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央行数字货币是有国家信用背书的法定数字支付手段,有效推动了国内数字支付、数字金融和税收监管的生态创新。本文从第三方支付与数字货币比较视角进行分析,揭示了央行数字货币在交易资金安全、数据信息保护、税源监管等方面的优势,通过深入剖析第三方支付造成的税收信息失真、税收流失等税收治理难题,分析论证了央行数字货币在解决数字经济税收监管方面的优势,并从加强税收信息共享、遏制税收流失、强化金融和税收协同共治等方面,提出央行数字货币助力解决数字经济税收治理难题的政策建议。  相似文献   

刘明瑞 《海南金融》2021,(10):28-36
货币宪法学是基于社会契约理论与人民主权原则,关注公民与国家之间财产配置结构问题的研究视角,央行数字货币领域的公私博弈毋庸置疑是数字经济时代法学研究的重要任务.央行数字货币的性质及其法偿性、新货币形态下公民的货币财产权、自由权的保障以及央行数字货币形态下的国家责任值得关注.作为一门交叉学科其研究方式多元,尤其是经济学者和法学学者的研究路径呈现明显偏离.本文基于货币宪法学视角,从数字经济时代的新货币形态——央行数字货币出发,通过梳理国内外研究现状,讨论央行数字货币的性质并论证其法偿性.通过明晰央行数字货币下的公民货币财产权和自由权,阐述国家数字货币发行如何对待货币民主问题,最后结合域外实践指出央行数字货币的国家责任和可供参考的央行数字货币宪法规则,以期能为央行数字货币的治理提供可行路径.  相似文献   

在国际数字货币竞争日趋激烈的背景下,美联储于2022年初首次发布了关于美国央行数字货币的研究报告,并就各界关注的有关问题进行了系统阐述。作为全球最有影响力的中央银行,美联储的这一举动将会对美元体系、央行数字货币的国际标准制定乃至全球货币格局产生深远影响,值得重点关注与深入研究。本文通过梳理和分析美联储发行央行数字货币的动机、设计架构、政策挑战等内容,拟为数字人民币更好支持我国数字经济创新发展和实体经济高质量发展、减少对金融体系的潜在冲击以及未来顺利向境外应用场景拓展等提供参考。  相似文献   

本文基于央行数字货币专利申请信息和相关专家公开论述,系统分析了央行数字货币的设计演变、双层投放体系及其对金融体系、政策调控的潜在影响。研究认为,央行数字货币在中心化、双层投放体系设计下,定位于现金替代,对商业银行存款挤出及货币乘数影响较小。央行数字货币在保护用户隐私、提高监管能力、降低交易成本和简化跨境支付方面有着显著优势,对现有第三方支付业务产生替代效应。央行数字货币也会影响以支付为重要入口的金融科技业务和数字金融解决方案输出业务的发展,但若数字货币支付交易数据能够在保证安全和隐私的前提下,向金融科技企业和金融机构开放数据分析接口,则有利于打破数据孤岛,推动金融科技业务和金融数字化转型更好更快发展。  相似文献   

在数字经济发展需求推动和私营数字货币发展影响下,学者们加大了对央行数字货币的关注与讨论.首先,通过在理论和实践上比较分析央行数字货币与现有各类数字货币的信用基础和职能发挥情况,发现央行数字货币主权信用特征强,主要优化了交换媒介的职能,容易同时满足市场对货币价值稳定性、便利性、应用广泛性等需求,在自由市场竞争中更具优势.其次,基于现有研究和实践探索对央行数字货币的潜在影响进行系统性阐述,发现央行数字货币在货币政策、金融稳定、支付体系、商业银行和非法经济活动等方面都有较大的积极影响,而一些风险挑战也需关注.再次,因央行数字货币对金融体系的影响在很大程度上取决于其设计及技术选择,基于市场需求分析对其技术选择问题进行了讨论,发现分布式账本技术存在不足,预计货币当局倾向于选择技术中性路线进行研发.最后,研究了央行数字货币未来提供与转移问题,并对研发央行数字货币提出完善法律法规、强化沟通交流、中性选择技术、公私充分合作、注重国际协调等建议.  相似文献   

2019年11月,中国人民银行副行长范一飞在金融论坛讲话中提出:"央行将数字货币作为未来最重要的基础设施之一,积极开展法定数字货币研发工作""下一步,将遵循稳步、安全、可控原则,合理选择试点验证地区、场景和服务范围,不断优化和丰富DCEP功能,稳妥推进数字化形态法定货币出台应用"。本文试图从数字货币的发展,以及央行数字货币的设计思想和技术专利方面进行读解,提出粗浅的想法。  相似文献   

