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国家间的争议和冲突通常会引起两国消费者的敌意情绪,并最终诉诸于消费者的抗议、抵制和拒绝购买来自敌意国的产品.旅游作为一种特殊而重要的产品形式,鲜有研究关注消费者敌意对旅游意愿的影响.该研究以216名中国青少年消费者为研究样本,引入自我效能作为中介变量和性别作为调节变量,探讨了消费者敌意对旅游意愿的影响及作用机制.结果表明:消费者敌意对中国青少年赴日旅游意愿具有显著的负向影响;自我效能在消费者敌意和旅游意愿的关系中起着中介作用;消费者敌意对自我效能的作用强度存在性别差异,男性青少年的消费者敌意对自我效能的影响程度更强.该研究对相关营销实践者、企业及政府部门在政策制定及危机公关时具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

一般自我效能感对离职倾向的影响——以餐饮业员工为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与各情景变量相比,员工个体心理特质对离职倾向的影响在国内研究得还相对较少.文章以412位餐饮业员工作为受试样本,用结构方程模型检验了员工一般自我效能感与离职倾向的关系.研究结果表明:一般自我效能感对工作满意和离职倾向直接产生影响,但对组织承诺产生间接作用,并且工作满意、组织承诺削弱一般自我效能感对离职倾向的影响.在论文的最后,指出本文的研究贡献和进一步研究方向.  相似文献   

本研究采用了个案研究的方法探讨了五名独立院校英语专业学生在英语写作中语篇连贯性中的主位推进的使用情况。研究发现独立院校英语专业的学生对主位推进模式使用的频数不高,并且种类比较集中。通过回顾性访谈了解到学生对主位推进模式不熟悉,虽然在写作中也会使用,但是并未有理论支撑,写作论证形式单一,篇章结构不够紧凑。本研究的研究结果对独立院校英语专业英语写作及其相关教学具有启示意义。  相似文献   

本研究采用了个案研究的方法探讨了四名独立院校英语专业学生在英语写作中对模糊限制语的使用情况及其认知现状。通过分析写作测试结果,发现独立院校英语专业大学生对模糊限制语的使用频数很低,且使用种类很少。在回顾性访谈中,了解到学生对模糊限制语知之甚少,有的甚至将其误解。本研究的结果对独立院校英语专业英语写作及其相关教学具有启示意义。  相似文献   

其实,相对于逻辑性较较强的学科来说,英语学科难度不大。但却有很多学生英语水平不高。究其原因,学生英语学习不得当。在英语学习上,如果我们想要取进步,不仅要抓住剩下的每一天,认真积累知识,同时要掌握一些适当的、科学的技巧,才能在短期内取得事半功倍的学习效果。基于此,本文将着重分析单词记忆、阅读理解、听读训练、写作训练这四方面的写作技巧。  相似文献   

吴建兴  吴茂英  汪菁 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):130-141
在后现代主义思潮的影响下,自我民族志在反思传统民族志中诞生。自我民族志凸显了"自我",是一种对研究者亲身经历的文化体验展开反思性描述的质性研究方法,已经引起了国内外旅游学者关注与应用。但这些研究大都仅采用了自我民族志的方法,未对自我民族志的理论与方法展开深入的探讨。该文以此为契机,首先,在理论层面梳理了自我民族志的起源、内涵,重点阐述了自我民族志与旅游研究的逻辑联系,论述了旅游研究对自我民族志的意义。然后,在此基础上,梳理了2000—2019年71篇应用自我民族志的旅游研究论文,重点阐述旅游领域中自我民族志适用的研究情景,结合文献分析各研究情景中方法论的优势,说明方法论局限以及克服局限的策略。最后,结合已有文献阐述自我民族志如何应用于旅游研究,提炼自我民族志在旅游研究中的理论贡献,并进一步讨论旅游研究应用自我民族志的巨大空间以及对自我民族志范式的贡献。  相似文献   

