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鉴于即使属于同一个产业,产业内各贸易品的技术附加值也有显著不同,本文认为单纯使用以贸易规模为基础的评价指标,会高估以偏低技术含量产品为主的特定国家某产业国际竞争力,并低估以高技术含量产品为主的特定国家某产业国际竞争力。因此,本文引入显示性技术附加值(RTV)方法,以电子通讯设备产业为例,对其下属各类贸易品赋权,并据此计算包括中国在内的六个国家和地区的产业技术高度水平(TL),发现中国该产业的国际竞争力并没有贸易规模类指标所显示的那么理想,且产业内长期处于进口高技术含量产品、出口低技术含量产品的"技术逆差"状态,国际竞争力仍与美日等国存在较大差距。本文提出,以进出口规模为基础的经典指标是在评价产业国际竞争力的"量",而融入了技术附加值的创新性指标是在评价产业国际竞争力的"质",后者能比前者更加精准地衡量真实的产业国际竞争力水平。  相似文献   

为了提升石油石化产业的国际竞争力,促进石油产业与国际接轨,按区域优势整合石油产业和调整国家能源战略,国家对石油工业进行了重大资产重组,形成了以中石油、中石化、中海油为主导的石油石化产业格局。通过组建三大石油集团,把三大集团中最具有竞争力的部分凝聚起来,进而国外上市,从国际资本市场筹集了大量资本。近年来,三大石油集团利用所筹集的资本引进先进的技术和管理经验,增强了竞争力。同时,  相似文献   

本文从纵向和横向角度出发,综合运用评价产业国际竞争力的各项指标,对中国化肥产业整体及具体主要化肥品种的国际竞争力进行了详细的计算,从而对中国化肥产业的实际状况有较为客观的认识,在此基础上,进一步有针对性地提出了提高中国化肥产业国际竞争力的对策.  相似文献   

本文应用内容分析法,对近年来发表在国内权威和核心期刊上有关中国制造业国际竞争力评价的重要实证文献进行了回顾与综述,分析了这些实证研究中存在的问题和可取之处,并就两个关键点进行了探讨一是在进行产业国际竞争力的评价时,应该如何选取方法和指标;二是在对中国制造业的国际竞争力进行实证研究时,应当采用何种产业分类法。经过对产业竞争力四个层次的划分及与波特方法的比较,得出对中国制造业的国际竞争力进行评价的方法结论以产业利润率、全球市场份额和劳动生产率/平均工资率三者为评价指标;用相当于ISIC二分位的国内28个制造业部门进行产业分类。  相似文献   

对外产业转移是促进中国制造业迈向全球价值链中高端的主要途径, 也是提升中国制造业国际竞争力的有效手段。 本文分析了对外产业转移影响中国价值链攀升的理论机理, 构建了逆向产业转移和梯度产业转移促进价值链攀升的具体机制; 实证研究了对外产业转移对中国制造业价值链攀升的作用, 对2003~2017 年的 21 行业的面板数据进行系统GMM 回归, 结果表明: 对发达国家产业转移可以有效促进中国制造业价值链的攀升; 对转型国家及发展中国家的产业转移对价值链的攀升作用并不明显。  相似文献   

与其他核电国家相比,我国铀资源海外开发来得要晚一些。伴随着我国核电的发展,与铀资源全球化布局同行,我国海外铀资源开发不断获得新的进展。但与此同时,我国铀资源的对外依存度也在不断攀升。据了解,世界上许多国家的核电发展都是建立在铀对外依存的基础上,总体对外依存度达92%,而日本、韩国的铀对外依存度更是高达100%。如何科学认识铀资源的对外依存度和铀供应安全?  相似文献   

正与其他核电国家相比,我国铀资源海外开发来得要晚一些。伴随着我国核电的发展,与铀资源全球化布局同行,我国海外铀资源开发不断获得新的进展。但与此同时,我国铀资源的对外依存度也在不断攀升。据了解,世界上许多国家的核电发展都是建立在铀对外依存的基础上,总体对外依存度达92%,而日本、韩国的铀对外依存度更是高达100%。如何科学认识铀资源的对外依存度和铀供应安全?世  相似文献   

我国煤炭产业的国际竞争力评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将中国煤炭产业置于国际市场大环境中加以研究,通过分析国际市场对中国煤炭产业的影响和中国煤炭产业国际竞争力的特点与现状,设计了煤炭产业国际竞争力评价指标体系,在该指标体系的基础上,应用因子分析方法建立了煤炭产业竞争力评价模型,并且选取中国、澳大利亚,美国,加拿大,南非等11个国家的煤炭产业进行评价分析.  相似文献   

