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近年来,随着我国企业年金市场的快速发展,各类金融机构竞相参与。但不同机构的行业特性决定了其开展年金业务的优、劣势。本文在比较各类金融机构参与企业年金业务特点的基础上,提出金融控股集团在竞争中存在规模经济、范围经济、风险控制、业务创新、同一品牌等综合优势。然后根据年金业务的承接主体、年金业务的协调管理方式两个分类角度下的企业年金业务管理模式矩阵,分析了符合当前我国国情的金融控股集团拓展企业年金业务的三种基本模式,并提出当前的优选模式即“集团主导型”的修正模式及具体的操作建议。  相似文献   

企业年金管理模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国社会保障制度改革的目标是形成基本养老保险、企业年金和自愿储蓄“三根支柱”构成的多层次的老年经济保障制度,融再分配、储蓄和保险功能于一体,达到给老年人提供更好的经济保障并促进经济增长的目的。其中,企业年金改革作为社保基金改革的重要一环,其成功与否关系到经济的良性循环和可持续发展。本文通过对我国企业年金发展模式的研究,提出了未来多主体参与的企业年金发展模式并提出相关建议,另外,文章对商业银行开拓企业年金市场也提出了包括加强自身建设提高综合服务水平;积极研发企业年金业务管理核心系统;交叉发展企业年金业务和其他金融服务,拓展服务空间等相关建议。  相似文献   

企业年金管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国社会保障制度改革的目标是形成基本养老保险、企业年金和自愿储蓄“三根支柱”构成的多层次的老年经济保障制度,融再分配、储蓄和保险功能于一体,达到给老年人提供更好的经济保障并促进经济增长的目的。其中,企业年金改革作为社保基金改革的重要一环,其成功与否关系到经济的良性循环和可持续发展。本文通过对我国企业年金发展模式的研究,提出了未来多主体参与的企业年金发展模式并提出相关建议,另外,文章对商业银行开拓企业年金市场也提出了包括加强自身建设提高综合服务水平;积极研发企业年金业务管理核心系统;交叉发展企业年金业务和其他金融服务,拓展服务空间等相关建议。  相似文献   

自1991年《国务院关于企业职工养老保险制度改革决定》提出国家提倡、鼓励企业实行补充养老保险以来,经过十多年的发展,我国企业年金市场存量规模已达500多亿元。随着2004年5月1日《企业年金试行办法》与《企业年金基金管理试行办法》的颁布实施,明确了各类市场管理主体在企业年金市场中的地位与作用,企业年金业务以其高成长性、低风险度及良好的派生性极大地激发了商业银行、保险公司、证券公司、基金管理公司、信托公司、养老保险公司等各类市场主体的参与热情。对金融机构而言,企业年金的建立和发展给我国的货币市场、资本市场和保险市场带来一次极其重要的发展契机,将对金融资源的重新组合及转移产生重大影响。企业年金,无疑是金融市场里的又一桶金。  相似文献   

姜波 《财会学习》2015,(5):23-26
虽然我国法律上对金融控股集团未明确界定,但随着我国金融业逐步融入全球金融体系,金融控股集团正以全新的姿态进入我国金融体系并得到空前的发展,金融控股集团不仅在规模经济、范围经济、协同效应以及降低单一业务所产生的行业风险方面具有一定的优势,而且在财务方面也具有其他金融企业组织形式无可比拟的优势,但我们也应该清醒地认识到金融控股集团模式,相比单一的金融企业,存在更大的财务风险。如何对金融控股集团进行有效的财务控制,降低财务风险,则是金融控股集团可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

中国企业年金市场已初具规模,但中小企业的计划参与率仍很低。为扩大中小企业年金计划覆盖面,发达国家和地区大多建立起了集合年金计划。中小企业建立集合年金计划可以获得多方面优势,是我国中小企业的现实选择。当前我国金融机构通过不同的运营合作模式开始探索建立起各类集合年金计划,然而受中小企业自身特性的局限和我国企业年金体制中现存问题的制约,当前我国迫切需要进一步建立和完善中小企业集合年金计划。  相似文献   

