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自然保护区游憩价值评估的分组旅行费用区间分析法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅行费用区间分析(Travel Cost Interval Analysis,简称TCIA)是对传统旅行费用法TCM改进的一种旅行费用分析方法。为将自然保护区游憩价值更加真实合理的量化评估,作者在TCIA方法基础上提出一种新的对游客样本进行分组的旅行费用区间分析的计算方法——分组TCIA方法。本文以乌梁素海国家级自然保护区为研究区,在野外调查基础上,对该保护区旅游者的社会特征进行了分析研究,并用分组T℃IA方法评估了该保护区2005年游憩价值为2604.71万元。  相似文献   

ITCM在我国游憩价值评估中的应用及改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旅行费用法(TCM)是当今世界上普遍用来进行非市场资源,特别是对环境资源(包括旅游娱乐资源和各类游憩活动)经济价值评估的方法.该方法主要分为区域旅行费用法(ZTCM)和个人旅行费用法(ITCM).这种在国外应用于资源价值评估的常规方法,在直接引入我国用于旅游资源价值评估研究中表现出一定的局限性.本文在分析旅行费用法用于我国游憩资源价值评估存在的问题的基础上,针对中国旅游者出行方式的特点,应用改进的ITCM模型测算大连星海公园的游憩价值.结果表明,2007年大连星海公园的游憩价值为16.085亿元.  相似文献   

旅行费用区间分析法与分区旅行费用法的比较及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我国很少有研究注重旅行费用法(Travel Cost Method,TCM)本身的改进,只有李巍和李文军提出了旅行费用区间分析法(Travel Cost Interval Analysis,TCIA),但其合理性有待进一步探讨.因此,本文从积分的角度对TCIA与传统的分区旅行费用法(ZTCM)的数学本质进行了详细的对比分析.结果表明,TCIA体现了勒贝格(Lebesgue)积分的基本思想,与传统的反映黎曼(Riemann)积分思想的ZTCM相比具有一定的优越性;但如何突破样本空间的局限,是TCIA值得改进的一个方向.另外,本文还运用TCIA评估了武汉东湖风景区的游憩价值.  相似文献   

研究乡村地区游客动机行为以及游憩价值十分必要.文章选择北京市延庆县作为案例地,采用现场观察和个人访谈以及问卷调查获得研究数据,通过描述性统计、相关分析以及回归分析,对乡村旅游者对目的地的选择行为、消费行为以及乡村地区的游憩价值进行了研究.发现乡村地区游客以北京市和目的地周边城镇的中青年居民为主,收入高于平均水平,涵盖多种职业;在选择目的地方面更重视亲近和享受自然,体验乡村文化是次要动机;游客以自费出游为主,人均年出游次数为7.62次,每次花费249.86元,吃、住、交通费用都较低.以旅行次数为因变量,旅行成本、人口统计因素和个人对乡村景点质量的偏好为自变量,采用旅行费用法的计数模型进行回归,发现旅行次数主要受到旅行费用和家庭收入的影响,性别、年龄、职业以及对乡村环境的支付意愿也有影响,以此为基础计算的每人每次消费者剩余为1724 14元,其中包括了多种价值.  相似文献   

张骁鸣 《旅游学刊》2016,(11):14-21
流行文化中有关“旅行的意义”的说法并不少见,但如何对“旅行的意义”进行阐释却很少有人研究.该研究从“意义”的3种常见用法——价值与目的、含义与语义、语境与范畴——入手,主要借鉴现象学的分析方法,得到了如下主要观点:①存在两种阐释“旅行的意义”的可能方式,即可以将其理解为旅行行为本身在语境、含义、价值之间的一种整体性关联,也可理解为嵌套于人们的整个生命时空或生活世界之中的一种基于“旅行-意义”的关联,因此未来的相关研究需要从旅行这个相对封闭的小世界跨入日常生活这个开放的大世界;②人们是先行在前语言的层面上获得了原初的“旅行-意义”,然后才有可能在一定的语境中用语言来获得派生的“旅行的意义”;③对“旅行的意义”这个命题来说,更合理的提问方式应该不是问旅行的意义“是什么”,而是问旅行的意义“如何(发生)”.  相似文献   

