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企业家在生产和经营中会遇到许多实际问题.如果带着这些问题去"活学活用"经济学,企图直接找到答案,获得"立竿见影"的效果,肯定会失望.经济学不能直接解决具体问题,更不能保证你成功.经济学能提高你的整体素质,为你分析问题提供一些工具和方法,为你解决问题提供思路.换言之,它给你的不是猎物,而是打猎的方法.  相似文献   

现如今关注财富的人们似乎把视线从"富豪榜"转向了"慈善榜",这一切都是缘于美国"福布斯"杂志和那个英国小伙胡润,他们先搞起"中国富豪榜",让我们知道中国人到底谁最富有,富到何种程度,后来又开始想让我们关注这些富豪们谁更慈善,于去年先后推出了"内地富豪慈善榜".  相似文献   

This paper investigates an array of nominal systems for the Polish economy, of domestic price level, import prices, exchange rates, money stock, nominal wages, and real output, and conducts I(1) and I(2) cointegration analyses. Post-stabilization monthly data are used, 1991:5–1999:12.A test for the presence of a price-wage spiral is performed, and the stabilization package is compared to its realization. The long-run homogeneity hypothesis, the impact of monetary and incomes policies, and of external sector variables on long and medium run price development are studied. It is found that in Poland, contrary to some earlier studies, the external sector is not important for the long run price development. On the contrary, very strong evidence is found of the cost-push inflation.  相似文献   

据说,美国总统林肯继母的儿子江斯顿,平时游手好闲,不求上进,生活无着落时就向林肯借钱,每次借到钱后他都说:"现在生活好过了".但不久又陷入了同样的困境.后来他又想向林肯借80元,林肯给他复信说,我觉得目前最好不要借给你.所有的问题都源于你的恶习,改掉这种习惯对你来说很重要.我建议你去工作,"卖力地"工作.  相似文献   

Almost unnoticed by the charitable sector as a whole, a quiet revolution has transformed educational fundraising over the last decade. From a minor and wholly owned subsidiary on the periphery of the industry, the education sector has become a highly professional and successful multinational, which in some respects is now the market leader. This paper argues that the whole of the charitable sector could benefit by taking a close look at the experience of educational fundraisers, and that such an examination could have profound repercussions in the way most fundraisers treat their donors and organise their operations. Specifically, it suggests that the nature of ‘relationship fundraising’ actually means that every donor must be treated as an individual by an individual fundraiser, irrespective of the size of their gift, and that the work of a fundraising department should not work towards merely giving the impression of such treatment.  相似文献   

The standard view of business fluctuations gives the leading role to investment, in both fixed capital and stocks, which raises aggregate demand in boom and reduces it in slump. The recent behaviour of the UK economy seems to have been a particularly marked departure from the standard model. Movements in personal consumption have played an unusually important role in both the rapid increase of demand from 1986 to 1989 and in the current recession. Stock investment, owing to improvements in the technology of stock control, is no longer a driving force. Manufacturing investment, while rising during the boom, contributed relatively little to increasing demand. The conventional wisdom now has it that recent UK experience is that of a consumption driven business cycle.
This Briefing Paper argues that this down-playing of the role of investment has been overdone. What has deceived the eye is the concentration on manufacturing. Investment did make a very large contribution to the recent boom, with the biggest increases in investment undertaken by non-manufacturing industry: a component of demand which attracts little regular scrutiny and less understanding. The textbook model still applies to the UK.  相似文献   

