扬科学家精神、涵养优良学风、激发创新活力、建设创新制度、营造创新氛围等方面开展工作,着力培育创新文化。  相似文献   

Sponsorship of large sporting and cultural events has become a major marketing communication tool, particularly when firms obtain exclusive rights and garner the hype associated with this honor. Concomitantly, ambush marketing—defined as attempts by competitors to exploit the event—has also increased in prominence. This article outlines what is known as the Li Ning affair, whereby major Olympic sponsor Adidas was ambushed by lesser-known Chinese sportswear company Li Ning, whose namesake founder was the most decorated Chinese Olympian and who lit the Olympic flame at the 2008 Beijing Olympiad. Data collected immediately following the closing of the Beijing Games isolates what we call the Li Ning effect—or, being incorrectly identified as an official sponsor—and the positive effects this has on measures of brand attitude and recommendation likelihood. As presented herein, seven lessons about ambush marketing can be derived from the Li Ning affair, which sponsors and those considering sponsorship opportunity might wish to learn.  相似文献   

流动人口管理:北京市相关政策法规的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1984年以来北京市流动人口管理的相关政策法规进行了整理、分类和分析,从户口管理、住房管理、计划生育管理和就业管理等方面作了具体阐述。北京市流动人口管理理念正在从管理为主转化为兼顾服务,管理制度正在由繁琐转向简化,管理方式正在趋向规范。但目前北京市流动人口管理相关政策法规正面临废多立少的局面,期待新的法规体系的建立。  相似文献   

This study attempts to state some facts about the importance of innovation in the service economy, and especially the hotel industry by classifying the configurations of innovation in Taiwanese hotels, as well as considering the types of innovation configuration that will maximise performance. Technological innovation, organisational innovation, and human capital innovation may be key sources of innovation. This study classified the configurations of innovation based on several innovation activities with two-step cluster analysis. Numerous empirical findings facilitate improved understanding of the relationship between the configurations of innovation and firm performance in the Taiwanese hotel industry.  相似文献   

In today’s connected economy, interorganizational relationships are increasingly important. Whether government-to-government, political party-to-political party, business-to-business, department-to-department, or some other interorganizational pairing, these relationships can provide organizations with signals used to identify and better respond to changes in their environment and in their interorganizational relationships. This enables astute organizations to not only understand how others will interpret the social signals they send, but also to shape those signals in ways that will improve their interorganizational relationships. We illustrate this herein, using the public and readily recognizable relationships involved with labor relations in the professional sports industry. We show how social signals can explain the way organizations change and adapt to their environments, and how these changes send messages to related organizations. Finally, we provide a set of recommended advice for managers based on this case analysis.  相似文献   

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the fortunes of multiple companies around the globe. Accordingly, questions are increasingly being asked about how organizations can revitalize during and after a crisis. Yet, we have limited understanding of how organizations renew themselves during crises over time. We explore this question through the lens and examination of two South-Asian airlines: Pakistan International Airlines and Sri Lankan Airlines. The cases offer important insights into the reasons behind underperformance of state-controlled enterprises and renewal activities. We shed light on strategic renewal (SR) in the wake of increasing liberalization and deregulations in the global airline industry. To this end, we propose a four-stage approach towards renewing such underperforming organizations to respond effectively to black swan events and external shocks.  相似文献   

Integrating resource dependence and social network theories, we investigate how foreign firms’ position in alliance network in host country influences their further allying with firms from the host and home countries. We introduce network centrality as a factor that influences two competing forces in alliance formation: willingness and attractiveness. Furthermore, we argue that foreign firms suffering from a low network centrality may find it easier to enhance their network position if they have industry experience. Our analysis of data on US venture capital firms’ investment in China supports our theoretical framework. Theoretical and managerial implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - Industry evolution is driven by innovation. Scientific research is an important source of innovation-relevant knowledge. To trace its impact on industry evolution, we...  相似文献   

Innovation in complex engineering projects is hampered by information asymmetries which attend joint problem solving by owners and external organizations. This uncertainty creates additional informational asymmetries between owners and firms engaged in designing, building, and supplying projects. Industrial marketing suggests that overcoming these asymmetries is easier when owners are knowledgeable and part of the design process. We examine whether the same proposition holds for innovation in complex engineering projects. We focus on the relationship between innovativeness of complex engineering projects and internal owner capabilities. We test hypotheses derived from agency and organization theories of innovation. Our results indicate that projects where owners have internal capabilities are generally less innovative than projects where owners lack internal capabilities.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis hit nearly every country in the world, devastating their economies, decimating the financial resources of their companies and citizens, and nearly collapsing the banking systems in their countries. While risky financial instruments and bad home lending practices receive much of the blame for this downturn, too few innovations introduced in the years leading up to the crisis also contribute to this collapse or, at a minimum, deepening the resulting recession. This paper draws on theoretical literature and contemporary media accounts, building the argument for a significant impact of innovations on the economy and its potential role in pulling the US economy out of the financial crisis. The paper develops propositions based on this review and discusses implications for staving off future economic difficulties.  相似文献   

