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研究目的:理解百年土地产权制度变迁的治理经验。研究方法:从价值、利益和产权的互动机制视角建立了土地产权制度变迁的分析主线,对制度逻辑进行分析。研究结果:中国土地产权围绕党和国家不同时期的价值目标,以保护维护人民利益为原则,先后形成了5个版本的产权治理结构。治理结构的迭代,既是对不同时期政治、经济和社会条件的反馈,更是对实践中土地产权制度实施的秩序和效能的保障。研究结论:土地产权制度体现了“价值决定利益,利益需要产权”的逻辑主线。百年土地产权制度主要围绕中央和地方、城市和农村两个关系进行了制度建设,保障了公有制的严肃性又不失其治理效率。当前和未来的土地产权制度还需进一步协调当代和后代的关系,为实现第二个百年奋斗目标奠定制度基础。  相似文献   

研究目的:梳理自然资源资产产权制度改革实践面临的主要问题,通过理论辨析为改革提供思路和抓手。研究方法:从可持续发展和资源系统观建立了"价值-体制-产权-利用"的递进式分析框架,对产权制度改革的逻辑进行分析。研究结果:产权改革面临6类主要问题,包括产权不完整的持续性、委托代理问题、整体性治理不足、行政管理的路径依赖、市场机制不健全、可持续发展观未普及;同时,从价值目标、体制机制影响、绩效评价闭环三个维度为产权制度改革理念提供了理论阐释。研究结论:自然资源资产产权制度改革可以从5个方面着手推进,包括建构二维产权制度体系、建立新型委托代理关系、推动管制赋权、优化市场与政府关系,以及促进自然资源利用可持续转型等。  相似文献   

国有企业的低效率问题从根本上讲是源于国有企业产权制度固有的缺陷,产权制度创新实质就是经济利益关系的重塑。只有按市场经济的内在要求,重新理清国有企业的经济利益关系,重构利益分配机制,才能使企业高效运行,实现财务管理目标。企业管理机制先行。财务管理机制决定企业运行效率。财务管理机制的运行基础是公司治理结构,公司治理结构的核心是产权制度,产权制度的实质是经济利益关系,经济利益的实现形式是员工持股制度。因此,企业高效运行的制度模式是:财务管理机制——公司治理结构——产权制度——经济利益关系——员工持股制度。  相似文献   

生态文明与国家治理能力现代化建设要求我国必须加大水资源治理制度的改革力度。深入分析了我国水资源治理制度,认为现行的以水量分配和取水许可为主的水资源治理制度体系存在水量分配固化、权属意识薄弱、治理手段行政化和部门职能重叠等突出问题,这些问题也是水资源治理制度体系改革的内在动因。提出水权制度是现代自然资源资产产权制度在水资源治理领域的表现形式,并论证现代自然资源资产产权制度是新时代水资源治理制度体系建设的制度基础。依据产权理论的确权、交易、监督管理3个相互衔接的制度模块,提出水资源现代治理制度改革取向。建议新时代水资源现代治理制度体系以确权登记为基础、水权为表现形式、市场机制为核心,处理好水权制度与水资源系列规划、生态文明建设、河(湖)长制、流域横向生态补偿、水利工程融资、取水许可制度之间的关系,不断推进水资源治理体系的深化改革,加速建立现代化的水资源治理制度。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略进程中新农村建设的多元化推进模式及多样化地域类型,使得农村集体产权权能实践和制度改革呈现动态性、渐进性等特征,同时,农村集体产权的嵌入属性及其不同价值取向导致农村集体产权实现方式和治理机制兼具复杂性、整体性。完成身份界定、权能设置、组织"翻牌"后的新型集体经济组织如何通过产权治理过程中的主体重塑、目标融合、规则转型和机制健全,真正实现农村集体产权制度改革"归属清晰、权能完善、流转顺畅、保护严格"的基本目标,就成为农村集体产权所有制变迁和治理体系重构的关键。本研究在产权的"嵌入性假说"及农村集体产权的嵌入性理论视角基础上,进一步从权能结构和治理机制两个维度构建农村集体产权治理的类型化分析框架,对农村集体产权制度改革过程中不同资源类型及其多元产权功能属性及权能价值取向的差异化治理机制进行系统的对比阐述。因此,乡村振兴战略进程中农村集体产权制度改革应从集体经济组织产权治理能力提升、资源要素市场化配置机制完善以及政府监管体系优化等方面入手,有效规避改革风险,合理分担改革成本,共同分享改革红利,并通过重塑农村集体产权治理主体及其社会行动体系,切实保障改革目标的实现。  相似文献   

正近日,随着中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于统筹推进自然资源资产产权制度改革的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》)的印发,加快构建系统完备、科学规范、运行高效的中国特色自然资源资产产权制度体系的一系列总体改革要求被明确提出,包括完善自然资源资产产权体系、落实产权主体、加强自然资源调查监测和统一确权登记、着力促进自然资源集约开发利用和生态保护修复等重要内容。其根本目标,在于为生态文明建设构建有力的制度保障。对于自然资源部门而言,这既是明确了我们在新时期的目  相似文献   

