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This article examines the influence of national and local forces on housing prices in 20 local US real estate markets during the recent housing price run-up and decline. We use reduced-form panel data fixed-effects models with robust SEs to determine the impact of national and local effects on housing prices in 20 US cities across time. A national home price index and mortgage rate are used to measure national impacts on the local markets. A mix of socio-economic variables estimates local impacts. We find no results indicating that national trends lack relevance in local markets; however, we find wide support for the additional inclusion of local socio-economic factors in all markets. The findings are consistent with an environment in which national polices and trends influence all markets; however local policymakers and investors can continue to expect geographic differences in market outcomes.  相似文献   

Juan Yang  Huawei Liu 《Applied economics》2013,45(27):3810-3819
In this article, we examine dynamic relationships among housing prices from four first-tier cities in China from December 2000 to May 2010 and present an equilibrium model of housing price in multi-markets. By explicitly incorporating and modelling endogenous price series in competing housing markets, our empirical model is able to capture the existence of long-run equilibrium relationships and important short-run dynamics and price structures such as price leadership, price transmission lag and asymmetric price responses. Such multi-market analysis has generalized implications and can easily be applied to analyse the pricing dynamics among other real estate markets in the world. Our major contribution lies in two aspects. First, we employ an Error-Correction Model (ECM) with Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) to study the price dynamics in the four largest and key housing markets in China. Second, we uncover a price transmission among these housing markets in China and provide an insightful understanding of price adjustment across markets. The revealed effective price transmission and high correlation among these different markets actually is not a good thing for a stable financial system and for the defence against price bubbles in the housing market.  相似文献   

中国城镇居民住房消费需求弹性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
影响城镇居民住房消费需求的因素是多方面的,包括收入水平、住房价格、人口因素、金融和税收政策等等。其中,收入和价格因素是构成影响居民住房需求诸多因素中最主要和最直接的因素。应分析住房需求收入弹性和价格弹性,从提高居民收入和稳定住房价格两个方面鼓励城镇居民进行住房消费。  相似文献   


The major Chinese cities experienced dramatic increases in their house prices in the recent years. This paper derives the fundamental value of the housing markets based on the personal disposable income of individual cities. By controlling macroeconomic variables and government intervention, we detect speculative trading based on fundamental value and historical price movements. Fundamentalists expect house prices to converge to the fundamental values while chartists hold a momentum trading expectation. Further differentiating the cities into tier-1 and non-tier-1, the non-tier-1 cities are found to be subject to a risk of plummeting arising from the interaction terms between the fundamentalists and chartists.  相似文献   

本文考察了收入差距的扩大对城市房价的影响。研究表明,收入差距的扩大在微观上通过挤出效应、在宏观上通过储蓄率的上升引发过度住房投资,助长了房价。无论是用基尼系数表征的收入差距,还是用高收入阶层所占总收入的比例表征的收入差距,在经验分析上都与高房价高度正相关。这意味着改善收入分配或通过各种手段限制高收入者的住房投资需求应成为房地产调控的政策选择。  相似文献   

中国经济适用房政策运行的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近十年来,经济适用房在保障中低收入家庭基本住房需求的同时,也暴露出了严重的缺陷。文章利用省级人口普查资料和相关统计数据,对中国各省经济适用房住户特征和房价变动情况及其原因进行了描述和解释性的研究。结论显示,经济适用房房价变动存在显著的外溢性,城市居民经济适用房购买力下降的事实并不存在明显的地域差异。在经济适用房房价持续攀升的背景下,部分省市经济适用房住户特征变化明显。  相似文献   

经济适用房与高房价关系的实证分析——基于VAR模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用2005—2010年的月度数据对我国房价增长速度与经济适用房之间的关系进行实证分析。通过建立VAR模型,进行脉冲响应分析和方差分解,并运用协整检验和Granger检验,分析两者之间可能存在的长期和短期关系以及作用方向。研究结果表明:在短期,经济适用房对全国房价增速起正向推动作用,但推动力先增强后衰减,影响较小且会在10个月后消失;在长期,经济适用房与全国房价增速之间不存在长期均衡关系和Granger因果关系。  相似文献   

近些年,中国的贫富差距和房价居高不下,但现有文献忽视供求弹性与贫富差距交互作用对房价的影响。据此,本文构建结合贫富差距和供求弹性的住房存量调整模型,使用中国2002—2012年7省份33个城市的UHS数据发现,收入和财富的基尼系数对房价有正影响;供求弹性对房价分别有负影响和正影响;收入和财富基尼系数与供求弹性交互项对房价分别有正影响和负影响。据此,为防止房价泡沫,各级政府一方面应缩小贫富差距,另一方面应增加土地和住房供给。  相似文献   

