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马明妍 《会计师》2021,(12):5-6
股份回购在西方发达国家兴起与发展,引入我国的时间较短,发展较缓慢.近年来我国A股市场的走势持续低迷,股份回购不仅可以向市场传递积极信号,还具有优化公司资本结构、降低代理成本、完善治理结构等作用,各大上市公司渐渐将其作为一种资本运作的常用工具.2020年4月,国内白色家电行业龙头企业格力电器首次宣布实施股份回购,2020年10月宣布实施第二期股份回购,2021年5月开启第三期股份回购.本文立足于现有理论,梳理股份回购在我国的发展状况,探究格力电器连续实施股份回购的动因.  相似文献   

股份回购是指上市公司利用自有资金或者通过债务融资的方式,回购一定数额的发行或流通在外的本公司股票的行为。股份回购在优化公司资本结构,推动公司股价回归、加强公司的控制权和代替现金股利政策等方面发挥着重要的作用,对公司的整体运营和资本市场的稳定发展产生越来越重要的影响。本文首先分析了国内外上市公司股份回购的动因和产生的效应。然后并从回购动因、市场效应和财务效应三个方面进行了分析。最后,我国资本市场,回购过程中存在的问题和相关规章制度的缺陷有待于进一步的改进和完善。  相似文献   

20世纪对股份回购的经验实证研究得到了迅速的发展.按照一般的股份回购经验研究所得到的结论,在股份回购活动中,出让股份的股东会得到较高的收益率,而且会使普通股的市场价格有较长期的增长.本文通过对我国股份回购第一案例的分析,对这一课题进行探讨,并提出我国实行股份回购的对策.  相似文献   

在我国,股份回购作为企业资产重组和优化配置的又一创新举措,已逐渐为部分股份公司所采用,但相应的法规建设和政策环境却明显滞后,使股份回购的实施具有较大的风险和不确定性。构建合理有效的法律框架以规范引导公司的股份回购,已成为当前亟待解决的研究课题。一、股份回购与我国监管现状股份回购指股份公司购回或取得原发行流通的本公司股票的财务行为。在多数市场经济国家,股份回购是公司的资本营运方式之一,其合法来源一般包括:公司兼并中形成,股东无偿捐赠,债务人抵债,以及因缩减资本、职工持股、避免重大损失等目的从资本市场购回。我国现代企业制度尚处于初创时期,证券市场的监管制度和交易制度都还不成熟,但是与国际通行作法相比更加严  相似文献   

李诗雯 《银行家》2022,(2):106-109
股票回购是指上市公司以一定的价格赎回已经发行在外的普通股,用以作为库藏股或注销.股票回购自20世纪80年代起在西方资本市场盛行,近年来,我国也有部分公司相继进行股票回购.国外学者对股票回购的动机作了大量研究,其中,得到广泛认可的研究成果有信息/信号传递假说、自由现金流假说、财务杠杆假说等.上述假说是在西方国家的特定背景...  相似文献   

2005年6月6日,中国证监会颁布了<上市公司回购社会公众股份管理办法(试行)>,规范了我国上市公司的股份回购行为.股份回购在经济发展中有许多积极作用.本文通过建立股份回购模型,来系统研究上市公司股份回购的财富效应.  相似文献   

汪晖 《金融纵横》1999,(10):36-37
从我国资本市场发展的现实情况和《公司法》等有关法规规定来看,我国证券市场的股份回购与国际惯例相比较,其回购动机、操作方式、法律环境会有较大差异。本文就国外股份回购作一介绍。  相似文献   

王荭 《上海会计》2000,(10):36-37
股份回购是我国证券市场上的一种金融创新 ,对上市公司的自我发展与调节 ,以及证券市场的完善与健全 ,有着重要的意义。一、我国上市公司股份回购的基本动因股份回购是上市公司出资购回其本身发行在外的股票 ,以有利于实现公司的基本利益目标的财务行为。这种财务行为产生的基本动因是源于公司的基本利益将能在未来可靠地实现为前提。具体表现为 :1.实施战略性结构调整 ,提高资本的运作质量 ,为上市公司未来的持续、稳健发展创造条件。从资本运作角度出发 ,上市公司为了今后的可持续发展 ,必须培育后续的筹资能力 ,重视证券市场的再筹资功…  相似文献   

