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UK economic activity is expanding faster than in Europe, but its recovery begins from a very low ebb. Since the war the UK economy has lagged far behind the West as a whole. Why? Professor Olson offers an explanation - pressure-group power, a new mercantilism encouraged or tolertated by Conservative and Labour Governments. The urgency of economic liberation is indicated by other economists in following articles.  相似文献   

This article examines the break-up of national bargaining in the water industry following the privatisation of the ten Regional Water Authorities in the autumn of 1989. The author argues that the changes in bargaining structure were the result of a complex range of factors, and not simply the result of privatisation.  相似文献   

Shocking Stories     
The paper provides a survey of methods that decompose multivariate series into permanent and transitory components by using ideas drawn from the co-integration literature. We adopt a two stage procedure to effect the decomposition. In the first stage a basic set of permanent and transitory components is formed by using standard definitions of the shocks which they are constituted from. The resulting measurements are not unique and further information needs to be employed to get uniqueness. Such information can come in many forms but a particularly important one involves the values of the long-run multipliers for permanent shocks that are available from many calibrated models. A comparison of the methods of effecting the decomposition is performed using a well known data set.  相似文献   

Recent public concern about political conspiracy theories and disinformation has led some to favor restrictions on free speech or call for greater government transparency. These proposals are likely to fail, as they are based upon the faulty assumption that belief in conspiracies is a product of ignorance. It is surprising that few scholars in recent years have focused on the special connection between conspiracy theories and the populist movements that commonly spawn them. Historically, the American system has restricted political action outside certain normal bounds, eventually encouraging frustrated citizens to develop new opposition movements. Populists then adopt conspiracy theories as tools to reshape political coalitions and forge unified organizations of their own. In light of the functional purpose of conspiracy theories and the oppositional critique of populist movements, conspiratorial narratives no longer appear to be the product of ignorance.  相似文献   

Coxey's March was a multidimensional spectacle reflecting the disparate social and intellectual strands that comprised an energetic late 19th‐century producer's movement. This well‐staged, though seemingly spontaneous, march was emblematic of a brand of grassroots populism that united producers from farm fields to factory floors. Their cause was propelled by an eclectic array of reformers whose distinct ideas to change the economic landscape were united only in their common vision of a more cooperative, rather than corporate, vision of the future. Coxey shared in that vision with his bold public works plan. In choosing a direct form of democratic expression, and then adorning it with religious and utopian symbols, his march to Washington reflected the essence of a progressive populism churning throughout the Gilded Age.  相似文献   

天津市现代天骄农业科技有限公司成立于2008年3月13日,截至2014年7月,企业经历了6年的发展历程,集团总投资1.4亿元,产业分布在两个产业园区,食品生物产业园区占地187亩,饲料养殖产业园区占地56亩,规划布局合理、环境幽雅、建筑宏伟,集团下设一个12万吨的现代化畜禽饲料厂,一个24万吨的现代化水产饲料厂,种猪饲养场一家,兽药公司一家,贸易公司一家,  相似文献   

近年来。天津市经济和信息化委员会大力实施品牌战略,积极推进品牌高端化发展,丰富品牌文化内涵。提升品牌科技含量和附加值,增强品牌竞争力。加快品牌集团化建设,整合品牌资源,建立品牌体系,逐步做实集团旗舰品牌。促进品牌规模化,引导资源向优势品牌集中,打造一批千亿、百亿品牌。培育品牌国际化。实施品牌国际化战略,推动更多品牌走出去,形成一批具有国际竞争力的自主品牌。截至目前。天津市工业企业拥有国家品牌培育试点企业16家,天津市品牌培育试点企业50家。国家名牌24个,国家驰名商标103个:涌现出一批品牌建设成效显著的企业.每个工业企业都有着一段品牌背后的感人故事……  相似文献   

Inflation and Growth: Stories Short and Tall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the stories that economists tell about the growth effects of inflation. Informal accounts are common, but there are few models that get to grips with the effects that are probably central. Partly as a result of this, and partly as a result of many econometric problems, much of the empirical evidence remains unconvincing. The paper assesses the various contributions, and suggests possible improvements.  相似文献   

在美国,硅谷和华尔街被称为两大资本天堂,所不同的是,一笔很小的投资如果受到风险资本的追逐,在硅谷就可以迅速成长为一个规模可观的企业,而华尔街却不能。也正是如此,黑石及黑岩的起家过程在华尔街被称为另类。在华尔街,史蒂夫·施瓦茨曼和劳伦斯·芬克的名字如雷贯耳,他们二人被人并称为“黑石双雄”  相似文献   

Between 1969 and 1996 manufacturing employment declined by 32.9% in the Rust Belt, leading to severe dislocations in cities specialized in manufacturing. However, one silver lining of reduced manufacturing activity is improved environmental quality. This paper exploits a unique merger of air quality and county manufacturing data to quantify manufacturing's pollution intensity by industry and then uses these estimates to judge which Rust Belt cities experienced large environmental improvements. It uses valuation estimates to assess the economic magnitude of the pollution reduction.  相似文献   

付洪刚 《价值工程》2011,30(6):187-187
建筑物一般会产生一定的沉降,过大的不均匀沉降易使上部结构开裂与破坏,严重影响建筑物的使用。本文主要阐述地基不均匀沉降的危害、原因以及防治措施。  相似文献   

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