本文从基于利益相关者的视角,对国内外学者有关农田水利设施治理的成果进行梳理,对国外学者在农田水利设施产权制度、治理效率,以及国内学者在农田水利设施供给、经营和利益相关者协同治理及合作博弈等方面的研究成果进行述评,指出当前农田水利设施治理研究的空白和不足,为该问题的进一步研究指明方向,为我国农田水利设施治理和农业节水提供可借鉴的发展思路。  相似文献   

建立完善产权制度、实行自然资源资产化管理,是新时期自然资源管理法治化改革的基本要求和具体体现。文章以《民法典》颁布后产权制度变革为契机,结合自然资源管理体制改革和自然资源部组建后面临的新任务,逐层剖析自然资源与传统产权标的的异同,明晰自然资源的性质特点与分类,厘清资源与资产之间及相关产权之间的关系,提出界定自然资源产权、科学规范相关经济法律关系,强调自然资源资产产权所具有的公权与私权双重性以及适用部门行政法与《民法典》的相关规定。文章提出建立完善自然资源资产产权制度的思路:(1)明确自然资源产权主体与赋权方式;(2)坚持物权法定,将自然资源产权及相关权利纳入物权体系;(3)科学设定自然资源有偿使用制度;(4)产权设置目标方式体现公权与私权双重性;(5)实施差别化自然资源产权管理制度;(6)促进产权依法自由流转,推行资产化、资本化管理;(7)发挥综合管理优势,协同做好产权管理与资源开发利用监管工作。  相似文献   

正核心提示我国正处于生态文明制度体系重构时期,自然资源资产产权制度也处于不断改革、完善的阶段。构建具有中国特色的归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅、监管有效的自然资源资产产权制度,须要理论清醒、统筹兼顾、措施得力、稳中求进。为此,本文对自然资源资产产权的几个基本问题作了系统梳理,对深化自然资源资产产权制度改革的主要方向进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

深化农村土地产权制度改革是建设社会主义新农村的一项重要内容.然而,现行农村土地产权制度却未能对产权主体的界定进行系统的考虑,而主要体现为对集体化生产方式的改革,由此导致产权主体多重化.因此,本文认为,建设社会主义新农村,深化农村土地产权制度改革,就必须界定农村土地产权主体,重塑和确立农民家庭作为独产的、人格化的产权主体的地位,构农民家庭土地产权制度.  相似文献   

研究目的:总结2020年国内外土地科学研究的重点进展,展望2021年中国土地科学的发展趋势及《中国土地科学》重点关注方向。研究方法:文献调查法。研究结果:2020年国内研究主要涉及土地治理理论、土地要素市场化改革、国土空间生态安全、国土空间用途管制和国土空间规划等方面;国外研究主要涉及土地再分配制度、土地可持续利用、土地利用情景模拟等方面;土地管理体制改革、土地产权保护、土地市场与政府行为、土地利用评价与生态保护等议题是国内外共同关注的重点。研究结论:2020年土地科学研究在农村土地制度改革、土地产权保护、土地利用转型、国土空间优化、自然资源资产产权制度改革等方面取得了一定进展,但在土地资源利用管理、国土空间治理、自然资源资产管理等基本理论与关键技术方面还有待加强。2021年,将重点关注面向国家战略的土地制度创新、耕地保护转型与保障措施、自然资源资产产权制度与治理体系、国土空间用途管制与生态保护修复等相关研究问题及选题方向。  相似文献   

China’s recent collective forestry property rights reform (CFPRR) is regarded as the third Land Reform and has been implemented to accelerate China’s rural restructuring. In departing from previous top-down policy changes, the CFPRR has focused on local collective practices and actions. It indicates a shift in China’s rural governance, away from direct intervention towards support for local collective actions. Based on a case study of Hongtian Village, the origin of the CFPRR, this article analyses the process of insinuating collective action and the impact that this has had in creating a new cultural understanding and acceptance of collective forestry property rights. In contrast to the relative insecurity of tenure that can accompany many reforms of the governance of common pool resources, the paper suggests that the success of the ‘Hongtian model’ mainly lies in high levels of process engagement by local people and effective interaction between villagers and the government. While not addressing all the issues associated with the inefficiency of the previous collective approach to forestry, the paper suggests that there are many transferable lessons to be learnt from the CFPRR, both within and beyond China.  相似文献   

