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美国农产品目标价格补贴政策经历了一个较长的发展过程,其主要特点体现在:签订合同是参加目标价格补贴计划的前提、历史面积与产量是制定补贴水平标准基础、补贴方式丰富多样、多种价格并存、目标价格水平总体偏低、农产品目标价格补贴政策覆盖品种多、目标价格补贴政策调整比较及时,而且在目标价格的确定上也比较科学.借鉴美国的做法,应该进一步引入农业生产合同规范目标价格补贴政策、使用历史数据计算目标价格与补贴标准且补贴标准不宜过高、目标价格补贴应鼓励商业化与规模化种植、对农产品最低收购价予以保留、建立更高水平的农产品信息系统,从而逐步建立我国科学完善的农产品目标价格支持政策体系.  相似文献   

2014年国家棉花目标价格补贴政策在新疆试行,旨在保障棉农利益的前提下,发挥市场在资源配置中的作用,合理引导棉花生产.采用问卷调查法和Logistic回归分析法对南疆北疆植棉区158户棉衣在目标价格补贴政策实施背景下棉花种植意愿进行调查分析,结果表明棉农家庭务农人数、植棉亩均成本、棉花亩均产量、植棉亩均收入以及目标价格预期对棉农的棉花种植意愿有显著影响.为了有效提高新疆棉区棉衣生产积极性,促进棉花产业发展,应当加快棉花产业配套设施建设,科技助力棉花产业发展;稳定棉花补贴预期,建立补贴长效机制;建立非宜棉区退出机制,鼓励土地流转,发挥植棉规模效益.  相似文献   

粮食目标价格:内涵、障碍与突破   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粮食目标价格具有实现粮食总量平衡、稳定粮食价格和提高农户收益等功能,然而我国实施粮食目标价格还面临WTO政策限制、具体测算方法尚未明确、补贴方式存在分歧等障碍。研究提出:用足"黄箱"补贴政策,保障目标价格顺利实施;坚持四大原则,创新目标价格测算方法;执行"粮食收购三联发票"制度,简化目标价格补贴方式等三点建议。  相似文献   

李艳洁 《华商》2014,(3):50-51
日前,财政部长楼继伟在全国财政工作会议上称,将推动最低收购价格和临时收储政策向“价补分离”转变,组织开展大豆、棉花目标价格补贴试点。虽然财政部没有提供实施时间表,但这是官方第一次明确提出直补政策将推出。农业部农村经济研究中心副研究员徐雪高认为,有可能棉花先在新疆、大豆先在东三省和内蒙古试点。  相似文献   

关于农产品目标价格制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立农产品目标价格制度,是深化农产品价格改革的重要内容.为进一步完善农产品价格形成机制,推进农产品价格形成与政府补贴脱钩,2014年启动了东北和内蒙古大豆、新疆棉花目标价格试点.从农产品目标价格试点来看,建立农产品目标价格制度面临如何确定目标价格、如何发放相应的补贴以及补贴总量限制等新问题.为了使农产品目标价格制度更具可行性、能更好地实现惠农利民目标,必须要做好其制度的顶层设计.  相似文献   

本文介绍了新疆棉花目标价格改革的主要内容,总结了棉花目标价格改革试点取得的初步成效,即棉花市场价格形成机制初步建立;棉花生产继续向优势区域集中;棉纺织企业经营状况趋于好转;棉花加工领域开始出现资源优化整合。进而针对目标价格改革面临的兑付补贴难度大、新疆棉花外运难、企业避险能力差、结构调整任务重等问题,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

棉花目标价格政策是在市场形成价格的基础上,释放价格信号引导市场预期,通过差价补贴保护生产者利益的一项农业支持政策。本文采用协整分析法和误差修正模型对目标价格改革前后棉花市场主交易期内国内外现货价格之间的关系进行了实证分析。研究表明,目标价格改革后国内外棉花市场现货价格协同性增强,棉花市场形成价格机制基本建立。但是,从长远看还需不断提高国产棉花的品质,以质取胜是增加棉农收入、促进棉花产业健康发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

