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In this work, we analyze the log-stable option pricing model, we estimate the parameters of the distribution of the peso-dollar exchange depreciation rate through the methods: 1) maximum likelihood, 2) tabulated quantiles of α-stable distributions and 3) regression on the sample characteristic function; we conducted a qualitative analysis to show the quality of the distribution’s fit and through a quantitative analysis we chose the best α-parameters estimation and we compare the McCulloch (2003) log-stable option pricing model with the Black and Scholes (1973) log-normal model and a MexDer’s prices vector; finally, we show that the log-stable model has advantages over the log-normal model.  相似文献   

This paper aims to present the valuation of options using the Black-Scholes method assuming α-stable distributions as an alternative option valuation in the Mexican market. The use of α-stable distributions for modelling financial series allows to overcome the classical valuation main weakness which assumes normality, by capturing the presence of heavy tails and asymmetry in financial time series. One of the main results is the price differential between the two models and the effect of alpha and beta parameters on prices; to show the difference valuation is made of a call option and a put option for the peso-dollar exchange rate. Likewise, basic sensitivity measurements of options (delta, gamma, and rho) were made and the effect of the stability parameter (α) was made on the implied volatility of options assuming the α-stable price as the market price.  相似文献   

Since the deregulation of the coffee market in 1989, price crises are proof of the uncertainty and risk around coffee growers’ income, particularly for small producers who, in the case of Mexico, have taken action such as the conversion of their traditional crops into the organic production system which, besides the ecological priority, allows them to get a higher income than from conventional coffee. In this document we model as real investment options (RIO) the possibility of conversion from one system into the other one also including the feasibility of abandoning this strategic decision.  相似文献   

Mezcal is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the agave plant native from Zacatecas, Mexico, one of the seven States in Mexico which owns mezcal designation of origin (DO) and it is the second agave producer in the country; therefore; the agave-mezcal industry is a strategic activity in the State. Since several agents interact in a non-articulated way in the industry, the main objectives of this study are: 1) to get reliable information of the whole process, and 2) to develop a supply chain tactical planning model of this industry. Initially, an preliminary research identifies basic information related to business processes, using structured primary data: interviews and surveys. Taking into account the gathered basic information, the tactical planning model of the supply chain is developed. This analysis considers the relationships among small-to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The results of this study allowed obtaining information related to the industry; the identification of specific opportunity areas in the agents' interaction, and the evaluation of the potential and constraints that the Zacatecas' agave-mezcal supply chain has.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the causal relationship between producer and consumer prices in the case of Mexico during the period 1994:01–2012:02. To do this, we use three unit root tests (Dickey-Fuller, 1979 y 1981; Phillips-Perron, 1988; Lee-Strazicich, 2003) and two tests of causality (Granger,1969; Toda y Yamamoto,1995). The results indicate that taking into account structural changes and the deterministic trend, both price indexes are stationary. We find unidirectional causal relationship running from CPI to IPP.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyze the behavior of potential retro products buyers. A bibliographical review has allowed defining the motives to buy this type of products. However, it should be emphasized that there is scarcely any quantitative information on the reasons to purchase and the segmentation of the potential retro product market. Using the data collected by means of a survey, a factor analysis and a cluster analysis have been performed. As a result, there are three factors of retro product purchase: characteristics of product, present differentiation feelings and past feelings. Furthermore, the existence of two differentiated segments has been detected: emotive consumer and commercial consumer.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the tax collection from payroll tax on staff and non-staff in the state of Quintana Roo from 2000 to 2010. Its main contribution is to identify the statistical revenue behavior using a fractal approach, establishing iterative patterns at both state and municipal level, for the entire analyzed series of 132 months as well as shorter time periods. It serves as a trigger for application in other locations and charges in order to explore some features of taxation. Two statistical criteria were used to determine normal or abnormal series of municipal tax collection during the study period, namely, the Empirical Rule criteria and parameters using Chebyshev’s theorem. As a contrast, the Jarque-Bera test was applied on residuals, concluding that the fiscal revenue from the state of Quintana Roo (municipal data) does not follow a normal distribution, which is why the fractal approach has been used. The results with data for tax collection by municipalities throughout Quintana Roo show the presence of a fractal behavior (repetitive and cyclic) in revenue, which can be interpreted as the presence of a consolidated tax base, thus justifying the conclusion that there is strength (the observed level of collection) in local public finances. The same conclusion is obtained, with different temporal cuts, when analyzing and detecting the presence of specific fractal revenue behavior observed in municipalities of Benito Juarez (Cozumel) and Othon P. Blanco from 2000 to 2010.  相似文献   

