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现在,广大企业对于技术进步都十分重视。然而,由于一些企业专利实施的成功率不高,甚至有的企业还因此坠入亏损的泥潭。因此,提高专利实施的成功率,已成为企业技术进步的重要课题。专利实施成功率不高的负面影响企业专利实施成功率不高,不是个别现象。调查表明,真正实现专利开发目标的只占小头,而未能实现开发目标的占大头,其中开发完全失误的竟占近回/3o可见,专利实施成功率不高的情况不但客观存在,而且问题还不小。由于专利实施成功率不高,已经给实施科教兴国战略带来了不少负面影响:一是影响企业技术进步的积极性;二是影响…  相似文献   

专利对医药行业技术创新成果的保护作用非常重要,而专利战略是企业经营管理战略的重要组成部分,我国医药企业应当加强专利战略在技术创新中的运用.本文从技术开发、产业化和市场化这三个阶段出发对我国医药企业目前技术创新的现状和专利问题进行了分析,对医药企业技术创新各阶段中专利战略的选择进行了研究,并提出建议.  相似文献   

亦风 《车间管理》2006,(6):36-37
广泛收集信息,准确掌握需求,利用专利制度,保护和促进企业技术的开发。 :正确掌握社会需求是决定中小企业技术开发成功与否的先决条件,而掌握需求的最有效的方法就是收集信息。首先,按照不同的类别和使用的目的,对日本国内的专利公报和实用新型公报加以分类整理,以便随时掌握同行业其他企业的开发战略;其次,对国外的专利情报进行整理。注意对专利文献中的技术情报及商业情报进行综合利用,在对各类技术进行收集、分类的基础上,再进行分析。  相似文献   

专利这个词,一般有三种含义:一是指专利权;二是指取得专利税的发明创造;三是指专利文献,这主要指专利权。专利主要是指发明专利。我国专利法除发明专利外,还规定有实用新型专利和外观设计专利。专利是由国家专利主管机关依法授予专利申请人或其权利继承人在一定期间内实施其发明创造的专有权。专利权不是在完成发明创造时自动产生的,需要申请人按照法律规定向专利局提出申请。专利局在进行审查后,对符合专利法规定的申请,才授予专利权。专利权是一种无形财产权,具有排他性质,受国家法律的保护。任何人想要实施专利,必须事先取得…  相似文献   

我国从1985年实施专利法以来,专利申请不断增加,到1997年底共有73万件我国自己的专利。但和世界发达国家相比,特别是同美国、日本相比,我国拥有的专利实在太少了,仅航天方面的外国专利是中国的30倍;我国省部级科技成果每年有3万件,但有自主知识产权的...  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国机械、汽车工业的技术开发能力有了较大提高。但是作为国民经济的装备部门,仍然不能很好地满足国民经济迅速发展的需要,尤其与国际先进水平相比,存在着阶段性的差距。突出表现在:企业主导产品的关键技术基本上依靠国外企业的技术开发能力十分薄弱,离技术开发主体的要求相距甚远;产品结构不合理,技术水平不高,不能适应市场竞争的需要。“九五”是振兴机械、汽车工业的第一阶段。为迅速提高企业技术开发能力,缩小与发达国家的差距,增强企业的市场竞争力,机械工业部决定“九五”期间在全行业打一场“开发能力提高…  相似文献   

提高技术开发能力,在机械工业骨干企业和全行业中,已经开始引起重视。本文意在引起对于技术开发的深化思索,以期推进全行业开发能力提高战役善走正道,早奏捷报。一、共识是主流,误解也存在在科教兴国,加速科技进步,科技是第一生产力等国策和基本方针指引下,对企业加强技术开发能力问题的认识应该说没有多少分歧,共识是主流。但是具体来说,也还存在一些误解,值得重视。共识首先在于这样几个基本观点:1.在市场经济条件下,企业的生命力在于技术进步,在于提高技术开发能力。企业的效益高低决定于主导产品的技术含量高低,决定于…  相似文献   