目前,各国尝试建立的央行数字货币跨境支付系统主要有三种模式:升级实时全额支付系统、双边跨境支付系统、多边跨境支付系统。然而,因数字技术赋能升级的央行数字货币跨境支付系统一旦落地,运营中不仅存在异化传统风险的可能性,还可能滋生新的风险。基于此,本文立足上述三种央行数字货币跨境支付系统模式,依托数字技术研判央行数字货币跨境支付系统中的风险,主要包括流动性风险、网络安全风险、区块链技术风险以及系统重要性风险。面对央行数字货币跨境支付系统中的潜在风险,可从主权国家的货币主权和国际金融监管合作这两个方面进行治理。而今,我国积极参与的“多边央行数字货币桥项目”已启动测试,落地之势蓄势待发。面对央行数字货币跨境支付系统潜含的风险,我国应未雨绸缪,提前对数字人民跨境支付系统中潜在的风险制定防控措施,从而为数字人民币的跨境支付提供安全的制度保障。  相似文献   

从无锚定私人数字货币到数字稳定币和央行数字货币,数字货币的货币职能逐渐完善,而天秤币从重视"币"到重视"网"的发展更令人意识到分布式支付网络可能在下一代金融基础设施中发挥重要作用。以数字货币为载体的分布式支付网络具有重塑全球跨境支付体系的潜力,在经济效率和市场结构方面体现出一定优势。更重要的是,分布式跨境支付网络的出现还为打破个别国家对全球核心金融基础设施的控制带来契机,从而有可能推动国际货币体系的多元化变革。因此,中国未来应积极推动基于央行数字货币和数字稳定币共同构建跨境支付网络。  相似文献   

金融稳定是国家繁荣的关键部分,随着全球一体化和全球化的推进,跨境支付清算体系对金融稳定的影响日益增强。本文探讨了跨境支付清算体系与金融稳定的关系,强调了构建新型跨境支付清算体系对金融稳定的重要性,介绍了金融制裁、支付信息化对金融稳定的影响,讨论跨境支付清算体系的不稳定因素,分析了基于金融稳定的新型跨境支付清算体系的探索方案,包括构建金融信息传输和清算平台以及使用央行数字货币,并对人民币跨境支付系统(CIPS)和央行数字货币(CBDC)的未来进行展望。  相似文献   

建设现代中央银行制度是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大任务,数字货币发展几乎影响到现代中央银行制度建设的方方面面。数字货币发展对支付体系、货币政策、金融稳定有着深远的影响,也必将有效推进现代中央银行制度建设,主要表现在数字货币是现代支付体系的重要组成部分,数字货币发展可增强支付体系的普惠性;现代货币政策框架是现代中央银行制度的核心,央行数字货币的稳妥推出和稳健运行将显著提高货币政策的有效性;加强对数字货币的监管是筑牢防范系统性金融风险安全底线的客观需要,健全宏观审慎管理体系是现代中央银行制度建设的必然要求。由此,本文提出拓展数字货币的应用场景和功能,健全数字货币监管的政策法规;深入推进数字央行建设,加快推进金融机构数字化转型;提升数字金融素养,优化数字金融生态;加强数字金融发展与治理的国际合作,积极参与数字金融国际规则制定等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

The current state of the art in the central bank digital currency (CBDC) literature views indexes constructed from digital currency news to be fully informed about CBDC uncertainty and its impact on the financial system. We argue that the hedging behavior of participants in the currency futures market could be more informative than CBDC uncertainty news in the presence of limited risk absorption capacity in futures markets. We show that the hedging factor has a statistically significant effect on financial market risk aversion and measures of uncertainty. The hedging behavior of currency futures market participants is informative of agents' reactions to the news and central bank policies around CBDC. Our results also show that CBDC uncertainty is a significant risk transmitter in the financial system. Hence, this characteristic makes the hedging factor even more important because it can directly impact risk aversion via its moderating effects, which later influence CBDC uncertainty.  相似文献   

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is seen as a possible next step in the evolution of money, offering a more stable unit of account, a more efficient medium of exchange, and a safer way to store value. However, since it began to get significant attention from academics and practitioners a few years ago, many concerns about how a central bank may build an efficient CBDC and how it would impact a country's current financial system still remain unanswered satisfactorily. Based on the combination of text mining and systematic review methods, this work presents a thorough literature assessment of 191 academic papers on CBDC in order to identify major research issues and knowledge gaps that may be addressed in the future. We find seven primary research themes linked to CBDC including (1) Central bank, (2) CBDC and other digital currency, (3) CBDC and money markets, (4) CBDC and monetary policy, (5) CBDC design and technologies, (6) CBDC and payment system, and (7) CBDC and financial stability and regulatory. The finding helps provide both overall and in-depth views of the current state of research in digital fiat currency topics, as well as drawing some important implications and suggestions on directions for the future research.  相似文献   