This paper uses the cross bicorrelation methodology, which can capture nonlinear trascendence periods through window functions and third-order moments. It applies to the return of four sets of commodities of coffee traded on the New York market (Arabica Colombian, mild Arabica, Arabica Brazilian and Other Arabicas), during the 20/06/1997 - 27/10/2010 period. The results conclude that there is a cross bicorrelation among the four series, with Brazilian type coffee being the leader and a lower bicorrelation with other Arabicas. This complicates decisions for investors in such series.  相似文献   

This research paper presents the results of the behavior of productivity and profitability indicators in the oil and gas sector in Colombia in the years 2008 and 2010 by means of discriminant analysis. Initially there is an analysis of the sector and a theoretical review of the financial management assessment, strategic leverage, stakeholders, agency theory, productivity and profitability indicators and basic concepts of discriminant analysis. In the methodology used, productivity and profitability indicators were calculated for 116 companies in the oil and gas sector from the financial statements in the periods of study. Then, the discriminant analysis technique was used to explain the belonging and discrimination of the indicators studied. From the discriminant function and the means obtained it can be concluded that the analyzed indicators do not present significant differences, which shows a period of stagnation in the periods studied. With the research work it was concluded, by discriminant analysis, that there is a significant difference just for the indicator gross margin. The discriminant function model allows an effective classification of 57.3%.  相似文献   

We report the participation level, we pricing a first generation's European call options on the Eurostoxx structured product, when returns’ uncertainty is modeled by log-stable processes, we present the basic statistics of the index's returns, we estimate the α-estable parameters, and we compare the structured products pricing by the both log-stable and log-Gaussian models using inputs of the debt markets. We conclude that investors get higher returns than debt markets using both models and returns’ differences depend of the participation level and the maturity.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined 200 micro, small and medium enterprises from Durango City, Mexico, in order to find the possible relationship between learning disabilities and organizational learning styles, and its impact on organizational learning. To achieve this we applied a measuring instrument to the aforementioned companies, it was duly adapted to the context, tested and validated, and the responses were analyzed using a linear regression model, which used the seven learning disabilities as predictors of the four learning styles. We found statistically significant evidence that there is a relationship between learning disabilities and learning styles in the studied enterprises.  相似文献   

One characteristic of the processes related to technological innovation in the Scandinavian countries is the high participation level of public and private agents. The objective of this strategy is to assimilate knowledge and to spread it out in the best possible way. Thus, in this article we identify the profile of ICT users; we try to establish how important they are for these countries, their good use of these technologies and how they impact on their communication processes. The results derived from the research prove that: 1) Swedish and Danish homes are a reference when it comes to the utilization of ICTs, 2) Finnish companies lead the way in the adoption of ICTs, followed by Danish and Swedish companies; 3) When it comes to provision and implementation of public services on a technological platform, the leading countries are Denmark, Finland and Sweden; and 4) When it comes to the utilization of ICTs in infrastructures, the EU leadership is headed by Sweden and Denmark, far ahead from the other Member States.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the market risk of two types of investment funds, Basic SIEFORE 1 (SB1) and Basic SIEFORE 2 (SB2). To do this, we propose a performance index that will be used in ARIMA-GARCH models and some of its extensions, with the purpose of examining the dynamic behavior of the returns and their volatility on such investment funds. Moreover, the risk premium of both types of funds is analyzed. One of the relevant research results is that yields obtained by these funds in the period studied, are not sufficient to offset the additional risk assumed by the pension funds including equity components. Finally, some remarks are made, on investment policy, about the market risk and how it is being measured and managed in these funds.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to perform the adaptation to Spanish of the organizational justice scale of Niehoff and Moorman (1993) focused on measuring three factors of justice: distributive, procedural and interactional. The method used to adaptation the scale consisted of eight stages: translation of the items by reverse translation method, validation by judges, scale integration, application of the scale to a sample of 1296 workers (45.45% female and 54.6% male), items analysis, reliability analysis, construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation analysis, and integration of the adapted version of the scale. The results confirm the three-dimensional factor structure of the scale: distributive justice, procedural and interactional, with high internal consistency which ensures the psychometric quality of the scale.  相似文献   