本文立足于技术创新这一角度,根据科学性、全面性、可行性和前瞻性等原则建立一个产业国际竞争力的评价指标体系,以此来衡量产业国际竞争力的强弱。  相似文献   

试论国际竞争力的理论概念与分析方法   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
所谓国际竞争力,有产品竞争力,企业竞争力,产业竞争力以及国家竞争力之分。从经济学视角看,关于各类竞争力的讨论分别对应着微观,中观和宏观层次。对各类竞争力主体内容的深入剖析更为清楚地表明,由于所分析的竞争力种类不同以及分析目的不同,对竞争力的分析范式也就相应不同。在产业竞争优势理论框架下设立的经济分析范式既可以用于分析以国家为主体的产品国家竞争力,在一定意义上也可以用于分析企业国际竞争力。价值链的分析方法则提供了评价一国某一产业中某种生产经营活动具有何种国际竞争力的思路。各种显示性能指标和分析性指标可以用来测度产品和产业国际竞争力,以及说明相对竞争优势和绝对竞争优势。  相似文献   

Scholars have recently argued that startups and incumbents play differential roles in the disruptive transformations of industries toward sustainability and that the transformations are only likely to succeed if both startups and incumbents contribute. To understand their respective contributions and, thus, to understand how industries make the transition toward sustainability, comparative studies of incumbents versus startups during this transformation have been identified as a central pursuit, but yet they are mostly lacking. Since business models have become a principal way of characterizing firms, the present study takes a business model perspective and derives business model archetypes in the electrical power sector from an analysis of 280 startups and incumbents in three different countries. The selected countries (USA, UK, and India) represent three different energy profiles and leading instances of disruption in the energy sector. The article, then, undertakes a comparative analysis of startups and incumbents based on the empirically distilled business model archetypes and develops propositions on startups, incumbents, and business models in industry transformations. This analysis produces several important insights. First, incumbents do not seem to engage in less business model experimentation than startups. Second, incumbents have adopted several new business models that are not pursued by startups. Third, startups have espoused some business models that are not pursued by incumbents. Fourth, foreign firms can also affect the ‘green’ transformation of an industry in a focal country. Finally, the identified business model archetypes are likely to be of interest to scholars and practitioners who are seeking an improved understanding of business models in the electrical power industry and the industry's competitive landscape.  相似文献   

中国制造业产业集聚的实证研究   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
文章利用集中度、基尼系数、赫芬达尔指数(N指数)等指标,对中国20个二位数制造业门类的集聚性进行了实证研究,并对其中5个门类进行了细化研究,得出结论:中国部分制造业已显现出较强的集中性,且主要集中在东部沿海省市,但一些规模经济和范围经济性强、在国外具有显著集聚特征的行业的集聚性还比较低。  相似文献   

We argue that firms in regulated industries react to macroeconomic and policy risks in sharply different ways. While they seek to avoid countries with high levels of macroeconomic uncertainty, we predict that they find it more attractive to expand into countries characterized by governments with discretionary policymaking capacities so as to be able to negotiate favorable conditions of entry. We also argue that firms are heterogeneous in their attitudes toward risk. We predict that firms in which the state holds a partial equity stake exhibit a more tolerant attitude. We also expect that as firms accumulate foreign experience, they develop an aversion toward further foreign entries into politically unstable markets. Support for these predictions is provided by an analysis of the Latin American market entries of all listed Spanish firms in regulated industries between 1987 and 2000. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,许多国家都采取不同方式,在不同程度上对垄断性产业实行市场结构重组政策。国内外有关经验证明,垄断性产业的这种改革效果,在相当程度上取决于市场结构重组后政府所制定并实施的分类管制与协调政策的有效性。本文以中国电信、电力产业为例,简要分析垄断性产业的市场结构重组及其面临的问题,着重讨论市场结构重组后垄断性产业的分类管制与协调政策问题。  相似文献   

