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中层行政领导者是行政组织中承上启下的重要桥梁,也是政策执行和实施的中坚力量。随着我国行政管理体制改革趋势的不断推进,中层行政领导者执行力问题逐步显现,并且成为困扰政府决策执行工作的重要因素。通过分析中层行政领导者在行政执行工作中反映出的问题,提出执行力提升的方法和路径,比如理顺中层行政领导者的工作关系、健全中层行政领导者的考核与监督体制以及提升地方政府执行力建设与扩大地区政策协调等。  相似文献   

王宏伟 《经济师》2010,(9):36-38
基层政府,尤其是乡镇政府处于政策执行的第一线,直接负责政策的解释、贯彻和执行。乡镇政府的行政执行力如何,直接关系到中央政策的落实程度,直接影响到党和政府在老百姓心目中的形象,关系到"三农"问题能否得到有效的解决和和谐社会的建设。提高乡镇政府行政执行力是提高基层政府执政能力的重要保证。文章通过对当前我国乡镇政府行政执行力的问题及其影响因素进行分析,并在此基础上提出提高行政执行力的相应对策。  相似文献   

顾建国 《江南论坛》2010,(10):50-51
毛泽东同志讲:“政治路线确定后,干部就是决定的因素。”湖州市委市政府提出“三个年”活动要求,加强作风建设年活动是贯彻落实全市经济工作会议精神的重要保障。没有良好的作风建设,没有牢固的执行理念,任何的决策和计划都不可能贯彻落实到底。如果说作风建设是一项“软实力”,那么执行力就是一项“硬功夫”。  相似文献   

梁瑞宸 《经济研究导刊》2014,(6):196-197,209
政府执行力在维系政府组织机构的生存中发挥着重要作用,它也是政府组织不可或缺的决定性力量。中国在政治和经济各方面都处于高速发展的阶段,政治环境和谐稳定,经济发展的速度突飞猛进,这都与中国强大的政府执行力是密不可分的。然而,由于中国政府执行力还处于起步阶段,中国仍存在着乱执行、不执行或难执行等执行力不强的现象,这严重影响了政府的工作效率,也不利于国家的经济建设。通过对中国地方政府执行力的研究,目的在于提高中国地方政府执行力,从而避免地方政府在执行政策过程中出现各种问题,提高地方政府的工作效率,保障政策顺利进行。同时它也为提升地方政府执行力提供更加充实的理论基础,有利于加强政府的行政效能建设,也是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求。  相似文献   

文章针对领导干部涵义进行了解读,指出了领导的含义和干部的具体含义;分析了行政领导干部执行力的含义及其特征,分析了提升我国行政领导干部执行力的重要性和乏力执行的含义与表现;提出要以科学理论为指导、要坚持创新额等,提高行政领导人员的自身素质建设,树立依法行政、依法办事的法治观念.强化行政领导干部执行问责制等.  相似文献   

试论我国企业内控体系建设中的执行力提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋兆婷 《经济师》2010,(9):254-255
随着企业经营的高速增长,要求基础管理、控制水平和风险防范与之相适应,内控措施如果跟不上企业发展水平,可能会导致企业经营发展越快,造成的损失就越大。因此,企业必须始终围绕提高内控执行力这个中心,在体系基础建设、加强风险管理能力、提高内控执行力、优化简化内控流程、完备内控体系标准化等方面进行探索。文章指出,内控工作的中心任务是执行好内控体系,执行内控体系的核心是执行力。  相似文献   

行政执政力是各级政府及其部门和工作人员贯彻执行国家大政方针、法律法令和公共政策的能力.提高行政执行力是当代行政管理体制改革的重要内容,也是各国政府竭力追求的目标.在我国行政管理体制改革逐步深化的过程中,行政执行力有了明显提高,但也存在一些突出的问题亟待解决.提高行政执行力应该在党的十七大关于深化行政管理体制改革的背景下,从对行政执行力存在问题的分析入手,结合我国国情、政治环境和行政体制,从调整权力、利益和思想格局的角度出发,对如何加强行政执行力建设提出相关对策.  相似文献   

