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公开市场操作是指中央银行通过在金融市场上买卖有价证券,来影响货币供给和市场利率的行为。其与法定准备金、贴现政策并称为中央银行的“三大法宝”。在多数发达国家,公开市场操作是中央银行吞吐基础货币,调节市场流动性的主要货币政策工具,通过中央银行与指定交易商进行有价证券和外汇交易,实现货市政策调控目标。相对于法定  相似文献   

张自力 《珠江经济》2005,(11):70-75
货币政策利率传导机制是由中央银行的基准利率、市场利率、利率传导的载体和作用对象(金融市场及市场主体)以及利率传导终极目标等各要素构成的有机统一整体。本文结合我国的实际情况,就如何进一步提高现阶段我国货币政策利率传导机制的效率,提出加大货币市场发展力度、疏通货币市场与资本市场的利率联动机制、培育市场运作的微观环境等政策建议。  相似文献   

在金融市场日益发达的今天,资本市场对实际经济生活的影响不断增强,特别是股票收益、股票价格与实际经济活动的内在联系越来越深刻,股票市场对货币政策指标变化往的反应变得相当灵敏。资本市场的规模和结构的不断变化影响着货币的供给和需求,从而影响货币政策的传导机制以及货币政策的工具,其发展变化影响着货币政策的制定、实施和传导效应。  相似文献   

张喜玲  杨振宁 《特区经济》2004,(12):145-146
从西方国家近半个多世纪的实践来看,发挥利率在货币政策操作中的作用是一种主流思想,利率对货币政策意向的传导是通过中央银行操作调控基准利率开始的。基准利率变动首先影响的是短期货币市场利率。在广义金融市场上,短期利率变动可以通过两条渠道来影响长期利率,进而最终影响投资与消费支出:  相似文献   

高彩霞 《辽宁经济》1998,(12):34-35
公开市场业务是中央银行在金融市场上公开买卖有价证券和银行承兑票据,以影响货币政策的手段。公开市场业务实质上是一种调节货币供给量和利率水平的经济手段,对于中央银行来说,它具有主动性和灵活性等特点。《中国人民银行法》规定,中国人民银行为执行货币政策,可以...  相似文献   

当前我国货币政策传导机制不顺畅,其主要原因是:需求不足制约了中央银行货币供给,经济实体经济结构与金融经济结构的不对称阻碍了货币政策传导的信贷渠道,传导机制的机构活力不足,金融市场发育不成熟使货币政策实施的有效空间减少,等等。因此,必须认真研究提高货币政策传导效率的途径,使中央银行货币政策意图顺利实现。  相似文献   

一、货币供应量的定义 货币供应量,是指一国在某一时期内为社会经济运转服务的货币存量,它由包括中央银行在内的金融机构供应的存款货币和现金货币两部分构成。货币供应量是中央银行重要的货币政策操作目标,它的变化也反映了中央银行货币政策的变化,对企业生产经营、金融市场,尤其是证券市场的运行和居民个人的投资行为有重大的影响。当货币供应不足时,市场商品价格下跌,生产减少,投资乏力,经济紧缩;当货币供应过量时,市场商品价格上涨,生产扩大,投资强劲,经济繁荣。  相似文献   

“双轨”货币政策需要更广阔的视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前宏观背景下,中国经济中的货币政策呈现一定的双轨特征,其重要表现之一,就是利率政策的双轨性—在银行信贷市场上,需要通过维持相对较高的利率,来达到抑制投资过快增长的政策目标;在货币市场上(即一年以内的货币资金融通市场,货币市场操作是中央银行调节货币供应量的重要方式之一),为了抑制人民币升值的预期和压力,需要保持宽松的货币环境,这又造成货币市场利率持续走低。在目前直接融资并不发达、资本管制还在一定程度上存在的情况下,这种双轨特征的货币政策操作模式仍然发挥着十分积极的作用,但面临多方面的制约。  相似文献   

黄敏 《北方经济》2007,(12):70-71
一、市场约束发挥作用的前提条件 (一)发达的金融市场 市场约束要充分发挥作用,首先需要有一个健全的金融市场体系,即要求具有完整、统一开放的金融市场,各个子市场(如资本市场、货币市场等)发展均衡,不存在市场分割(如地区封锁、部门封锁等),并要求资金能够自由地流动,价格、利率等能够对资金供求状况的变化做出灵活的反应。  相似文献   

