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[目的]明确我国西北平原区农村生活能源需求总量、消费结构和供给模式,为该区域乃至全国的农村能源消费供给结构和模式调整提供理论依据。[方法]运用描述统计法,以1991~2014年《全国农村可再生能源统计汇总表》中的数据为基准,分析比较了我国西北平原区7个省(自治区)农村地区共24年商品能源(煤炭、电力、石油、液化石油气、天然气、煤气)、非商品能源(秸秆、薪柴、沼气、太阳能)消费和能源(煤炭、焦炭、成品油、电力、薪柴)生产间的相互关系和变化趋势。[结果]西北平原区商品能源在能源消费中的比例在65%左右,并保持稳定增长;西北平原区以煤炭为主的能源消费格局稳定,沼气和太阳能等清洁能源消费量逐年提高;因经济发展速度、产业结构等因素的差异,导致我国西北平原区不同地区农村能源消费结构表现出明显的不同;我国西北平原区的主要能源生产与消费差额呈负值,近4年差额稳定在年平均负1 294.40万t标准煤。[结论]该区域能源供需不平衡问题一直存在,建议未来结合新型城镇化建设的要求,因地制宜促进能源结构调整,保障资源的可持续利用和发展。  相似文献   

我国东北地区农村生活能源消费结构与变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为推动我国区域农村能源结构的可持续发展,系统分析了东北地区1991~2014年农村生活能源消费结构的时空变化特征。[方法]以1991~2014年的数据为基础,采用时间序列分析法,对东北地区和分省的农村生活能源消费总量和人均消费量、商品能源和非商品能源结构进行了分析。[结果]我国东北地区农村生活能源消费总量和人均消费量分别增加了51.0%和95.6%,2005年以后人均消费量平均增长率达到6.5%。从能源消费结构来看,商品能源消费量呈逐渐升高的趋势,所占比重达到35%;秸秆、柴薪消费比重由65%、16.4%下降至43%、13.7%,而煤、油、燃气、沼气、太阳能比重分别增长至24.6%、2.7%、1.9%、0.3%、1.1%,电的消费量年度间波动较大,体现出东北地区农村生活能源向多样化和商品化方向发展。从区域结构看,东北三省人均生活能源消费量均呈上升趋势,辽宁省人均消费量显著低于吉林省和黑龙江省,家庭取暖能源消耗差异是主要原因;吉林省非商品能源消费比例有所提高,而辽宁省和黑龙江省则呈下降趋势,可能与农民家庭收入水平有关。[结论]促进东北地区秸秆能源化利用,是保障农村能源有效供应、推动生态环境保护的重要途径。  相似文献   

东南丘陵区农村生活能源消费结构时空变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为明确我国农村能源消费结构的区域特征,推动我国东南丘陵区农村经济和能源环境的可持续发展。[方法]以1991~2014年农村能源的统计数据为基准,选取上海、浙江、福建、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、海南等8个省(市),系统分析了煤、电、油、液化石油气、天然气、煤气、秸秆、柴薪、沼气和太阳能等能源消费结构的变化特征。[结果](1)从能源消费强度看,东南丘陵区农村生活能源消费总量呈现先升高后下降的趋势(以2004年为分界点),2014年较1991年降低了14%;农村生活能源人均消费量呈逐渐升高的趋势,增幅为34%。(2)从能源消费结构来看,非商品能源消费所占比重逐渐下降,而商品能源消费比重显著提升,并于2011年后开始高于非商品能源;秸秆和柴薪的消费比重从1991年的80.8%降至2014年的39.6%,而煤、电、沼气、油、液化石油气、太阳能消费比重均显著增加,分别达到28.4%、17.7%、3.5%、2.9%、4.7%、14%、3%。(3)从能源消费区域结构看,不同省份之间农村生活能源变化存在区域异质性,湖南和海南省生活能源消费总量呈升高趋势,其余5省份则相反;至2014年,浙江、江西、湖南、广东商品能源开始占主导地位,而福建、湖北和海南省秸秆、柴薪的利用比重仍高于50%。[结论]因地制宜开展多元化、重点化、渐进化的农村能源发展模式,推动区域能源结构调整,是保障东南丘陵区农村生活能源有效供应、推动农村经济发展的理性选择。  相似文献   

