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Micro Blog@物流头条:【国税总局:物流企业仓储设施用地可减征城镇土地使用税】减征条件①为工农业生产流通、进出口和居民生活提供仓储、配送服务的物流企业②仓储设施占地面积6000平方米以上,且储存农产品和农业生产资料、工业原材料等的仓储设施③仓库库区内的各类储存设施和物流作业配套设施的用地。  相似文献   

本文对直接还原铁的密闭储存方式的必要性,以及筒仓、控制系统和安全设施的设计进行了探讨。直接还原铁作为钢铁企业的一种主要原料,由于易自燃等物理特性,在储存、转运等工艺设计时要根据实际情况需要考虑合理的事故排料设施,惰性气体保护设施,物料跟踪测温设施等安全措施。  相似文献   

气柜是储存、回收炼油厂低压瓦斯和调节瓦斯管网压力的重要设施,也是炼油厂重要的环保设施,在炼油厂高、低压瓦斯的平衡中起着重要的作用。通过优化干式气柜操作,降低了装置能耗,对整个炼油厂的节能起到了一定的作用,保证了干柜装置的长周期运行。  相似文献   

对钢铁拱型储存设施,采用一步喷涂法新工艺,现场施工,固结形成硬质聚氨泡沫塑料, 具有工艺方便,设备简单,施工效率高,是理想的保温隔热材料。  相似文献   

对钢板拱型储存设施拱脚节点上,采用聚氨酯涂膜防水新工艺。现场施工,涂布固化形成柔软、耐水、抗裂、防腐、不老化、富有弹性的整体防水层,实践证明防水效果非常好。  相似文献   

当今物流速度日益加快,仓库建设和改造向空间、立体化、自动化快速发展,建设自动化立体仓库是今后的必然趋势。结合多年实践.对物流领域成件货物储存的新设施,自动化立体仓库进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

为防止地震灾区土壤污染,保障农产品质量安全和人民群众身体健康,保护生态环境,指导灾区土壤污染防治工作,特制定本指南。 一、地震灾区应重点关注的土壤污染问题 (一)危险化学品和危险废物泄漏造成土壤污染。地震可造成危险化学品生产、使用、贮存、经营等活动场所或相关设施,以及危险废物储存、处置设施严重损坏,导致危险化学品或危险废物的泄漏,使有关场地土壤受到污染。  相似文献   

实践证明,将传统仓库的巷道宽度12英尺减少至窄巷道的宽度8英尺或96英寸,仓库的托盘储存量会提高30%。增加货架的高度,托盘储存的空间更会显著增大。窄巷道是一种费用低廉的储存方式,可以提高储存量和搬运效率。然而,即使你不必要在新型设施内投入大量资金,...  相似文献   

开展节能减排的需求侧管理工作具有一定的现实指导作用.通过油品进罐温度优化、罐区储量最小化、必要储存时间最短化、降低储存温度、增设相关维温设施和使用新型保温材料,在全厂大范围内进行热联合,储运节能减排还存在空间  相似文献   

仓库防洪杜吉宗洪水危害是洪水漫过河堤,泛滥成灾,使库房、储罐设备进水受淹;冲跨挡墙、护坡、道路、桥梁、库房、储罐、通讯、供电、供水设备设施,影响物资储存安全。所以,研究山区仓库防洪、确保仓库安全具有明显现实意义。一、洪水形成原因1.降水量和降水季节我...  相似文献   

翁易初  张力 《价值工程》2012,31(26):150-153
本文依据2012年初对温州永嘉地区泵阀行业的小微企业的调查及实地走访,了解小微企业目前的经营及融资现状。发现本行业小微企业目前处于转型升级的关键阶段,主要存在工人成本上升、土地供应紧张、融资难、产品技术含量低等困境。而小微企业虽然数量庞大,但他们的问题没有得到切实的关注。商会作为企业的代表在帮助小微企业发展的过程中存在自身组织管理和职能方面的缺陷。我们认为,商会应该发挥更大的作用,通过商会立法、股份制改革、聘用职业经理人和市场化运营等方式有效提高商会管理效率并加强与企业和政府的沟通并提供人力资源、融资、技术设备革新的服务,帮助小微企业解决经营及融资困境,推动小微企业进行转型升级,落实十二五规划,实现国家淘汰落后产能,进行新型工业化发展的道路。  相似文献   

