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欣然 《上海质量》2012,(10):70-71
中秋连国庆,难得的8天长假,令国人"倾巢而出",带来了喜忧参半的局面。可喜的是,旅游收入"盆满钵满"。全国假日旅游部际协调会议办公室报告显示,8天假日全国共接待游客4.25亿人次,实现旅游收入2105亿元,游客人均花费495元。同比去年长假,无论是人次、收入还是人均花费,都超出四成以上。在2105亿元旅游收入中,民航客运收入81.6亿元;铁路客运收入33.2亿元;39个重点旅游城市实现旅游收入786亿元。在已经公布8天旅游数据的25个省区市中,山东省以335.01亿元列旅游总收入排行榜第一。进入前  相似文献   

“十一五”时期,我国旅游业保持了平稳较快发展的良好势头:国内旅游人数年均增长12%;入境过夜旅游人数年均增长3.5%;出境旅游人数年均增长19%;全国旅游业总收入年均增长15%;居民人均出游率达1.5次;旅游消费对社会消费的贡献率超过10%。2010年,中国已跃居全球第3大入境旅游接待国和第4大出境旅游消费国,旅游业对中国经济社会发展的积极作用更加凸显。  相似文献   

以少数民族地区旅游业发展和居民减贫的关联为研究对象,分析少数民族地区旅游业发展和居民减贫的现实情况,建立Panel Data模型,利用民族八省区2001~2016年的数据,对少数民族地区旅游业发展和居民减贫的关联进行实证分析。研究发现,少数民族地区旅游业发展特别是旅游收入增加对居民减贫具有正向作用,旅游业完成投资、旅游收入占GDP的比重、旅游从业人员的比重、国内游客年均增长比率、国内游客总花费增长比率对贫困发生率有负向影响。发展旅游业促进少数民族地区居民减贫,应缩小贫富差距和城乡居民收入差距;继续扩大旅游投资并提高投资效率;提升旅游业发展过程中的城镇就业承载力;推进产业结构向高级化程度转变;重视当地贫困人口的参与性和受益性。  相似文献   

我国从 1995年起开始实行 5天工作制, 1999年 9月又实施"三个长假日",全年法定节假日达到了 114天。于是"假日经济"这个由休闲而来的消费热潮悄然而至。   据统计,去年"十一"全国居民国内旅游 花费 141亿元。今年春节旅游人数为 2800万人。今年"五一",国内居民外出旅游更高达 4600万人次,旅游花费 181亿元 !  今年"五一",北京铁路局 7天发送旅客 440万人,创造了建局 47年来的最高纪录; 5月 1日,北京市接待外地游客 250万人次,收入人民币 17亿元;"五一"上海接待国内外游客 250万人次;云南省、杭州市日均旅游收入都已超过亿元…  相似文献   

随着旅游活动的深入开展,到目前,我国几乎所有的省级行政区和多数市(县)都将旅游业列为支柱或主导产业,居民的旅游消费热情在不断攀升,经济发达的大城市居民形成出境游热潮,而中小城市居民国内旅游热潮正在全国各地形成.因此,为防止其旅游过程中可能出现的种种非理性现象,促进我国旅游业健康发展,中小城市居民建立旅游理性消费观念势在必行.  相似文献   

大城市近郊旅游景区的空间演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一个复杂的系统,大城市近郊旅游景区要实现可持续发展,必须解决人地矛盾,形成人与自然和谐共生的发展环境,使大城市近郊旅游景区系统走向有序与均衡。据此,动态地分析了城市化进程中我国大城市近郊旅游景区的空间形态,总结其生命周期演变规律,并进一步提出了大城市近郊旅游景区的空间管理对策。  相似文献   

随着海南国际旅游岛建设的全面实施和深度推进,海南旅游市场进入快速发展阶段。旅游产业逐步向旅游方式多样、游客花费多元及旅游住宿多选等方面转型,旅游规模加速扩张,经济效益明显提高。2011年全省累计接待国内外过夜游客3001.34万人次,比上年增长16%;全年实现旅游总收入324.04亿元,同比增长25.8%。旅游产业的不断发展,更加凸显了旅游统计的局限性。我们传统的旅游统计,具仅仅考虑了旅游的需求方面,忽略了旅游的供给层。这样的旅游统计仅能直接统计得到旅游业的经济收入,  相似文献   