行政伦理和公务员道德建设既是社会主义道德建设的关键,也是加强党的作风建设的重要环节。行政伦理的良性运行是指行政伦理在全社会范围内得到普遍、有效的认同、接受和实践。行政伦理的良性运行是在多种道德参数的综合作用中实现的,其中,伦理道德的规范准则、社会环境和公务员的道德主体性是必须重点考虑的基本因素。  相似文献   

略论企业执行力与执行文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业执行力在企业管理中处于关键地位,提升企业执行力必须建设企业执行文化。执行文化要注重“以人为本”,企业管理层必须及时跟进,并具有强有力的统一意志以协调各方利益关系的“角色意识”,以形成整体的企业执行力,并贯穿于企业发展所依托的组织、人员和资源三大要素之中。  相似文献   

略论企业执行力与执行文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业执行力在企业管理中处于企业执行力必须建设企业执行文化.执行文化要注重"以人为本",企业管理层必须及时跟进,并具有强有力的统一意志以协调各方利益关系的"角色意识",以形成整体的企业执行力,并贯穿于企业发展所依托的组织、人员和资源三大要素之中.  相似文献   

The ability to interpret fiscal data pertaining to patient outcomes, human resources, customer satisfaction, and financial positions is a vital evidenced-based nurse executive competency. The ability of nurse leaders to influence and contribute in health system executive decision making requires fluency in accounting, "the language of business." After examining challenges faced by nurse executives, faculty at the Loewenberg School of Nursing at the University of Memphis integrated intensive accounting education into a new executive MSN program. Woven throughout the management accounting course is the concept that accounting data must be relevant and accurate for use by organization decision makers. Evidence-based decision making is emphasized when teaching planning and control activities. In addition, fluency in accounting is enhanced which leads to greater skill in patient and nursing advocacy. As competency in management accounting increases through the semester, executive MSN students are encouraged to apply cost accounting course content to their practice settings and to analyze how planning or control activities improve quality outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic model of the bargaining between a legislature and an executive with veto power. The dynamic nature of the model provides the executive with incentives to use the veto as a reputation building device in order to gain more favorable legislative outcomes. The model illustrates that the implicit threat of building a reputation may cause the legislature will be more accommodating in its proposals to the executive. The model illustrates the possibility of a ``honeymoon period' of legislative accommodation followed by a decline in the president's influence. This paper also explores ways in which the legislature might mitigate the effects of presidential reputation building.  相似文献   

A distributive politics model establishes that the presence of exogenously enforceable spending limits reduces spending and that the effect of executive veto authority is contingent on whether spending is capped and whether the chief executive is a liberal or conservative. Surprisingly, when spending limits are in place, governments with conservative executives spend more than those with more liberal chief executives. Limits are welfare improving, as is the executive veto when it leads to the building of override coalitions. Using 32 years of US state budget data, this paper also establishes empirically that strict balanced budget rules constrain spending and also lead to less pronounced short-term responses to fluctuations in a state's economy. Party variables like divided government and party control of state legislatures tend to have little or no direct effect, with political institutions and economic indicators explaining much of the variation in state spending.  相似文献   

Compared with research on faculty salaries and executive compensations, very little is known about the earnings of administrative office support personnel. This paper constructed and estimated the total compensation variant of a modified human capital earnings model, using a 1989–90 fiscal year microdata sample consisting of about 300 all-female office workers (administrative secretaries, regular secretaries and clerks) at a large public university. The total compensation (consisting of wages plus actual dollar costs of five employer-paid health/life/accident,longevity, sick leave, vacation and pension benefit plans) specification fitted the data reasonably well. The pattern of estimated differential returns to specific human capital attributes within administrative support occupations tends to be significant, and is consistent with the ‘skill atrophy’ prediction of the human capital theory. Implications of the findings for secretarial productivity, career choice decisions and opportunities for advancement are discussed.  相似文献   