Econometric modelling of non-ferrous metal prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Leroy O. Stone 《Socio》1973,7(6):661-680
The changing volume and composition of demand for social statistics indicates a need to so arrange statistical products that important interrelations among major population characteristics and institutional operations can be more effectively reflected. The System of Social and Demographic Statistics (or SSDS) concentrates upon the major characteristics and activities of Canadians as they pass through the life cycle, and upon the operations, costs and benefits of the social institutions that partly regulate such passage. Essentially SSDS is a collection of related data files, concepts, classification schemes, accounts or other measures dealing with socio-economic and demographic processes for Canada and its important sub-populations. A data file, and its associated concepts, statistical accounts or other measures, and its storage-retrieval system, form a module of SSDS. The organization of data will facilitate the estimation of appropriate coefficients reflecting relations among relevant statistical series both within and between modules. The subject-matter scope of SSDS is seen as forming three spheres of observation. The first contains data on individuals, families and households. The second refers to observations concerning the operations, costs and benefits of major social institutions that partly regulate the manner of life-cycle passage by individuals and families. The third sphere deals with inventories of the nature and conditions of important facilities created for social benefit by the above-mentioned institutions. Considerable emphasis is placed on mapping patterns of change in important demographic and socio-economic characteristics; particularly in the fields of migration, fertility, marital status, education, labour force status, occupation, industry and health.  相似文献   

Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article is an intervention in the epistemologies and methodologies of urban studies. It seeks to understand and transform the ways in which the cities of the global South are studied and represented in urban research, and to some extent in popular discourse. As such, the article is primarily concerned with a formation of ideas - "subaltern urbanism" - which undertakes the theorization of the megacity and its subaltern spaces and subaltern classes. Of these, the ubiquitous ‘slum’ is the most prominent. Writing against apocalyptic and dystopian narratives of the slum, subaltern urbanism provides accounts of the slum as a terrain of habitation, livelihood, self-organization and politics. This is a vital and even radical challenge to dominant narratives of the megacity. However, this article is concerned with the limits of and alternatives to subaltern urbanism. It thus highlights emergent analytical strategies, utilizing theoretical categories that transcend the familiar metonyms of underdevelopment such as the megacity, the slum, mass politics and the habitus of the dispossessed. Instead, four categories are discussed — peripheries, urban informality, zones of exception and gray spaces. Informed by the urbanism of the global South, these categories break with ontological and topological understandings of subaltern subjects and subaltern spaces.  相似文献   

The concept of the database audit is relatively new, both in commercial and in nonprofit marketing. This paper sets out the case, benefits, pitfalls and techniques that are part of database auditing. The principles of database auditing are explained, with measurement, comparison, retrospection, trends, top-down, KPIs, diagnostics and other key concepts explored. A typical audit sequence is shown. The benefits of auditing are described, and several supporting tables and chart examples from real charity audits given, including lifetime value, growth and attrition of a database and active/inactive supporter cohorts. The challenges and difficulties experienced in auditing are described, and software tools illustrated. Common pitfalls are described and the future of database audits is predicted.  相似文献   

中国和澳大利亚均面临水资源短缺、且时空分布不均等共同特点。世纪之交,两国都推行了水量"封顶"政策和水权交易等一系列改革,并进行了水核算理论探索和实践创新。澳大利亚颁布并实施了水会计核算制度,而中国则研究编制了水资源资产负债表。比较中澳两国水资源治理改革和水核算创新的历程,发现中澳两国水资源分布状况、水核算改革背景、面临的具体问题相似,改革的不同点主要表现在水权制度不同、水核算改革的出发点和模式不同、内容和效果不同。鉴于此,应借鉴澳大利亚水治理改革的成功经验,完善水权登记制度和相关法律法规,保护水使用权人的合法权益;转变政府职能,促进水权交易,建立有中国特色的通用目的水核算制度。  相似文献   