现代社会中,青年群体普遍遭遇自我迷失与生存性焦虑的精神危机,经常出现身体在场但精神断联的状况。近些年,青年群体通过荒野徒步户外旅游活动进行本真自我实践,逐渐找到上述问题的应对之道。文章以河西走廊止语徒步活动为例,对18位参与者进行深度访谈,探索活动参与者在荒野徒步中的本真自我实践过程,并剖析了其中的关键性条件与内在性机理。研究表明:1)河西走廊止语徒步活动参与者成功完成了存在主义本真自我实践,这种本真自我具有多维结构,以包括身体本能与自我认知的内在本真自我为基础,在与自然、历史、他者紧密联结中又塑造出自然本真性、时间本真性、人际本真性组成的关系本真自我;2)参与者的本真自我实践经历了陷入自我怀疑、学会自我掌控、促进自我反思和建立联结能力4个阶段,是一个“向内看见自己、向外联结世界”的过程;3)身心挑战的荒野自然环境与功能断联的强行设置(断网与禁言)在其中起到了关键性作用,真正为参与者创造了一个能够回归身心的行走环境,呈现出功能断联与精神联结的辩证关系。文章揭示了荒野徒步这类户外旅游与严肃休闲活动在当代青年应对精神危机中的重要作用及过程机制,同时也扩展了现有研究对旅游世界与日常生活关系的...  相似文献   

在英语的高考中,英语写作占据的分值越来越大,写作的重要性可想而知,写作在日常生活当中也发挥着越来越巨大的作用。写作这道题目在大部分情况下考验学生语法运用的能力,如何将在课堂上学习的内容实践在日常写作中,以及词汇积累的量和短语学习的掌握情况。同时,在日常学习中,英语写作是我们学习的重点内容,而在英语写作过程中,定语从句是常用句式之一,通过定语从句的书写,我们也能看出学生的英语能力。这也是容易出错的地方,本文笔者根据以往的学习经验,对定语从句在写作的过程中常见的基本错句做了简单的归纳和总结。希望能够帮助学生在定语从句方面的学习。  相似文献   

当顾客遭遇由个别雇员引发的服务失败时,顾客会产生怎样的心理反应?文章基于服务失败情境探讨了顾客的自我建构倾向与服务质量预期对满意度与负面口碑传播的影响。研究运用实验法模拟(餐厅)服务情境,结果发现,当服务失败源于个别雇员的不当行为时,如果顾客对企业的服务持有相对负面的质量预期,那么自我建构类型为互依型的顾客(vs.独立型自我建构)更倾向于认为企业对雇员的服务质量具有可控性,会对企业更不满意;但在负面口碑传播上,独立型自我建构的顾客却反而更有可能通过口碑传播服务失败经历(vs.互依型自我建构)。文章在此基础上主要讨论了自我建构对服务失败研究以及企业实践的启示,并指出未来可进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的市场环境中,创新越来越受到旅游企业的重视.由于组织创新往往植根于员工个人的创意,并依赖员工创意的实施,员工是组织创新的微观载体,因此研究旅游服务提供商员工创新行为的驱动力就显得十分重要.研究关注个体与组织情景因素对员工创新行为的影响,同时探讨市场导向、组织学习氛围、自我效能感对员工创新行为的影响.通过对国内某旅游服务提供商320名员工进行问卷调查,对数据进行结构方程模型和回归分析,研究发现自我效能感和组织学习氛围对员工创新行为有正向的影响,市场导向正向调节自我效能感与员工创新行为的关系.研究结论为旅游服务提供商如何促进员工创新行为提供了启示.  相似文献   

This study investigates the in-house internship of the hotel training center in Thailand, with two specific objectives: (1) to investigate the expectation of students prior to taking internship and compare it with their perception after taking the internship and (2) to explore experiences and skills gained by student interns and the influence of in-house internship on students’ choice of job after graduation. This study employs a qualitative methodology through content analysis to extract meaning from the students’ opinions derived from the focus group interview and the narrative writing of the short open-ended questions. The results from the study demonstrate the crucial role of compulsory in-house internship within the Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. The study also confirms that in-house internship can equip and prepare students for the real internship experience within the hotel industry and it also sheds light on the pedagogical role of the in-house internship in the tourism and hospitality curriculum.  相似文献   

本文通过对旅游院校大学生业余体育锻炼的调查,对其动机、特征进行了社会学分析,为进一步达到旅游教育的应用性特点,适应旅游业发展的需求,打破传统的体育教学模式,进行深刻的体育教学改革提出建议与对策[1]。  相似文献   

