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刘雨 《国际融资》2012,(1):40-42
人们应该实现知足型的生活理念,该理念强调“人的幸福与繁荣不依赖于GDP增长”。“每个人都尽可能节约,将有更多人能够获得生存机会”  相似文献   

何帆 《银行家》2007,(4):137-138
我在哈瓦那港口流连。碧蓝的海水、漫长的海岸线,对岸是西班牙人在17世纪修建的城墙,还有矗立在蓝天下面的高大的基督雕像。我在一个小摊儿留步,要了一杯叫古巴自由的鸡尾酒,一串烤鸡肉,独自悠然地欣赏着风景。对面坐着一个古巴小伙子和一个姑娘。小伙子热情地跟我打招呼,我干脆把  相似文献   

1 billion people - 1/3 of them children under the age of 10 - live on diets that are deficient in essential calories. Focus in this discussion is on the magnitude of the problem. The economic implications of specific intervention programs designed to solve the problem are reviewed. Caloric intake is closely associated with per capita income, and malnutrition characterizes the poorest segments of the population. Since the lowest-income groups have larger families, the incidence of malnutrition among children is certain to be higher than the incidence among adults. 3 factors will determine whether, on the basis of current trends, caloric malnutrition can be expected to be eliminated among the poorest segments of the population of the development countries: 1) the future income growth of the malnourished groups; 2) their propensity to use additional income to increase their caloric consumption; and 3) the future changes in the relative price of the main staples, basically cereals. The problem of malnutrition cannot be resolved quickly enough without explicit measures to raise the level of caloric consumption. Governments can initiate a wide range of programs and policies in an effort to augment the caloric consumption of children in the target population - transfer of cash to target households, target group oriented food programs, and food stamps for certain groups. In order for a food program to have more of an effect on consumption than would an equivalent transfer of income, 2 conditions need to be met: 1) the food must be made available at lower prices and in larger quantities than that previously consumed; and 2) reselling of the food must be precluded. In sum, the only effective solution for dealing with the problem of malnutrition among children of developing countries is either a more equitable distribution of income or supplying the food to the target population at a price far below its normally supply price.  相似文献   

M.E Nasser 《Futures》2003,35(4):393-401
The opening of South Africa’s once-protected borders to global trade has severely affected the employment opportunities and wealth creation of traditional industry in the country. Alongside this, the enormous political change with the abolition of apartheid and the presence of majority rule creates a new political regime and new expectations of the people of South Africa. Young people cannot look to traditional ways for their future. Instead of being dependent on others they must learn to be enterprising and self-dependent. Many forms of small businesses can be created as part of the economic development, and there are a range of government and industry-backed programmes to engender the ‘can do’ mindset and the market conditions and intelligence needed to succeed.  相似文献   

College students are an important target market for credit card companies and are substantial users of this form of credit, even though they may not have the appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions regarding credit cards. Specific to financial services marketing, the focus of this study is to ascertain whether college-age students recall and understand disclosed information in credit card commercials. This study analyzes the effectiveness of three disclosure standards advocated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which are intended to ensure that consumers (such as college students) are appropriately informed. Specifically, this study focuses on: (1) modality, (2) audience consideration and (3) distraction level present during the disclosure presentation. Tests of the impact of these standards on consumer recall and comprehension of disclosed information have been mixed and the extant research has failed to test all of the standards in combination. An important contribution that this research makes is the reconciliation of differences found in previous research, while revealing the effects that implementing multiple FTC standards has on college students’ recall and comprehension, perceptions of recall and comprehension, and attitudes and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

College students are an important target market for credit card companies and are substantial users of this form of credit, even though they may not have the appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions regarding credit cards. Specific to financial services marketing, the focus of this study is to ascertain whether college-age students recall and understand disclosed information in credit card commercials. This study analyzes the effectiveness of three disclosure standards advocated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which are intended to ensure that consumers (such as college students) are appropriately informed. Specifically, this study focuses on: (1) modality, (2) audience consideration and (3) distraction level present during the disclosure presentation. Tests of the impact of these standards on consumer recall and comprehension of disclosed information have been mixed and the extant research has failed to test all of the standards in combination. An important contribution that this research makes is the reconciliation of differences found in previous research, while revealing the effects that implementing multiple FTC standards has on college students’ recall and comprehension, perceptions of recall and comprehension, and attitudes and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

The relationship between political structure and political attitudes is examined by testing the hypothesis that pre-adults will display more pessimistic attitudes towards the future of a political system characterised by the lack of a centralised government (the international system) than towards the future of a political system characterised by the presence of such a government (their own national political system). Data obtained from a national sample of high school seniors in the USA support the hypothesis. The article illustrates how data from a single sample may be used to investigate political structure as an independent variable.  相似文献   

We focus on the relations among inside ownership, board composition, unaffiliated block ownership, and compensation structure for a sample of firms following their IPOs. Specifically, we follow firms for up to eleven years after their IPOs and examine the full sample and subsamples of firms that survive, are acquired, or that file for bankruptcy during the sample period. We find that as CEO ownership declines, board independence, board seats held by venture capitalists, and unaffiliated block ownership increase. Our findings suggest that as inside ownership decreases alternative governance mechanisms evolve to help mitigate the resulting increase in agency costs. Interestingly, the associations between CEO ownership, the fraction of venture capital board membership, and unaffiliated block ownership exist only for firms that survive over the eleven-year sample period.  相似文献   

