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强国令 《上海金融》2012,(4):39-44,117
本文从股权分置改革的制度背景来考察国内上市公司管理层股权激励效应及其内在机理。研究结果表明,股权分置改革后,管理层股权激励显著提高了公司绩效,但在不同产权性质公司中激励效果不同:非国有控股公司表现为利益趋同效应,股权激励降低了代理成本,改善了公司绩效;而国有控股公司表现为利益壕沟效应,股权激励对代理成本和公司绩效没有显著影响。进一步研究发现,国有控股公司内部人控制、管理层权力过大是股权激励效应弱化的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文考察控股股东控制下的具有价值折损效应的多元化经营公司对盈余管理方式的选择问题。在对控股股东控制下的具有价值折损效应的多元化经营公司具有实施盈余管理动机的分析基础上,本文研究发现,出于成本的考虑,其实施了更高程度的正向应计盈余管理。  相似文献   

近年来,关联交易盈余管理愈演愈烈,极大地损害了投资者的利益。以往大量研究提供了上市公司操纵应计项目及线下项目进行盈余管理的证据,本文则以中国上市公司2002--2004年的面板数据为研究样本,首次大样本检验关联交易、线下项目与盈余管理的关系。本文的主要结论包括:(1)有配股盈余管理动机的公司的第一类关联交易(通常计入线上项目的关联交易)比例显著高于控制样本,第三类关联交易(担保抵押类关联交易)比例显著低于控制样本。(2)有避亏盈余管理动机的公司的第二类关联交易(通常计入线下项目的关联交易)比例显著高于控制样本。(3)有盈余管理动机的公司,当其附属企业集团时,或者其控股股东处于绝对控股地位时,其关联交易比例更高。(4)第一类关联交易与线下项目显著负相关,有盈余管理动机的公司,线下项目较低时第一类关联交易比例较高。(5)配股公司配股后的关联销售和关联采购比例显著低于配股前。扭亏为盈的公司扭亏当年的第二类关联交易比例显著高于扭亏前一年。综上所述,计入线上项目的关联交易是上市公司为获取配股资格而进盈余管理的重要手段,计入线下项目的关联交易是上市公司为避免亏损而进行盈余管理的重要手段;上市公司控股股东处于绝对控股地位时,或控股股东隶属某一企业集团时,关联交易盈余管理行为更严重;进行盈余管理时,线下项目与计入线上项目的关联交易具有替代性。  相似文献   

关于股东股权质押对会计信息质量的影响,已有研究主要聚焦于利润表信息质量(尤其是盈余信息质量),鲜有研究涉及资产负债表信息质量.本文以我国A股非金融类高杠杆上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了控股股东股权质押对公司杠杆操纵的影响.研究发现,与未有控股股东股权质押的高杠杆公司相比,具有控股股东股权质押的高杠杆公司进行杠杆操纵的可能性更大,且控股股东股权质押比例越高,高杠杆公司杠杆操纵程度越大;以上效应在成长性更差、短期偿债压力更大、媒体关注程度更高和股价崩盘风险更大的高杠杆公司中更为显著.  相似文献   

信息披露与国有股权私有化中的盈余管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国有股权私有化是我国国有企业改革的重要措施。国有股权私有化过程中是否存在影响国有股权转让价格的盈余管理行为,以及如何抑制这种盈余管理,是我国国有企业改革中需要予以回答的重大问题。本文以我国通过控制权转移进行私有化的上市公司为样本,研究了国有股权私有化过程中的盈余管理以及信息披露对盈余管理影响的问题。研究发现,国有企业在国有股权私有化前1年和当年的操控性应计项目显著小于0,而私有化后的第1年显著大于0;及时披露国有股权私有化信息的公司在私有化前的操控性应计项目显著大于滞后披露信息的公司。以上结果表明,国有企业在国有股权私有化前存在降低收益的盈余管理行为,信息及时披露对私有化前的盈余管理有显著的抑制作用。本文的研究结论对规范我国国有企业改制和国有产权转让行为具有重要启示。  相似文献   

针对股权分置改革这一我国资本市场影响深远的事件,基于经济后果的视角,本文利用2001~2010年上市公司数据,考察了股权分置改革前后公司股权层级的变化及对经营绩效的影响。论文研究发现,股权分置改革后随着控股股东与其他小股东间代理冲突的减轻,公司股权层级显著减少。进一步的分析显示,由于代理成本的下降及对管理层监督的加强,股权分置改革后公司业绩因股权层级的降低而上升。最后,我们的考察表明,股权分置改革对公司股权层级及经营绩效的影响在非国有公司中更显著。  相似文献   

本文以我国A股上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了杠杆操纵与盈余管理之间的关系.研究发现,企业杠杆操纵压力越大(或曰杠杆操纵动机越强),其有利于控制账面杠杆率的盈余管理程度越大,且这一效应在非国有企业中更强,表明杠杆操纵动机确实是企业盈余管理的一种特殊动机.本文的研究不仅丰富和拓展了盈余管理动机方面的研究文献,从资产负债表信息出发研究盈余管理动机,揭示了出于杠杆操纵目的进行盈余管理的这种特殊动机;而且提示公司内外部治理主体尤其是投资者关注资产负债表信息质量,尽力甄别可能存在的杠杆操纵,准确认识企业债务风险水平和收益质量.  相似文献   

