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精准营销常通过先进的数据库挖掘等技术来保证和消费者有长期的个性化沟通,使营销达到可度量、可调控等精准要求,打破了传统广告的高成本束缚.而目前移动电子商务充分发挥了无线网络的优点,当精准地满足消费者对产品需求的同时,我们也应考虑到消费者所在的地理环境,进行更有针对性的推送服务.本文下面讨论将基于LBS的数据挖掘技术应用到精准营销服务上.  相似文献   

正从智慧的商务的角度来看,销售只是体验的一个方面,必须将客户洞察转化为行动,帮助公司从"采购、营销、销售和服务"四方面实现新一代电子商务流程。我们身处这样的一个时代:消费者每时每刻都会产生庞杂的数据,他们不再是会被广告左右的"温顺小绵羊",他们不愿意受企业摆布,而是追求更加个性化的产品和服务。如何跟上消费者演变的速度,满足消费者对于个性化信息获取的需求呢?基于数据分析所进行的技术化营销可以达成这一目的。  相似文献   

"互联网+互动式"汽车营销模式的应用,实现了汽车营销人员与客户的实时化互动,利于提高品牌形象,使营销服务质量大大提高,能及时满足消费者的个性化体验,是人性化与个性化的充分体现。对此,文章就"互联网+互动式"汽车营销模式展开了具体的分析与研究。  相似文献   

随着现代社会人本意识的不断强化,消费者对个性化的产品越来越青睐.在这种社会消费大潮中,定制营销必将为各家消费品公司所重视,制造业和零售业必将展现出定制的大趋势.现代的定制营销与以往的手工定做不同,定制营销是在简单的大规模生产不能满足消费者多样化、个性化需求的情况下提出来的,其最突出的特点是根据顾客的特殊要求来进行产品生产.为此,本文就针对产品定制营销的基本涵义及其实现途径进行简要的论述.  相似文献   

移动互联网给营销行业、消费市场和消费者带来了许多耳目一新的体验,而面对消费者越来越个性化、差异化的需求,企业的营销不是孤立存在的,紧跟消费者需求,将人文关怀体现出来,让企业找到发展的方向,尤其是人文关怀,企业提出来的愿景与每次实施的营销活动相匹配,将人文关怀通过品牌传递给消费者,使价值观根植于消费者,即人文营销。褚橙的热销,是其优良品质和人文营销的完美结合。  相似文献   

正营销者说内容营销并不等于微电影、病毒视频。品牌在不同的平台上必须有更多个性化、定制化的内容。随着消费者获取品牌信息方式和渠道的多样化,单一维度的品牌沟通已经远远不能适应消费者新的行为习惯。消费者对于品牌的喜爱并不在于品牌说了什么,而是周围的人对于这个品牌说了什么。因此需要和消费者的每一个接触点上,提供恰当的、有影响力的内容,在润物细无声中提升消费者对品牌的好感。产生高质量的内容并以恰当的方式提供给消费者,就变成了内容营销的重要使命。2013年末,我们和广受年轻族群欢迎的著名占星专栏作家—小女巫闹闹一道,策划了#新年心愿开星运#的联合产品推广。把PC产品和星座运势结合起来,为新生代族群提供了一个新年许愿的平台,使得PC不仅仅是他们的一个工具,更变身成为每天陪伴他们一起拼搏,为他们加油打气的好伙伴。这一轮的推  相似文献   

大数据是通过多元化的信息搜集方式将千变万化的内容进行有效整合而形成的庞大的数据库。大数据视角下的营销呈现出CEC时代的到来、消费者的独特需求急需满足、消费者的多渠道购物选择、市场呼唤个性化的定价、产品品牌必须表里如一等特征。必须通过个性化营销、精准化营销、线上、线下营销以及建立健全消费者互动反馈平台等策略,来实现营销模式的创新。  相似文献   