自1985年中国专利局正式受理专利申请以来,境内外在华申请专利的数量呈现出一种高速增长的趋势。但就石化领域而言,国内外在华申请专利数相差悬殊,这不仅显示出石化领域是国外企业专利战略的重点产业区,而且也表明我国石化企业与国际著名石化企业在科技实力方面尚存在较大差距。目前我国石化企业在专利战略上尚处于消极防御型阶段,国内石化专利缺乏能够在世界石化领域产生重大影响的基本型、核心型专利,缺乏专利技术体系的配套性与系列化。面对国外企业咄咄逼人的战略攻势,我国石化企业应积极建立有效的专利工作体制,制定科学的专利战略,正确选择专利开发方向,大力普及专利基础知识,培养高素质的专利人才,在专利技术与整体技术竞争实力的有机结合上作文章。石化企业应利用有限的资金及资源,提高技术开发工作的产出投入比,有效增加企业技术储备,坚持“有所为,有所不为”的原则,开发技术市场上的拳头技术专利,占领市场制高点。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化不断推进,我国经济逐步融入世界经济体系。我国的产品和技术要在国际市场中占有一席之地,并获得更大的发展应应该寻求法律保护,也就是产要制定和实施正确的专利战略。为此,借鉴国内外成功的经验提出啊专利战略的实施方略,同时也对我国化工企业专利申请中存在的问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

国家将实行所得税优惠政策从财政部获悉,我国将实行优惠的所得税扣除政策,并保留实行企业技术转让优惠政策。此举有望鼓励企业加大技术开发的投入,用财税政策引导、扶持企业的技术开发积极性。“九五”期间,国家将根据财政承受能亢,适生植用对技术进步的亘接投人;同...  相似文献   

In recent years, the proactive management of patents and their exploitation through licensing out and sales transactions have been enhanced by the development of intermediaries and trading platforms. This paper first investigates the main drivers of companies' decisions to engage in patent licensing and sales; then, it examines how improvements in the marketplace for patents and more intense involvement of patent brokers might impact the factors hindering the development of patent transactions. The study's findings are supported by the results found in the scientific literature and by evidence from a survey conducted on a sample of companies involved in patent transactions.  相似文献   

低碳技术专利申请量从20世纪90年代后期开始急剧增长.大多数低碳技术专利权归发达国家跨国公司所有,面向发展中国家的专利授权有限.全球主要发达国家不断加强低碳技术开发和保护的力度.国际石油工程技术服务公司在非常规天然气技术领域处于优势地位,国际石油公司近几年开始加强专利布局.国际大石油公司对低碳技术的研发投入相对少,他们以并购作为获取低碳资源和低碳技术的主战略途径,并与技术领先公司合作,抢占发展先机.对于中国的石油公司来说,低碳技术价格高昂,引进成本不断增大.为此,国内石油公司可考虑常规天然气领域寻找机会并购拥有核心专利技术油工程技术服务公司;在具有发展前景的技术领合作研发与自主创新双管齐下;在开展合作时,需确保合作对象拥有关键技术;充分运用低碳能源领域的专利信息资源.  相似文献   

Publications, patents, standard-essential patents (SEPs), and standard contributions are important indicators for the drivers in the technology development of 5G. However, current 5G technology reports predominately draw on patent data to identify technology developing organizations, ignoring the importance of publications and standard contributions. Therefore, we identify 5G technology developing organizations in publishing, patenting, and standardization and compile a unique dataset to identify leading organizations per category and to identify possible correlations and interdependencies. We find that for companies offering fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licensing conditions related to standard-essential patents, their publication, patent, and standard contribution counts highly correlate. Our findings suggest that 5G technology developing companies holding a high number of patents declared to 5G manage the three contributing factors of publishing, patenting, and standardization to optimize their impact on 5G technology development. Furthermore, we show that patenting and standardization are dominated by a few large companies from the United States, China, Korea, Japan, Finland, and Sweden, while publishing is much more globally distributed and not as concentrated. Our research suggests that scientific findings can be more easily published via scientific journals and that barriers might hinder filing patents and participating in standardization committees focusing on 5G, which only large companies overcome.  相似文献   

世界汽车产业的第四次技术变革,为以发展汽车产业等战略性产业为主的中国提高自主创新能力,转变经济增长方式和提高经济增长质量提供了重要契机。文章主要对世界汽车产业的技术专利情况进行了分析研究,以了解当前世界汽车专利技术的发展概况,发现中国汽车产业的当前的发展差距和机会。  相似文献   