上市公司“出身”与盈余质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文克服以往国有与民营上市公司盈余质量比较研究的局限性,考虑到国有股减持与股权分置改革的影响,以公司实际控制人属性与上市方式的交叉标准替代以控股股东属性或实际控制人属性的标准,确定上市公司的“出身”;同时,考虑到中国股票市场为典型的“政策市”、“消息市”,为克服以盈余与股票收益关系刻画盈余质量的局限性,以暂时性损失的持续性、可操控应计及应计质量刻画公司盈余质量,考察了上市公司“出身”对其盈余质量的影响。研究发现,在控制盈利能力、成长性、规模及所有权结构等条件下,当不考虑上市方式的影响时,国有上市公司的盈余质量更高;而在考虑上市方式的影响时,国有首发上市公司盈余质量最高,国有买壳上市公司及民营首发上市公司盈余质量次之,民营买壳上市公司盈余质量最差。  相似文献   

本文以开发支出会计政策隐性选择为切入点来观察研究控股股东股权质押对公司会计政策选择的影响及其动态变化。我们基于我国上市公司2007-2015年间的相关数据研究发现,控股股东股权质押的公司更倾向于将开发支出资本化以进行正向盈余管理,但公司内部现金流约束和高质量外部审计监督会对此有所抑制。我们进一步研究发现,随着控股股东股权质押的解除,开发支出资本化也很可能随之转为费用化,控股股东对开发支出会计政策的选择存在动态调整。此外,我们还发现,控股股东股权质押与开发支出会计政策隐性选择之间的正相关关系主要出现在非国有控股公司和高新技术公司中。  相似文献   

本文以2003-2007五年间存在控股股东的分红上市公司为研究样本,采用多变量回归分析方法对股权分置前后上市公司现金股利政策进行了比较研究。实证研究结果表明,股权分置改革前,上市公司每股现金股利与控股股东持股比例正相关,支持现金股利的"侵占"假说;股权分置改革后,存在控股股东的上市公司现金股利支付水平下降,并且每股现金股利与控股股东持股比例的正相关系显著减弱,从而证实股权分置改革后现金股利的"隧道"效应减弱。  相似文献   

The split share structure reform removes a significant market friction in China's capital market by allowing previously non‐tradable shares to be freely tradable at market prices. Such a reform reduces the agency conflict between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders as the former now care more about stock prices. We find that state‐owned firms, but not non‐state‐owned firms, significantly increased their tax avoidance activities after the reform. We attribute this differential effect to the dual role of the government as state‐owned firms’ controlling shareholder as well as the tax claimant. Further, this effect is more pronounced for state‐owned firms that are more likely to be influenced by the government prior to the reform. Finally, the reform reinforces a positive association between tax avoidance and firm value. Overall, our study suggests that when controlling shareholders are more concerned about stock prices, state‐owned firms engage more in tax avoidance activities to enhance firm value.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of split-share structure reform on earnings management in China. A unique institutional feature of China was the co-existence of two types of share that endowed all shareholders with equal voting and cash flow rights but different tradability. This split-share structure significantly constrained the tradability of shares that led the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission to make it mandatory for the conversion of non-tradable shares into tradable shares from 2006 onwards. We investigate whether such a conversion has any effect on information quality through reduced earnings manipulation. We specifically examine the incentives for earnings management during the reform-transition period. A unique feature of the split-share reform has been the requirement for non-tradable share holders to compensate the tradable share holders. We argue that the rational response from the non-tradable share holders would be to pay a lower consideration to tradable share holders by portraying a favorable picture through income-increasing earnings management. We also test for the effect of an increase in tradable shares on earnings management during the reform-transition and post-reform period.  相似文献   

依据2006~2011年沪深两市上市公司数据,考量不同类型的外资持股对中国上市公司大股东侵占的约束影响。结果表明,外资持股未能有效制约大股东侵占行为,不同性质的境外投资者对抑制大股东侵占的作用存在差异。QFII能够一定程度上抑制大股东对小股东利益的侵占,而银行、保险和证券公司持股均不能对上市公司大股东侵占形成有效监督和制约,不仅未减轻大股东对小股东的利益侵占,反而加重了上市公司大股东和中小股东的利益冲突。  相似文献   

关于股改前后现金股利影响因素的实证研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
对股改前后影响现金股利水平的公司治理变量研究表明,虽然股改矫正了现金股利与增长机会之间的关系,使股改后当存在增长机会时,公司会减少现金股利的发放,但是我国上市公司的现金股利尚未呈现出全流通资本市场上作为降低控股股东与中小股东代理成本工具的现金股利政策应有的特征,突出表现在股改前后影响上市公司现金股利支付水平的股权结构变量并未发生变化,股改前后都存在股权集中度、第一大股东持股比例及第二到第十大股东持股比例与每股现金股利呈显著正相关、而流通(非限售)股比例与每股现金股利呈显著负相关的关系。  相似文献   