[目的]为探索农户生活能源消费结构及影响因素。[方法]文章以2018年"劳动力转移与农户生活能源"专项调查数据为依托,引入非农就业特征、抚养比和代际同住变量,运用Tobit模型分析非农就业特征、家庭人口经济特征、能源可获性、能源价格因素、区位因素及消费偏好对陕西农户生活能源消费结构的影响。[结果]非农就业特征对农户能源消费结果有显著影响;代际同住、抚养比、人均农业收入及其他收入均对生物质能源消费有显著正向影响;户主的高教育程度和外出务工经历对商品能源消费有显著正向影响;人均耕地面积、商品能源平均价格作用则相反;不同地区农户生活能源消费结构差别大且受消费偏好影响。[结论]研究表明,非农就业能够直接推动陕西农户生活能源由以生物质能源为主向以商品能源为主转型,但家庭人口经济等特征使非农就业对农户生活能源消费转型的显著影响力以经济因素为中心产生不同变化。  相似文献   

以农村沼气为主的农村清洁能源,将带来农村生活用能的新机遇.但我省在发展农村沼气过程中,还需要在以下几个方面得到加强和提高.  相似文献   

[目的]文章通过对北京市农村住户的能源消费调查和数据分析,研究北京农村能源消费的总体现状、不同地形、不同区之间的消费差异以及主要能源消费的影响因素。[方法]运用描述性分析和多元回归,基于北京市13个区214个村庄1 866住户的调查数据,重点分析北京农村能源消费情况以及煤炭、电和薪柴3种主要能源消费量的影响因素。[结果]从能源普及率来看,北京农村能源以电、煤炭和液化气为主;从消费量比重来看,以煤炭(60.4%)、薪柴(17.9%)、电(12.9%)为主,太阳能和沼气清洁能源比重较低,煤炭几乎全部用于家庭取暖;平原区和近郊区的电、煤炭、天然气消费量都明显高于其他地区,薪柴低于其他地区,太阳能和液化气消费量的地区差别不大。地形特征和家庭常住人口对各种能源消费量影响都很大,家庭收入主要影响电(正向)和薪柴消费量(反向),对煤炭消费量影响不明显,峰谷电价对电消费量影响较大,采暖面积对煤炭和电有影响,对薪柴消费没有影响;是否节能改造和对雾霾认识对能源消费量影响不确定。[结论]采取科学分类指导及措施,改变农村冬季采暖方式,改造常规能源,加大对新能源、可再生能源的开发与利用,加大农村经济发展和能源改造政策支持,以促进北京农村能源利用的优化升级。  相似文献   

为了更好地助力美丽乡村和“零碳乡村”建设,促使农村能源消费低碳化转型,基于构建的效用最大化理论框架,以盐亭县为例,采用Logistic回归分析方法,研究农民生活能源使用的影响机制和清洁化的驱动因素。结果表明:教育水平、环保态度、家庭年收入、清洁能源政策普及、能源可获性等对生活能源清洁化存在正向影响,家庭常住人口数量对其存在负向影响。随后,在前人研究的基础上构建交互项(“农民教育水平×与邻里交往”)发现,高教育水平的农民受现代意义的价值取向、网络沟通方式的影响,导致其受邻里交往影响较小,获得能源信息不限于邻里;相反,教育水平低的农民对清洁能源的了解受邻里影响程度较大。就此,本文提出优化政策普及、改善环保态度,提升管理水平、加强惠补力度,优化邻里交往、促使信息流通等建议,以便为农村生活能源优化提供支撑。  相似文献   

[目的]农村地区能源消费是我国能源战略的重要组成部分,农村能源利用不仅关系到能源消费,而且关系到环境保护和“三农问题”。近年来,京津冀地区出现了较为严重的环境问题,这严重影响了该地区的可持续发展。[方法]以京津冀农村地区家庭微观数据为样本,从消费者视角探究影响薪柴和秸秆两类传统生物质能在农村家庭消费的因素。[结果]在地区特征和家庭特征两类考察变量中,前者对京津冀农村地区家庭的薪柴和秸秆两类传统生物质能源的消费影响较为显著,而后者的影响次之。这意味着需要更加重视该地区的社会系统性影响。[结论]在现有节能减排政策实施的背景下,要改变京津冀农村地区家庭农村能源使用结构,一方面,需要加强基础设施建设,改善交通条件,以降低能源获得成本; 另一方面,要提高农村家庭收入,如建立清洁生物质能反馈补贴等措施,从而改善家庭收支状况。  相似文献   

农村生活用能短缺是制约贫困地区农村社会经济发展的重要因素。通过实际调查测算与理论股指比较,甘肃通渭县目前农村能源只能满足最基本生活用能需求,水平较低,并以传统生物质能为主、对环境依赖度高、影响大,已超过农村合理的自产生活能源潜力,生态压力十分严重,因此基于农村生活能源消费的公共性影响等提出了贫困地区农村生活能源建设政府是核心主体,应搞好规划、加大投资等对策建议。  相似文献   

