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This study investigates the relationship between property company stock prices (P) and their net asset values (NAV) from a mean reversion perspective. In contrast to U.K. evidence, we find that there is absence of a long-term stable relationship between the two series. However, the variance ratio tests and multi-period regressions suggest that both P and NAV series have exhibited transitory components. In addition, there is some evidence of mean reversion behavior of Singapore property stock prices toward the property companies' NAVs over the past 15 years from 1985 to 1999, both at individual company level and in the sector as a whole. The results also reveal that NAV, as a traditional proxy to fundamental value, is significant in capturing the dynamics of the changes in property stock prices. Hence NAV is relevant in property company valuation. However the extent of mean reversion between the property stock prices and NAVs is slow and deviations between the two markets' valuation could therefore be prolonged.  相似文献   


This paper tests for asymmetric mean reversion in European short-term interest rates using a combination of the interest rate models introduced by Longstaff and Schwartz (Longstaff, F.A., Schwarts, E.S. (1992) Interest rate volatility and the ferm structure: A two factor general equilibrium model, Journal of Finance, 48, pp. 1259–1282.) and Bali (Bali, T. (2000) Testing the empirical performance of stochastic volatility models of the short-term interest rates, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 35, pp. 191–215.). Using weekly rates for France, Germany and the United Kingdom, it is found that short-term rates follow in all instances asymmetric mean reverting processes. Specifically, interest rates exhibit non-stationary behavior following rate increases, but they are strongly mean reverting following rate decreases. The mean reverting component is statistically and economically stronger thus offsetting non-stationarity. Volatility depends on past innovations past volatility and the level of interest rates. With respect to past innovations volatility is asymmetric rising more in response to positive innovations. This is exactly opposite to the asymmetry found in stock returns.  相似文献   

Inequality Constraints in the Fractionally Integrated GARCH Model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article we derive necessary and sufficient conditionsfor the nonnegativity of the conditional variance in the fractionallyintegrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic(p, d, q) (FIGARCH) model of the order p 2 and sufficient conditionsfor the general model. These conditions can be seen as beinganalogous to those derived by Nelson and Cao (1992, Journalof Business & Economic Statistics 10, 229–235) forthe GARCH(p, q) model. However, the inequality constraints whichwe derive for the FIGARCH model illustrate two remarkable propertiesof the FIGARCH model which are in contrast to the GARCH model:(i) even if all parameters are nonnegative, the conditionalvariance can become negative and (ii) even if all parametersare negative (apart from d), the conditional variance can benonnegative almost surely. In particular, the conditions forthe (1, d, 1) model substantially enlarge the sufficient parameterset provided by Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1996, Journal of Econometrics73, 151–184). The importance of the result is illustratedin an empirical application of the FIGARCH(1, d, 1) model toJapanese yen versus U.S. dollar exchange rate data.  相似文献   

We introduce ARFIMA-ARCH models, which simultaneously incorporate fractional differencing and conditional heteroskedasticity. We develop the likelihood function and we use it to construct the bias-corrected maximum (modified profile) likelihood estimator. Finite-sample properties of the estimation procedure are explored by Monte Carlo simulation. Backus and Zin (1993) have motivated the existence of fractional integration in interest rates by the persistence of the short rate and the variability of the long end of the yield curve. An empirical investigation of a daily one-month Swiss Euromarket interest rate finds a difference parameter of 0.72. This indicates non-stationary behavior. In contrast to first-order integrated models, the long-run cumulative response of shocks to the series is zero.  相似文献   

Nonlinear Mean Reversion in the Short-Term Interest Rate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using a new Bayesian method for the analysis of diffusion processes,this article finds that the nonlinear drift in interest ratesfound in a number of previous studies can be confirmed onlyunder prior distributions that are best described as informative.The assumption of stationarity, which is common in the literature,represents a nontrivial prior belief about the shape of thedrift function. This belief and the use of "flat" priors contributestrongly to the finding of nonlinear mean reversion. Implementationof an approximate Jeffreys prior results in virtually no evidencefor mean reversion in interest rates unless stationarity isassumed. Finally, the article documents that nonlinear driftis primarily a feature of daily rather than monthly data, andthat these data contain a transitory element that is not reflectedin the volatility of longer-maturity yields.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore nonlinearity inherent in short-horizon return dynamics, which is characterized by an asymmetric mean-reverting property. Over the period of 1962:07–2003:12, both daily and weekly returns of three market indexes and individual stock returns exhibit a strong asymmetric reverting pattern in which a negative return reverts more quickly, with a greater reverting magnitude, than positive returns revert to negative returns. The observed asymmetric reverting pattern is not justified under the positive relationship between future volatility and risk premium, which is a key presumption in the time-varying rational expectation hypothesis. The asymmetric reverting behavior of stock returns explored by this paper corroborates the argument for the relative performance of “winner' and “loser' stocks that has been documented by contrarian literature. JEL Classification: 14, C40, C51  相似文献   