郝前进  陈杰 《经济地理》2007,27(6):985-989
城市的房地产价格能充分反映所在地区经济发展水平、人口集聚、资金流动和居民的消费偏好等有关信息.长三角城市群房地产市场显现较明显的体系分层结构,为研究房屋价格差异的决定因素提供了很好的素材.文章用长三角16个城市2000-2004年房地产市场的数据,揭示了需求差异是决定长三角地区城市间房屋价格差异的主要因素.其中,城市之间在居民人均收入和非农人口比例的差异又是决定各个城市对住房存在不同需求的主导因素.然而,我们同时发现,人均房屋竣工面积等供给因素对房屋价格并没有显著的影响.这说明当前长三角城市群的房地产市场价格差异主要由需求因素决定,供给因素起到的作用较弱.  相似文献   

From 2014 until present, housing prices in Germany have been rising faster than consumer prices in all quarters except one, raising concerns about an excessive overheating of the housing market. To assess the vulnerability of the German housing market to a future realignment of prices or even a housing bust, this paper develops a housing price misalignment indicator that is composed of seven indicators, which are commonly associated with the fundamental value of residential property. An empirical application to the most recent data suggests that the German housing market exhibits an overvaluation of approximately 11%, where interest rate risk and a relatively advanced stage of the housing cycle are identified as the main factors fueling these imbalances, while a rather solid debt‐servicing capacity mitigates these imbalances since end‐2009.  相似文献   

本文从住房供需关系入手,以适宜房价收入比为约束,运用利润空间拟合供需函数,模拟房屋交易最优供给与价格,分析了北京市住房供应现状,并且核算了保障性住房受益群体的平均家庭总收入范围。以2013年的北京市保障房供应量,2011年的居住人口计算,若单依靠政府供应保障性住房,仅解决户籍内人口的住房问题就需要至少10年,若考虑暂住人口要全面解决住房问题需要时间至少翻一番,所以政府增加房屋的有效供给成为当下解决住房问题的关键。本文的建议是:北京市应大量供应保障性住房,暂时实施只租不售的住房政策,快速解决住房需求;在保障供给的前提下,为缓解资金压力,可逐步出售廉租房,出售价格可基于利润空间模型模拟,这样能有效防止出现大量"夹心层"。住房总供给量越高,廉租房的交易价格与商品房的交易价格差距越小,当二者相等时,政府无需再提供保障房,住房市场趋于稳定。  相似文献   

以往关于收入差距与房价之间关系的研究,较少兼顾房地产的消费与投资双重属性。文章基于双重属性的角度,首先从理论上阐述了收入差距与房价之间的动态关系。在经济发展水平较低的情况下,房地产的消费属性凸显,收入差距扩大会抑制房价上涨;随着经济的进一步发展,房地产单一属性不明显,收入差距变化对房价不存在显著影响;当经济发展水平较高时,房地产投资属性占优,收入差距扩大会促进房价上涨。进一步对理论结果进行实证研究发现,整体上我国收入差距与房价之间无显著相关关系,单一属性不明显;但就省际差异而言,在经济发展水平较高的省份,收入差距促进了房价上涨,而在经济发展水平较低的省份,收入差距则抑制了房价上涨。随着时间的变化,收入差距由抑制房价上涨转变为促进房价上涨。  相似文献   

城市住宅特征价格分析:对杭州市的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于住宅产品的异质性,国外学者广泛使用特征价格模型分析城市住宅市场。特征价格模型的理论基础主要由Lancaster偏好理论和Rosen的产品特征市场供需均衡模型两部分组成。在访谈的基础上,选择了18个住宅特征作为模型的自变量,基于线性函数形式构建了杭州市住宅特征价格模型。采用杭州市2 473个住宅样本数据和290个住宅小区的实地调查资料对模型进行了估计,发现就整个住宅市场而言,14个住宅特征对住宅价格具有显著影响,并且影响程度有差异。同时,根据特征价格对14个住宅特征的影响程度进行了排序,并分为四类。  相似文献   

以消费者信心指数作为通货膨胀预期指标,以中国1999—2010年住房市场月度数据为样本,实证检验通货膨胀预期对未来住房价格的影响。实证检验结果表明,通货膨胀预期会导致住房价格上涨,即生产者和消费者对通货膨胀预期将推动住房价格的不断上涨,因此,稳定通货膨胀预期对于稳定住房价格具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