文章通过河北、湖南、新疆三个不同地区农户能源消费调查数据的量化分析,探索农户能源消费变动的规律,寻求农村能源消费升级之路。农户调查数据表明,影响农户生活能源消费的主要因素有家庭人均财富、能源价格、能源可获得性以及户主受教育程度。从能源消费升级角度看,经济发达、交通便利地区农户能源的消费结构主要从薪柴、秸秆、煤炭向液化气、电力等商品性便捷能源转换;经济相对落后、交通不便的山区,能源消费主要还是以薪柴、秸秆为主,但正慢慢向煤炭转化。为加快农村能源消费升级,建议加强教育,转变农民消费观念,提高农户环保意识,改善交通条件,加强农村能源供应体系建设,依靠科技进步,开发利用新的生物质能源。  相似文献   

生物质产业直扣"三农"、能源和环境三大主题,其发展前景广阔。为此,邯郸市政府为此专门召开了"发展生物质产业座谈会",并谋划和制定了加快发展生物质产业规划方案。结合这一课题,邯郸市农业资源区划办公室于2008年对全市发展生物质产业的重要意义、发展基础和条件、目前利用现状、存在问题进行了调研和详细论述。提出了建立健全组织结构,采取多元投资等5项建议。  相似文献   

基于能源消费碳足迹的广西低碳经济发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,为探索人类活动对全球碳循环的影响,经济活动与能源消费的碳排放成为目前国内外学术界研究的热点问题。通过阐述碳足迹概念和构建碳足迹模型,计算分析了2000~2009年广西的能源消费碳足迹,并在分析能源消费碳足迹的影响因素的基础上,提出了优化能源结构、引导合理的能源消费结构、适当调整经济产业结构和积极发展服务业等广西低碳经济发展建议。  相似文献   

The European urban system has experienced significant transformations over the last two decades, affecting both the system’s articulation and hierarchy, and the morphology of urban areas. The sources of information on land use, although increasingly precise and exhaustive, present some limitations when it comes to identifying and quantifying this development, particularly due to their sporadic nature. In this context, the advances in the availability, precision, territorial coverage and recurrence of night-time satellite images offer new opportunities to assess the transformation of land uses. Under the assumption that there is a direct relationship between light emissions and the level of urbanisation, the present study identifies the development of the European urban system between 1992 and 2012. In this respect, the level of brightness suggests that the extension of urban land uses has been much greater than those calculated by using other sources, such as aerial photography or planning regulations. The contrast with these sources demonstrates that, even though night-time images are subject to significant limitations, their use can have advantages in the explanation of new patterns of land use. Thus, brightness could contribute to a more complex picture of the urbanization process, measuring not only the artificialisation of land but also the spread and intensity of urban uses of space.  相似文献   

Landowners are the key players in bioenergy production on wasteland; such as cutaway peatlands. In this study, the landowner’s interest to use cutaway peatlands for bioenergy production was investigated using a survey and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) methods in an area in South Ostrobothnia, Finland. The focus was to identify which different bioenergy production chains are preferred by the respondents: combustion, gasification or biogas production from agriculture, energy-willow short-rotation forestry or forestry based energy crops. Also, the influence of personal environmental values on the selection was measured and the future impacts and barriers for the land use were assessed.Afforestation was the most popular after-use method among the landowners. The next most favorable method was energy crop cultivation but it was highly dependent on economic profitability and subsidies. Currently, approximately 8.2% or 500 ha of the total peat extraction area could be used for bioenergy production in the region by 2035. Based on the survey, forest based biomass is the best option if bioenergy is to be produced. The next choice was agro biomass and the least favored plant was willow. This study suggests that the biggest cutaway peatlands will be converted to forest energy in the future. Suggestive results were that the owners with high environmental values are especially interested in agro biomass growing and the landowner having a distant home place does not have a negative influence on bioenergy production. Altogether, land use and biomass production of cutaway peatlands is connected with the demands of the Finnish bio-economy.  相似文献   

Wind power planning,landscapes and publics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Renewable energy is currently undergoing a renaissance. Efforts to achieve national targets that have announced forward invariably impact on the appearance of the physical landscape, and raise issues of spatial planning. Proponents of renewable energy—sometimes, planners themselves—have often taken the support of environmental NGOs and the wider public for granted, as they perceive renewable energy facilities to be ‘clean’, ‘green’ and a continuation of traditional technologies such as wind and water mills. But whilst large sections of the population in developed countries are indeed in principle in favour of renewables, in practice proposed facilities have often given rise to considerable public concerns.  相似文献   