Gantt LT 《Nursing economic$》2010,28(5):308-313
While simulation laboratories for clinical nursing education are predicted to grow, budget cuts may threaten these programs. One of the ways to develop a new lab, as well as to keep an existing one on track, is to develop and regularly update a strategic plan. The process of planning not only helps keep the lab faculty and staff apprised of the challenges to be faced, but it also helps to keep senior level management engaged by reason of the need for their input and approval of the plan. The strategic planning documents drafted by those who supervised the development of the new building and Concepts Integration Labs (CILs) helped guide and orient faculty and other personnel hired to implement the plan and fulfill the vision. As the CILs strategic plan was formalized, the draft plans, including the SWOT analysis, were reviewed to provide historical perspective, stimulate discussion, and to make sure old or potential mistakes were not repeated.  相似文献   

The authors describe the design and administration of a large two-semester course in principles of economics that permits both students and faculty some choice of both subject matter and meeting times during the semester. Students complete a standardized nine-week core and are then allowed to select topical modules. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed.  相似文献   

新疆高校少数民族大学生预科汉语学习状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在预科汉语学习中,由于少数民族大学生自身汉语水平、对预科汉语学习的认识以及高校在预科汉语课程设置、师资队伍、教材、教学方法等方面的一些不足,制约了少数民族大学生的预科汉语学习。若要解决少数民族大学生预科汉语学习中存在的问题,就应从完善预科汉语课程设置、抓好师资队伍建设、做好预科汉语教材建设、提升教学理念、改进教学方法等方面着手,进一步提高少数民族大学生预科汉语学习的积极性。  相似文献   

国外研究性大学教学与科研互动经验及借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》中明确指出:"加快建设一批高水平大学,特别是一批世界知名的高水平研究型大学,是我国加速科技创新、建设国家创新体系的需要。"在此背景下,从我国的基本国情出发,研究和借鉴发达国家高水平研究型大学建设及其成功实施教学与科研良性互动的有关经验,对于促进我国研究型大学的改革和发展,创建具有世界知名的高水平研究型大学,具有重要的理论意义与现实价值。因此,本文对国外研究性大学管理理念上重视本科教育,通过建立以探究为基础的教学体系、加强跨学科领域的通识教育、优化教师评估与激励制度,充分发挥科研对教学的辐射作用,以科研哺教学、以教学促科研,形成一个良性的科研、教学、学习的连结体,实现研究型大学教学与科研的良性互动与有机统一等经验进行了全面的归纳,并提出了借鉴思路。  相似文献   

John Dove 《Applied economics》2017,49(24):2339-2351
There is an extensive literature analysing the executive branch within local U.S. government jurisdictions. This has largely revolved around the differences between elected mayors and appointed city managers. Much of the academic work has considered the potential efficiency gains that may be associated with either form of government and comparative analyses between the two. However, the empirical literature has been divided regarding the relative efficiency of either form. This article attempts to add to that literature by considering how bond markets may perceive potential efficiencies that emerge from one executive type over the other by evaluating bond ratings for a sample of large municipal governments in the United States. Overall, the results suggest that municipalities headed by a city manager are associated with increased bond ratings (and thus lower borrowing costs), which may lend support that this form of administration is, on some margin, relatively more efficient than others. These results are robust to a number of specifications.  相似文献   

高薇 《经济研究导刊》2014,(15):255-257
面对当前严峻的就业形势,各高校积极开展创业教育研究。在创业教育课程建设方面取得了很大进步,但在创业教育定位、创业教育师资力量、创业教育教材、课程设置特色方面,还存在很多不足。为了构建完善的创业教育课程体系,需要针对不同学科,理工、人文、经管类学科的不同特点,有针对性地加以改进,完善高校创业教育课程体系。  相似文献   

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