股份回购又称自己股份的购买,指公司通过一定的途径从二级市场买回本公司已对外发行的部分股份的行为.在国外成熟的资本市场,股份回购已经成为上市公司主要的资本运营工具之一,公司经常通过股份回购的方式达到减资或调整股本结构,实现公司经营策略的调整和资产重组的目的.股份回购的良好运作不仅会对市场参与各方产生巨大影响,而且会给证券市场增添新的亮点,为上市公司通过证券市场提高资本运作效率提供一条新思路.  相似文献   

股份回购与国有股减持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
股份回购是西方发达国家成熟资本市场中常用一种的运作方法,在我国则是一种金融创新。我国股份回购有着特殊的使命-减持国有股。本文着重分析股份回购在国有股减持中的重要作用、运用条件、运用方式以及运用效果的实证研究。  相似文献   

We compare three forms of common stock repurchases. Dutch-auction self-tender offers and open-market share repurchase programs are weaker signals of stock undervaluation than fixed-price self-tender offers. The price increase from buyback announcements is greater when insider wealth is at risk, greater following negative net-of-market stock returns, and unrelated to prior market returns. Buyback announcement returns are also increasing in the fraction of shares sought, which is consistent with both signalling and an upward-sloping supply curve for stock.  相似文献   

This paper tests how market misvaluation affects corporate innovation. Unlike the “catering effect” observed in the US, we find that estimated stock overvaluation in China is strongly negatively associated with corporate innovation, conforming to our “risk-aversion” hypothesis. In China, misvaluation affects innovation via finance and management behavior channels. The effect is more significant in non-state-owned corporations than in state-owned corporations. Stock turnover rate and ownership concentration play moderating roles in the effect. The evidence sheds light on the relationship between market risks and corporate innovation in an emerging market.  相似文献   

This paper tests two competing hypotheses describing investors' behavior: the efficient market hypothesis and the functional fixation hypothesis. In particular, this study examines how Taiwan's stock market interprets the nature of corporate income tax after the 1998 Tax Reform, which switches from the classical tax system to the integrated tax system. This Tax Reform changes the nature of corporate income tax from a pure operating expense to an individual shareholder's tax credit, but current GAAP still treats it as an operating expense in the income statement. The empirical results show that Taiwan's stock market perceives the change in nature of corporate income tax and responds accordingly.  相似文献   

The corporate restructuring activity of the 1980s, sparked by potential external capital market intervention, is believed to have been primarily directed at correcting the diversification mistakes of the 1960s and 1970s, which had led to poor corporate performance. Assuming that investor gains from corporate restructurings are unbiased expectations regarding future efficiency gains, many researchers concluded that the market for corporate control is an efficient external control mechanism and that the restructuring programs of the 1980s will, on average, be followed by substantial improvements in corporate performance. To examine whether those improvements were achieved, this paper analyzes the long-term operating and financial performance of the 50 most aggressive US participants in the takeovers and corporate restructuring activity during the 1980s. The results support the hypothesis that the market for corporate control is an efficient external corporate control mechanism of last resort.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the motivations of acquirers undertaking partial acquisitions in emerging markets by testing two competing hypotheses: the market for corporate control hypothesis and the market entry hypothesis. We find that targets of cross-border acquisitions outperform targets of domestic acquisitions in the pre-acquisition period. While cross-border acquisitions have no significant impact on target firms' operating performance, targets of domestic acquisitions experience significant improvements in operating performance and substantial changes in ownership structure after the acquisition. The evidence suggests that domestic partial acquisitions in emerging markets serve as a market for corporate control, while cross-border partial acquisitions are motivated by the strategic market entry rationale.  相似文献   

This article explores the issues and problems associated with corporate real estate ownership as viewed through the takeover market. The perception held by managers is that corporate real estate assets are unique, specialized assets. This perception conflicts with financial theory which states that the market values all corporate assets based only on their expected future cash flows. Thus corporate real estate assets are priced according to their cash flows and are like other corporate assets. This study tests the hypothesis that corporate real estate is a specialized asset by examining the impact real estate assets have on the takeover market. The study uses a logit regression model in order to attempt to predict which firms become takeover targets. If corporate real estate in general is a specialized asset, then real estate is expected to be an important variable in predicting takeover targets. Although the logit model has little predictive accuracy, results from the prediction model suggest that corporate real estate plays a significant part in determining the likelihood of a firm's becoming a takeover target. The greater the real estate holdings, the greater the likelihood of a firm's becoming a takeover target.  相似文献   