The past few months have seen well-leaked ministerial bids for additional resources as the government prepares to consider allocations for the 1987-8 financial year. There has also been an increasing number of calls from within the Conservative party for more public expenditure as a response to poor performance in the polls. The first part of this Briefing Paper provides a new dimension to the discussion of future spending plans by analysing the record of controlling public expenditure in the past. It outlines the reasons for uncertainty and the various ways by which the government has sought to keep expenditure under control and the limitations of the available information. On the basis of this analysis we look at the future and conclude that the government is unlikely to be able to keep expenditure within the plan for the coming year, or indeed for the rest of the decade. There has been a regular pattern of overspending in the past and this cannot be entirely explained by such factors as the miners' strike and the Falklands. Another conclusion is that the government has so far chosen to be seen to be keeping plans for expenditure growth down rather than providing realistic plans which allow for overspending, and is likely to continue to do so in the future. At a disaggregated level, analysis of the pressures on three major spending departments – Defence, the DHSS and Education and Science – suggests that these are unlikely to be completely offset by efficiency savings. Indeed it may be more difficult to make savings in the future because of past success in eliminating inefficiencies and slack in the system. The freedom of manoeuvre available to the government, including the use of the reserve, adjusting proceeds from the privatisation programme and the possibility of adjusting the figures themselves, is less than in the recent past. And the greatest potential scope for manoeuvre – policy changes to cut spending in areas that have a significant impact on the totals – is effectively denied a government wishing to present a caring image in the run-up to a general election.  相似文献   

  • As more and more nonprofits seek to refashion themselves as brands, they tend to take inspiration from for‐profit organizations. Another domain that has had similar purposes to those of nonprofit branding for many years is contemporary art. This is an exploratory paper that looks at a recent trend in art, “message art,” and how it might inform nonprofit branding. Message art deals with many social issues that drive major nonprofits today including everything from pro‐environment causes to anti‐segregationist issues. This paper has two purposes: (1) to call attention to message art among nonprofit brand managers and (2) to explain how they can use this art. Message art is useful to the extent that it calls attention to new ideological trends and often provides selected pieces of art that can serve as exemplars of brand essence for relevant causes. Results are provided from a small, qualitative study of women's feelings about selected examples of feminist art. Two pieces of art drew the most positive responses. One piece, “Egyptian Rocket Goddess,” is felt to be a harbinger of Third Wave Feminism. Another piece, “Blessed Art Thou Among Women,” is felt to be an effective source of inspiration and direction for feminist organizations, which focus on mother–daughter relationships.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By the end of last year GDP (though strike affected) was 9 per cent higher than in the first half of 1981, an annual growth rate of 2.5 per cent. In this Briefing Paper we seek to explain the recovery from the recession. We conclude that much of the recovery represents a natural response of the economy after the oil and price shocks of 1979-80. The recovery occurred in spite of the deflationary Budget of 1981 and the sharp rise in interest rates in the autumn of 1981. Since 1981 fiscal policy has been stable, whereas the original intention was to tighten fiscal policy progressively in subsequent years. This stability and the fall in the inflation rate that accompanied it allowed growth to resume. We believe that the upturn would have been rather weaker (though inflation would have been lower) if the progressive tightening of the original Medium- Term Financial Strategy had been adhered to.  相似文献   

Abstract . Francois Quesnay's Tableau economique (1758) was the first attempt to structure an economic system in terms of interclass money and commodity flows. But it poses a problem: in the network of exchanges no provision is made for the internal consumption of manufactured goods by the manufacturers. The paper examines how economists have treated this oversight.  相似文献   

Abstract. How does the income of others affect my own welfare? This survey of the empirical literature stresses the contribution of subjective data to the understanding of this issue, with an attempt to disentangle direct effects (preference interdependence) from indirect informational effects. It shows that perceived mobility is central to the link between other people's income and individual satisfaction, as it determines individual opportunities and risks. Agents also appreciate the egalitarian nature of mobility itself, so that individual welfare depends on dynamic inequality rather than static income distribution. These studies illustrate how subjective data can bring information on aspects of utility and social interactions that are beyond the scope of the method based on action‐revealed preferences.  相似文献   

The appearance of a new Palgrave *, nearly a century after the original Dictionary, is an outstanding event in economic publishing. In Part I of his review, Arthur Seldon describes the 4-volume 'New Palgrave'Dictionary of Economics and will assess it in Part II in the next issue.  相似文献   

一场充满喜剧色彩的<龟兔赛跑> 应当说:三年前的2001年,在中国经济中扮演重要角色的中国房地产与中国汽车业,曾经是在同一个起跑线上的.  相似文献   

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