This study examines the location of foreign research and development (R&D) establishments in China and reveals that such facilities are overly concentrated in Shanghai and Beijing, the two first- tier cities. We argue that the spatial concentration of R&D in Shanghai and Beijing is more intense than what can be expected based on the spatial concentration of foreign investment, science and technology resources and general economic activities. The spatial concentration is also greater than what is observed in more developed countries. This degree of concentration cannot be convincingly explained by the conventional, rational choice model that relies mostly upon factors such as market size, labour costs and infrastructure, among others. Our analysis suggests that site location decisions are also the product of imitative behaviours among decision makers faced with uncertainties and multiple risks, particularly in a transitional economy such as China's. We further discuss the implications for second-tier cities in competition for foreign R&D investment, suggesting that these cities should aggressively market their cities to foreign investors in order to reduce the perceived risks undermining their ability to attract R&D. We also speculate that as foreign investors become more knowledgeable about the rest of China, more companies will begin to establish R&D facilities in such second-tier cities.  相似文献   

中国科协全国代表大会代表是中国科协联系凝聚广大科技工作者的重要纽带,通过培训提高代表履职能力和履职实效,是充分发挥代表作用、更好地服务科技工作者的一项基础性、长期性工作,已经成为科协系统联络服务代表工作的一项重要内容。本文系统总结了中国科协和地方科协开展的代表履职培训工作的基本情况,分析了培训特点、培训方式和存在的不足,在此基础上,提出科协系统加强代表履职培训的对策建议。  相似文献   

The current socio-economic climate is marked by an increased focus on corporate responsibility and the role of business in society. In this climate, megamarketing – efforts to develop and sustain an industry or market by gaining the cooperation and support of various stakeholders and publics – is an increasingly relevant approach. Current research in megamarketing focuses on understanding how various industry actors and stakeholders establish the legitimacy of a given industry by accommodating prevailing regulatory, normative, and cultural-cognitive structures. In contrast, this paper examines megamarketing efforts that go beyond such attempts to establish legitimacy towards establishing an industry as a virtuous entity displaying qualities that surpass minimal accepted standards and ‘business-as-usual.’ Inspired by work on virtue ethics in organisational studies, we develop the concept of industry aura: a ‘halo’ of unique and authentic virtues that characterise an industry. We explore the development of industry aura by surveying the discursive megamarketing tactics through which microfinance has been established as a virtuous industry. We conducted qualitative and quantitative analyses of 589 articles about microfinance appearing in five selected newspapers between 1986 and 2016. Our findings reveal three sets of megamarketing discursive tactics: 1) diagnostic framing and social mission framing, deployed to establish microfinance as a virtuous entity; 2) virtue anchoring and frame bridging, used to defend the industry’s aura in times of authenticity crisis; and 3) diagnostic and social-mission reframing aimed at recovering the tarnished aura of microfinance. Our paper enriches megamarketing research by charting relevant terrain that stretches beyond the established vectors of legitimacy theorizing and offers important implications for megamarketing practitioners.  相似文献   

The analysis shows that customer satisfaction can be considered the central determinant in all phases of the contact chain. Multi-dimensional recording of customer loyalty reveals clear differences in the interactions, first, with brand loyalty and, second, with dealer loyalty. In contrast to the opinion widely held in practice, customers in the automotive sector definitely do not perceive the brand and the dealer as one unit. Since similar studies in different countries come to almost the same conclusions, it can be argued that the results are valid in several cultural settings. The results obtained are so fundamental that they can be translated into implications even by internationally operating companies.  相似文献   

This research was conducted with a sample of 215 Chinese companies from the electronics industry. It shows that the different technological innovation capabilities have a positive impact on product innovation, beginning with the linkage capability, and then moving to the production capability, and ending with the investment capability. The research also shows that product innovation has a mediating effect on the relationship between different technological innovation capabilities and firm performance. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the likelihood of worldwide crises increases due to globalization and the resulting economic contagion, understanding why some multinational enterprises (MNEs) prevail in such environments becomes ever more critical. Drawing from the concept of dynamic managerial capabilities, we posit that MNE in-crisis performance is associated with the pre-crisis development of asset management capabilities, or the capacity of managers to orchestrate assets so as to extract more value from the firm’s resource pool. Specifically, we argue that because dynamic managerial capabilities evolve as a response to a firm’s task environment, MNEs that operate in dynamic industries develop stronger asset management capabilities. However, we also posit that whether these capabilities contribute to in-crisis performance is contingent upon the munificence of the industry environment in which the capability evolves. Asset management capabilities that evolve in munificent environments would encompass a wider spectrum of routine-altering activities, and thus increase the ability of the MNE to react to more revolutionary events, such as global economic crises. Conversely, asset management capabilities that evolve in resource-scarce environments will result in more strategic lock-in due to firms' constrained ability to experiment with novel resource configurations, resulting in poorer in-crisis performance. We test our hypotheses using a sample of 854 MNEs in the context of the global financial crisis of 2008, and find support for our hypotheses. We discuss implications for the dynamic capabilities view and MNE resilience.  相似文献   

In this study we contribute to the long‐standing debate on the impact of firm versus industry effects on firm performance in three distinct ways; firstly by testing the firm, industry and their interaction effects on performance, secondly by examining the impact of each effect for different size groups, and lastly by measuring performance in terms of sales growth in addition to profitability. We use data of 71,750 UK firms, between 2002 and 2004, and employ moderated regression analysis for three sub‐samples namely micro, SMEs and large firms. With regards to profitability, we find the interaction effect to be significant in all sub‐samples for broad level of industrial aggregation (SIC4). For narrow industrial aggregation (SIC2), the interaction effect is only significant for micro firms. Neither of the above effects is significant for sales growth.  相似文献   

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