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Standard tax multipliers are a widespread feature of fiscal equalization systems. A simple theoretical model shows that actual tax multipliers respond positively to changes in standard tax multipliers. This theoretical prediction is tested empirically using data on municipalities in Germany. A quasi-experiment in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is exploited to identify the incentive effect. The empirical results confirm that local business tax policy is shaped by standard tax multipliers. They provide a straightforward practical tool to avoid a race to the bottom in local business tax rates.  相似文献   

问:2002年度注册会计师全国统一考试已经结束了,各科的合格率都是多少呢?答:在2002年注册会计师全国统一考试中共有37.4万人、69.8万人科次参加考试,五科的平均出考率为44.29%。各科合格人数及合格率分别为:会计22221人,10.89%,审计26400人,33.33%;财务成本管理10233人,9.34%;经济法47542人,32.06%;税法18272人,11.65%。全国共有91人在这次考试中取得五科的全部合格成绩。问:我已经查询到2002年度注册会计师全国统一考试的成绩了,但成绩结果是“-3”,请问这是什么原因呢,难道还有倒扣分的问题吗?答:根据注册会计师全…  相似文献   

要对教学过程进行全面质量管理,利用分层法等方法,找出课程建设中的薄弱环节,进而找出其原因,并订出实施措施,以推动课程建设,从而提高课程教学质量.  相似文献   

问:2003年度注册会计师全国统一考试的报名工作即将开始,应当如何选择报名科目呢?答:注册会计师全国统一考试的五个科目中,除经济法科目外,审计、财务成本管理和税法科目均与会计科目有较密切的联系,如果会计基础较扎实,会有利于这三个科目的学习。因此,在第一次报考时 ,可以先单独报考经济法,如要报考审计、财务成本管理和税法科目全部或之一,我们建议应当先报考会计,以便于审计、财务成本管理和税法科目的复习。从历年考生报考科目与通过率的情况看,报考科目较多的考生成绩大都不很理想。由于注册会计师全国统一考试合格成绩…  相似文献   

问题的提出 拟议中的新一轮税制改革的原则和内容,已经在《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》第20条中做了系统阐述。启动新一轮税制改革的必要性和重要性,也已为包括企业界、理论界和政府部门在内的方方面面所熟知,甚至在社会上形成了强烈企盼。然而,迄今为止,除了今年1月份推出了出口  相似文献   

This paper examines the fortunes of South Pacific tax havens in light of recent international campaigns to raise minimum regulatory standards. The paper is structured around three puzzles. The first is that although offshore sectors have generated meagre returns and are now associated with rising costs, this has not prevented existing players mounting a spirited defence of their offshore sectors. Secondly, although Pacific islands states would seem to be highly vulnerable to international pressure, they have also been the most recalcitrant in response to international regulatory initiatives. The third puzzle is that although onshore countries and international organisations bemoan the negative consequences of Pacific tax havens, they have been unwilling to offer the tiny sums necessary to buy out these offshore centres.  相似文献   

商业银行作为货币政策传导机制中的重要一环,应该增强对宏观形势反应的灵敏度,具体表现为重视有关法律、法规的学习和落实,更多地关注国家产业政策和信贷政策,做好行业分析。商业银行还要提高风险定价能力和运用经济资本控制风险,在大量的中小企业中寻找潜在客户,在与风险的搏斗中赢利。  相似文献   

The paper argues that humanity's impacts upon the world have ushered in a new era that has been called ‘the Anthropocene.’ The paper argues for a number of shifts in focus in individual and social efforts to understand and deal with change. These include: becoming more aware of current contradictions; embracing insights into the state of the global system; acknowledging, valuing and applying signals of change; cultivating scepticism about the assumed importance of science and technology; exploring the potential of human, cultural and institutional innovation; and designing and implementing a range of high quality responses – especially in education. The critical role of the modern university is stressed as it is considered the one social entity that could make the greatest contribution in the shortest time.  相似文献   

目前我国对公民经济行为的法律规制面临许多缺失,诸如经济犯罪、偷逃税费、恶意串通、联手提价等,其成因是立法不全、执法不当、司法不公、守法不严.因此,应从建立健全法制、加强法制宣传、提高执法水平、惩治违法犯罪等方面着手解决问题.  相似文献   

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