<正>中央金融工作会议提出要做好养老金融大文章,企业年金账户管理业务作为养老金融的重要组成部分,各账管机构自然而然地成为养老金融大文章的答卷人。多年来,企业年金账户管理业务由于市场结构的原因,已经进入红海阶段,业务形态趋于稳定、市场格局日益固化,但是委托人、管理机构等各类角色在参与企业年金基金管理的过程中,出于自身职责与定位,积极参与年金基金管理,探索新的管理手段并由此演变出行业发展的一些新趋势和新动向。在此背景下,账管机构作为账管业务的核心参与者,有必要采取相应措施,在妥善应对业务变化的同时,推动行业健康向上发展。  相似文献   

随着我国农村经济快速发展,当前以政府主导的农业政策性贷款模式已不能满足农村经济发展多元化需求。面对当前农村经济对政策性金融多元化需求现状,农业政策性贷款运作应实现市场化运作、商业化管理,并逐步由政府主导,专业银行投入的单业务模式向政策引导,金融机构广泛参与的多元化业务模式转变。  相似文献   

当前中国金融经营的一大挑战是,分业经营的金融机构越来越难以与综合经营的海外金融集团进行竞争,加大综合经营力度是新形势下中国金融业的必然选择。目前中国虽然已经拥有了几家金融控股集团模式的金融机构,但更大范围的尝试是在基金管理公司展开。基金管理公司由于其固有的特点成为众多金融机构介入综合经营的“桥头堡”:首先,基金管理公司注册资本小,不存在资金壁垒问题;其次,在基金业进行金融综合经营的尝试符合我国渐进改革的风格;第三,基金规模虽小,但牵涉面广,其资金来源包括银行储蓄资金、保险投资等,成为连接金融各类产品的枢纽,可以照顾到各方利益;第四,各类金融机构已经通过参股、托管和代销基金,初步进入基金管理领域,积累了管理基金公司许多业务的经验。  相似文献   

随着我国农村经济快速发展,当前以政府主导的农业政策性贷款模式已不能满足农村经济发展多元化需求。面对当前农村经济对政策性金融多元化需求现状,农业政策性贷款运作应实现市场化运作、商业化管理,并逐步由“政府主导,专业银行投入的单业务模式”向“政策引导,金融机构广泛参与的多元化业务模式”转变。  相似文献   

On January 1, 2002 the Altersvermögensgesetz went in force which established the Pensionsfonds as an additional form of organization providing company pension plans. This law includes very few restrictions on Pensionsfonds’ pension products and investments. To explore this new market for occupational pension plans empirically, the Institute for Insurance Science at the University of Cologne conducted a comprehensive survey among the German Pensionsfonds. We follow the strategic group literature and use cluster analysis to identify strategic groups of German Pensionsfonds. We then examine the differences in business strategies across strategic groups in detail. Our empirical analysis provides the first overview of business strategies adopted by German Pensionsfonds.  相似文献   

Considerable commentary exists on the potential of the internet for transforming the financial services industry but there is limited longitudinal research into changing website configuration. Studies have investigated online banking ignoring more complex financial services such as pensions. This paper proposes a model of financial services website evolution and applies it to a longitudinal content analysis of 30 pension provider websites, spanning eight years of web development from 1996 to 2003. The study finds that pension websites have evolved over time with apparent links between phases of development and external drivers. The findings indicate that websites support new business transactions rather than existing account management and provide more information on company strength and market position than detail on product and services. Marketing opportunities are present for improved online information provision, business-to-business communication and customer servicing.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that the traditional banking business of accepting deposits and making loans has declined significantly in the US in recent years. There has been a switch from directly held assets to pension funds and mutual funds. However, banks have maintained their position relative to GDP by innovating and switching from their traditional business to fee-producing activities. A comparison of investor portfolios across countries shows that households in the US and UK bear considerably more risk from their investments than counterparts in Japan, France and Germany. It is argued that in these latter countries intermediaries can manage risk by holding liquid reserves and intertemporally smoothing. However, in the US and UK competition from financial markets prevents this and risk management must be accomplished using derivatives and other similar techniques. The decline in the traditional banking business and the financial innovation undertaken by banks in the US is interpreted as a response to the competition from markets and the decline of intertemporal smoothing.  相似文献   