We examine the implications of central bank digital currency (CBDC) for credit supply and financial stability using a monetary general equilibrium model. The introduction of deposits in CBDC account decreases credit supply by banks, raising the nominal interest rate and lowering a bank's reserve-deposit ratio. This increases the likelihood of bank panic in which banks exhaust cash reserves. However, once the central bank can lend all the deposits in CBDC account to banks, an increase in the quantity of CBDC which does not require reserve holdings can enhance financial stability by increasing credit supply and lowering nominal interest rate.  相似文献   

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) has increasingly received attention among policymakers and academics. From a theoretical perspective, the introduction of a CBDC arouses long-standing questions, foreseeing the possibility for the private (non-financial) sector to access the central bank reserves. The aim of this paper is to strengthen the understanding of the CBDC through the Endogenous Money Theory (EMT). The paper examines the balance sheets of the central bank, commercial banks, and the non-financial private system, tracking all the assets and liabilities of the macro-agents involved in the introduction of a CBDC. It explains the logical chain of relationships starting with the creation of bank loans from commercial banks, transformed into deposits, and ultimately converted into CBDC. Such a chain of relationships is also explained by amending the four quadrants model proposed by many post-Keynesian scholars.  相似文献   

We introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the network of financial accounts. Simulating a shift of deposits by both households and non-financial corporations from the banking sector to the central bank, we model the different responses of the affected institutional sectors. We find that the introduction of CBDC generates funding shortages in banks, which may propagate to other sectors. In addition, significant adjustments in the balance sheets of all sectors trigger large moves in securities prices and induce changes in the financial network structure. Finally, we extend the analysis to the introduction of a crypto financial asset (stablecoin) issued by either a domestic or a foreign entity.  相似文献   

Launching the central bank digital currency (CBDC) is increasingly recognized as a key priority by several governments. Unknown are, however, the primary factors of public support for the initiative and CBDC acceptance choices. Moreover, despite the fact that CBDC's success requires substantial public support, there is less empirical data of how the public perceives and speaks about it. This research seeks to fill in these gaps using Facebook data from May 2012 to April 2022 using deep learning algorithms for text mining. This research demonstrates that government performance, inflation rate, economic inequality, and technological literacy have a significant influence on the public's perception of CBDC. The government's support of CBDC is determined by public sentiment, the degree of adoption of decentralized finance (Defi), and monetary policy settings. The degree of wealth inequality and technological literacy are two other demographic elements that influence the government's adoption of CBDC.  相似文献   

Implementing a negative interest rate policy (NIRP) in the traditional fiat system is less effective than desired because of the zero lower bound (ZLB) constraint on interest rates and the cash barrier. Would this problem be solved if a new form of currency was introduced, i.e., central bank digital currency (CBDC), in the economy? To answer this question, we construct a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to analyze the effectiveness of NIRP upon the introduction of CBDC. The results suggest that: (i) The CBDC can eliminate the ZLB constraint and stabilize the economic fluctuations caused by NIRP. (ii) The central bank can implement NIRP by directly adjusting the interest rate of digital currency to stimulate consumption, investment, and output and to accelerate macroeconomic recovery. (iii) Welfare analysis shows that the central bank can effectively choose different NIRP rules according to the economic objectives.  相似文献   

This study employs a non-linear framework to investigate the impacts of central bank digital currency (CBDC) news on the financial and cryptocurrency markets. The time-varying vector autoregressive (TVP-VAR) model developed by Primiceri (2005) is estimated based on weekly data from the first week of January 2015 to the last week of December 2021. The vector of endogenous variables in the VAR estimation contains the Central Bank Digital Currency uncertainty index (CBDCU), cryptocurrency policy uncertainty index, S&P 500 index, VIX, and Bitcoin price. The TVP-VAR model’s time-varying responses demonstrated that the reactions of the cryptocurrency market to central bank digital currency announcements vary remarkably over time. The impacts of the CBDC shocks on the financial market have been increasingly visible during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the time-varying forecast error decompositions, CBDCU and VIX shocks have accounted for most of the variance in cryptocurrency uncertainty and Bitcoin return shocks, notably during the COVID-19 period.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interaction and the directional predictability between the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the major cryptocurrencies and stablecoins during the period between 17 May, 2019–31 December, 2021. To this aim, we employ the "Cross-Quantilogram” model, to examine how and whether the traditional digital currencies react to the CBDC uncertainty and attention shocks. Our findings suggest that CBDC uncertainty index is negatively related to cryptocurrency and stablecoin returns. Furthermore, the CBDC attention index is negatively associated with Bitcoin, Ethereum, XPR and Terra USD, however, it is positively related to Tether, Binance, USD Coin and Dai. Our results are useful for regulators, investors and policy makers, to understand and assess the potential effect of CBDC adoption news on the volatility of the stablecoins and traditional cryptos.  相似文献   

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