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现今,体验营销已被越来越多的人所熟知,在移动终端领域,以苹果公司为主的终端型企业纷纷将视线移向体验式营销这一新兴的营销手段,尝试改变传统的顾客购买模式和消费习惯。本文以苹果公司的体验营销为例,通过体验营销的五个维度分析苹果的营销之道,对移动终端体验营销作一分析,提出营销策略与建议。  相似文献   

随着服装市场竞争的日益激烈,终端卖场在服装品牌运营中发挥的作用越来越显著;五感体验作为体验营销的分支之一,已经越来越受到企业的重视。而目前我国服装卖场营销中的五感体验的现状是:实践领先于理论。本文则探讨了五种体验在服装卖场营销中的应用,从而为服装卖场营销中的五感体验的应用提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

结合我国供电企业的营销现状,借鉴已有的成功经验,以供电企业营销任务与特点为出发点,试述建立供电企业营销组织模式的基本框架,具体讨论营销组织的三大部门:服务、营销研究与营销管理的组织方式。  相似文献   

汽车营销的“八大趋势”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车产品不仅要带给消费者快乐体验,即购买并消费汽车的结果快乐,更要在营销过程中让消费者感到快乐,让消费者在营销氛围中享受快乐,而并非局限于营销过程中开展娱乐化营销。  相似文献   

现阶段的消费时代已经进入了体验经济时代,并且这股"体验"旋风正在越来越受到广大企业的关注和青睐。在这种经济背景下,零售企业的竞争优势不再是价格策略和商品组合,而是消费者对零售企业的整体认知和感受。本文从消费者心理需求变化入手引入体验营销的概念,进而详细分析在体验营销环境下,无论是实体还是互联网环境下的虚拟零售企业应该如何进行营销活动才能使其保持持续的发展。  相似文献   

在销售大势不好的2014年,体验营销为中国卡车业创造了亮点。福田戴姆勒卡车凭借体验营销一跃成为国内昔车营销的领导者,身后追随者众,甚至不乏昔日排在它前面的品牌。  相似文献   

体验式营销和工业产品的结合会碰撞出什么样的火花?这样的营销方式与平常我们所见到的体验式营销又有何不同?一个纺机企业为何对这种营销模式情有独钟?对这些问题,鹰游纺机有限责任公司总经理迟玉斌给出了他的答案。几年前,联想推出了全新的商用电脑——开天系列,这一系列的电脑被追随者评价为联想用全面客户体验理念打造的精品。联想认为,在全面客户体验时代,不仅需要对用户进行深入和全方位的了解,还应把对使用者的全方位体验和尊重凝结在产品中,让用户感受到被尊重、被理解和被体贴。由此,体验  相似文献   

进入后工业时代后,企业应该建立快速营销反应系统,即CSMM营销系统。该系统包括四个主要营销工具:顾客关系管理、供应链管理、管理信息系统和市场物流系统。并将其整合成一个严密的营销系统。按照这种营销模式,企业应对按职能制组织形式设立的部门进行重新架构,以符合由顾客订单驱动的营销范式要求,用对顾客需求的“快速反应”进行市场竞争。因此,营销的研究范式也必须突破原来生产者主导营销形成的4Xs的研究范式。  相似文献   

越来越多的汽车厂商,在大跨步地走上体验营销的康庄大道。和一众大型车企中的市场营销策划人员交流,几乎无营销不体验,但凡不和体验沾点边儿的营销,现在都不好意思和别人讲。但乱花迷人眼。客户也是一样的。未来学家托夫勒是研究体验经济的著名权威,他曾说过一句非常经典的话:"随着科技的进步,人们收集体验,就好像他们收集很多值得怀念的老物品一样。"  相似文献   

随着经济的增长,越来越多的人们在繁重的工作之余,渴望体验不同的生活.近年来旅游需求呈现出大幅度增长的势头.各大旅游酒店面临着日益激烈的竞争压力,在这种背景和环境下,就迫使旅游酒店必须从传统营销方式向体验营销方式转变,进一步开展体验营销.不断提高旅游酒店本身产品和服务的质量,为顾客带来美好的体验,积极打造旅游酒店的核心竞...  相似文献   

This study, using a sample of Korean multinational corporations, focuses on testing the relationships between the constructs of experiential knowledge, creativity, and performance in the context of international marketing projects. Relying on a multi-level conceptualization of experiential knowledge and creativity, our findings suggest that process-based creativity is enhanced when the team members have a higher level of experiential knowledge, but outcome-based creativity is not significantly influenced by either team- or firm-level experiential knowledge. It is concluded that, in the context of international marketing projects, the domain-relevant knowledge of the actors (i.e., the team-level experiential knowledge in the foreign markets) largely governs the level of their process-based creativity. The findings also suggest that project performance is directly influenced by firm-level experiential knowledge and process-based creativity, and is indirectly influenced by team-level experiential knowledge through the mediation of process-based creativity.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,服务营销学研究的广度和深度都在持续延展。对专业学术期刊进行内容分析,是了解学术研究历程及其发展趋势的重要途径。学术界对服务营销学类顶级专业期刊近10年发表的学术论文,进行了系统的内容分析和概括总结,揭示了国外服务营销学界的最新研究进展及其研究焦点的演变规律,为我国服务营销学的科学研究和管理实践提供了有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

The dynamic and interactive SUGARSCAPE simulation is adapted to represent agent-based relationship marketing models in business-to-business exchanges. Computer-generated selling agents operate in complex environments using relationship marketing approaches that may or may not be uniformly distributed inside their organizations. The intricate nature of these models also allows for diverse combinations of buyer traits that impact their decisions as well as seller profitability. These features include individual and firm exchange experiences, the ability to identify and to become loyal to sellers, and the sharing of information within and among buyer firms. Relationship marketing is played out or operationalized based on pricing tactics that show differences between asking prices and post-exchange value.  相似文献   

