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中国特色社会主义市场经济建设需要有效市场和有为政府更好结合,其中的一个重要途径是强化竞争政策基础地位,推进产业政策从选择性向普惠化、功能性转型。竞争政策强化与产业政策转型具有内在关联性,二者相互配合,共同促进有效市场形成。本文构建了基于竞争成功函数和共容利益假设的政企互动模型,研究发现:竞争政策和功能性产业政策有利于提升市场竞争效率,而选择性产业政策会降低市场竞争效率;功能性产业政策在一定程度上能起到弥补市场失灵的作用,体现了有为政府的积极作用。进一步考虑非对称市场竞争时发现,竞争政策可以同时兼顾提升市场竞争效率和分配效率两项目标,而选择性产业政策在两项目标上相互掣肘、由此强化竞争政策的优势凸显。本文理论模型的结论表明,有为政府应强化竞争政策基础地位,为产业政策转型创造良好的市场环境,加快选择性产业政策向功能性产业政策转型,放宽市场准入,持续推行公平竞争审查制度,维护和促进有效市场。良好的经济运行秩序需要有效市场减轻政府管控压力、有为政府简政放权营造良好市场环境,实现有效市场和有为政府更好结合。  相似文献   

面对保增长和减排放的双重约束,传统的以减排为导向的环境政策不可避免会陷入两难困境。为此,本文针对污染物不同的处置性假设,以环境效率作为唯一确定环境绩效与产业发展的关系,测算了加入环境污染因素后我国工业各行业的环境效率,并基于异质性行业假定检验了我国环境规制与环境效率的非线性关系并确定了行业最优规制水平。研究表明:若考虑非期望产出(污染排放)的影响,中国工业环境效率有明显的下降;工业环境规制与环境效率正相关,一定程度上验证了"波特假说"的正确性;其中,环境规制对清洁生产型行业当期环境效率促进作用显著,而对污染密集型行业的影响存在滞后效应;环境规制强度和环境效率之间符合倒"U"型关系,具有显著的三重非线性门槛特征,但是,不同行业环境绩效对于环境规制强度的弹性系数和极值有所差异。本文政策涵义明显:及时调整传统基于减排导向的环境政策,考虑将提高环境效率纳入环境政策的目标决策中。同时,政府切忌走入盲目提高环境规制强度的误区,应根据各行业现实特点,有针对性地制定差异化的环境规制强度和标准,并注重滚动修订,及时调整至最优水平。  相似文献   

State aid (SA) measures for broadband have been flourishing in the EU, but our knowledge about the effectiveness and efficiency of this policy remains extremely scarce. We investigate the SA experience with the first generation of broadband services (FGB) in Italy, whose market was long plagued by extensive market failures, largely due to market power. By exploiting original open Government data and sources, we analyse the main domains of the EU SA policy, and assess whether its ex ante goals have been met in Italy. Four main results stand out. First, the plan extended the FGB coverage of rural areas, although with a substantial delay and incompletely, with respect to the ambitious targets of the Digital Agenda for Europe. Second, public consultations have significantly increased the transparency of the market and of the SA intervention, promoting investment and a gradual increase in the efficiency of public procurement. Third, the direct effects of SA on competitive entry appear less pronounced, at least in the static sense. Fourth, the final matching between allocative and dynamic efficiency of SA policy, and its coherence with industrial and innovation policies remain critical, based on the Italian experience: in fact, the persisting digital divide affecting the business-rich areas depicts another relevant instance of partial Government failure.  相似文献   

Internet non-use is increasingly concentrated in vulnerable groups of people, especially among ageing populations and those with low socio-economic status. As participation in society becomes largely dependent on use of internet-enabled technologies, internet non-users may seek alternative ways of using the internet. Proxy internet use (PIU), where internet non-users ask internet users to perform online activities on their behalf, is a strategy for obtaining (indirect) internet access. This study examines factors for engagement in PIU, focusing specifically on how non-users’ reasons for disengagement relate to their engagement in PIU. The results from multivariate analyses of survey data from a nation-wide representative sample show that 47% of internet non-users in Slovenia who report having someone available for PIU in fact engage in PIU. In analysing four types of reasons for internet non-use—those related to interest, access, costs and skills—the results show that access issues are negatively related to engagement in PIU. Conversely, reasons related to skills issues are positively related to engagement in PIU. Considering that access to online services through PIU offers an important degree of digital inclusion, the results of this study have important policy implications. Policy initiatives tackling digital inequalities should be sensible to access and skills issues resulting in disengagement. For example, policies directed at providing and maintaining internet access at a household level may result in non-users’ increased opportunities for PIU. In contrast, skills policies should be directed at creating opportunities for informal and person-centred learning of digital skills, considering that non-users who are more aware of their deficiency in skills might be more aware of online opportunities.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to the potential for demand-side policies to stimulate use of broadband networks. Such policies form part of the increasing digitalisation of the economy and wider society. This is an area where governments are also facing challenges in their efforts to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of their policies. The paper sheds light on the impact that the transition towards digital has had on demand-side policies supporting the adoption of broadband and digital technologies by SMEs, and draws out the implications for policy, using a case study of Wales in the UK over a ten-year period. It shows that digitalisation has seen policy mechanisms and messages evolving as policy makers have created a more integrated and multi-channel approach to the delivery of advisory support to SMEs, but that the emergence of multiple types of actors (large digital platform businesses) and ongoing digitalisation are adding complexity to policies and their interaction with other forms of public and private business support.  相似文献   