事业单位人事纠纷与劳动纠纷自成立之日起便以有之。工作中存在与发生的矛盾、分歧与争议无时不在。上级与下级之间、员工与领导之间、人与机构之间、单位与人事机构之间存在与发生的纠纷、矛盾基本上通过党组织、行政命令、政策、甚至个人权利威望与影响力来解决。这些人事矛盾基本上在内部消化,几乎从未没有公开。而到了21世纪的今天,由于政治与民主法制进程加快,以及人事制度的悄然进行,这种矛盾日益公开。那么化解这种矛盾究竟是适用劳动仲裁还是人事仲裁仍然存在很多问题。文中对事业单位人事纠纷和劳动纠纷的危害及产生的问题根源进行较为深刻的剖析,针对事业单位的性质以及与企业的区别,提出了事业单位所适用的相关法律及相关建议。  相似文献   

数字经济的发展,令我国数字人民币进展加快。数字人民币直接关系到货币数字化的推进及支付体系数字化的转型、国家数字金融基础设施的重构、对冲私人数字货币的影响、金融监管数字化转型的加快及人民币国际化水平的提升。发展数字人民币具有经济转型和制度保障、数字经济发展和应用场景、金融科技发展和竞争容错、高质量经济发展和超大贸易规模等机遇与优势;同时也面临市场、技术及体制约束,以及复杂国际环境的挑战。因此,我国应完善货币及金融法律制度体系、数字人民币监管体系、数字人民币技术体系、金融生态环境体系、跨境支付结算体系,加强数字货币技术与规则和国际合作体系建设。  相似文献   

论文选择就信息化测绘技术在土地调查中的应用进行分析和研究,为了确保分析和研究的全面性,设计如下研究框架。首先,阐述信息化测绘技术定义,了解信息化测绘技术内涵以及特点,增加对技术的了解。其次,阐述信息化测绘技术在全国土地调查中的应用,分析应用要点以及举措,力求发挥技术最大价值,确保土地调查质量和效率。最后,分析信息化测绘技术应用举措以及发展方向,利于发挥技术最大优势,更加科学、合理地应用信息化测绘技术,掌握技术未来发展趋势,及时引进新技术,强化土地调查效果。  相似文献   

Technology and globalization have the potential to make higher education more affordable and accessible. In practice, however, rising costs limit educational access, and competition threatens the sustainability of many colleges and universities (Grummon, 2009). With the relevance of traditional curricula in question and the demand for alternate delivery methods expanding, many higher learning institutions face a challenge to reinvent themselves (Barnatt, 2008; Grummon, 2009; Lee, Brennan, & Green, 2009). We asked four higher education leaders from demographically and structurally diverse institutions to address the question, “How will colleges and universities serve the global knowledge economy in the coming decades?” Our respondents represent perspectives from multiple educational paradigms—public and private, local and international, for‐profit and nonprofit, brick‐and‐mortar and online. George Mihel, president of Sauk Valley Community College in Illinois, offers a position paper on the need to transform some of higher education’s deep‐rooted institutional traditions. George Miller, chancellor of American InterContinental University, teams with Caroline Molina‐Ray, a University of Phoenix faculty member, to address how higher education can foster both technological competency and critically reflexive thinking. Naana J. S. Opoku‐Agyemang, vice chancellor of the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, offers insight into the unique challenges and accomplishments of higher education in Africa. Finally, Vicki T. Purslow, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Southern Oregon University, and Christine Cook Florence, a higher education marketing consultant, present a commentary synthesizing the symposium contributions and issuing a call to action for higher education leaders. Together, these diverse perspectives offer a glimpse into the higher education of the future.  相似文献   

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