This paper will show that short horizon stock returns for UK portfolios are more predictable than suggested by sample autocorrelation co-efficients. Four capitalisation based portfolios are constructed for the period 1976–1991. It is shown that the first order autocorrelation coefficient of monthly returns can explain no more than 10% of the variation in monthly portfolio returns. Monthly autocorrelation coefficients assume that each weekly return of the previous month contains the same amount of information. However, this will not be the case if short horizon returns contain predictable components which dissipate rapidly. In this case, the return of the most recent week would say a lot more about the future monthly portfolio return than other weeks. This suggests that when predicting future monthly portfolio returns more weight should be given to the most recent weeks of the previous month, because, the most recent weekly returns provide the most information about the subsequent months' performance. We construct a model which exploits the mean reverting characteristics of monthly portfolio returns. Using this model we forecast future monthly portfolio returns. When compared to forecasts that utilise the autocorrelation statistic the model which exploits the mean reverting characteristics of monthlyportfolio returns can forecast future returns better than the autocorrelation statistic, both in and out of sample.  相似文献   

We use the term structure of futures prices to test whether investors anticipate mean reversion in spot asset prices. The empirical results indicate mean reversion in each market we examine. For agricultural commodities and crude oil the magnitude of the estimated mean reversion is large; for example, point estimates indicate that 44 percent of a typical spot oil price shock is expected to be reversed over the subsequent eight months. For metals, the degree of mean reversion is substantially less, but still statistically significant. We detect only weak evidence of mean reversion in financial asset prices.  相似文献   

Inflation Dynamics in the U.S.: Global but Not Local Mean Reversion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A stylized fact of U.S. inflation dynamics is one of extreme persistence and possible unit root behavior. If so, the implications for macroeconomics and monetary policy are somewhat unpalatable. Our econometric analysis proposes a parsimonious univariate representation of the inflation process for the last 60 years, the nonlinear exponential smooth autoregressive. The empirical results confirm a number of the key features such as global stationarity, local unit root behavior, and lower persistence in the post-1983 period than in the pre-1983 period. We compare the forecasting ability of our model with that of competing univariate models and find that the nonlinear model outperforms the linear autoregressive model in the pre-1983 period and the random walk in the post-1983 period at short horizons.  相似文献   

Based on behavioral finance and economics literature, we construct a theoretical framework in which consumers of newly constructed housing units perceive prices to follow a stochastic mean reversion pattern. Given this belief and the high carrying cost maintained by real estate developers, potential buyers opt to either exercise immediately or defer the purchase. We simulate the model within a real option framework by which we show that the optimal time to wait before exercising a purchase is positively related to the price level; hence, a negative (positive) correlation between transaction volume and price level (yield) emerges. Observing data on housing prices and new construction sales in Israel for the years 1998–2007, we apply an adaptive expectation regression model to test consumers’ belief in both mean reversion and momentum price patterns. The empirical evidence shows that while consumers’ demand pattern is simultaneously consistent with the belief in both momentum and mean reversion processes, the effect of the latter generally dominates. Moreover, while the data does not allow for testing the volume and price-level correlation, it does provide support to the positive volume-price yield correlation.  相似文献   