我国中小企业簇群成长的三维度原则分析   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38  
本文提出中国中小企业簇群成长应该遵循的三维度原则。即在宏观维度上要注意需要条件的培育与相关经济和法律制度的完善;在中观维度上要注意创造适合中小企业簇群成长的因子条件与配套服务,要与外界建立有效的关联等;在微观维度上要注意提高企业间的互补效应与联合行动,还要注意培育群内的信任和制定不良行为的制裁制度,保持企业间适当的竞争程度,提高公司间的学习能力,降低新企业成长的门槛,宽容企业失败等。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on digital divide by analysing regional- and country level determinants of the regional digital divide in the EU, based on panel data and using the multilevel analysis- the three level random slope model. The results indicate that only a mix of effective regional and national measures could mitigate the regional digital divide in the EU. Stimulating regional economic growth, increasing the tertiary education attainments, boosting R&D expenditure, and discouraging early leaving from education are regional- and national level policy measures that are found to successfully reduce the regional digital divide in the EU.  相似文献   

There is now strong interest among governments in allocating public funds for the purpose of promoting investment in very high speed broadband. Motives include industrial policy, and the attainment of equity objectives and of economic recovery. The paper examines the various dimensions of choice over where and how to intervene. It also considers three nationwide broadband plans in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, in each of which industrial policy appears to be the major objective, combined with equity goals. Particular attention is paid to the resolution of problems related to the incumbents’ legacy assets.  相似文献   

新时期我国高增长行业的产业政策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高增长行业在推动经济增长、解决就业、促进技术进步等方面具有重要的意义。高增长行业的产业政策必须根据高增长行业自身的技术属性、初始条件和外部环境的变化进行动态的调整。本文就此提出了动态能力导向的高增长行业产业政策。与传统的产业政策相比,动态能力导向的产业政策具有动态性和创业性两方面的特征。传统产业政策的理论基础是新古典的市场失败理论,在该框架下,政府的核心功能是对产业发展进行长期计划。动态能力导向的产业政策则建构于演化理论的基础上。在该理论框架下,由于环境是不确定的、复杂的,因此,政府的作用主要不是计划,而是努力通过与企业的信息交流和互动来共同克服产业发展的障碍,并最终形成产业与环境的动态匹配;由于环境是变化的,因此,产业政策的重点不是加强既有的企业和产品,而是通过促进企业的创业性活动实现企业和产业竞争能力的培育和提升。  相似文献   

综合煤炭行业发展面临的现实、政策要求、技术条件和产业实践看,绿色开发和高效利用应成为行业转型升级两个重要方向。绿色开发在我国从学术理论到政策再到产业实践,都有较好的基础,目前应进入理论的再完善、政策的严格执行、技术的全面推广应用和企业积极自觉实施的阶段,发展高效转化的新型煤化工和解决工业锅炉的高效燃烧及低排放的问题,应是当前煤炭清洁高效利用重要方向。  相似文献   

工业化新时期新兴主导产业的选择   总被引:76,自引:0,他引:76  
需求约束的强化和加入WTO后的挑战,使我国的工业化进入了一个新的时期。为了寻找新的增长空间,提供更多的就业机会,加快产业结构升级,并进一步走可持续发展道路,工业化新时期需要选择新兴主导产业。从产业的增长潜力、就业功能、带动效应、生产率上升率、技术密集度、可持续发展性以及国际比较等方面来进行分析,制造业中兼顾产业升级基本目标和就业增长重要目标的新兴主导产业是:电子及通信设备、电气机械及器材、交通运输设备、纺织和服装、普通机械和专用设备制造业。应当通过新的产业政策,促进新兴主导产业的形成和发展,提高其国际竞争力,并加强其对整个制造业发展的带动效应。  相似文献   

生态工业园是区域经济发展的工业载体,是一个中观的经济学概念。产业政策在促进生态工业园建设方面起着积极作用,为我国实现经济社会发展增长方式从粗放转型至集约提供有效支持。本文通过研究产业政策在生态工业园建设中的作用机制,得出政府应积极制定针对生态工业园建设的产业政策的结论。  相似文献   

