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魏静 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(19):201-202
全球资本市场的融资方式不断创新,中国经济高速增长,经济结构日趋完善,作为融资手段的私募股权基金在我国发展迅猛,我国已经成为私募股权基金亚洲最活跃的的交易市场,发展潜力巨大。但是在快速发展的同时,私募股权基金在我国也存在本土资金过少、退出机制过于单一等问题,创业板的推出从一定程度上解决了存在的问题,给私募股权基金提供了更好的平台。  相似文献   

田惠敏 《中国市场》2014,(36):41-45
从私募股权理论与民营经济发展实践的角度论述了私募股权基金有效推动民营经济发展的机理。分析了中国民营经济存在的投资领域准入、融资难、转型升级难及公司治理等问题。在此基础上,提出鼓励私募股权基金支持民营经济发展的途径是:营造有利于私募股权基金促进民营经济发展的环境,加强多层次资本市场建设,促进政府引导基金发展,培育社会企业创业文化氛围,支持私募股权基金促进民营企业"走出去"。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,私募股权基金已经成为资本市场上重要的投资方式和资本运作内容。私募股权基金与一般基金存在一定区别,但是私募股权基金实质上还是一种投资基金。私募股权基金不仅具有一般基金的特性,还具有自身的一些特点。通过简述私募股权基金的概念和特点,分析了我国私募股权基金发展的三个阶段及其主要影响因素,进而深入剖析了我国私募股权基金发展存在的问题并提出建议措施。我国私募股权基金具有较大的发展控制,一方面就企业项目来看首先要健全项目估值体系,其次要引导建立专业的中介顾问,第三就是要提高企业的创新能力;另一方面就基金管理机构来看,要调整投资项目的评价和管理体系,基金管理机构要对项目投资风险进行全面把控,为私募股权基金各个环节的顺利完成提供有效保障。  相似文献   

私募股权基金在我国资本市场中是一股新兴势力,私募股权基金介入企业、行业,使其在变现一部分资本的同时,也为更多的资本投入到战略性、主导性产业提供了条件,有助于产业的战略性调整.私募股权基金的经济效应日益明显,但其短期化行为、恶性竞争等问题也日渐突出.因此,必须及时完善相关法规,培育全民资本文化,建设多层次资本市场,确定私募股权基金监管机构,以便于充分发挥私募股权基金的经济效应.  相似文献   

私募股权基金投资管理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济结构的调整和转型,大量具有发展潜力的企业需要巨大资本投入和管理优化,私募股权作为连接产业市场与金融市场的桥梁及融合产业资本与金融资本的平台,对经济和企业的发展起到越来越重要的作用。同时,私募股权投资基金在解决中小企业融资难的问题上也做出了自己应有的贡献。本文主要介绍了私募股权基金在投资管理在存在的问题,针对问题提出相应的对策,有助于私募股权基金的健康发展。  相似文献   

在外资大量染指国内市场的情况下,本土私募股权基金的发展已成"星星之火"之势.据资料显示,目前我国已经有几十支产业基金设立.一场地方政府主导、国有企业参与的中国特色PE正昂然迈进中国的资本市场.本文对私募股权基金的概念、现状和前景及竞争力进行分析.  相似文献   

当前,随着中国社会经济建设的高速发展,我国的私募股权基金也得到了快速的发展,为了规范我国私募股权基金的发展制度,也出台了不少的法律,但是这些法律涉及到的私募股权的内容还尚未完善,存在许多的问题。本文就中国私募股权基金发展中的法律问题进行探讨和分析,提出为我国私募股权基金发展有效的立法建议,以期为我国的私募股权基金完善、规范的法律构建贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

近年来我国资本市场发展迅速,私募股权投资基金是一种新事物,其产生对我国经济发展有着重大的意义。 在市场资源配置方面,它可以优化资源配置,促进产业结构的转型升级。 近年来私募基金行业在资本市场中占据着重要地位,其规模也在不断扩大。 文章主要对私募股权基金投资的风险进行分析,并提出私募股权基金投资财务管理中的风险控制建议。  相似文献   