营销者说谈到数字营销,欧莱雅中国正在进行的不仅仅是推广、投放等数字营销战术实施,而是整个公司营销体系的数字化构建、数字化进程。谈到数字营销,欧莱雅中国正在进行的不仅仅是推广、投放等数字营销战术实施,而是整个公司营销体系的数字化构建、数字化进程。这源于欧莱雅集团全球CEO安巩在2011年提出的在未来十年新增十亿消费者的目标,其中中国市场占3亿。数字化已经成为一种思维。在欧莱雅中国,从CEO到每一个营销人员,都要将数字化思维作为我们的工作习惯,在整个数字化的  相似文献   

2011年,各公司开始重新学习如何营销——我们开始密切跟踪消费者网上行为,这几乎彻底改变了传统的营销方式。2012年,利洁时将继续扩大其在数字营销领域的影响力。  相似文献   

个性化营销理论的核心是"以消费者为中心"、满足消费者差异化需求的目标。要想让个性化营销理念在组织内真正得到贯彻,就必须创新组织观念和组织结构,其关键在于建立强调个性化营销导向的组织原则。从长远来讲,应建立一种有持久生命力的市场营销文化,从战略的高度实施组织共同认可的企业文化和营销保障机制。  相似文献   

The lack of attention to sustainability, as a concept with multiple dimensions, has presented a developmental gap in green marketing literature, sustainability, and marketing literature for decades. Based on the established premise of customer–corporate (C–C) identification, in which consumers respond favorably to companies with corporate social responsibility initiatives that they identify with, we propose that consumers would respond similarly to companies with sustainability initiatives. We postulate that consumers care about protecting and preserving favorable economic environments (an economic dimension of sustainability) as much as they care about natural environments. Thus, we investigate how two sustainability dimensions (i.e., environmental and economic) and price can influence consumer responses. Using an experimental method, we demonstrate that consumers favor sustainability in both dimensions by giving positive evaluations of the company and purchase intent. In addition, consumers respond more negatively to poor company sustainability than to high company sustainability. In comparison, consumers respond more negatively to the company’s poor commitment to caring for the environment than to the company’s poor commitment to economic sustainability. We also find that consumers do not respond favorably to low prices when they have information about the firm’s poor environmental sustainability. Finally, we find support for an interaction effect between consumer support for sustainability and corporate sustainability; that is, consumers evaluate a company more favorably if the company shares the consumers’ social causes. Overall, we conclude, from our empirical study, support for the idea that consumers do respond to multiple dimensions of sustainability.  相似文献   

The recent resurgence of the vinyl record and the proliferation of so-called craft and artisanal products offer unique opportunities to observe ongoing shifts in the contemporary consumer’s values and attitudes. In this article, we explore such thought-provoking market developments and their implications by contrasting them with the conventional understanding of markets and consumers. This understanding can lead to marketing myopia as it works from the utility-oriented assumption that what ultimately matters for both the company and the customer is cost efficiency and convenience. Against this backdrop, in this article, we discuss how market developments representing the contemporary consumer’s mindset prove valuable in creating customer insight that highlights aspects often obscured by an exaggerated focus on cost efficiency and convenience. We provide an alternative approach to evaluating markets and consumers that encourages companies to build their customer-centric market strategies around questions of context, authenticity, story, and resonance. This will help them narrow the gap between their market offerings and the actual wants and needs of their customer, and consequently allow them to revitalize their market.  相似文献   

In recent years, increasing attention is evident with regard to the depletion of natural resources, the development of “green” products and services and the sustainability practices of organisations. Building on Regulatory Focus theory (Higgins, Organ Behav Hum Decis Processes 69(2):117–132, 1997), we examine the difference between a promotion focus for marketing products and services (which emphasises attainment, achievement and advancement) and a prevention focus (which emphasises protection, security and responsibility). The results of three empirical studies show that (1) perceived sustainability practices of a company activate a prevention focus in consumers, (2) consumers make prevention-focused inferences about the products of a sustainable company, and (3) sustainable products are perceived to be better positioned if they are marketed with prevention-framed (vs. promotion-framed) appeals. This suggests that companies with sustainability-oriented practices and product offerings will be more effective if they use prevention-focused appeals in their marketing efforts. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Many firms are striving to improve their environmental positions by presenting their environmental efforts to the public. To do so, they are applying green marketing strategies to help gain competitive advantage and appeal to ecologically conscious consumers. However, not all green marketing claims accurately reflect firms’ environmental conduct, and can be viewed as ‘greenwashing’. Greenwashing may not only affect a company’s profitability, but more importantly, result in ethical harm. Therefore, this research extends past greenwashing studies by examining additional influences on and outcomes of perceived greenwashing. To do so, we conducted two studies, an interview study with consumer product and consulting firms, as well as an experiment examining consumers interacting with a company website. For these studies, we used multiple methods, including interviews, questionnaires, and neurophysiological techniques. We found that perceived greenwashing relates not only to environmental and product perceptions, but also to consumers’ happiness while interacting with the website. We also found that website interactivity relates to perceived greenwashing, environmental and product perceptions, and to the amount of interaction with the website. We conclude by discussing managerial and ethical implications for research and practice.



