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There is anecdotal evidence to support the assertion that accounting research, or what is alleged to be research, is of little or no value to the practice of accounting, nor to the development of accounting as an academic discipline. The problem is not that efforts have not been made to conduct research, but rather there is a fundamental flaw in the accounting research process itself.Tricker suggests that the research process can be understood using two models. One is a set of relationships which “feed-forward”. That is, a known theory suggests a hypothesis, which is tested through the accumulation of data. If the hypothesis is proven to be true, it is added to the body of knowledge, enhancing the legitimacy of the underlying theory. The second model is intended to provide “feed-back”. That is, the real world is observed and a model of it is proposed, based on known theory. Data is collected and processed, and the model is refined. When the model is consistent with the real world and known theory, it is added to the body of knowledge. These research models depend on the existence of known theory for their usefulness.The central problem of accounting research is that there is no known theory to use as a reference for creating hypotheses or models to be empirically researched. The absence of theory can be seen in education, practice, and the research literature itself. Practitioners, for example, because of their training and lack of experience with and interest in research tend not to look to research findings to meet their professional needs. Accounting researchers, on the other hand, have created what appears to be a highly advanced research context which, in effect, is an environment dominated by sophisticated methodology, rather than theory. The research basically emulates the hard sciences, which makes its pursuit academically acceptable, but it lacks substance. This explains the failure of accounting research to improve accounting practice.  相似文献   

新时期文明审计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文明审计是审计文化的重要组成部分,是审计文明的外在表现形式。文明审计是历史发展的产物,具有必然性、时代性和长期性。文明审计必须从建立责任机制、教育监督机制、约束机制和激励机制入手,树立文明审计理念和文明审计规范,促进审计干部文明审计,鼓励审计干部做文明审计模范。  相似文献   

积极财政政策的可持续性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分别从当前宏观经济形势、我国政府债务风险和公共部门投资的挤出效应三个方面考察了我国积极财政政策的可持续性。认为我国当前的经济形势下 ,积极财政政策的淡出还为时尚早 ;我国单纯的国债风险并不高 ,但是我国政府的综合债务风险却相当大 ,控制我国综合债务风险的关键是控制存量 ;我国公共部门对民间投资的挤出效应不明显 ,当前民间投资不活跃的主要原因是另一种“挤出效应” ,即对民间投资的歧视和限制 ,要改变这种情况的主要方法是改革  相似文献   

The set of incentive-feasible allocations is examined in a dynamic quasi-linear environment where agents lack commitment and have private information over their idiosyncratic characteristics. When record-keeping is available, the first-best allocation is implementable in a set of sufficiently patient economies. When record-keeping is limited to one money, this set is strictly smaller—except when private information is absent. When record-keeping is expanded, but limited to two monies, the set of economies for which the first-best is implementable corresponds to that of record-keeping, even when private information is present. We further demonstrate that two monies are a perfect substitute for record-keeping.  相似文献   

摘要:本文利用STR模型考察了我国2000--2011年间货币供应量、利率与物价间的关系。研究表明,货币供应量和利率对物价的影响都是非线性的,其中货币供应量的影响是正向的,而且在不同经济状态下影响程度不同,在高利率水平下影响更突出;利率低时对物价的影响是负向的,此时加息是治理通货膨胀的有效手段,但当利率水平过高时,受制于“成本渠道”效应的影响,提高利率将进一步加剧通胀压力。因此,央行调控物价时应充分考虑所处的经济状态,合理选择两种不同的调控方式,以取得预期调控效果。  相似文献   

论我国证券基金制度的异化倾向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国证券基金发展势头迅猛,但尚缺乏能确保其可持续发展的制度支撑。应防止以下四个异化倾向:基金作为信用工具之一,信用制度是其基础,应防止冒进倾向;与其他经济制度一样,利益制度是核心,应防止失衡倾向;证券投资是其主要业务,运作制度是重点,应防止风险倾向;基金自身与证券市场的发展离不开有效监管,制度是保障,应防止虚位倾向。  相似文献   