赵光明 《中国市场》2011,(26):53-53,57
与私募股权人民币基金管理机构积极募资的热情相比,我国私募股权人民币基金的机构投资者都比较谨慎,市场观望气氛较重。而市场化、专业投资于私募股权投资基金的人民币母基金(FOF)仍处于发展初期,规模和投资能力都受到较大限制,其市场功能尚不能有效发挥。发展人民币母基金(FOF),是推动私募股权人民币基金健康发展有效的途径之一。  相似文献   

随着我国资本证券金融市场的不断发展和健全,私募股权基金作为一支新兴的金融创新方式在我国金融体系中扮演的角色越来越重要.本文首先阐述了我国私募股权基金的发展现状,接着从监管主体不明确、投资退出渠道单一、二级市场发育不成熟资本流动性不足等方面分析了其发展中存在的问题,最后提出了促进我国私募股权基金发展的建议和对策.  相似文献   

本文首先从我国现阶段私募基金占资管业务总规模的比重说明私募基金在我国资本市场的重要性,由此介绍有限合伙型私募股权基金定义和运作环节,通过详细阐述私募股权基金各环节的涉税业务及税收优惠政策,深入分析私募股权基金的税务筹划现状,并提出优化有限合伙型私募股权基金税务筹划策略,以期促进私募股权基金的长远发展。  相似文献   

The growth of socially responsible investment (SRI) on public financial markets has drawn considerable academic attention over the last decade. Discarding from the previous literature, this article sets up to analyze the Private Equity channel, which is shown to have the potentiality to foster sustainable practices in unlisted companies. The fast integration of the environmental, social and governance issues by mainstream Private Equity investors is unveiled and appears to have benefited from the maturation of SRI on public financial markets and the impetus of large conventional actors. Hypotheses on the characteristics and drivers of this movement are proposed and tested on a unique database covering the French Private Equity industry in 2011. Empirical findings support that Private Equity socially responsible investing is characterized by investor engagement and strategically driven by a need for new value creation sources, increased risk management and differentiation. In particular, results show that independent funds, which need to attract investors, are more likely than captive funds to develop socially responsible practices. Evolution of the movement and future research paths are proposed.  相似文献   

Survivor Is King     
"The greatest agony for Private Equity (PE) is that when the good projects loom, we do not have enough capital." aninvestor said. His words reflect the fact that, with the financial tsunami in Wall Street, overseas LPs are all lapsing into a shortage of cash flows, which is also causing difficulty for all kinds of funds that want to raise capital. Obviously, every sector in the financial chain has been affected, as shown by an urgent report from Sequoia Capital, a venture capital firm specializing in seeding, startups, and early growth stage investments, which reminds all enterprise partners to restrain their expenditures; this is compounded by the foreboding news that the United States has witnessed a his- toric "longest-ever IPO vacuum period" -toric "longest-ever IPO vacuum period" - there have been no IPOs on the NY Stock Exchange for ten consecutive weeks.  相似文献   

交易所交易基金作为一种新型的开放式指数基金,具有独特的创新优势:对投资者而言,其流动性好、交易成本低;对基金管理公司而言,其“物物交易”的赎回方式有利于提高资金的利用率。随着各国证券市场效率的不断提高,基金业界专家对交易所交易基金的发展给予极大关注,并称之为未来基金业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

股权资本的运作在我国尚处于起步阶段,但股权资本运作对企业和证券市场的发展却有非常重要的作用。随着我国加入WTO后对外开放水平的进一步加大,中国企业面临的挑战更加严峻。企业需要做大做强,单凭内部积累是远远不够的,必须进行产业整合,走产业兼并重组的道路。TCL集团的"阿波罗计划"是一次创新性的股权资本运作,这其中很多做法都是国内首创。  相似文献   

