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正2016年5月14日至16日,国家粮食局党组书记、局长任正晓赴江西省赣州、吉安市就今年夏粮收购准备、安全储粮和安全生产以及年度粮食库存检查等重点工作进行检查调研。任正晓一行先后深入兴国、宁都、于都县、赣县、赣州市和井冈山市的粮食收储企业、加工企业、粮食批发交易市场、军粮供应站点和粮油质检机构进行实地调研,检查清仓查库工作和粮食储藏保管情况,  相似文献   

全国粮食清仓查库工作已经结束,在这次清仓查库中,各级粮食部门进一步总结了经验,找出了存在的问题,促进了粮食工作的发展和粮改的深入。从大部分粮食企业来看,粮食超期储存和陈化是这次清仓查库中较为突出的问题。就我市而言,超期储存和陈化粮占全市粮食总库存的26%,其中:超期储存粮食1.18亿kg,陈化粮2.53亿kg,无论从数量上还是所占比例上,都应当引起足够的重视。1超期储存和陈化粮形成的原因1.1粮食存放时间的影响由于粮食收购价格高于市场价格,粮食收购极强的政策性与粮食销售的市场化之间的不协调,以及所产…  相似文献   

探索了针对在原有PEF高分子保温板压盖密闭储粮中仍存在较明显的“热皮”现象,通过应用菱镁材料隔热保温技术对仓顶隔热保温性能进行改造,有效降低仓温和粮堆表层温度,使储粮常年保持在低温之下,延缓粮食的陈化速度,使粮食保质保鲜,达到“绿色储粮”的目的。  相似文献   

1月11日,国家粮食局在北京召开全国粮食局长会议。会议部署了2010年粮食流通主要工作:以加强宏观调控、深化体制改革、发展流通产业、依法推进管粮、加强行业建设为着力点.实现抓好收购、促农增收、保证供应、稳定市场、统筹发展、保证安全的目标。一是加强和改善粮食宏观调控.维护粮食市场的价格基本稳定;二是充分利用清仓查库成果,健全粮食库存管理长效机制;三是深化粮食流通体制改革,  相似文献   

近年来我国粮食连续丰收,国家库存大大增加,致使我国粮食收储企业库存量大幅度升高,特别是仓内储存已经爆满,仓房告急。尽管国家投资进行 250亿 kg建仓,但仍有 30%的粮食为露天储藏——即外垛储存。由于外垛粮食与外界环境只有一层蓬布相隔,易被外界环境所影响,在一定程度上增加了管理的难度;再者,居高不下的粮食产量使全国各储备库外垛都有所增加,而且近年内不会取消。所以,外垛的管理是我们储粮工作者所面临的一个重要课题,应该引起我们的高度重视。怎样才能更快、更好、更经济安全的做好外垛储粮管理工作呢 ? 1对外垛独特的…  相似文献   

随着入世和粮食购销市场化改革的推进,我国已逐步形成了一个大粮食、大流通、大市场、大发展的粮食流通新格局。市场需要竞争,竞争需要实力,实力需要做大做强。为此,国有粮食企业必须解放思想,勇闯新路,才能真正成为市场经济的主体。特别是我们这样的内地国有粮食企业,必须要跳出本地,冲破行政区域框架限制,走外购外销之路,才能彻底摆脱被淘汰被吞噬的命运。我们的奋斗目标是:走外购外销之路,做大做强国有粮食企业;2003年力争经营总量在2002年的基础上翻一番,即内购10万t,外购10万t,外销20万t,使经营总量达到40万t的规模,实现粮食企业的全面…  相似文献   

介绍了辽宁省鞍山银珠米业有限公司以科学技术为先导,在进一步提高自然条件对储粮控制能力的基础上,有机的结合害虫防治技术、粮情控制技术、谷物冷却技术、储粮降水技术等,逐渐走上了一条具有自身特色的“绿色效益储粮”之路,达到了粮食保质保鲜无污染,取得了显著的科技成果和经济效益  相似文献   