在全球生产体系中提升"中国制造"的地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来的国际舆论认为,世界制造中心正向中国转移,进入了“中国制造时代”。然而,在繁荣的“中国制造”的背后,中国自有品牌廖廖无几,产品技术含量不高,自主技术能力缺乏,处在全球产业链的低端。因此,从战略上提升“中国制造”的地位,打造自主品牌,促进企业发展,则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how Bayesian information may be analyzed as a variable input in determining an optimal bank portfolio and investigates the impact of information in a way that is statistically satisfactory. A portfolio model is developed, and the impact of information is analyzed. Information is treated as an economic input that is used up to the point where its predicted marginal benefit is exactly equal to its marginal cost, and, from there, the optimal demand for information is derived. A comparative-static analysis demonstrates that the reaction of optimal portfolio holdings to interest rate changes under variable uncertainty is dramatically different from portfolio behavior when uncertainty is exogenous. Finally, the elasticity of reserves with respect to scale is examined under the assumption of variable uncertainty.  相似文献   

We study the effect of international financial integration on economic development when the quality of governance may be compromised by corruption. Our analysis is based on a dynamic general equilibrium model of a small economy in which growth is driven by capital accumulation and public policy is administered by government-appointed bureaucrats. Corruption may arise due to the opportunity for bureaucrats to embezzle public funds, an opportunity that is made more attractive by financial liberalization which, at the same time, raises efficiency in capital production. Our main results may be summarized as follows: (1) corruption is always bad for economic development, but its effect is worse if the economy is open than if it is closed; (2) the incidence of corruption may, itself, be affected by both the development and openness of the economy; (3) financial liberalization is good for development when governance is good, but may be bad for development when governance is bad; and (4) corruption and poverty may coexist as permanent, rather than just transitory, fixtures of an economy.  相似文献   

高职学院的规模由多种因素制约,高职学院的生均成本也受多种因素制约,在临界规模范围内,学校规模越大,则生均成本越小,但超过了临界规模,规模效益并无明显改善,甚至会下降。所以,生均成本与高职规模不是纯粹的线性关系,两者的关系是多种因素互相作用的结果。生均成本与高职适度规模的合理配置,是学生数在1万人左右,生均成本在9千元左右。  相似文献   

A fierce debate is raging about the legitimacy of executive pay rises. Australia's chief executive salaries are not as high as in the United States and the big European economies, but between 1993 and 2007 there was a sharp rise in remuneration. Most of the rise came in the form of incentive payments. In the Australian context, the size of the executive salary is closely linked with the size of the company. The evidence is mixed about how efficient executive remuneration has been, but what is clear is that the responsibility to ensure it is appropriate resides with boards, and that there is a need for greater shareholder participation. Accordingly, it is recommended that shareholders have a greater 'say on pay', and that two successive 'no' votes on remuneration by shareholders will have formal consequences for boards. The challenge is to improve agency between shareholders and management, and between shareholders and boards. An evolutionary approach is proposed.  相似文献   

股票价格预测是投资领域的一个重点关注课题。由于股票价格受到诸多非线性因 素的影响,得到精确的预测结果较为困难。为了消除股票指标的多重共线性,采用Adaptive- Lasso算法对指标变量进行筛选,实现了数据降维。之后,利用灰色预测对股票价格影响指标 进行预测,并在此基础上利用神经网络模型对股票收盘价进行预测。结果表明,利用灰色系统 和BP神经网络结合的模型所得预测结果平均相对误差为0.095,且运行效率较高,对股票预测 具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

A central problem for regulators and risk managers concerns the risk assessment of an aggregate portfolio defined as the sum of d individual dependent risks Xi. This problem is mainly a numerical issue once the joint distribution of X1,X2,,Xd is fully specified. Unfortunately, while the marginal distributions of the risks Xi are often known, their interaction (dependence) is usually either unknown or only partially known, implying that any risk assessment of the portfolio is subject to model uncertainty.Previous academic research has focused on the maximum and minimum possible values of a given risk measure of the portfolio when only the marginal distributions are known. This approach leads to wide bounds, as all information on the dependence is ignored. In this paper, we integrate, in a natural way, available information on the multivariate dependence. We make use of the Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) of Embrechts et al. (2013) to provide bounds for the risk measure at hand. We observe that incorporating the information of a well-fitted multivariate model may, or may not, lead to much tighter bounds, a feature that also depends on the risk measure used. In particular, the risk of underestimating the Value-at-Risk at a very high confidence level (as used in Basel II) is typically significant, even if one knows the multivariate distribution almost completely.Our results make it possible to determine which risk measures can benefit from adding dependence information (i.e., leading to narrower bounds when used to assess portfolio risk) and, hence, to identify those situations for which it would be meaningful to develop accurate multivariate models.  相似文献   