One way the previous UK government tried to tackle declining youth financial capability was through its Child Trust Fund (CTF) policy. However, there were allegations that it created pliant subjects for financial markets and that it was paving the way to phase out services previously provided by the state. This article defends financial capability as part of financial citizenship and suggests that the CTF was important for supporting financial citizenship. The CTF model is being discussed in other countries and the arguments in this article are of importance in those countries, as well as to the carers and educators of the five million CTF holders in the UK.  相似文献   

青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强,青年进步则国家进步。一个国家如此,一个行业同样如此,行业发展的希望在于创新,创新的希望则在青年!作为首届全国十佳和优秀青年注册资产评估师,为了推动行业更好的发展,我们向全行业青年评估师和青年从业人员发出如下倡议:勤于学习。要发扬青年年富力强、精力充沛、易于接受新知识的特点,以只争朝夕的紧迫感,利用一切可全国青年注册资产评估师及其他青年从业者:  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to examine accounting information which can be of poor quality for some industries because uniform regulation applies to all. However, there is a strong demand for reliable accounting data even when the quality of the data is poor. Consistent with this premise, I show that among young NASDAQ listings the valuation coefficient on BVE is higher and that on earnings is not lower for intangible-intensive ventures than for other firms. I also show that GAAP OCF provides additional information that enhances the quality of earning information. This results in a shift in valuation weight from BVE to earnings for intangible-intensive young NASDAQ listings. However, these phenomena do not appear for intangible-intensive S&P 500 firms listed on NYSE. My results suggest that variations in the demand for reliable financial data affect the valuation coefficients on earnings and BVE.  相似文献   

This article is based on findings of a content analysis conducted ir 1983–1984 about young Japanese people. The key issues stemming fron the findings relate to education and the educational system. The generation gap was found to be larger than expected.  相似文献   

This paper provides a set of guidelines and principles for publishing in financial economics that may serve as a strategic and tactical tool for young and inexperienced faculty. The paper addresses questions such as where to submit a paper, what to do in case of rejections, and what style to avoid. There is also categorization of reviewers with a taxonomy that is admittedly non-scientific, but rather a consequence of the author's experience. Finally, some suggestions are offered to improve academic discourse in finance by modifying the reviewing process.  相似文献   

当选总统奥巴马宣布任命蒂莫西F·盖特纳为财政部长。盖特纳入主财政部表面上看,各方对此人选都很满意。不过,对付金融危机盖特纳不会有什么高招,至少不会有什么新意  相似文献   

Richard Eckersley 《Futures》1997,29(3):243-249
Young people's relationship with the future is complex and contradictory. Some surveys and commentaries suggest most are optimistic, others that they are pessimistic. Some indicate they are adapted to the postmodern world of rapid change and uncertainty, others that they are anxious and apprehensive. Some of these differences can be readily explained; others require more thorough analysis. We need a better understanding of this relationship if we are to improve both young people's personal well-being and humanity's prospects. It may help if we distinguish between three different images—modern, postmodern and transformational.  相似文献   

Ryota Ono   《Futures》2003,35(7):737-758
An image of the future that an individual holds determines what attitude he/she holds towards the future and how he/she behaves in the present. These in turn would increase the probability to make the image realized as imagined in the future. As young people will be the builders of a society in the future, investigating their images of the future has significant implications for the future. With a survey of two groups of university students in Taiwan and the U.S., this study looked into various aspects of images, explored message sources influencing the formation of the images, identified values embedded in the images, and explored the relationship between the images and the students’ understanding of the present.  相似文献   

A conventional wisdom in the contemporary corporate finance literature argues that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are informationally opaque. We use data from two credit information companies and in particular their disagreements over the creditworthiness of SMEs to study the empirical relevance of this often invoked assumption. Our panel data analysis shows that once unobserved firm-effects are controlled for, the disagreements (i.e., rating splits) are inversely related to the age of firms. We are not able to document such a robust relationship between the disagreements and the size of firms. This finding holds a lesson for empirical corporate finance researchers who need firm-level proxies for informational imperfections and asymmetries: of the two often-used proxies, firm size is not as closely related to informational opacity as firm age is.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of how young people make sense of traffic risk. The study also aims to contribute to current theory by refining the concept of ‘sense-making of risk’. The focus is to explore, empirically as well as theoretically, how role-taking emotions can contribute to this particular area of research. In order to chart both the sense-making of social interaction and the respondents’ subjective sense of traffic risk, the present study used both in-depth interviews and focus group interviews: the in-depth interviews comprised a total of 11 interviews with as many interviewees, while a total of 36 people were included in the eight focus group interviews. All interviewees were Swedish residents aged between 16 and 20. It is found that by adopting the perspective afforded by theory of emotion, it is possible to deepen our knowledge of individual sense-making of risk. Both primary emotions and role-taking emotions seem to be central to how young Swedes form their understanding of traffic risk. A focus on role-taking emotions reveals the value of indirect social interaction for the individual’s sense-making of risk in general, and adds to our knowledge of the individual’s sense-making of traffic risk in particular.  相似文献   

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