本文以我国A股上市公司 2 0 0 0— 2 0 0 3年的关联交易数据为基础 ,对所有权结构与控股股东的掏空 (Tun neling)行为之间的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明 ,控股股东占用的上市公司资金与第一大股东持股比例之间存在先上升后下降的非线性关系 ,但与其他股东的持股比例则表现出严格的负相关关系。另外 ,控股股东的控制方式以及产权性质也对其资金占用行为具有重要影响。其中 ,通过控股公司控制上市公司的控股股东占用的资金低于通过企业集团控制的上市公司 ,国有企业控制的公司的控股股东占用的资金高于非国有企业控制的上市公司。  相似文献   

控股股东与盈余质量——基于盈余反应系数的考察   总被引:54,自引:3,他引:54  
王化成  佟岩 《会计研究》2006,1(2):66-74
在我国目前的经济环境下,企业的股权结构,特别是控股股东的大量存在是造成盈余质量不高的一个重要原因。基于这种考虑,我们调整了盈余反应系数基本模型,加入与控股股东有关的研究变量,使用我国上市公司1999~2002年间的经验数据加以分析,结果表明:控股股东的持股比例与企业的盈余质量显著负相关;控股股东为国有股时盈余质量更低;其他股东的制衡能力越强盈余质量越高。最后据此提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

Donghua Chen  Ming Jian  Ming Xu 《Pacific》2009,17(2):209-223
Some Chinese listed companies pay out high dividends, despite the weak legal and institutional pressure on them to mitigate agency problems by paying dividends. We conjecture that such a phenomenon is caused by the differential pricing for tradable and non-tradable shares during the IPO of these listed companies. Such companies might use high-dividend payments to divert proceeds from an IPO or rights issue to controlling shareholders' pockets. The empirical results support our hypotheses, showing that companies with more differential pricing in the IPO, a recent IPO or rights issue, or more concentrated ownership tend to pay more dividends. Similarly, companies that are ultimately owned by the government tend to pay more dividends. Furthermore, a dividend increase accompanied by large IPO price discounts, a recent-year rights issue, an ROE qualified for rights issue, or great dividend variation is associated with more negative stock returns than other types of dividend increases. These findings indicate that dividends are not used purely for signaling or distributing free cash flows in China. Instead, dividends might be used by the controlling shareholders to engage in tunneling.  相似文献   

Equity ownership in a listed Chinese firm can have as many as five different classes: state-owned shares, legal-person (LP) shares, tradable A-shares, employee shares, and shares only available to foreign investors, a phenomenon that is unique to the Chinese equity market. In this paper, we investigate whether and how the corporate performance of listed Chinese firms is affected by their shareholding structure. The sample consists of all firms listed in the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE) from 1991 to 1996. It is found that firm performance is positively related to the proportion of LP shares but negatively related to the proportion of shares owned by the state. Additional analyses indicate that firm performance increases with the degree of relative dominance of LP shares over state shares. Moreover, for the subsample of firms that do not have both state and LP shares, the return on equity (ROE) of firms with LP shares but no state shares is higher than that of firms with state shares but no LP shares by 3.84%, and this difference is statistically significant. On the other hand, there is little evidence in support of a positive correlation between corporate performance and the proportion of tradable shares owned by either domestic or foreign investors. These findings suggest that the ownership structure composition and relative dominance by various classes of shareholders can affect the performance of state-owned enterprise (SOE)-transformed and listed firms.  相似文献   

We study how state ownership affects the post-merger performance of Chinese acquirers, and find that state owned acquirers (SOEs) experience a significantly larger long-term performance improvement following mergers compared to their non-state-owned (NSOE) counterparts. When partitioning the sample period into acquisitions made prior to and following China's split-share reform of 2005, we find that the post-merger performance improvement of SOE acquirers is largely attributed to the post reform period in which controlling shareholders converted their non-tradable shares into tradable status. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that state intervention in the form of capital market liberalization and alleviation of governance problems, combined with political connections and privileged access to financing, may have a positive effect on M&A performance that outweighs the inefficiency cost of state ownership in China.  相似文献   

This study extends previous research by empirically examining how ownership, two-tier board structure, and auditor affect the informativeness of earnings for companies listed in China. We measure the informativeness of earnings by the earnings–returns relation, discretionary accruals, and audit opinion. The results show that ownership concentration, the presence of foreign shareholders, the percentage of tradable shares, the type of dominant shareholder, the supervisory board, and independent directors affect the earnings response coefficients and discretionary accruals. We also find that the type of dominant shareholder, the size of the supervisory board, and the percentage of independent directors have an impact on the frequency of modified audit opinions. Our research has implications for China’s regulators who are striving to improve accounting information, transparency, and corporate governance.  相似文献   

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