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关于公允价值会计的研究——面向财务会计的本质特征   总被引:62,自引:3,他引:59  
论文从两个方面对公允价值进行了剖析。首先从经验数据层面(数据来自美国证监会挑选的50家金融机构)对公允价值应用结果进行了考察。其次,也是更重要的,又从财务会计的理论层面进行分析。公允价值计量在财务会计中是有用的,将公允价值计量与确认相结合的公允价值会计却无用,因为它是估计数字,估计数字若在资产、负债、权益(净资产)和收益中确认,这就歪曲了财务报表的数字(真实数与估计数相混合,已实现的收益与未实现的公允价值变动相混合)。历史成本信息由财务报表提供较好,而公允价值信息由报表附注、其他财务报告提供较好。  相似文献   

自从我国新准则实施以来,有关资产减值的部分的要求有效的提高了会计信息质量,但是目前我国资产减值仍然存在很多问题,鉴于它在我国会计行业的重要地位以及目前的现状,本文分析了我国企业资产减值会计应用中存在的一些不足及其内外部因素,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

赵晓 《中国金融家》2004,(3):109-109
450亿美元放在任何一个国家都不是个小数字。如今就那么一转手,它就从国家手中的外汇储备资产立马儿变成了中行和建行两大商业银行的资产。许多人心中陡然划过一道大问号,这样的注资对与不对?  相似文献   

租赁业务会计,属于特殊事项会计业务。从承租方的角度而言。它不同于固定企业资产、存货、应收帐款等共同业务,而属特殊业务:就出租方而言,租赁业作为一个特殊的行业,其业务范围、经营方式等都与其他工商企业有许多不同。租赁业务会计是对出租人和承租人由租赁协议引起的债权债务关系、资产、收入、费用等进行确认、计量和报告的会计处理,它不仅必须遵循一般会计原则.并且深化了会计原则的内涵和外延。  相似文献   

陈茜 《中国外资》2012,(14):101
随着我国新税法以及新会计准则的颁布实施,资产减值的会计税务处理也由此而产生了一些差异,本文主要针对企业资产的减值现状,再从资产可回收的金额计算在会计税务处理的不同、资产减值以及它认定会计税务的处理差别以及商誉减值的处理这几个方面入手,对会计税务处理对于资产减值的差异进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国新税法以及新会计准则的颁布实施,资产减值的会计税务处理也由此而产生了一些差异,本文主要针对企业资产的减值现状,再从资产可回收的金额计算在会计税务处理的不同、资产减值以及它认定会计税务的处理差别以及商誉减值的处理这几个方面入手,对会计税务处理对于资产减值的差异进行研究和探讨  相似文献   

作为金融创新工具之一的期权(Options),是一种选择权利,它赋予期权买方在未来一定日期或一定时间内以确定价格买进或卖出规定数量的某种资产的权利;而卖方则承担必须执行买方选择的义务,作为这一交易的代价,买方必须支付给卖方一定的权利金(期权费),20世纪80年代以来,随着大规模的金融创新浪潮,期权交易日益活跃,其避险与投机功能日见突出,同时,由于期权本身的特殊性,它在很多方面对传统的会计理论提出了新的挑战,要求创新。  相似文献   

随着数字货币和大数据技术的快速发展,数字人民币(DCEP)在数据资产交易领域的应用和风险管理已成为金融工程的重要研究议题。本文深入探讨了数字人民币作为法定数字货币的特性、在电子支付领域的应用,以及在数据资产交易中的角色和潜力。重点关注数字人民币在数据资产交易中的应用模式、效率和相关风险,并提出了有效的风险管理框架。研究发现,数字人民币显著提升了数据资产交易的效率、降低成本,同时增强了安全性和透明度。然而,数字人民币在此领域也面临市场、操作和信用等多种风险。为此,本文从技术创新、法规制定、市场监管、风险教育等方面提出对策建议,以推动数字人民币在数据资产交易中的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国金融市场快速发展,资产证券化已经成为了企业进行资产管理的重要方式,它做为证券化不断深入的手段,已经在我国大力实行,通过对我国资产资本化的相关概念及会计处理方法进行研究,探析资产证券化会计处理问题,并有针对性提出合理化建议,以完善我国会计行业发展及资产证券化的有序进行.  相似文献   

世界经济步入了一种新的经济形成--知识经济时代,知识经济是信息经济,信息技术的开发和传播是知识经济的关键因素,知识经济也是智能经济、人才经济。人才是继土地、资本和劳动之后又一基本经济要素,甚至是诸要素中的决定性因素,在知识经济时代,知识资产在资产总量中的份额日益增长,研究与开发投资在企业中所占比重日益提高,知识经济更是创新经济,知识创新、科学创新、技术创新、管理创新已成为知识经济时代又一重要特征。知识经济社会的到来,对全球经济产生了深刻影响,也对会计领域带来了变革。  相似文献   

知识经济时代无形资产会计的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着知识经济的到来,无形资产的重要性日益提高,知识经济对无形资产有着深刻的影响。为知识经济的挑战,使无形资产会计适应时代的要求,无形资产会计必须不断进行改革与创新,重新确立无形资产的会计确认和计量模式,以发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

以按揭贷款方式进行的固定资产投资具有耗资多、时间长等特点,因此涉及的会计与税务处理问题较多。在现行会计准则和税收法规的框架下,要正确处理好这些问题,依法履行纳税义务,本文从固定资产购入和处置两个角度对资产与负债的确定、计量进行科学、合理的确认。  相似文献   