抵扣是实现消费税调节功能的税制工具,消费税通过允许抵扣鼓励有益于社会的生产行为、不准抵扣抑制有害于社会的生产行为。但当前我国消费税抵扣范围界定缺乏基准,调节逻辑不清晰;抵扣范围选择缺乏弹性,调节效果欠佳;抵扣范围设计技术落后,调节共识缺乏,很难发挥应有的抵扣功能。究其根源,在于未明晰消费税抵扣的应然机理、没有凝练抵扣范围设计的基准。对此,需围绕消费税调节生产行为的主线,以范围设计基准为依据,统一调节逻辑,按照允许抵扣为原则、不准抵扣为例外的要求具体界定抵扣范围,形成逻辑自洽、范围清晰、合理有序的消费税抵扣体系,以充分保障纳税人权益。  相似文献   

湖南工程机械产业规模逐渐扩大,市场占有率高,产业集群明显,创新能力强,品牌优势突出,但在全球金融危机中受到影响,面临诸多挑战与考验,要把湖南打造成世界机械之都,必须开拓新兴市场、加强自主创新、优化产品结构、重视产品推介与售后服务、完善产业发展政策,从而实现湖南工程机械产业从容走出金融危机的"冬天"。  相似文献   

The relationship between debt policy and valuation has been extensively analysed in the finance literature; within a Modigliani-Miller framework, the consensus is that valuation is affected by whether debt is managed actively or passively, and that for finite projects with time varying risky cash flows, it is appropriate to use a weighted average discount rate for valuation only if it is assumed that debt is actively managed. In this paper, the relationship between debt policy and valuation is re-examined. In particular, it is shown that, under one of the most plausible forms of passive debt policy, valuation using a simple weighted average discount rate is in fact possible.  相似文献   

税收征管改革不是盲目的,而是有一定目标的,能够基本实现这些目标的税收征管改革可以称为是有效的。判断中国税收征管改革是否有效应从保持市场经济稳定、对市场机制不产生扭曲作用等方面入手。  相似文献   

我国人民币发行以买入外汇的方式进行,这实际上是以公众的资产作为人民银行负债的担保,与发达国家以税收为担保的发行货币有根本不同,我国的操作不仅会造成货币供给的过多,而且导致公众资产的稀释。解决问题的出路在于将买外汇的货币发行转移到买国债上来,也就是以政府的负债为人民币发行作担保。鉴于实现这个目标的复杂性和长期性,现阶段只能强调确立基本原则,还不能展开具体的操作。  相似文献   

环境污染是目前人类遇到的最大挑战,而造成环境污染的主要原因则是企业的工业污染,对企业的环境信息进行披露是当前环境保护的一大法宝。从环境信息披露动机来看,有强制披露和自愿披露两种。但不论是何种动机,其表象之后有着深厚的理论基础。目前政府强制要求污染企业披露环境信息,其理论依据源于一是环境规制理论;二是环境公共信托理论。环境规制源于对环境问题的市场失灵,而环境公共信托理论则强调环境资源“万民共有”的法理。此外,企业会采取自愿披露环境信息的策略,其理论依据也有两点:一是利益相关者理论;二是组织合法性理论。利益相关者对环境信息的需求是推动企业主动披露环境信息的外在动力,而企业自愿披露环境信息的内在动力,则是为了获得组织合法性。  相似文献   

摘要:建立和完善农村老年人长期照护体系,是应对银色浪潮的必然选择。我国农村老年人长期照护体系还处于起步阶段,长期照护的供需矛盾、潜在需求与现实需求的矛盾、资源短缺与服务能力低的矛盾十分突出。借鉴西方经验,建立适合我国农村实际的融经济供养、医疗照护、日常生活护理、精神慰藉于一体的老年人长期照护体系,已迫在眉睫。老年长期照护既是一种制度体现,也是一种服务体系,必须整合各方面力量。其中,政府是主导,家庭是基础,社区是载体、专业服务机构是主体。  相似文献   

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