Present policy means that a private pension, unless it is substantial, may fail to bring financial gain in retirement due to means testing: the pensions poverty trap. This paper examines women's acquisition of private (occupational and personal) pensions and their risk of facing this trap. Because of the loosening link between marriage and motherhood, previous patterns of pension advantage according to marital status are shifting. The employment and pension impact of motherhood varies with socio-economic status but the pension prospects of the majority of women are poor. It is concluded that women's need for financial advice to avoid the pensions poverty trap is greater than men's. An improved basic pension, indexed to national income, would reduce the risk of mis-selling and restore confidence that saving for a pension is worthwhile.  相似文献   

刘汉进 《金融论坛》2006,11(11):53-57
金融集团实施共享服务战略,可以为金融企业带来一系列竞争优势,使其实现规模经济、范围经济、业务多元化、风险分散和金融创新等集团化优势。在金融集团共享服务战略的实施中,应当在职能定位、组织结构设计以及信息管理体系设计等方面充分考虑金融行业监管的特点;同时,通过集团治理结构的优化、科学的管理体系的建立、决策权的合理配置以及服务交易的标准化等措施,有效地控制集团服务共享所产生的内部交易,避免集团内部风险的传递和“内部人控制”下的内部交易弊端。为了提高集团的战略灵活性,在共享服务战略实施初期,就应为其设计相应的退出通道。  相似文献   

金融集团实施共享服务战略,可以为金融企业带来一系列竞争优势,使其实现规模经济、范围经济、业务多元化、风险分散和金融创新等集团化优势。在金融集团共享服务战略的实施中,应当在职能定位、组织结构设计以及信息管理体系设计等方面充分考虑金融行业监管的特点;同时,通过集团治理结构的优化、科学的管理体系的建立、决策权的合理配置以及服务交易的标准化等措施,有效地控制集团服务共享所产生的内部交易,避免集团内部风险的传递和“内部人控制”下的内部交易弊端。为了提高集团的战略灵活性,在共享服务战略实施初期,就应为其设计相应的退出通道。  相似文献   

企业年金基金投资是企业年金制度的主要内容之一,也是整个制度建设中最为关键和复杂的构成部分,投资绩效的好坏,直接影响并决定着企业年金事业的兴衰成败。美国企业年金制度已有100多年的历史,20世纪50年代企业年金开始采用信托投资方式,60多年来,信托投资由企业家的独立决策演化成美国企业年金资产管理的常规模式。虚拟经济理论是以马克思虚拟价值观为出发点发展出来的新理论,有不同的学术流派。本文以成思危教授阐发的虚拟经济原理作为理论工具,对美国企业年金基金投资运营展开研究,解析其经验教训,以期为我国企业年金制度建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether and how institutional ownership stability influences real earnings management. We find that institutional investors holding stable equity stakes play an important monitoring role in reducing real earnings management by managers pressured by capital market forces to “meet or beat” earnings targets. We also document no relationship between institutional ownership stability and real earnings management in companies with entrenched managers protected from capital market pressure by a dual-class ownership structure. Our findings of the negative association between real earnings management and institutional ownership stability also indicate that firms with more stable ownership are engaged in lesser sales manipulation and overproduction. In addition, we reveal that pressureresistant institutions (pension funds and mutual funds) that reduce real earnings management are an essential part of the external governance mechanism in an emerging economy.  相似文献   

Pension funds are typically one-half to two-thirds invested in equities because equities are expected to outperform other financial assets over the long term, and the long-term nature of pension fund liabilities seems well suited to absorbing any short-term return volatility. What's more, U.S. GAAP currently makes it possible to take credit in advance for the higher anticipated earnings on equity investments without acknowledging their inherent risk. But by allowing the higher expected returns from stocks to reduce a company's current pension expenses, the accounting treatment conflicts with some very basic principles of finance (in particular, the idea that investors must earn higher returns on riskier investments just to "break even"), conceals systematic biases in the actuarial analysis, and gives managers considerable latitude to manipulate the bottom line.
The authors suggest a startlingly different approach. They argue that pension assets should be invested entirely in duration-matched debt instruments for two reasons: (1) to capture the full tax benefits of pre-funding their pension obligations and (2) to improve overall corporate risk profiles by converting general stock market risk into firm-specific operating risk, where corporate managers should have a comparative advantage and can generate real value. Investing exclusively in bonds would take better advantage of the tax-exempt status of pension plans and greatly reduce fund management costs, while at the same time helping o shore up fund quality and sharpening corporate executives' focus on their real operating assets.  相似文献   

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