论文对我国先后发布的三项非货币性资产交换会计准则与国外及国际会计准则中的相关规定进行了横向比较,阐释了我国现行非货币性资产交换准则与国外相关准则的差别,分析了我国非货币性资产交换准则中存在的问题和不足,同时借鉴发达国家及国际的合理做法,并结合我国的特殊情况,针对现行准则中存在的问题提出了相应的改进建议和解决措施,以期完善我国非货币性资产交换准则。  相似文献   

This paper shows that banks overstate the value of distressed assets and their regulatory capital during the US mortgage crisis. Real estate-related assets are overvalued in banks' balance sheets, especially those of bigger banks, compared to the market value of these assets. Banks with large exposure to mortgage-backed securities also provision less for bad loans. Furthermore, distressed banks use discretion over the classification of mortgage-backed securities to inflate their books. Our results indicate that banks' balance sheets offer a distorted view of the financial health of the banks and provide suggestive evidence of regulatory forbearance and noncompliance with accounting rules.  相似文献   

论资产弃置会计的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先说明了资产弃置费用概念,然后分别阐述了不同国家和组织对资产弃置费用处理的会计规定和处理方法,并对其进行了理论性总结,认为它是对传统会计处理方式的一种扩展。作为环境会计的一项重要核算内容,它涉及环境负债、长期资产、折旧与新增费用的组合处理,并采用未来不确定估计方式计量环境负债金额,具有较大的创新。对此,论文还提出了构建我国资产弃置费用会计准则的建议。  相似文献   

JULIE NORTON 《Abacus》1995,31(2):178-200
The purpose of this paper is to make a quantitative comparative analysis of differences between Australian financial reporting practices and U.S. GAAP. The empirical data consist of Form 20-F filings for thirteen Australian incorporated companies for the period 1985–93. Based on prior research, there is a test of the hypothesis that U.S. GAAP is more conservative than Australian financial reporting practice. The results of the empirical analysis offer little support for this hypothesis in the context of the reporting of profit. However, the hypothesis is supported for the reporting of shareholders’ equity. The most frequent and material differences in profits relate to asset measurement, equity consolidation and accounting for intangible assets. Generalizations relating to differences in shareholders’ equity are more difficult to make.  相似文献   

An important concern of accounting policy is the provision of guidance for the reporting of relevant information related to economic events including public policy actions. In the case of motor carrier deregulation, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued a specialized accounting standard which required all regulated motor carriers to write off as extraordinary losses the intangible assets associated with their interstate operating rights. The specific focus of the present research was to investigate the extent to which these reported accounting losses reflect real economic losses. The findings provide evidence that industry-wide economic losses are unsubstantiated. The study concludes that a requirement that all firms involved in a regulatory reform to report write-offs which are unsupported by entity-specific transactions or events can result in serious economic consequences. Also discussed are the more general issues relevant to the promulgation of specialized accounting standards, the impact of accounting policy on public policy formulations, and accounting treatments for politically sensitive issues.  相似文献   

We assess the value relevance of the amounts for identifiable intangible assets and goodwill reported in the financial statements of all non-finance companies listed on the main market of the Portuguese Stock Exchange from 1998 to 2008. Additionally, we use panel data to explore the impact on value relevance of Portugal’s formal adoption of International Accounting Standards [IAS] and International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS] in 2005. A distinctive feature of the accounting by our sample companies is that when they adopted IAS 38 and IFRS 3 in 2005, they were no longer required to recognise some intangible assets (such as start-up costs and research expenditures) and were no longer required to amortise goodwill.We find that net earnings, reported goodwill and other intangible assets are highly significantly associated with stock price. However, whereas earnings are related positively to stock prices when Portuguese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) were applied prior to 2005, the value relevance of earnings appears to have declined after the adoption of IAS/IFRS in 2005. Although the change to IAS/IFRS had no impact on the value relevance of identifiable intangibles as a whole, the evidence suggests that there was a positive effect on the value relevance of goodwill. When the subclasses of identifiable intangible assets are considered, we found evidence of an increase in value relevance of goodwill, other intangible assets, and research and development expenditures.  相似文献   

Effective 1st January 2007, 38 new Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (ASBE) had become applicable to listed companies in mainland China. Research based on these latest standards will help us understand the current accounting harmonisation process in China. Previous studies, though rather scarce, had compared financial statements of companies simultaneously being listed on the mainland and Hong Kong. However, the very recent impact of the new ASBE has not been taken into account. Therefore, the present study focuses on domestic Chinese companies after implementation of the new ASBE. The financial figures of each item reported under the old Chinese Accounting Rules and Regulations and the new ASBE were collected in pairs and were analysed. Except for the test results on total assets and shareholders' equity, the other results revealed no significant differences between the paired figures of net assets per share, operating revenue, profit before tax, net profit, net profit after extraordinary gains and losses, basic earnings per share, net cash flow from operating activities and the per share value.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relation between financial reporting research and practice, particularly standard setters. Many studies addressing financial reporting issues use a valuation approach. The paper describes alternative approaches to valuation research and summarises the findings relating to four major current issues: fair value accounting for financial, tangible, and intangible assets, cash flows versus accruals, recognition versus disclosure, and international harmonisation of accounting standards. The summaries include identifying what standard setters and others would like to learn from research, what we have learned, and what is left to learn. The paper concludes with observations about future financial reporting academic research.  相似文献   

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