Most theoretical and empirical studies of capital structure focus on public corporations. Only a limited number of studies on capital structure have been conducted on small-to-medium size enterprises (SMEs), and this deficiency is particularly evident in investigations into factors that influence funding decisions of family business owners.Theory indicates that there is a complex array of factors that influence SME owner-managers' financing decisions. Recent family business literature suggests that these processes are influenced by firm owners' attitudes toward the utility of debt as a form of funding as moderated by external environmental conditions (e.g., financial and market considerations).A number of other factors have been shown to influence financing decisions including culture; entrepreneurial characteristics; entrepreneurs' prior experiences in capital structure; business goals; business life-cycle issues; preferred ownership structures; views regarding control, debt–equity ratios, and short- vs. long-term debt; age and size of the firm; sources of funding for growth; attitudes toward debt financing; issues relating to independence and control; and perceived risk and attitudes toward personal risk.Although these factors have been identified, until now there does not appear to have been any attempts to develop empirically-based models that show relationships between these factors and family business owners' financing decisions. Utilizing theories derived from divergent disciplines, this study develops an empirically tested structural equation model of financing antecedents of family businesses. Participants of our study involved a random sample of 5000 business owners who were mailed a 250-item Australian Family and Private Business questionnaire developed specifically for this investigation.Notably, our findings reveal that firm size, family control, business planning, and business objectives are significantly associated with debt. Small family businesses and owners who do not have formal planning processes in place tend to rely on family loans as a source of finance. However, family businesses in the service industry (e.g., retailers and wholesalers) are less likely to use family loans as are those owners who are planning to achieve growth through new products or process development. Use of capital and retained profits is likely for family businesses planning to achieve growth through an increase in sales but less is likely for family businesses in the manufacturing sector and lifestyle firms. In addition, debt and family loans are negatively related to capital and retained profits. Equity is a consideration for owners of large businesses, young firms, and owners who plan to achieve growth through increasing profit margins. However, equity is less likely to be a consideration for older family business owners and owners who have a preference for retaining family control.Our findings suggest that the interplay between multiple social, family, and financial factors is complex. In addition, our findings indicate the importance of utilizing theories that also help to explain behavioral factors (e.g., owners' needs to be in control) that affect financial structure decision-making processes. Practitioners and researchers should consider the dynamic interplay among business characteristics (e.g., size or industry), behavioral aspects of business financing (e.g., business objectives), and financial factors (e.g., gearing levels) when working with and researching family enterprises.  相似文献   

风险投资在我国还是一个新兴的产业。在我国风险投资的发展历程中,政府起了主要的推动作用。与发达国家相比,我国的风险投资业还处于刚起步的阶段。我国风险投资业的发展面临的最主要问题是缺少优秀的具有远见卓识的风险投资人才、风险投资公司自身的问题以及风险投资面对的市场环境问题。在探讨分析我国风险投资业的现状和问题的基础上,提出适合我国风险投资业发展的政策和建议,对我国风险投资业的健康发展具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

International Monetary Fund (IMF)‐supported programmes catalyse private capital to non‐defaulting countries. We find the IMF to be effective in stimulating private capital flows to middle‐income countries that participate in a Fund programme, but do not restructure their debt. IMF‐supported programmes help non‐defaulting countries to signal their willingness to reform and repay debts, thereby catalysing private capital. This signalling role appears to be more important for Fund catalysis, than the size of IMF lending.  相似文献   

民营经济已经成为我国经济发展的重要生力军,但目前仍然有许多因素制约着民营企业健康发展,其中最主要的一个因素是信誉缺失问题。根据民营企业信誉缺失的表现,利用博弈分析方法,概括了民营企业信誉缺失的原因,从根本上提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

At the Fifth Annual Global Private Equity Investing Conference on Thunderbird's campus in Glendale, Arizona, held in late March 2009, it was made clear the economic crisis not only has shown the world that economic globalization has come, but it also brings with it many new and surprising opportunities. For private equity in particular, globalization is imperative. This issue of the Thunderbird International Business Review offers an in‐depth look into several key topics for private equity in these tumultuous times, including how to structure a successful private equity portfolio, tools for reaching liquidity, and opportunities in the secondary and distressed debt markets. Katharina Lichtner of Capital Dynamics, Hans Swildens of Industry Ventures, Roger Wittlin of Silver Lake, and Sebastien Burdel of Coller Capital explore these timely topics in the following pages. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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