正北京市社情民意调查中心按照国家旅游局和国家统计局黄金周调查统计制度的要求,承担了2012年元旦黄金周在京游客花费的抽样调查。为了准确、及时地了解游客在京的旅游消费情况,北京市社情民意调查中心20名调查工作人员在元旦期间,对旅客在京的旅游消费情况进行了抽样调查。1月2日调查当日,调查人员在全市抽中的10个调查地点开展访问工作,经过调查访问、问卷复核、数据录入等一系列  相似文献   

通过非参数统计与参数统计的比较,本文采用非参数统计中的Wilcoxon符号秩检验和Spearman检验对1996-2016年四川省居民人均消费支出和居民人均可支配收入的关系进行了分析研究,研究结果表明居民人均可支配收入对居民人均消费水平有显著的影响。并根据研究结果,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

了解国内旅游中农村旅游者和城市旅游者在旅游特征方面的差异,可以让旅游营销人员、旅游服务人员针对城市和农村的旅游者,分别选择不同的营销方式和服务接待方式。文章以“中国旅游产业研究中心平台建设”课题组发放的游客调查表为基础,通过统计检验,分析城市旅游者和农村旅游者在旅游特征上的异同,内容涉及出游人口特征、信息获取渠道、产品偏好、出游花费、出游方式选择。  相似文献   

德国的城市化采用了以大城市为核心、建立互补共生的区域城市圈的模式。在城市圈内,大中小城市均衡发展,中小城市是城市体系中的主体。德国的这种城市化模式保证了低房价,减少了居民上下班通勤时间和成本,完善了中小城市的基础设施和公共服务,降低了城市居民的生活成本,保持和发展了各城市独特的城市文化,形成和发展了多样化的旅游业。  相似文献   

Eco‐cities have attracted international attention from governments, corporations, academics and other actors seeking to use sustainable urban planning to reduce urban environmental impacts. China has devoted significant political will and economic resources to the development of new‐build eco‐city projects, reflecting the Chinese government's goals to build a ‘harmonious society' in which environmental sustainability and social stability are mutually reinforcing. We critically analyse the case of the Sino‐Singapore Tianjin eco‐city to demonstrate that the eco‐city's ecologically modernizing visions of eco‐urbanism construct a protective environment for its residents that constrains broader consideration of social sustainability. Through analysis of the marketing and presentation of specific domestic and other spaces of the eco‐city, we examine the application of ecologically modernizing construction and technology to the design of the city. We argue that the eco‐city is discursively constructed as ecologically beneficial for its inhabitants rather than for the broader socio‐environmental landscape. Our analysis of residential spaces in Tianjin eco‐city introduces the question of what ‘eco’ means when considering the construction of eco‐urban environments for the city's residents.  相似文献   

Pre-1914, average union expenditure per head on benefits almost equalled the average wage; today it is only one-twentieth of average earnings. In analysing the trends in benefit patterns, the authors discuss such factors as the low level of expenditure on unemployment benefit, the rising trend of dispute benefit in the 1960's, the run down of superannuation benefits, and the increase in expenditure on sickness and accident, and the increase in contributions to educational programmes. They also consider probable future developments.  相似文献   

中国优秀旅游城市体系分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张蕾 《城市问题》2005,(5):33-37
利用城市体系研究的相关理论和方法,对中国优秀旅游城市体系的等级规模结构和空间结构进行了研究与分析,旨在借此透视以中国优秀旅游城市为代表的中国旅游城市体系的宏观结构;分析得到的有别于一般城市体系的、针对旅游职能的特殊类型城市体系的研究结果,将有助于我国旅游城市的宏观结构调整,促进我国城市旅游的整体发展.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈旅游形象塑造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据问卷调查、实地考察、座谈等方式所得资料,本文时武汉城市圈旅游资源结构、现有旅游形象与旅游形象竞争进行了分析,认为武汉城市圈旅游形象应定位于:荆楚文化与三国文化之域,中国近代历史大舞台,人文山水荟萃地,会议、商务与教育中心,休闲度假与购物的天堂.本文认为武汉城市圈塑造良好旅游形象还应通过资源开发与设施建设、完善识别符号、改善接待条件、规范服务行为等形象建设策略改善旅游形象,并通过各种信息传播渠道、公关与节事活动因"客源地"制宜地开展旅游形象宣传.  相似文献   