本文在分析国内棉花价格波动特点及影响因素的基础上,运用灰色关联分析法,分析了2004-2013年我国棉花消费量、棉花产量、棉花种植面积、棉花进口量、国际棉花价格和兑美元汇率六项影响因素与我国棉花价格的关系密切程度,并根据密切程度提出了通过推进棉花目标价格改革等措施来稳定我国棉花价格的政策建议。  相似文献   

小尹 《中国品牌》2014,(3):98-99
2014年中央一号文件首次提出在新疆开展棉花“目标价格补贴”试点工作,市场预计国家将以新疆作为试点地区对棉农实施直补。作为新疆长绒棉种植的“地王”——鲁泰纺织股份有限公司,为巩固其世界色织布行业的霸主地位又增利好。  相似文献   

在国际贸易背景下探究补贴和棉花生产成本、价格、利润等产能要素的关系,提出了棉花产能贸易平衡价格机制模型,并借鉴国际农业生产补贴经验对产能平衡价格机制模型的诸多因素,譬如棉花生产的基本产能、技术产能、保险产能、市场产能、关税产能等进行了探讨,分析了棉花产能及其保障状况,最后提出了我国棉花生产产能价格平衡机制运行的政策建议.  相似文献   

This study analyzed two scenarios that considered a reduction of the US aggregate measure of supports (AMS) payments by 60% over a five-year period. In the first scenario, which considered a unilateral action by the US, the targeted AMS payments reduction would require a 12% cut in the US target price and an 8% cut in the loan rate. This would lead to a 3% decline in US cotton production, a 3% rise in world cotton price, and a 26% decline in US cotton net farm income at the end of the implementation period. The second scenario analyzed the case in which the US AMS payments reduction is concomitant with multilateral tariff and subsidy eliminations from the rest of the world. Under this scenario, fewer cuts in the US loan rate and target price (i.e. 9 and 4%) were required to achieve the 60% AMS reduction because of market liberalization from the from the rest of the world. However, US cotton producers' net farm income still declined by 18%.  相似文献   

提升中国棉花产业国际竞争力的路径选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是世界第一大棉花生产和消费国,从业农民近两亿,棉花产业还涉及纺织和服装行业的上千万员工就业。然而近年来,我国已成为世界最大的棉花进口国,主要棉花出口国通过大量补贴向国际市场销售棉花,对我国棉花产业形成挑战。本文对我国棉花产业的现状、问题以及面临的新国际环境进行了分析,提出了提升我国棉花产业国际竞争力的路径选择建议。  相似文献   

世界棉花市场的格局与我国棉花产业发展的对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当今世界棉花种植面积基本保持稳定,棉花产量增加主要依靠提高单产,棉花生产区域相对集中,棉花供给与需求基本平衡,市场竞争较为激烈。在这一背景下,我国棉花产业应充分利用其棉花单产水平高、成本低的优势,不断优化棉花品种结构,提高棉花原棉质量,进一步提升在世界棉花市场上的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

从零基流通和棉花生产者的抽象分析出发,系统地探究了棉花零基流通所必需的物质基础即连续不断地提高棉花产量,并从棉花生产成本、市场价格等要素角度分析了零基流通所需物质基础的保障措施,提出了如果实行棉花零基流通,对植棉成本实行财政全额补偿,采取正确的棉花收储政策对流通领域进行合理干预,那么,我国棉花种植产业不但能获得新生,而且能够迅速崛起为世界范围强大的棉花产业。从经济原理而言,实行棉花零基流通,不仅使棉花资源得到最佳配置,农业现代化也将在棉花流通领域迈入日渐完善之路。  相似文献   

新能源汽车是我国汽车行业重要的发展方向,笔者通过研究我国新能源汽车的发展历程、价格补贴政策存在的问题,提出完善新能源汽车价格补贴政策的对策,以期为我国新能源产业的科学发展和我国汽车产业的转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   