Previous work suggests that corporate reputation generates a ‘halo effect’ where products from companies with better reputations are more likely to be chosen. We argue that corporate reputation plays a more expansive role, proposing that consumers will be less price-sensitive to offerings endorsed by companies with good reputations and that it moderates the marginal utility of product features with high clarity. We also propose that an individual’s knowledge of a company increases the likelihood its products will be purchased. Using a choice model incorporating an individual SEM-based reputation measure, we find support for these hypothesised effects in the context of television choices. The results suggest that corporate reputation warrants more attention by marketing managers to increase preferences for their products through these mechanisms.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing tactics, such as loyalty programs, company credit cards, and e-mail promotions, are becoming increasingly popular. Benefits offered to a consumer for engaging in relational exchanges include price decreases, special offers, personalized attention, and customized products. With such benefits, the assumption is that consumers will want to develop a relationship with an organization and be rewarded for their loyalty. However, consumers might patronize a retailer, be satisfied with the service and product delivery, and yet not want to develop a relationship with them. As such, the purpose of this study was to determine why seemingly satisfied customers do not want to engage in relationship marketing and loyalty enhancing programs with retailers.  相似文献   

随着体验经济的到来,消费需求已朝着多样化与个性化发展,消费者在满足自己对商品功能的需求之外,开始更加关注对消费过程本身的体验。在这强大的经济浪潮下,一种新的营销模式——体验营销,已经成为目前最有竞争力、最具说服力的营销模式。通过以雅芳公司为例进行分析,不难发现雅芳公司在为顾客提供各种体验过程中,综合运用了6E营销组合策略。该策略具体表现在精心设计体验,让顾客实现情境体验、事件体验与浸入体验的结合,全面实施印象体验策略,建立支撑体系等方面。该策略的实施让顾客得到了全方位的体验,赢得了顾客对雅芳这一品牌的忠诚。  相似文献   

The paper presented here provides a new perspective in the study of service brand extensions, which has become a popular strategy for launching new services. Specifically, the paper proposes and estimates a model that shows how potential consumers evaluate service extensions. The findings show that the corporate image affects both the perceived service quality and the perceived fit between the new service and the parent brand, which in turn affects attitudes towards the extension. In consequence, the service extension is more likely to be successful when the corporate image is reinforced by effective marketing communications. The perception of service quality will be better and consumers will think that the company is more able to offer the new services.  相似文献   

产品营销关乎企业生存与发展,面临众多大品牌的激烈竞争,对于一个新品牌来说,如何规避消费者对新品牌的不信任预期,使自己企业的产品受到更多消费者的青睐,是一个普遍存在的问题。因为知觉恒常性和知觉定势的存在,消费者在购买产品之前就会形成自己的预期,改变消费者的预期会对产品营销带来非常巨大的作用。改变消费者的预期可以通过消费者产品盲测评价、锚定大品牌的品牌定位策略、找到自己产品的优势、提高定价等路径,规避消费者对新品牌的预期效应,激发消费者做出购买行为。本研究拟为新品牌产品营销提供指导与发展路径。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of agents’ beliefs and their implications for the economic modeling of their behavior, in particular, their behavior over time. The paper also discusses the corresponding planning problems facing both firms and consumers in their current decision making. After a general discussion of the consumer and firm problem, we discuss recent examples of some of the emerging empirical literature on dynamic choice behavior in marketing.  相似文献   

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