用收益法评估企业的整体资产,越来越多地被运用于高科技企业及高成长、高收益性的企业.采用收益法评估企业整体资产,是以评估基准日为起点,分析企业的营业收入(或销售收入)、成本费用,并考虑固定资产折旧、无形递延资产摊销、资本性支出等因素,计算出企业在特定收益期限内(无限年或有限年)总现金流入量及总现金流出量,从而计算企业的净现金流量并折现加总,即得出企业的整体资产(净资产)价值.出于对未来收益不确定性、高科技企业的高经营风险或合资(合作)年限等因素的考虑,我们在采用收益法评估企业整体资产时,有时会采用收益期为有限年的现金流模型来计算企业的整体资产.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of price formation in the housing market which accounts for the non-random selection of those dwellings sold on the market from the stock of existing houses. The model we develop also accounts for changes in the quality of dwellings themselves and tests for mean reversion in individual house prices. The model is applied to a unique body of data representing all dwellings sold in Sweden's largest metropolitan area during the period 1982–1999. The analysis compares house price indices that account for selectivity, quality change and mean reversion with the conventional repeat sales models used to describe the course of metropolitan housing prices. We find that the repeat sales method yields systematically large biased estimates of the value of the housing stock. Our comparison suggests that the more general approach to the estimation of housing prices or housing wealth yields substantially improved estimates of the course of housing prices and housing wealth.  相似文献   

随机漫步理论认为股票的价格是不能预测的,许多实证检验的结果也支持了这一结论。但是,近年来均值回归理论对随机漫步理论提出了挑战。从长期来看,股票价格呈均值回归是必然的;均值回归具有不对称性;政府行为对股票的均值回归具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

In an earlier edition of this journal, we published evidence relating to the nature of discount rates chosen by a sample of large Australian‐listed firms in the context of their goodwill impairment testing ( Carlin and Finch 2009 ). We argued that our evidence suggested that the rigour of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) goodwill impairment testing process was being undermined by inappropriate choice of discount rates on the part of many firms. In a commentary published alongside our article, questions were raised as to the validity of our conclusions and the methodology we applied in our study ( Gallery 2009 ). Subsequently, Bradbury has also contributed to the debate, raising similar concerns to those voiced by Gallery ( Bradbury 2010 ). In this brief paper, we provide further and better particulars in relation to our original dataset in a bid to assist those who have taken an interest in this debate to further inform their view of the merits (or otherwise) of the case we made in our original article.  相似文献   

This paper solves numerically the intertemporalconsumption and portfolio choiceproblem of an infinitely-lived investor whofaces a time-varying equity premium.The solutions we obtain are very similarto the approximate analytical solutionsof Campbell and Viceira (1999), except atthe upper extreme of the state spacewhere both the numerical consumption andportfolio rules flatten out.We also consider a constrained version ofthe problem in which the investor facesborrowing and short-sales restrictions.These constraints bind when the equitypremium moves away from its mean in eitherdirection, and are particularly severe forrisk-tolerant investors. The constraints havesubstantial effects on optimalconsumption, but much more modest effects onoptimal portfolio choice in theregion of the state space where they are notbinding.  相似文献   

The evidence of slowly mean-reverting components in stock prices has been controversial. The hypothesis of stock price mean-reversion is tested using a regression model that yields the highest asymptotic power among a class of regression tests. Although the evidence that the equally weighted index of stocks exhibits mean-reversion is significant in the period 1926–1988, this phenomenon is entirely concentrated in January. In the post-war period both the equally weighted and the value-weighted indices exhibit seasonal mean-reversion in January. A similar phenomenon is also observed for the equally weighted index of stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange.  相似文献   

Mean reversion in stock index basis changes has been presumed to be driven by the trading activity of stock index arbitragers. We propose here instead that the observed negative autocorrelation in basis changes is mainly a statistical illusion, arising because many stocks in the index portfolio trade infrequently. Even without formal arbitrage, reported basis changes would appear negatively autocorrelated as lagging stocks eventually trade and get updated. The implications of this study go beyond index arbitrage, however. Our analysis suggests that spurious elements may creep in whenever the price-change or return series of two securities or portfolios of securities are differenced.  相似文献   

Following Fama and French (1988), we examine the mean reverting behavior of the United Kingdom stock market total returns over the period 1919 through 1990. Evidence of statistically significant mean reversion is only found during the pre-war subperiod. A contrarian investment strategy, however, does not enhance performance over a naive buy and hold investment strategy. Further, an application of Richardson and Stock's (1989) alternative asymptotic distribution theory suggests that the mean reversion detected during the pre-war period may reflect the poor finite sample approximation of traditional fixed overlap asymptotic distribution theory.  相似文献   

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