As a consequence of the convergence between manufacturing technology and the foundation technologies of Industry 4.0, it is becoming more important for firms to formulate an innovation strategy for their technological capabilities. In this context, the present study measures firm‐level technology convergence (TC) capability using patent network analysis. A firm’s TC capabilities are measured using three centrality indices pertaining to a patent network, which is constructed based on the relationship between patents and their international patent classification. For the empirical analysis, panel regression is conducted to observe the effect of TC capabilities on innovation for the top 30 firms in four manufacturing industries. We find that the TC degree positively influences the firms’ overall innovation, namely their total number of patents, and negatively influences their convergent innovation, calculated as the ratio between the number of TC patents and the total number of patents, while the effect of TC betweenness is the opposite. These findings imply that while concentrating on similar technologies may promote quick technology application, it could hamper the enhancement of a TC’s potential. To promote TC, a firm should thus develop technologies more likely to be involved in TC.  相似文献   

美日企业在专利战略运用上存在相当多的经验。它们在专利战略的推行上从国家政策上均给予了充分保障,如美国将专利等知识产权问题与对外贸易挂钩,控制他国市场;通过一系列政策法规调整,维护技术的垄断优势。日本通过专利政策立法为专利战略实施提供法律环境。在企业层面上两国积累了丰富的经验,值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

通过主体对比法研究中、美、日3国电子信息产业的发展历程,从中寻找对中国电子信息发展的启示。以专利产出对产业经济的影响为研究点,利用计量经济学方法探究了多个专利指标与经济指标在宏观动态经济系统中的内稳态关系。基于协整和误差修正概念建立向量自回归模型,将时间序列计量方法应用于产业经济状况分析,在Granger因果测度条件下,利用多变量时间序列的单方向因果测度,定量描述专利发展对电子信息产业经济的FMO,OMO值。得出以下结论:授权数与GDP在Granger理论意义上存在弱因果关系;发明占比与GDP存在双向的因果关系;专利数量和发明占比对GDP的OMO值为0.450,两者存在内生联系,对经济发展具有协同作用。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the technology lifecycle from the perspective of the dynamics of patent characteristics; the dynamics of patent characteristics are proposed as an approach for characterizing technology lifecycle in this study. DVD and hard drive technologies, which have already experienced their complete technology lifecycles, were selected for analyzing their patent characteristics as a function of the different stages of their technology lifecycles to thus obtain the objective of this research. The results obtained in this study provide a channel to assess the nature of firms’ innovation strategies along technology lifecycles. It can be observed that (1) patents attempt to cite more prior patent or non-patent references at the latter stages to find more technological or scientific sources that can contribute to technological innovation, (2) most litigated patents are granted in the Growth stage, so it is expected that patents in the Growth stage should be more important and, thus, more relevant to dominant design than the patents granted in other stages.  相似文献   

We empirically examine the effects of industry consortia on the coordination of innovation strategies of the members. Our analyses utilize membership data from 32 consortia in wireless telecommunication technology subfields from 2000 to 2005 and prior art citations in standard-essential patents. We find that connections among firms in informal and technically-oriented consortia significantly increase the likelihood that firms cite each other's patents in subsequent patents essential for the UMTS wireless telecommunication standard. Inventions that are likely to become part of the UMTS system tend to build on inventions by firm peers who were members of the same consortia, controlling for patent or firm fixed effects, technology class, and other characteristics. Consortia may enhance productivity of invention and increase the incentives to invest in R&D by internalizing potential externalities. They may also enhance efficiency of standardization by facilitating the interaction of committee and market processes. Consortia thus structure and constrain the process of innovating standardized technologies. This is problematic if consortia are not truly accessible for all the relevant parties. Policymakers thus need to balance these effects. For managers, the results show that participation in a variety of technical consortia enables influencing peers' innovation strategies related to compatibility standards.  相似文献   

In light of increasing licensing, we challenge the common assumption that product development and technology licensing are substitutes. We develop a resource‐based framework, which distinguishes a firm's technological resource base and technology exploitation processes. We further combine survey, patent, and financial data of 228 medium‐sized and large industrial companies to examine the interactions of firms' product development processes and technology licensing processes in order to explain heterogeneity in new product revenues, licensing performance, and firm performance. The results underscore that product development, which indicates innovative capacity, and technology licensing, which indicates desorptive capacity, are complements rather than substitutes in integrated knowledge exploitation in medium‐sized and large firms. This complementarity is particularly pronounced in firms with an emphasis on cross‐licensing and with a strong patent portfolio. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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