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物流高质量发展的内在特点是物流系统化程度高、技术先进、产业和产品结构合理、内生动力强。可用单位GDP的社会物流成本、单位物流成本的物流增加值、物流服务水平、技术创新能力、绿色发展等指标评价物流业发展质量。粤港澳大湾区物流业发展质量虽然在全国处于领先水平,但与美、日、欧等发达经济体的先进水平相比仍有较大差距。物流业发展质量偏低表现为物流的成本高,服务水平、生产效率和经济效益较低,资源浪费和环境污染等等,其原因在于技术创新不足,第三产业欠发达且发展不均衡,物流产业组织集聚程度相对较低,物流技术应用不足及劳动力成本上涨,物流一体化程度不高,物流组织管理技术不强,铁路物流发展滞后和海关效率低下等。提高粤港澳大湾区物流发展质量,要创建粤港澳大湾区创新生态系统,强化技术创新,深化第三产业发展,加快物流产业集聚,培养具有世界领先水平的物流龙头企业,加强物流技术推广和应用,加速物流一体化进程,用技术推动物流商业模式和经营业态创新,提升全球供应链的组织技术,深化铁路物流系统改革,加大海关改革力度,发展绿色物流。  相似文献   

KEYWORDS IN 2008     
"It was the best of times,it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness,it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair,we had everything before us,we had nothing before us,we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going direct the other way..."-Charles Dickens,The Tale of Two Cities 2008 for China's economy,there are too many things need to be...  相似文献   

Critiquing any practice, theory, or law, requires understanding the characteristics of the environment which created a need for this law. There are hundreds of different cultures in the world, and each one has its own set of norms, characteristics, and values. What in one country is perceived normal, ethical or unethical, right or wrong, may not be the same somewhere else in the world. The first civilizations begun in Africa and Europe many thousands of years ago when people were hunters and nomads, it is not unreasonable to suspect that many of those traits and characteristics have been socially transferred and/or inherited by future generations. Anthony F. Libertella is the Dean of the School of Business, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY. Sebastian A. Sora is an Associate Professor of Management, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY. Samuel M. Natale is a Professor of Management, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY and, concurrently, Senior Research Associate, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, England.  相似文献   

The author examines, in the context of Litwin and Stringer's (1968) operationalization, the influence of social inclusion (organizational warmth and organizational identity) as a marketing ethics correlate. The results indicate that both organizational warmth and organizational identity underlie marketing professionals' ethical behavior. Furthermore, the influence pattern for each variable is consistent witha priori hypothesis.Ishmael P. Akaah is Associate Professor of Marketing at Wayne State University. His articles have appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Direct Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, and elsewhere. His current research interests include consumer decision processes, marketing ethics, and international marketing strategy.  相似文献   

目前,佳木斯市在旅游业的发展中,因规划不当或忽视规划而造成的景区内普遍缺乏有效的环境规划和管理措施,古建筑保护不力,历史文化旅游资源破坏严重,少数民族文化特色日益消失,民俗文化旅游资源面临威胁,景区内环境卫生等问题不容忽视。在旅游开发建设中,应做好旅游生态环境保护规划,合理开发旅游资源,加强旅游法制建设,严格遵循规定,执行环评标准,采取必要措施,保护自然景观、人文景观和生态环境,促进旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

周文辉 《江苏商论》2011,(12):57-59
网络口碑会影响消费者的品牌态度,进而影响消费的购买决策,故认识网络口碑影响消费者品牌态度的机理具有重要意义。本文首先分析消费者受网络口碑的来源可靠性、关系强度、口碑数量、专业性、信任、感知风险、声誉等因素的影响,进而影响到消费者品牌态度的机理。进而,本文总结出负面网络口碑对消费者品牌态度改变有显著影响、信任在网络口碑影响消费者品牌态度中起重要作用、不同消费者对网络口碑影响消费者品牌态度认识不同三条特征。针对机理分析,本文提出了企业应把握网络口碑的主动权、通过网下宣传配合或分化网络口碑、合理利用网络媒体渠道的对策建议。  相似文献   

<正> 亚洲——太平洋经济合作组织(APEC)自成立以来,在许多领域取得了积极的合作成果。本文仅就APEC的金融一体化和金融合作略提管见。  相似文献   

The study examines, in the context of Crawford's (1970) study items, the influence of non-anonymity deriving from feedback of research results on marketing professionals' research ethics judgements, particularly that of response patterns (social desirability of responses) and item omissions. The results indicate that such non-anonymity does not significantly influence the social desirability of responses or item omissions — thus suggesting the appropriateness of its use to stimulate research ethics responses. Ishmael P. Akaah is Associate Professor of Marketing at Wayne State University. He received his M.B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Direct Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, and elsewhere. His current research interests include consumer decision processes, marketing ethics, and international marketing strategy.  相似文献   