When a single city, the ‘central city’, has a large share of the metropolis population, it will influence housing prices in other, smaller cities, the ‘suburbs’. This market power leads to differences in government policy and property values between the central city and suburbs even when residents and amenities in the two regions are identical. When the central city's government is controlled by property-owning residents, its property tax rate exceeds the rate in the suburbs. The central city will also have lower property values than suburbs.  相似文献   

都市旅游是城市经济体系中的一个子系统。根据这种认识,我们要跳出行业思维定势,把它放在城市经济的大系统中加以审视,那么就可以得到一个全新的认识:旅游接待业最初是伴随城市经济的规模扩张而作为一个互补性公共行业出现的,在城市经济集聚过程中,那些拥有旅游资源和客源的城市由于其对经济增长有持续的促进作用,成为高速发展的独立产业进而形成一个旅游目标区。从产业能级递次演进的规律来看,大都市往往演变为区域经济的集聚中心和辐射源。与此相应,都市旅游的产业能级应提升为区域旅游集聚中心和辐射中心,旅游目标区仅是阶段性的次一级目标。因此,上海都市旅游的战略应从目前的"旅游目标区"的行业层面,提升到打造现代旅游集聚中心和辐射中心这一现代服务经济层面。  相似文献   

我国城市居民国内旅游需求影响因素分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从生活水平、人口规模、文化水平、交通状况的角度选取具有代表性的指标,构建评价指标体系并利用因子分析方法提取了影响城市居民国内旅游需求的主因子.在此基础上,利用灰色关联分析方法分析了影响主因子与城市居民国内旅游需求的关联程度,确定了影响旅游需求的最主要的因素.  相似文献   

A burgeoning literature looks into the processes and actors involved in the adoption and emulation of best practices and models of urban policy and development across the globe, often with the aim of attracting investment and making cities more competitive. With its focus on leisure, tourism and global capital, the redevelopment of the Bay of Luanda, in the capital of Angola, echoes the rhetoric, policies and projects underpinning such practices. Yet, a deeper interrogation reveals that the redevelopment forms part of a predominantly inward‐looking project driven by the highest echelons of the national government and its ruling party. While these actors mimic and appropriate the language and tools of entrepreneurial cities, their aim is not necessarily to make the city more internationally competitive but to achieve domestic political legitimacy and stability. The argument presented in this article builds on McCann's ( 2013 ) call for scholars to also consider the ‘introspective’ politics of urban policy boosterism from the perspective of a context in which power is highly centralized. The article thus contributes to a growing literature that advances more adequate and provincialized theorizations of urban policy and city governance in the global South, with a particular focus on the African context.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which urban processes are associated with the production of culture. It does so by exploring how Korean cities sponsor drama. The historically conditioned and economically neglected status of regional cities, combined with elected local leaders' desire to promote their own areas, has led to a strategy to publicize them by leveraging the popularity of Korean television dramas in Asia. Two distinct types of drama sponsorship by cities — the construction of outdoor settings for drama and ‘city placement’ — manifest the interactions between story‐making and place‐making. The affective process that blends city sites with the characters, storylines and emotional flows of TV drama imbues those sites with a dramatic quality that stimulates the audience's empathy and persuasively motivates them to actually visit the places they have seen televised. Thanks to the broad penetration of television drama, sponsorship by cities has strikingly boosted drama‐driven tourism. Nevertheless, reflecting the speculative nature of TV drama, city promotion through this medium has had limited stability and sustainability. In sum, this article demonstrates that the production of Korean television dramas is deeply associated with the material and spatial conditions in Korean cities.  相似文献   

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