We examine the characteristics of housing markets under adaptive and heterogeneous expectations. Model agents have finite horizons, and their borrowings are constrained by the collateral value of housing stock. Our model shows that expectation-driven housing price dynamics constantly change the direction of movement. The steady-state process of housing prices follows an endogenous oscillation process, and the magnitude of the cycles can be amplified by external shocks. Our quantitative results imply that (i) short-term positive and long-term negative serial correlations in housing price changes are inherent, (ii) house prices and expected house price movements are positively correlated, and (iii) fluctuations in housing prices are not fully explained by fundamentals.  相似文献   

High regional house prices relative to income may result in residents moving to other regions with lower housing burden; this generates relationships among regional housing markets. From this perspective, this study employed Markov-switching models to examine housing affordability in 10 regional housing markets in the UK. The results show that levels of housing burden among regions are related, thereby proving that a high cost of housing burden in one region may result in residents buying houses in other regions. Moreover, this study found that house prices in most regions tend to converge with income levels but are asymmetric within the period of convergence. Specifically, because the period of high housing loans lasts longer, and vice versa, housing demand increases as soon as house prices drop. Thus, periods of “inexpensive” house prices do not last long. This paper explains why living costs in different regions are related, and proposes that housing demands may have asymmetric reactions when house prices are too high or too low.  相似文献   

How housing costs would influence the job‐housing choice of talent and associated city‐level innovation performance is a question of interest for urban development policies. Recently, considerable attention has been paid to the influence of rising housing prices on the attraction of talent and the associated innovation output in major Chinese cities. In this paper, we use the housing price data of 51 cities from the China Real Estate Index System database and the corresponding macro data of China City Statistical Yearbooks from 2005 to 2014 to analyze this focal research question. The empirical analysis shows that the increase in city housing prices generally correlates positively with city innovation outcome and talent attraction, suggesting no crowding‐out effect on the innovative performance of the city. However, the positive association between housing prices and innovation outcome and talent attraction has started to disappear in first‐tier cities in recent years, suggesting potential crowding‐out effect if the increasing housing prices transform to bubbles. This research thus provides considerable policy implications concerning the impacts of housing prices on talent movement and innovation output.  相似文献   

房地产税、市场结构与房价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在住房流量模型的基础上,构建了一个购房者和开发商的住房市场局部均衡模型,考察了完全垄断和完全竞争情形下房地产税与房价之间的关系。结果表明,无论何种市场结构,提高房地产税均导致房价下降;住房市场垄断性越强,房价越高,房地产税对房价影响越大。笔者对1996-2008年中国33个大中城市数据的检验发现,市场结构对房价影响大于房地产税。房地产税增长率每增加1%,房价增长率将减少0.03%;勒纳指数每增加1%,房价增长率将增加0.16%。房地产税与市场结构相互作用将使房价上涨,但影响微不足道。因此,对住宅开征房地产税,将对房价上涨有一定限制作用,但不能有效抑制房价上涨,而增强住宅市场竞争性、降低开发商垄断具有显著效果。  相似文献   

The presence of a bubble in the US housing market prior to the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis is investigated. This is done by looking into the relationship between house prices and rental prices, known as the price–rent ratio, which is an important measure of a potential deviation between house prices and its fundamental value. Additionally, the interest rate is taken into account since it is an important factor in determining demand for housing mortgages and thereby influencing house prices, and explosive behavior of house prices is considered. These relationships are investigated through a theoretical and econometrical framework. The empirical evidence suggests that there was a bubble in the housing market prior to the financial crisis, even when controlling for the decreasing interest rate and the fundamental information given by the rental price in the period. Explosiveness was the main source of the price increase, such that a bubble was present in the housing market after correcting for other fundamental factors. The econometric procedures used in the analysis may therefore be relevant for monitoring the housing market.  相似文献   

住宅价格与居民收入均衡关系及住房支付能力稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过聚类分析将35个大中城市按2000-2009年住宅价格分为四组,结合面板单位根、协整和格兰杰因果检验对住宅价格和居民收入的均衡关系进行了分析,并运用FMOLS模型探讨了住房支付能力稳定性问题。分析表明:35个大中城市的住宅价格和居民收入之间存在长期均衡关系,但支付能力稳定性比较弱;住宅价格和居民收入互为因果关系;住房支付能力稳定性弱不是普遍现象,仅存在于高房价城市;除收入外,城市的食品消费、医疗、教育和交通通信等软硬件设施也是影响住宅价格的重要因素。  相似文献   

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