累积投票制的博弈性及其解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴西彬 《商业研究》2004,(5):148-150
累积投票制度因具备一个完整的博弈构成要件 (即 ,博弈方、策略空间和支付结构 ) ,具有博弈性。累积投票博弈性的特点有 :累积投票主要是非合作博弈、也可能是合作博弈 ,累积投票是静态博弈、有限策略博弈和非零和博弈。为了减少累积投票的博弈效果 ,鼓励合作博弈 ,可以采取立法手段、分类董事会、缩小董事会规模和购买表决权无效原则等方法。  相似文献   

直播电商的本质、逻辑与趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直播电商是直播与电商的结合,它具有强有力的经济赋能作用,展现新经济特征。从本质来看,直播电商围绕“人、货、场”核心要素重构,优化“成本、效率、体验”系统目标,总体上是在技术赋能和消费升级背景下,融购物需求与情感需求于一体,建构“货到人”沉浸式商业场景,满足消费者购物、娱乐、社交多维一体需求。从行为逻辑来看,直播电商以触发消费者购买为目标进行场景构建,直接或间接优化了福格行为模型中的能力、动机、触发点三要素的条件,同时缩短消费者决策链路,有效挖掘显性和隐性需求。从产业逻辑来看,直播电商有效链接供应端与消费者从而缩短供应链路,同时精准匹配供需,助力客对商(C2B)、消费直连制造(C2M)产业链路建构,可有效解决传统电商商家、平台、消费者的诸多痛点。从趋势来看,直播货品无边界化、直播场景向全渠道渗透、头部主播品牌溢出、供应链多元塑造、行业竞争加剧、行业监管加强等趋势明显。随着行业规范化程度的不断提高,直播电商对产业变革、经济赋能以及社会影响效应还将不断增强。  相似文献   

我国农产品现代物流发展战略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,我国农产品现代物流发展的战略目标是:高定位,软推动,以突破求发展,力争用5-10年的时间进入世界高水平行列,把我国建设成为世界级的农产品物流强国;发展战略是以和谐发展为主线,以社会化发展为依托,以精益物流、敏捷物流和绿色物流发展为方向,以创新推动和组织推动为原动力,以资源整合、信息化、一体化发展为支撑,以干线带动支线、节点带动网络和梯度推进为手段;战略重点是实施和谐发展战略、社会化发展战略、创新推动战略、组织推动战略、一体化发展战略、信息化发展战略、资源整合战略、节点带动网络战略、主干带动支线战略、精益物流发展战略、敏捷物流发展战略、绿色物流发展战略。  相似文献   

黑龙江省作为农业大省,具有发展生猪养殖业的资源优势、省委省政府大力扶持的政策优势、肉品质量好的市场优势、养殖加工的成本优势,其肉类产业已经具备进一步发展的基础。应该根据党的"17大"精神,按照科学发展观要求,以资源优势为依托,采取"扶大挤小"、完善宏观调控政策、强化肉品安全保障体系建设、建设肉类产品现代物流体系、调整肉类产品结构、加强肉类产品信息网络建设、规范畜禽屠宰税费征管等诸多具体措施,促进肉类产业快速发展,为黑龙江省农业产业结构调整、为全面实现小康社会建设、为全国经济社会更好更快地发展做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

The design, manufacture, distribution, and sale of software constitutes a rapidly growing and remarkably lucrative global industry. Leaders of most software companies understand that intellectual property rights (IPR) typically are vital to competitive advantage and company success. Theft of intellectual property (IP) in the form of software piracy is brazen, extremely costly, lowers incentives to innovate, and threatens the very existence of some companies. IP theft, therefore, is a daunting challenge for managers of software firms. In this article, we make several contributions that should prove helpful to software designers, managers, responsible users, and broad stakeholders of software innovation and use—that is, almost all of us. In doing so, we provide an overview of international legal, ethical, economic, and systemic considerations, and we share an analysis of the drivers of consumer software piracy. We then discuss strategic considerations and introduce a decision-making typology, which may help legitimate companies to devise strategies and tactics to manage their software IP in the face of widespread piracy.  相似文献   