Studies of practices in new product and service development have focused predominantly on for‐profit organizations, whereas attention to the nonprofit sector has been minimal. Such attention is needed given that nonprofit organizations are unique in their structures and are growing with regards to impact on the world economy and society in general. Moreover, such disparate attention suggests a void in this discipline's understanding of new product development (NPD) practices of nonprofit organizations. Two particular research questions are posed: (1) To what extent are the practices of for‐profit organizations employed in nonprofit organizations? (2) How do the practices of nonprofits compare to those of for‐profit organizations? In the course of answering these questions, the present study reviewed literature and the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) certification work. The study subsequently identified six dimensions of successful NPD efforts: strategy, portfolio management, process, market research, people, and metrics and performance measurement. These dimensions were applied via an in‐depth case‐study methodology to six large, U.S. nonprofit organizations: American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Boys and Girls Club of America, and Goodwill Industries. The dimensions assisted in categorizing and analyzing the responses of 40 respondents across the six organizations. Results show that some NPD practices of large nonprofit organizations are similar to for‐profit organizations, but other practices are more distinctive and related to the nature of nonprofit organizations. Large nonprofit organizations tend to be very good at articulating their mission, embedding it throughout, and using it to drive programs and activities. These organizations tend to view product development as a tactical endeavor versus a strategic one and do not engage in portfolio management practices for their new programs. Instead, broad criteria such as fit with mission, funding availability, and presence of a champion are used for evaluating programs. The NPD process tends to be informal with little structure, and individual departments and local chapters tend to undertake their own NPD initiatives and have their own process for doing so. Nonprofits place a heavy emphasis on ideation and less emphasis on other activities such as concept development and testing, project evaluation, and business analysis. Pilot testing is the most used type of market research. These results suggest that NPD processes within large nonprofit organizations share some of the same weaknesses as those of for‐profit organizations, with NPD metrics being a particularly weak area. The NPD practices of nonprofits also have some unique characteristics that include the following: a heavy emphasis on the mission, a desire for flexibility, strong influence of external sponsors, and difficulty in assessing long‐term program success. Management of nonprofit NPD and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

随着中国电信行业的重组,具备全业务运营基础条件的新电信、新移动及新联通应时而生。面对相互间极为激烈的市场竞争,营销渠道作为市场开拓的动力核心开始成为运营商争先整合规划的焦点。基于此,文章对中国电信的营销环境进行分析;指出中国电信要适应全业务运营需要发展营销渠道,包括实体渠道、直销渠道、社会渠道及电子渠道;提出了中国电信在全业务运营下营销渠道发展的指导原则和总体定位以及中国电信全业务运营营销渠道的发展策略。  相似文献   

Strategic marketing planning is now widely adopted by business-to-business organizations. While marketing planning principles are well established, practitioners attempting to implement the process often find their progress impeded by a variety of barriers. These barriers are explored through a review of published evidence and case study analysis of several organizations. This analysis exposes three levels of barriers to effective business-to-business marketing planning, relating to (i) organizational infrastructure, (ii) the planning process and (iii) implementation. These barriers reflect the synoptic nature of planning in many organizations. The findings lead to the development of a practitioner-oriented diagnostic and treatment tool which guides managers through the marketing planning process. Although this diagnostic deals specifically with issues which are relevant to the marketing planner, its wider implications for strategic planning are also explored.  相似文献   

品牌忠诚驱动因素的区域差异分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文实证研究中国不同区域间消费者品牌忠诚驱动因素的差异。先根据社会经济发展水平将中国市场分为时尚之都、相对成熟区、新兴区和老少边穷区四个细分市场.然后研究不同区域间消费者品牌忠诚驱动因素的差异。研究结果显示,在现代性水平较高的区域.象征性和体验性价值对促成品牌忠诚起主要作用;而在现代性水平较低区域.功能性价值成为品牌忠诚的主要驱动因素。这一研究结论有助于深入理解中国这个新兴大市场的多样化消费行为.对企业制定差异化品牌策略具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

This research was carried out using five case studies and a survey to discover how sales and marketing managers are rewarded and if alignment of rewards can improve collaboration between sales and marketing and/or reduce inter-functional conflict. In addition, it examined the role of senior managers' support for coordination on sales/marketing collaboration. The results reveal that organizations which use aligned rewards can increase sales/marketing collaboration through such reward structures, but not reduce inter-functional conflict. In addition, senior managers' support for coordination is vital, as it increases sales/marketing collaboration, and strongly reduces inter-functional conflict. This is important because inter-functional conflict has a strong negative impact on collaboration between sales and marketing in business to business firms.  相似文献   

We offer an anatomic analysis of a social partnership among a complex network of stakeholder organizations. Contributions of this research are twofold. First, we use explanatory case data to develop a framework of stakeholder collaboration in a complex setting involving a mix of for-profit and non-profit organizations. Our study is motivated by a need for understanding about how organizations can work within social partnerships to achieve their goals (be they profit related or otherwise). Second, we offer insight about lateral relationship exchange from the view of the entire project—a perspective not typically employed in the domain of relationship marketing. The focal issue in the case, use of technology to improve highway safety, is a social initiative which further sets our study apart in the relationship marketing literature. Using fieldnotes from 33 in-depth interviews, we employ a mix of inductive and deductive reasoning to formulate a conceptual framework and research propositions for the social partnership. The conceptual framework offers in-depth understanding of social partnership development and relationship dynamics. This, in turn, may help stakeholders achieve organizational goals more effectively in this unique environment.  相似文献   

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