Food security is a key objective of agricultural and food policy in Tunisia. The 2007–2008 food crisis highlighted the negative impacts of price volatility on international markets both in terms of food insecurity and budget exposure. Tunisian food subsidy expenditures ranged from $180 million to $710 million in 2006–2010, so volatile world prices meant volatile subsidy costs. Moreover, cereal production in Tunisia still has much instability due to climate conditions, which also influences imports and, consequently, subsidy expenditures. This study applies a structural model to conduct stochastic analyses of trade and policy impacts on food security and budget expenditures in the Tunisian wheat market. The methodology disaggregates durum wheat and soft wheat markets and generates projections of import prices of durum wheat and soft wheat, using projections of world prices provided by the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at University of Missouri (FAPRI-MU). The key innovation is the generated stochastic analyses of subsidy costs based on stochastic world price projections and stochastic domestic wheat yields based on historic yield variances. The analysis highlights the sensitivity of subsidy costs to world prices, volumes imported and domestic production, so that alternative policy tools can be considered.  相似文献   

Rice is the staple food of nearly half of the population of the world, most of whom live in developing countries. Ensuring a domestic supply of rice from outside sources is difficult for developing countries as less than 5% of the total world’s production is available for international trade. Hence, in order to ensure domestic food security, e.g., food availability and access, governments provide subsidies in agriculture. In many occasions, public money used for the subsidy goes toward promoting undesirable crops like tobacco. Although the strategic interaction between governments and manufacturers is critical, it has not been studied in the literature. This study fills this gap by considering a game between a government (of a developing country) and a tobacco manufacturer in which the government decides on a mix of subsidies and the tobacco manufacturer decides on declaring a purchasing price of tobacco. We provide a numerical study to show that controlling the output harvest price is more effective in reaching the desired end result for both the government and the tobacco manufacturer. A subsidy in fertilizer results in the measurable increase in the government spending but does not have significant effect in reaching the production target. The fertilizer subsidy should be provided only when the output price is too high to be affordable for the population.  相似文献   

本文以中国A股市场2007-2014年上市公司的数据为样本,基于企业寻租理论,实证检验了政府补贴对股价崩盘风险的影响,旨在为财政政策经济后果的研究提供新的经验证据。研究发现,政府补贴与上市公司股价崩盘风险之间呈显著正相关关系;在制度环境水平较低的地区,政府补贴与上市公司股价崩盘风险之间正相关关系更强;在产业政策支持的行业,政府补贴与上市公司股价崩盘风险之间正相关关系更强;进一步分析表明,企业寻租是两者正向关系的主要原因。本文的研究结果表明,管理层可以借助政府补贴粉饰公司业绩和隐藏公司负面消息。  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural and international trade policy have increased attention to issues of price volatility and risk management. Previous work in the area of price volatility has typically focused on grains, with little work dealing with cotton. The objective of this analysis was to examine the determinants of price volatility for cotton, focusing on the growing season volatility of the harvest contract. Different econometric techniques, including ARCH/GARCH, were employed to estimate the effects of a set of variables on price volatility. The potential for a nonlinear relationship between price and volatility was examined. Findings suggest a significant seasonal pattern to volatility as well as a nonlinear relationship between price and volatility. The results also suggest that cotton price volatility has not significantly changed with respect to changes in agricultural policy. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 19: 717–733, 1999  相似文献   

我国是国际棉花市场上最重要的贸易主体之一,棉花也是我国需要大量进口的大宗商品。本文采用进口市场集中度指标分析表明我国棉花进口来源市场高度集中;运用回归分析法测算我国棉花自不同来源国家进口的价格弹性,并用边际分析方法研究进口价格弹性在我国棉花进口来源变化中所起的作用。结果表明我国棉花进口来源逐渐集中于具有进口价格弹性优势的国家,这样有利于节约我国棉花进口总支出、平均支出和应对价格高涨风险。  相似文献   

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