In response to a recent New York Times op‐ed by Senators Schumer and Sanders deploring the effects of stock buybacks on workers and the economy, the authors explain the role of buybacks in increasing corporate productivity and in recycling “excess capital” from mature companies with limited growth and employment opportunities to the next generation of Apples and Amazons. Some companies, as Schumer and Sanders charge, are guilty of repurchasing shares in the name of “shareholder value maximization” instead of pursuing job‐creating investments. But as the authors argue, well‐run companies increase shareholder value not by boosting EPS through buybacks, but mainly by earning competitive returns on capital and investing in their long‐run “earnings power.” And by paying out capital they have no productive uses for, such companies give their own shareholders the opportunity to reinvest in other companies with promising prospects for growth and jobs. But the authors go on to note the tendency of companies to buy back shares not when their stock prices are low, but instead when the companies are flush with cash and nearer the top than the bottom of the business cycle. The result of this tendency, as research by Fortuna Advisors (the authors' firm) shows, is that fully three quarters of companies doing large buybacks during the period 2013‐2017 failed to produce an adequate “Buyback ROI,” a metric developed by Fortuna that indicates management's effectiveness in “timing” its stock repurchases. Given the usefulness of buybacks in recycling capital, the authors conclude that the most reliable solution to the corporate short termism and underinvestment problem is for companies to adopt better financial performance measures—including Buyback ROI—to guide their capital allocation. And when management determines that it has significantly more capital than value‐adding investments, but wants to avoid committing to unsustainable dividend increases, it should consider buybacks—but only if management is convinced that its stock price has not outpaced performance.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have been conducted to test whether corporate dividend changes predict the future profitability of firms. While the debate continues, we assess the information content of dividends (ICD) hypothesis in the Korean market as it provides an interesting experimental setting for testing the hypothesis in the context of corporate governance. We find that it is difficult to support the ICD hypothesis if one accepts nonlinear patterns in earnings. However, when we divide the sample in terms of Chaebol vs. non‐Chaebol and high‐growth vs. low‐growth firms, we find that the ICD hypothesis becomes valid, especially for non‐Chaebol firms and for low‐growth firms. Therefore, we suggest that the validity of the ICD hypothesis may be dependent on firm characteristics such as the corporate governance structure and growth stage.  相似文献   

Corporate Governance and Acquirer Returns   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine whether corporate governance mechanisms, especially the market for corporate control, affect the profitability of firm acquisitions. We find that acquirers with more antitakeover provisions experience significantly lower announcement‐period abnormal stock returns. This supports the hypothesis that managers at firms protected by more antitakeover provisions are less subject to the disciplinary power of the market for corporate control and thus are more likely to indulge in empire‐building acquisitions that destroy shareholder value. We also find that acquirers operating in more competitive industries or separating the positions of CEO and chairman of the board experience higher abnormal announcement returns.  相似文献   

Using a panel of corporate transactions in 27 EU countries from 1999 to 2012, we investigate the impact of the financial crisis on the market for corporate assets. In particular, we test the ‘fire-sale FDI’ hypothesis by analyzing the number of cross-border transactions, the price of corporate assets and the impact of credit and macroeconomic conditions. According to the fire-sale FDI hypothesis, countries affected by a crisis attract foreign buyers selling assets at a discount. We find a dampening effect of the crisis on cross-border transactions in all EU countries. Although countries with higher sovereign default risk and lower economic demand attracted more foreign buyers in the crisis, lower domestic credit is associated with less cross-border transactions. Corporate assets in crisis countries are cheaper, particularly if domestic credit is low; however, these findings are not limited to the crisis period. This pattern is strikingly different from the East Asian and Latin American financial crises. Overall, we find little evidence for ‘fire-sale FDI’ suggesting an integrated European market without significant frictions.  相似文献   

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