作者认为,改革开放以来吸收外商直接投资的成效。证明这是实现我国产业结构优化升级的一条重要途径。未来在全面建设小康社会进程中。要把继续利用外商直接投资促进产业结构进一步优化升级作为重要政策目标。作者分析了在国内经济方面出现的若干新形势、新要求和新任务;还分析了在国际方面跨国直接投资和产业转移出现的新机遇。针对未来的新形势、新任务,作者提出了利用外商直接投资促进产业结构优化升级的新认识和对策措施。  相似文献   

产业结构与产业组织互动关系的实现机理研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
产业结构与产业组织之间存在着密切的互动关系,而政策实践和相关文献中对此缺乏研究。本文提出了获得两者互动关系的四种实现机制。其基本结论是,产业组织政策是产业结构变化的工具和内在动力,产业结构政策是产业组织演化的向导和外部拉力,这种关系的政策效应具有很强的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

本文以碳税政策对我国工业企业技术创新行为和创新绩效问题为研究对象,分别研究了碳税政策对工业企业研发投入、研发创新模式选择以及研发创新绩效的影响,进而分析了我国工业企业技术创新能力的收敛性。通过研究发现,碳税政策的实施有助于激励工业企业技术创新的自主性,也有利于企业创新绩效的实现。提出我国在碳税政策设计和实践中应坚持建立激励与约束相容的碳税政策、促进碳税征收与碳排放交易协同、匹配碳税征收行政管理体系建设以及利用碳税发起设置低碳产业基金等政策实施路径。  相似文献   

Government funding is essential for digital equity. Scholarship on policies to improve internet access often examines the funding mechanisms behind subsidies, or the quality and reach of services provided. However, a better understanding of the issues and constituencies to receive government support to date may help digital equity activists more strategically lobby for new digital divide policies in the future. To do this, we take a macro-level approach to Van Dijk's resources and appropriation theory and examine how the framing of all digital divide–related U.S. Congressional legislation introduced between 1990 and 2020 may be associated with a bill's passage or the political party of its sponsor. Content analysis revealed that bills highlighting privacy literacy programs, educational outcomes, and corporate transparency were more likely to be passed into legislation. Bills sponsored by Republicans were 422% more likely of being passed into legislation. Certain frames were also associated with partisan sponsorship: Republican-sponsored bills were more often framed around deregulation, privacy programs, corporate transparency, and rural access, whereas Democrat-sponsored bills were more often framed around digital skills such as digital literacy and educational outcomes. Findings serve as a historical record of digital equity priorities in the U.S. and highlight possible strategies for future policy design.  相似文献   

This paper explores how intangible capital affects the growth of ICT-intensive sectors in China by examining 29 sectors in 30 regions for the years 2003–2015. It is shown that the value added in ICT-intensive sectors in China will grow faster in regions with faster development of intangible capital. This effect is robust to alternative measures of intangible capital and ICT intensity indicators, and even if other region-level determinants of sector growth such as human capital, non-ICT physical capital and financial market development are taken into consideration. The findings imply that Chinese policy makers should aim for not only more ICT investment but also the development of intangible capital.  相似文献   

全球经济一体化背景下,发达国家利用环境贸易政策来实现竞争优势已经出现趋势。本文介绍了欧盟的环境贸易政策,基于环境贸易政策的背景,预设国内外上、下游企业之间已经构成一个产业链,应用Stephen F.Hamilton的垂直型结构模型,将数量竞争分为四种不同情况,给出了最大均衡供给量。分析表明,如果采用垂直合约,则数量竞争和价格竞争的最佳非合作环境政策均是庇古(Pigouvian)税。在国内下游出口商与上游进口品供应商能够达成合约的条件下,政府之间存在着非合作环境政策。因此,我国的产业环境贸易政策应当是努力实现环境成本的内部化。  相似文献   

Although a critical part of marketing decision making, very little has been written about industrial pricing policy and strategy. This article has three objectives: First, to report the pricing practices of the chemical and construction industries; Second, to compare their pricing policies; and third, to develop a simple pricing framework for industrial marketers. The results of this study are interesting and somewhat unexpected. The buyer and his behavior only play a small part in pricing policy. A pricing framework or model is presented in a logical and systematic way.  相似文献   

China??s merger policy and enforcement approaches since its Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) took effect in August 2008 are by and large based on the same conceptual framework that is employed in advanced economies. While China has shown a very fast learning capability in conducting competition analysis, further capacity building in China is crucial. There is no clear evidence of industrial policy considerations being at the forefront in the eight published decisions by the Ministry of Commerce to date, except for its very early decisions. We propose a competition-neutral principle, which requires that a competition test be conducted before, and independently from, any consideration of industrial policy and argue that industrial policy matters only for competition-neutral mergers. On a more technical level, if China adopts the total welfare standard, then its treatment of efficiencies and the meaning of sufficiency of entry post merger should be modified accordingly from the US/EU consumer-oriented model.  相似文献   

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