文章以上海世博会为例,采用SPSS、AMOS等统计分析软件对全国362家旅行商调查问卷进行统计分析,建构旅行商对重大事件旅游市场感知维度的测量模型,分析不同类型旅行商市场感知的差异性,通过结构方程模型检验市场感知维度对其分销行为的影响。研究表明:①重大事件旅游市场的旅行商感知模型包括事件属性维度、产品属性维度、市场属性维度及市场影响维度等4个测量维度。②国际业务、国内业务旅行商在4个感知维度上均存在显著差异;特许与非特许旅行商在市场属性感知维度上有显著差异,在其他维度上差异不显著;不同地理区域的旅行商在产品属性维度上差异不显著,在其他维度上有显著差异。③旅行商对重大事件旅游市场感知维度中,市场属性维度、市场影响维度对其分销行为存在显著影响,事件属性维度和产品属性维度的影响不显著,市场影响维度是主导其分销行为的主要因素。从旅行商视角研究重大事件旅游市场感知及其分销行为影响,对于重大事件在我国可持续发展及其后续旅游开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国城市居民旅游需求函数的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游需求问题是旅游研究的核心问题之一,中国居民旅游需求函数是旅游需求问题研究的基础,旅行成本模型广泛地被用于估计居民旅游需求函数。文章基于停留时间内生的旅行成本模型,在考虑游客动态出游行为的情形下,使用中国39个城市2000~2007年间国内旅游抽样调查数据,采用广义矩估计方法对中国居民旅游需求函数进行了估计。研究表明,旅行成本、时间成本和居民收入是影响居民旅游需求的关键因素;旅游需求收入弹性的绝对值大于旅行成本弹性的绝对值,城市旅游产业发展的居民收入激励政策较之于成本竞争策略更有效;旅游需求的旅行成本弹性和时间成本弹性差异显著,减少旅行成本政策较之于缩短旅行时间政策更能提高城市的旅游收入;旅游需求和停留时间的影响因素存在异同,扩大旅游需求和延长停留时间的选择面临"两难",但也可"两顾"。  相似文献   

从西方经济史看旅游起源若干问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈愉秉 《旅游学刊》2000,15(1):68-71
目前有关旅游起源不同认识的症结在于如何看待原始人类的出行。本文不同意以原始人类迁徙具有被迫性和求生性来否定其为旅行或旅游,认为西方古代经济史提供的基本事实表明,近代以前与谋生相关的旅行、特别是商业旅行大都曾程度不等地带有被迫和求生的色彩,因而从逻辑和历史的角度,被迫性和求生性都不宜作为区分原始迁徙和古代旅行的标尺。本文提出,原始人类迁徙与后世旅行的区别主要在于它不具备旅行活动的基本特征和社会意义。  相似文献   

研学旅行是“旅游+”概念下的文旅融合新模式,革命历史纪念馆是红色文化的重要载体,具有特定的教育价值和历史意义。在“以文塑旅、以旅彰文”的文旅深度融合背景下,革命历史纪念馆与小学研学相互依托、相互促进,丰富了青少年思想政治教育的形式和载体,为增强青少年的文化自信提供了新的支撑。文章基于文旅融合背景,以陕西榆林绥德县革命历史纪念馆小学研学旅行为研究对象,分析了文旅融合背景下绥德县革命历史纪念馆小学研学旅行的难点,并从打造体验式研学旅行产品、打造优质研学旅行品牌项目、树立多业态跨界融合意识等方面提出了促进绥德县革命历史纪念馆小学研学旅行发展的对策。  相似文献   

携程旅行网春秋国旅网e龙旅行网内容交付性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吴思  凌宏鸿 《旅游学刊》2005,20(5):66-69
旅行电子商务网站成功的关键因素之一是能否提供满足消费者需求的内容,基于瑞奇曼(Rachman)和布奇南(Buchanan)的研究方法,对国内三个著名旅行网站的内容交付性进行了研究,讨论了我国旅行电子商务网站在内容建设方面存在的问题以及改进的方法。  相似文献   

Informed by the hedonic consumption value framework, this research explores the relationships between individuals' environmental views, consumption values, and intentions to engage in conservation volunteer travel, to argue that contemporary conservation volunteer travel needs to be re-conceptualized. Such perspective on conservation volunteer travel takes into account young adults' desires for hedonic travel experiences. The study results expose that hedonic and utilitarian values of conservation volunteer travel mediate the relations between of pro-environmental views on the intent to volunteer in conservation projects. In other words, through participation in conservation volunteer travel, consumers gain both hedonic pleasure as well as a sense that their actions are needed given increasing global environmental degradation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the sociocultural phenomenon of slow travel and explores and clarifies definitional issues. The 30-year-plus antecedents of slow travel are examined. A literature review shows a concentration on four key features: slowness and the value of time; locality and activities at the destination; mode of transport and travel experience; and environmental consciousness. Links to the slow food and slow city movements are discussed, and evidence that slow travel is an important emergent form of tourism in Europe, accounting for 10% of the holiday market, is provided. A grounded theory approach continues the exploration, involving 23 in-depth interviews with practitioners and academics, which revealed that their core requirements for slow travel centred on slowness, the travel experience and environmental consciousness. There was a lack of consensus about the eligibility of car travel and high-speed rail. Slow travel is seen as a group of associated ideas rather than as a watertight definition; it is a mindset about travel rather than a tangible product and concentrates on lack of speed rather than slowness per se. The conclusion shows it to be a growing part of the sustainable tourism paradigm and proposes a working definition of slow travel.  相似文献   