该文以奥中两所高职院校为对象,从国家职业教育背景、专业设置、学生学习与实习就业、实验室建设和师资队伍建设等五方面对烹饪教育模式进行了比较分析,提出对浙江旅游职业学院烹饪教育发展的建议。  相似文献   

英语导游培养是一个语言形式、语境教学与思维训练融为一体并相辅相成的系统化的教学过程,以培养流利的英文讲解员和文化传播者兼备的服务型人才为目标。但是目前的培训并不能解决部分相关毕业生开口困难、言之无物、言之无味的现状。本文从改革英语导游课程的角度,探讨如何在英语导游培养中实施英语演讲教学,促进学生言语能力的提高,突破基本的会话层面,培养其在公众场合连续发言的能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR) game training compared to both in-person demonstration and traditional video training. Combining the constructivist learning theory with the cognitive-affective theory of learning, the study designed a longitudinal lab experiment in the context of restaurant frontline worker training. The results showed that VR game training led to more favorable brand attitudes but less knowledge retention than the other two training methods, both immediately after training and four weeks later. The contradictory results might be explained by higher arousal elicited by VR game training, which has a negative mediating effect on knowledge retention. On the other hand, pleasure positively mediates the effect of training method on brand attitude and knowledge retention. In addition, intrinsic motivation showed a significant moderating role only in delayed effects of training. The study findings have significant implications for both academia and professionals.  相似文献   

高校旅游管理专业构建饭店管理实验教学体系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等院校旅游管理专业开设的饭店管理实验是为了培养学生的动手能力和心智技能。本文通过分析当前高等院校饭店管理实验教学中存在的问题,从整合实验室资源配置和饭店管理实验教学模块化两个方面,讨论了高等院校构建饭店管理实验教学体系的条件和具体内容。  相似文献   


Training has been found to link with improving job satisfaction and employee intention to stay. The purposes of this research were to investigate the expectations and perceptions of training quality between hotel managers and employees, and to suggest implications for improving training quality and increasing training satisfaction, job satisfaction, and intention to stay among employees in the hotel industry. The conceptual model of this study was developed based on SERVQUAL and the ServiceProfit Chain model. T-test showed that employees perceived low training quality, which suggested employees were not satisfied with training quality and that training quality needed improvement. Results of regression analysis showed that training was positively related to training satisfaction and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction led positively to intention to stay. The indirect effect of training quality on intention to stay was mediated by job satisfaction. This study suggests more understanding of the importance of training quality and its consequences, and to pay more attention to employee training.  相似文献   

The three experiments presented here examined the effectiveness of restaurant servers who memorize customers’ orders rather than writing orders down. In the experiments, participants viewed videos of simulated server-diner interactions and provided ratings of service quality and expected tip amount. Experiment 1 found no advantage to memorizing orders over writing them down. Experiment 2 found that memorized and correctly delivered entrees resulted in statistically significant increases in customers’ perceptions of service quality and in marginally higher tips. In addition, muddled (versus correct) orders resulted in lower ratings of service quality and dramatically lower anticipated tips. Experiment 3 found that memorizing and muddling complex orders had no effect on perceptions of service quality but led to significantly lower expected tips. The applied and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   


The present qualitative study utilized a long interview protocol to evaluate the sales forecasting process in the commercial restaurant setting. This qualitative study consisted of interviewing twelve managers representing seven companies. The results validated the four dimensions; functional integration, approach, systems, and performance measurement found earlier in more general business settings. The companies were found to exhibit characteristics of three of the four stages in the four dimensions. The fourth stage, representing the most actualized company, was not reached by any of the companies in this study. This could be interpreted to mean that the commercial restaurant setting is not as advanced as conquerable companies in the industry. The concept, training, emerged during the analysis. Scenarios were developed to explain the relationship of training to the original dimensions.  相似文献   

Hospitality industry has recently used esthetic labor on front-line employees to provide customers with the experience of quality service. The front-line employees must strive to meet various esthetic requirements and improve their personal esthetic skills, which might create stress for employees and make them feel burdened. Previous studies have not elucidated the burden of esthetic labor and its influence from the employee's perspective. Hence, the purpose of this study is to uncover the sources of burden of esthetic labor on front-line employees in the hospitality industry. Through in-depth interview and content analysis, this study extracted the burden of esthetic labor into three dimensions: organizational esthetic requirements and training, customer service pressures, and burdens in time off work. Managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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