Rural residential land consolidation (RRLC) in contemporary China refers to activities related to the replanning and reallocation of rural residential land to construct new rural residences, to increase land-use efficiency and to improve rural amenities in the context of rural revitalization. The objective of this study is to elucidate the patterns of revenue distribution in RRLC by addressing the following questions. Given incomplete and ambiguous formal rules in China, how can rural land property rights be delineated to distribute and coordinate interests among stakeholders in RRLC? Furthermore, what are the factors that determine the delineation of rural land property rights to distribute land revenue? A theoretical framework for the delineation of rural land property rights is developed from the perspectives of the institutional environment, governance and resource allocation. A comparative analysis of two typical cases of RRLC in contemporary China is conducted to support the research hypotheses. This study finds that bargaining power is the fundamental determinant of delineating rural land property rights to distribute revenue in RRLC. Furthermore, intergovernmental competition motivates the local government to fully deploy strong bargaining power, while concerns about social stability provide some constraints. A strong capability for collective action reinforces the bargaining power of rural households. This study provides new insights into the delineation of rural land property rights and subsequent revenue distribution based on distinctive institutional settings and RRLC in China, enriching the theoretical and empirical findings in the property rights school. Policy recommendations on revenue sharing of RRLC are proposed accordingly.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于“制度环境—治理结构—资源配置”的理论视角,系统梳理和评析当前土地要素市场化改革的产权基础、流转路径和收益分配相关研究和主要观点,为深化土地要素市场化改革提供学理支撑。研究方法:文献综述、比较分析、归纳与演绎。研究结果:(1)从产权基础来看,中国土地产权的明晰性、完整性、稳定性均面临挑战,要加快推进确权登记、还权赋能并建立准入退出机制;(2)从流转路径来看,健全机制、划清政府与市场的作用边界、识别和化解各类风险有利于土地要素流转顺畅、土地市场高效管控和防范冲击;(3)从收益分配来看,要遵循权利均等、时空均衡、权责统一的原则,改进土地收益初次分配和再次分配,建立健全监督问责机制。研究结论:应当顺势而为、因地制宜,以夯实产权基础、优化流转路径、改进收益分配为主要抓手推动土地要素市场化改革,从而促进高质量发展和共同富裕。  相似文献   

This article is intended to conduct a three-dimensional examination of China’s rural land rights and the complex dynamic among political power, economic capital, and farmers’ rights during the past seventy years. First, the study takes a close look at the historical changes in the nature, scope, and ownership of land property in rural China during four significant time periods from 1949 to 2019. Second, it uses Ronald Coase’s theory on property rights in dissecting the four paradoxes and dilemmas in China’s rural land ownership, including the extent of clarity and stability of land property rights, the “three rights system” (the rights to ownership, contracting and operation of land) and three stagnations in defining and exercising such three rights, the simultaneous shortage and waste of land resources, as well as the restrictions on land transactions and the requirement to protect collective property. With examples derived from selected evidence, the article documents how both political power and economic capital have worked together to deprive farmers’ land rights. It concludes with a critical analysis of the current status of China’s rural economy, the problem of applying Western economic theories to China’s reality, as well as the theoretical definition, legal protection and policy parameters of land property rights in China.  相似文献   

The capitalization of land development rights is acknowledged as the key to improving compensations for rural landholders and ameliorating land-related social conflicts in peri-urban China. Investigations into reasonable as well as feasible compensation standards and the capitalization mechanism are yet to be done. This study uses a survey-based choice experiment to empirically estimate the value of land development rights in peri-urban Shanghai for three forms of rural land conversion – acquisition, consolidation and (informal) sale. The results show that heterogeneity across individuals’ preferences translates into different utilities from land development, which affects individual’s willingness to participate in this process. This effect is found to be the strongest for land sales on the informal market. If, however, land conversion is managed by local governments and rural collectives, the expected utilities of individuals have no significant effect on the amount of land development. The results suggest that capitalizing land development rights under consideration of land attributes and individuals’ preferences would lift compensation standard to a level that strikes a balance among competing land-related interests. In addition, it would promote China’s land development by bypassing the institutional constraints imposed by the current land tenure system.  相似文献   

Land system reform (LSR) helps to protect farmers' rights and interests and national food security. China is a country dominated by agriculture but insufficient arable land resources. The contradiction between man and land is prominent. To alleviate the man-land contradiction, the Chinese government has carried out a series of LSRs, especially in the past half century. Extensive and in-depth studies have been done on the process and stage characteristics of China's LSRs, but the systematic analysis on the necessity, problems and key measures to deepen the land system reform is still insufficient. Based on a systematic review of the history of the evolution of China's LSRs, this study firstly analyzed the key issues and new challenges existing in or arising from China's land system, then put forward the necessity of deepening the reform of land system, and discussed specific measures taken to deepen the reform of land system in China at present and finally pointed out the future LSR’s direction. The results show that China's rural LSR has gone through five stages in general since 1949. The key problems existing or arising from the current land system in China include unclear subject of land property right, serious inefficient utilization of land resources, rapid farmland conversion and conflict between farmers’ interests and land system. The dual land system in urban and rural areas has severely restricted the integration of social and economic development in this country. The Chinese government is actively promoting the reforms of rural agricultural land, collective operating construction land and homestead to further remove the dual institutional barriers that hinder the establishment of an integrated land trading market. The vision is good, but there is still a long way to go for China's LSR. The direction of China's rural LSR is to make the property rights relationship clearer, the farmland rights more complete, the transfer transactions more market-oriented and the property rights’ protection more equal. Deepening the rural LSRs is helpful to improve the efficiency of land resource utilization, safeguard the rights and interests of farmers, promote the coordination of human-land relationship, and inject new vitality and momentum into rural revitalization. Cooperative promotion of land resource capitalization reform and household registration system reform is the key area of land system reform in China in the future.  相似文献   

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