通过实际粮食清查工作,谈谈对2009年全国粮食清仓查库实物检查方法的一些认识和理解,为科学、合理的做好粮食清查工作打下基础。  相似文献   

李建平 《商业会计》2002,(10):35-36
按照国务院深化粮食流通体制改革的精神,各地已经全面展开以“取消定购,放开粮食收购,放开粮食市场,放开粮食价格”为主要内容的粮食购销市场化改革,而粮食企业在“一取消三放开”前按国家定购价和保护价收购的高价位的库存老粮,已成为全面推进购销市场化改革的沉重负担,如何解决好这一问题,让粮食购销企业在市场化改革中求得生存与发展,根据国务院的粮改精神和实际工作,笔者提出以下建议。一、粮食购销企业高价位库存粮食的销售办法(一)粮食购销企业的高价位库存粮食是指“三放开”前按国家定购价和保护价本地收购(含代征公粮…  相似文献   

江苏省溧水县是传统的农业县,粮油种植面积有4万多公顷,2004年油菜籽预计产量为4万吨、稻谷产量为16万吨。由于当地农民缺少储粮知识,在田间、场头、家中造成的粮食损失最少在2.5%,这样下来,全县一年的粮油损失高达0.5万吨,按目前的市场行情农民就要减收1000多万元。因此该县粮食局今年以来,组织机关干部和粮食购销企业、国有粮站职工在南京地区率先深入各个乡镇的村头、田头服务农民,帮助农民掌握科学储粮知识和粮食市场信息,使农民的粮食损失减少到最低,受到农民的普遍欢迎和称赞。溧水县粮食局帮助农民增收出“新招”@张虹…  相似文献   


Fueled by increasing global mobility, there is an ever-growing need for expatriates. This increasing demand poses many challenges for organizations to motivate their employees to successfully complete international assignments. This study addresses this issue by offering a new perspective on how effective leader communication may serve as a tool to increase expatriates’ cross-cultural motivation and boost their chances of success. All three dimensions of motivating language are proposed to have the ability to enhance an expatriate’s cross-cultural intrinsic motivation, as well as his or her cross-cultural self-efficacy. The implications of the framework, as well as future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

Customers will enjoy exhilarating sporting action,exciting moments when they fly with Singapore Airlines during the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. To satisfy higher demand on its flights during the of the Olympic  相似文献   

Better to shop than to vote?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper begins by reflecting on the current generalised political apathy signalled by low voter turnout and falling party membership. It would appear that people are exercising political choices not at the ballot box but by means of consumer activism. Corporations respond to consumer pressure in a way that governments do not, and are gradually assuming the role of global political actors. But this is a dangerous state of affairs for several reasons. In the first place, social welfare can never be the core activity of corporations. Corporate social motives are commercial, and there is a danger that their social policy decisions will be driven by the logic of the market place rather than social need. Recession, for instance, will curtail their social responsiveness, as will decisions to relocate. It is also the case that partnerships between governments and corporates run the risk of removing checks on the growth and abuse of corporate power. And finally, what price does society have to pay for the growth of corporate benevolence?  相似文献   

Marketers must put aside stereotypes and unexamined assumptions to reach older consumers. In this article, the author details their values and describes a technique that can be used to effectively position a product or service in older consumers' minds.  相似文献   

文章从介绍美元的历史及现状入手,揭示美元贬值的历史原因,如何成功应对美元贬值及美元未来走势不确定性可能对我国经济产生的影响,确保我国经济持续快速健康的发展,是值得做进一步研究和探讨的问题.  相似文献   

The government plans to heavily invest in coal liquefaction plants in the next five to 10 years as part of efforts to reduce its dependence on highpriced oil imports, the China Oilnews reported February 9, citing the country's top economic planning agency.  相似文献   

Stock market crash is really coming? On August 8,affected by the downgrading of the U.S.sovereign credit rating and other negative factors,the Shanghai stock market dropped over a hundred points intraday, falling below 2,500 points just like what it did a year ago,and individual shares collectively reached decline limit. Asia-Pacific stock markets also suffered Black Monday,with a num-  相似文献   

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