Critics of globalization claim that firms are being driven by the prospects of cheaper labor and lower labor standards to shift employment abroad. Yet the evidence, beyond anecdotes, is slim. This paper reports stylized facts on the activities of U.S. multinationals at home and abroad for the years 1977 to 1999. We focus on firms in manufacturing and services, two sectors that have received extensive media attention for supposedly exporting jobs. Using firm‐level data collected by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) in Washington, D.C., we report correlations between U.S. multinational employment at home and abroad. Preliminary evidence based on the operations of these multinationals suggests that the sign of the correlation depends on the crucial distinction between affiliates in high‐income and low‐income countries. For affiliates in high‐income countries there is a positive correlation between jobs at home and abroad, suggesting that foreign employment of U.S. multinationals is complementary to domestic employment. For firms that operate in developing countries, employment has been cut in the United States, and affiliate employment has increased. To account for firm size, substitution across firms and entry and exit, we aggregate our data to the industry level. This exercise reveals that the observed “complementarity” between U.S. and foreign jobs has been driven largely by a contraction across all manufacturing sectors. It also reveals that foreign employment in developing countries has substituted for U.S. employment in several highly visible industries, including computers, electronics, and transportation. The fact that there were U.S. jobs lost to foreign affiliates in key sectors, despite broad complementarity in hiring and firing decisions between U.S. parents and their affiliates, helps explain why economists view the impact of globalization on U.S. jobs as benign despite negative news coverage for declining industries.  相似文献   

Do stronger intellectual property rights spur inventive activity and foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries? What are the characteristics of industries where strengthening patent rights has the most favorable impact? In an attempt to answer these questions, this paper uses the 1986 Taiwanese patent reforms to examine the effects of strengthening patent rights in a developing economy. I find that the reforms encouraged R&D effort across industries. In addition, industries that were highly R&D intensive witnessed a marked increase in their patenting in the United States. The reforms also induced additional FDI.  相似文献   

Research summary : Firms founded by foreign entrepreneurs constitute an influential and growing part of the world economy. Yet, the existing research has given little consideration to the strategies of foreign entrepreneurs beyond their decisions to start a firm. In this article, we address this gap by examining how foreign entrepreneurs may bring value to their firms as firm managers. We argue that foreign owner‐managers may benefit their firms by having access to home‐country resources. We demonstrate that, compared to hired local managers, foreign owner‐managers reduce firms' operating costs by disproportionately hiring home‐country labor when this labor is more cost‐efficient. This effect is larger for labor‐intensive industries and for entrepreneurs from less wealthy countries. Managerial summary : Foreign entrepreneurs represent an important part of the world economy. Yet, we know little of how foreign entrepreneurs manage their firms. In this article, we examine whether foreign entrepreneurs and domestic managers hire different employees. We find that when foreign entrepreneurs manage their firms personally, they hire a larger number of foreign workers, and such workers are cheaper and more productive than the local labor. Conversely, domestic managers tend to hire local employees, despite their higher relative wages. Foreign owner‐managers are particularly valuable in labor‐intensive industries and when their home‐country labor is inexpensive. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

THOMAS KARIER 《劳资关系》1995,34(1):107-118
Based on analysis of industry by region data the author finds little evidence that U.S. unions have been a significant factor in the decision of U.S. firms to produce abroad. In effect, the composition of U.S. foreign production does not appear to be drawn from U.S. industries with especially high domestic unionization. Corresponding with previous research, the research do indicate that monopoly power, foreign tariffs and barriers, and the size and distance of foreign markets and important determinants of U.S. foreign production.  相似文献   

Trade barriers are falling and firms are competing in increasingly open international markets. The data reveal considerable heterogeneity across industries in the intertemporal path of import-shares. Against this backdrop, we focus on an issue that is increasingly important for competition policy analysis: ‘potential’ foreign competition. Inadequate attention to this aspect could result in a biased picture of total competition, leading to misguided antitrust decisions. Drawing on the conceptual framework outlined by Landes and Posner [Harvard Law Review, 94 (1981) 937], we measure potential foreign competition by the intertemporal response of industry import-share to industry-specific and aggregate economic factors, and our estimates indicate wide variation across industries in this dimension. A particularly striking finding is that highly concentrated industries, which are more likely to be subject to antitrust scrutiny, have a greater degree of potential foreign competition than industries with low concentration, even though the extent of actual foreign competition is similar across these groups of industries.  相似文献   

全球生产网络的存在使产业发展跨越国界,它以跨国公司为主体,给参与国家的工业化发展带来机遇。摆在当前各国政府面前的问题是,是利用市场力量推动全球网络下产业的发展,还是积极发挥政府在产业中的促进作用?文章回顾了有关政府介入经济发展的理论,并以新加坡信息产业为例,说明了发展中国家政府应在产业发展中起主导作用;在此基础上分析了对中国政府以及中国信息产业发展的借鉴。  相似文献   

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