We provide an empirical investigation of leadership characteristics and social justice issues in the context of financial literacy service-learning. Using a unique dataset of student self-ratings, we find that students experience statistically significant increases in 8 of the 10 leadership dimensions and 7 of the 7 social justice issues examined in this study. Leadership dimensions include: persuasion, building community, “commitment to the growth of people,” stewardship, empathy, awareness, foresight, and listening. Interest in social justice issues include: dignity of the human person, community and the common good, rights and responsibilities, option for the poor, dignity of work, solidarity, and care for God’s creation. The statistically significant increases in these dimensions following the completion of the service-learning suggest positive effects on students’ self-perception of leadership qualities and interests in social justice issues: business school students sense improvement in nurturing growth of employees and colleagues, commitment to serving the need of others, understanding and empathizing with others, ethics, ability to foresee the likely outcome of a situation, and listening intently to others. As a consequence of the financial literacy service-learning, we believe that business students become more prepared toward becoming ethical leaders and citizens with compassion to serve the world for the well-being of all people, rich and poor alike.  相似文献   

The contention of this paper is that the marketing concept is but one aspect of a philosophy of business referred to by the authors as the framework for organizational success. This framework maintains that the marketing concept must work together with good management approaches and with ethical business practices in order to satisfy the needs and wants of the various publics of the organization — customers, employees, suppliers, society — and, in the long run, ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the organization itself. The authors propose that focusing on one concept, and ignoring the other two aspects, is not likely to promote organizational success. Hershey H. Friedman is Professor of Marketing at Brooklyn College. He has published in the Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Applied Psychology, Akron Business and Economic Review, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Simulation, Journal of the Market Research Society, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, and the Journal of Business Ethics. Linda Weiser Friedman is Associate Professor of Statistics and Computer Information Systems at Baruch College. She has published in Computers and Operations Research, Behavioral Science, Omega, Simulation, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Journal of Advertising Research, Interface, and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences.  相似文献   

上海成为国际贸易中心,经历了起步、形成、巩固3个阶段,形成的主要原因在于其得天独厚的自然条件、悠久的对外贸易传统、专门人才和贸易主体的"集聚效应"、内外贸易的一体运作带来的两个市场资源集中配置、完善健全的服务体系和适于创业的社会环境等。对外贸易推动了近代上海经济和城市的发展,使上海成为全国的商品集散地、金融中心、航运中心、工业中心。今天上海重建国际贸易中心,必须要有内外贸易的共同发展;要有广阔的经济腹地,与周边城市群建立共同发展的联动机制;要有相关行业的均衡发展;要有开放的促进贸易的社会和制度环境。  相似文献   

世界经济发展史,特别是近几百年的发展史,既有英国的盛极一时、美国的独霸世界、日本战后经济“奇迹”、前苏联和我国大上海的短期繁荣,也有英日经济的长期萧条、美国经济的相对削弱、前苏联的解体。国家的兴亡盛衰,展示了世界经济发展不平衡规律。衰落与崛起的关键,在于一国能否认识和把握住世界经济发展不平衡规律。研究、正确认识和运用世界经济发展不平衡规律,促进中国经济长足发展。  相似文献   

目前我国水库移民社会救助虽然取得了一定的成就,已经初步形成了移民灾害救助、移民贫困救助以及特殊移民救助等为基础的社会救助制度体系,但是仍然存在城乡二元区隔、项目较为单一、资金供给与救助需求不相适应、救助对象无法准确确定、救助资金分担不合理、救助理念落后、缺乏统一管理等问题。为了实现水库移民社会救助的科学化、程序化、法制化、社会化,必须进行制度创新,即实现社会救助城乡统筹、项目多元化、科学地制定贫困线标准、确定救助对象、加快社会救助的社会化进程,合理筹集水库移民社会救助资金、转变观念、统一管理、制定并完善相关法律法规、建立监测评估体系。  相似文献   

据国家统计局公布,2013年我国粮食总产量突破6亿吨,实现“十一连增”。然而,继续确保国家粮食安全还面临需求不平衡、水土资源趋紧、粮质退化等诸多挑战。专家呼吁,应树立新型国家粮食安全观,妥善处理粮食数量与质量、提高农业综合生产能力与可持续发展能力、挖掘国内生产潜力与积极利用国外市场的关系,加快构建高效、开放、可持续的国家粮食安全保障体系。基于此,本文从生态环境、科技应用、区域布局、法律保障、应急预警等方面着眼,探讨粮食安全长效机制、保障机制、预警机制三大机制架构。  相似文献   

在我国煤炭行业监管体制中,府际基本利益的冲突与部门之间角色利益的冲突日益凸显,从根本上影响了行业监管的集中性、统一性与有效性。为了寻找各自的利益平衡点,必须从公平原则出发有针对性地确立权利、义务、利益相统一原则与权力、职责、利益相匹配原则,在此指导下,需要构建相应的立法协调机制、诉求表达机制、利益补偿机制等利益平衡机制,从而实现各方利益的平衡,理顺现行的监管体制。  相似文献   

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