In the industrial development in Northwestern Mexico stands out the limited capacity of local firms to integrate into the global value chains and there is an emergent participation of the metalworking sector and information technology as suppliers of goods and services for large exporters. Recent local researches analyze the accumulation of technological capabilities, but they have not researched the relationship with technology management strategies. This paper presents the results of an empirical study of micro, small and medium enterprises in such areas, which allows the guessing of a direct correlation between the level of accumulated skills and the level of technology management.  相似文献   

This study analyzes and discloses the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Performance variables of a total population of 264 workers in Chilean Free Fairs. Out of the total population to which this research applies (264 individuals), the sample taken corresponds to 60% of each Fair, which is equivalent to 158 individuals. In order to obtain the objectives we applied a 54-item instrument. The first part collects general information about respondent; the second part collects average information of sales and salary to measure the workers’ productivity and the third part studies job satisfaction. Once performed the analysis of data collected, the results show that the dimensions of job satisfaction, boss relationship satisfaction and recognition satisfaction have a statistically significant relationship with productivity: daily sales/daily working hours. Good management of these can positively contribute to an increased competitiveness of Free Fairs. Another outstanding aspect included in this study is satisfaction with the physical environment, which has a statistically significant relationship between daily and monthly salary, which significantly contributes to the hours spent at work by individuals as well as the wage they perceive.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore a model in the Mexican labor field that contextualizes organizational climate and links it with organizational culture. The Competing Values Framework (CVF), by K. S. Cameron & R. E. Quinn, was chosen due to its importance as the framework with more empirical evidence regarding corporate culture. The CVF proposes a four-quadrant structure for organizations: 1) internal focus, flexibility (clan), 2) internal focus, stability and control (hierarchy), 3) external focus, flexibility (adhocracy), and 4) external focus, stability and control (market). Likewise, it states that organizations present a mix of values from all quadrants. Overall, the findings of the study founded the model on a heterogeneous sample of 12 organizations (n = 1424) in the central region of Mexico. In addition to the model, a primer version of an instrument was designed with the intention to measure organizational climate according to the CVF. The instrument proved its capability to discriminate amongst organizations and, in general, its reliability and validity.  相似文献   

This paper aims to determine the evidence of returns autocorrelation for the main Latin American stock markets, and the influence of the day of the week effect on this phenomenon. Also, we analyze the importance of non-trading periods and their incidence on stock markets returns. We determine a high autocorrelation in most of the stock markets analyzed, both in local and global currency and the day-of-the-week effect on only some of the stock markets. Evidence of correlation between trading periods returns and those of non-trading periods is also found.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify relevant attributes of service quality in mobile phones for Mexican customers and to establish their impact on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. It is being assumed that the attributes of service quality are an antecedent of satisfaction and loyalty. The study is divided in two phases. In a first qualitative phase, thirteen attributes were detected using in-depth interviews. In a second quantitative phase, these attributes were empirically contrasted with variables of satisfaction and loyalty. It was found that only six attributes are statistically related to the variables of these constructs, with two of them being the most relevant: price per minute and empathy perceived by customers from company’s employees.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to call into question the concept of organization delimited as a social object of discrete character, in order to propose that the organizational space is a product of multiple operations of knowledge that conform and delimit its spatiality in a contingently and current way, according to the knowledge process that are functioning at that time. Going along with this line of thought, we differentiate the roles of the management system, the standardization system and judicial-legal system in the delimitation of the spatiality of the organizational phenomenon and we propose that this delimitation produces a rethinking of the management system as to internal system of the discrete organization. Consequently, this results in rethinking the political dimension that is present in the organizational phenomenon. This also impacts on the processes of including subjects in this complex spatiality. We conclude that the concept of organization as a social object of discrete character is not only insufficient to conceptualize the organizational phenomenon, but is also insufficient as a tool for organized action.  相似文献   

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