The integration of energy and agricultural markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses the evolving links between energy and agricultural markets. Prior to 2005, there was little correlation between energy and agricultural commodity prices. In 2006–2008, with the ethanol boom in the United States, there emerged a strong link between crude oil, gasoline, and corn prices. There was little link between ethanol and corn. However, in late 2008 and 2009, the markets changed as ethanol production came under severe economic pressure and 2 billion out of 12 billion gallons of capacity shut down. During this period ethanol became priced more on corn, as the breakeven corn price helped drive the ethanol market. This article explores the drivers in these markets as well as other major issues facing the corn ethanol industry in the United States such as the blend wall. The article concludes with a review of prospects of a future cellulosic biofuels industry.  相似文献   

New information is often emphasized as a basis of effective and scientifically sound environmental policy and management. However, outdated or incorrect information is not automatically nor instantly replaced by new insights. This article focuses on the various ways environmental information can be unintentionally left with insufficient attention or purposefully neglected. Energy-related emissions caused by road traffic in Finland are used as an illustrative example and light pollution caused by artificial lighting is identified as an emerging issue that has gained especially low recognition in the environmental agenda. Four different reasons for this lack of recognition are discussed: recognized unawareness, false awareness, deliberate unawareness and concealed awareness. Paying attention to light pollution is important because of various ecological, socio-cultural and economic effects but also because implementing measures aimed for reducing light pollution create possibilities for alleviating other social and environmental problems in transport and land use policies.  相似文献   

Wind turbine construction, governed by complex multi-scale governance systems, can cause conflict between actors interested in forest management. We examined wind turbine conflicts in forests in two case studies, the state of Maine, USA and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Specifically, we examined based on triangulation of documents, participant observation, and qualitative interviews with 46 actors how actors argued in favor of certain scales within the wind turbine multi-scale governance systems and how they applied scalar strategies within them. In this paper, we propose a typology that describes actor behavior within multi-scale governance systems. Seven different actor types within multi-scale governance were identified: the Knowledge Exchanger, the Linker, the Creator, the Maintainer, the Power Shifter, the Mobile Learner, and the Overwhelmed & Passive. Actors involved in wind turbine conflicts within forests re-shaped and re-defined the governance system by their actions in the conflict process. However, not all actors could equally participate in scalar strategies. Therefore, only some actors had advantages in re-shaping the governance system according to their interests.  相似文献   

The present work explores the synergies between socio-metabolic energy use and landscape patterns, starting from the hypothesis that there is a complex and changing relationship between the efficiency in both the societal use of energy, and land-use, and the ecosystem functioning of the whole land matrix of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (BMR). It first compares changes in the social metabolism (i.e. the total energy or material throughput of the economy) and in landscape structure and function from 1850 to the present in three municipalities of the Vallès county (N of the BMR), as a first attempt to establish a link between the societal uses of land and energy together with their impact on landscape patterns. Secondly, the study explores the role of natural versus rural landscapes on the maintaining of basic functional properties such as connectivity in the whole BMR. We base our analyses on parametric methodologies that describe both structural and functional properties of landscapes, aimed at assessing the landscape efficiency of both energy-use and land-use planning. The first comparison reveals that the simultaneous loss of energy efficiency and land-use efficiency from the mid-19th century to present can be tracked by changes in the functional landscape structure. The second study shows the importance of the traditional rural landscapes in maintaining the ecological quality of non-built-up land. In consequence, the organized complexity of the land system necessary to host biodiversity and basic ecological processes cannot be guaranteed if the agro-forestry mosaic is not taken into account, together with the network of protected areas.  相似文献   

This paper provides a longitudinal, critical overview of woodfuel interventions in Kano and northern dryland Nigeria. Woodfuel still accounts for up to two-thirds of energy consumption, yet fuelwood-related issues are often ‘by-products’ of ‘higher priority’ energy–environment–development preoccupations. We suggest that energy policy has historically reflected preoccupations dominated by fossil fuel and new and renewable energy concerns, thereby raising questions about whether and to what extent such interventions reflect a desire to address woodfuel in its own right. The paper adopts a selective critique of some foundational assumptions about the energy–poverty–development nexus, notably in relation to energy transition theory and practice, to explain such outcomes and their practical and policy implications. In doing so, the analysis places particular emphasis on context, to demonstrate why the role of ‘situatedness’ must be better appreciated in energy circles and, equally importantly, acted upon during woodfuel interventions. More meaningful interventions, the paper concludes, should be based less on insights deriving from generic (wood) energy systems, hierarchies and relations, and considerably more on the lessons to be learned from the dynamic and complex realities of actual (wood) energy practices, networks and economies. In this, as in much else, context remains key.  相似文献   

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