As public funding to support nature conservation continues to decline, building a commitment to ecological restoration through volunteer travel is key to addressing a range of environmental concerns. This study contributes the first utilization of Bandura’s self-efficacy (SE) mechanism in the context of environmental volunteer travel demonstrating how environmental stewardship, hedonic experience, and environmental SE relate to one another in this particular setting. The study results suggest that while environmental volunteer travelers appear to be driven by one’s beliefs that participation in ecological restoration is a worthwhile activity; motivations to participate in ecological restoration projects can be strengthened or weakened depending on the promise of hedonic experiences. These results shed light on the likely shift in what motivates young adults to engage in travel and volunteering in ecological restoration projects around the world. This is important because a better understanding of what can persuade young adults to travel and engage in ecological restoration enables for the tailoring of environmental volunteering programs to meet individuals’ expectations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors that influence e-commerce adoption in SME travel agents in a developing country. The research is based upon a questionnaire survey of travel agents in Egypt and employs advanced statistical techniques to test a conceptual framework that extends the technology acceptance model. Using competing models the study examines the relationship between e-commerce adoption, perceived benefits, perceived barriers and environmental pressures. The results indicate that environmental pressures significantly affect the perceived benefits and barriers of e-commerce adoption, in addition to having an indirect effect on adoption behaviour. Insights are provided into the nature of relationships between the key factors that determine e-commerce adoption and the extent to which they can be used to develop effective strategies for SME travel agent re-intermediation in the global travel market. Implications are identified for practice and government policy in relation to the use of e-commerce in SME travel businesses in developing countries.  相似文献   

Travel mobility has attracted considerable attention from tourism scholars. Studies have extensively discussed discovering key (i.e., collective) movement patterns. Recently, the advancement of information technology has allowed tourism researchers to obtain detailed information regarding travel digital footprints. This study, which analyzes mobile sensor big data, proposes a data mining approach to measure the similarity of travel trajectories by performing a pair comparison of individual trajectory. This method considers the spatial and temporal dimensions of travel flow to help identify trajectory similarity across individual travelers. Considering graph theory, this research also applies graph-based spatiotemporal analytics to identify important insights from complex travel mobility networks. As a result, this study suggests an innovative approach to assess travel trajectory similarity, which can be regarded as a type of data-driven clustering method. This paper also demonstrates the applicability of network science in travel mobility.  相似文献   

Four stakeholders are involved in corporate travel: management, travellers, travel suppliers and travel management companies. A successful corporate travel management process is dependent on cohesion of values between these stakeholders and pursuit of common goals. Value conflicts can influence the effective management of the process. The purpose of the study was to propose a model which recognises value conflicts, the interdependence of stakeholders and incorporates common goals. The so-called ‘Soft Value Management Model’ was selected and conceptualised in the context of corporate travel management. This study defined and surveyed each stakeholder group in terms of their values and objectives on travel management information; travel policy and compliance; travel management company partnerships; and travel expenditure processing. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. The results show that value conflicts exist between stakeholders. The model provides a theoretical foundation against which an effective travel management process can potentially be measured.  相似文献   

Nowadays, Internet advertising has a great potential in increasing customer's purchase intention. According to the literature, involvement significantly influences customer's online behavior and purchasing process; however, much of the present literature concentrates on independent and/or dependent effect of involvement on online shopping. This study focuses on the moderating role of involvement to explore the relationships among Internet travel advertising content design, Internet travel advertising attitude, Internet travel advertising effect, and purchase intention. The study collects a total of 386 responses and the data are examined with structural equation modeling. The results demonstrate that involvement as a moderator had the greatest effect on the relationship between Internet travel advertising attitude and Internet travel advertising effect. Involvement also influenced the relationship between Internet travel advertising content design and Internet travel advertising attitude followed by the relationship between Internet travel advertising effect and purchase intention. In addition, several practical implications have been discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between environmental psychology and tourism is outlined. Relevant research from environmental and social psychology is reviewed and implications for understanding tourism behavior are discussed. A five-phase recreation travel framework is applied to tourism and socioenvironmental processes are discussed for each phase. The five phases are anticipation, travel to the destination, on-site behavior, return travel, and recollection. Topics discussed include proxemics, environmental perception, environmental imagery, behavior settings, perceived authenticity, and secondary explorations. Some future research questions are suggested for each tourism phase.  相似文献   

Nature-based tourism, science tourism, and ecotourism are some of the emerging and growing trends in special-interest tourism. This study utilized a southeastern sample of the United States who had an interest in travel and the environment. A modified Dillman total design method survey was used to collect the data. The study demonstrated that widely used concepts of marketing are applicable for nature-based tourism. Results indicate that highly involved nature-oriented travelers tend to be more receptive to information concerning the travel product or destination and spread that information willingly. Findings of this study suggest that opinion leaders take more trips and use slightly more information sources.  相似文献   

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