货币市场是日本金融市场的重要组成部分,随着日本金融市场自由化和金融业务国际化进程的逐步推进,其规模不断扩大,市场余额在1985年至1996年的11年间增大了3.4倍,对名义GNP的比率到1993年时已达到21.4%,比1985年的10%增大了1倍,在国际比较方面,1993年日本货币市场的余额落后于美国,但却超过了英国和德国(日本为7171亿美元,美国为17336亿美元,美国3310亿美元,德国3376亿美元),对名义GNP的比率在1985年时尚远低于美、英、德三国(日本为10%,美国32%,英国33%,德国18%),但到1993年却已超过了德国(20%)。与美、英正在接近。  相似文献   

遏制外汇储备超常增长维护外汇市场基本稳定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、我国外汇储备的现状 外汇储备高速增长是我国宏观经济的一个突出问题.2001年我国外汇储备只有2121亿美元,2002年为2864亿美元,2003年为4032亿美元,2004年达到6099亿美元,2005年达到8189亿美元.2004~2005两年期间,外汇储备增加了一倍.增幅之大,数量之多,世所未见.  相似文献   

基于2003-2018年169个国家的面板数据,文章利用多期双重差分方法探讨了货币互换协议对我国对外直接投资规模与密集度的影响,并通过PSM-DID方法和证伪检验对模型的稳健性进行验证。在此基础上,运用中介效应和调节效应检验方法对货币互换政策的金融市场作用机制进行分析。研究发现,货币互换协议对我国OFDI规模与密集度均有显著积极影响;预期汇率风险是货币互换协议促进我国OFDI的重要影响机制,中介传导而非调节效应是主要影响渠道,而利率市场的影响机制尚未发挥作用。在经济全球化和复杂的国际形势下,这一研究对我国进一步推动国家间金融领域深化合作和推进人民币国际化以畅通国内国际双循环具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

货币市场基金(Money Market Funds.MMF,以下简称MMF),是指按法律规定、投资干低风险的一种共同基金。它一般投资于低风险的政府证券、银行定期存单、商业票据和其他高流动性、低风险、收益稳定的短期证券。可见,作为基金,它具有一般基金的集中管理、共担风险、共享收益的特征;作为货币市场基金,它又具有流动性高、风险低的特点。  相似文献   

This paper presents a two-country model in which two currencies compete with each other. There exists an equilibrium in which the two currencies with different rates of inflation circulate as media of exchange despite neither currency being required to be used for transactions. Taxes payable in local currency and asymmetric injection of fiat money by the government through purchases of a certain good generate demands even for the currency with a higher inflation rate. In such an equilibrium, the government that issues the currency with a lower rate of inflation collects seigniorage not only from its own residents but from the residents of the other country provided that the rate of inflation is positive. The strong currency in the sense of a low inflation rate becomes an international medium of exchange. Policy games, in which the two governments simultaneously choose and commit to tax rates and inflation rates, are also examined. We show, among other things, that the equilibrium rate of inflation is zero in this policy game. In other words, unlike a common argument, the rate of inflation does not go below zero. This result is due to the fact that a negative rate of inflation induces a negative amount of seigniorage andvice versa. Some alternative currency regimes are examined. Even for a country with a weak currency, abandonment of its currency leads to a lower level of welfare. Monetary unions are briefly discussed as well.J. Japan. Int. Econ., Dec. 199812(4), pp. 305–333. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.  相似文献   

This paper studies the ongoing diffusion of renminbi (RMB) trading across the globe, the first of such research of an international currency. It analyses the distribution in offshore RMB trading in 2013 and 2016 using comprehensive data from the Triennial Central Bank Survey of foreign exchange markets. In 2013, Asian centers favored by the policy of RMB internationalization had disproportionate shares in global RMB trading. Over the following three years, RMB trading seemed to converge to the spatial pattern of all currencies, with a half‐life of seven to eight years. The previously most traded emerging market currency, the Mexican peso, shows a similar pattern, although it is converging to the global norm more slowly. Three other emerging market currencies show a qualitatively similar evolution in the geography of their offshore trading. Overall, the RMB's internationalization is tracing an arc from the influence of administrative measures to the working of market forces.  相似文献   

Abstract. The accounting method in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 8 for restatement of a foreign operation's financial statements denominated in a foreign currency into the parent's currency equivalents for inclusion in the parent company's financial statements was severely criticized by market participants and managers. Its replacement, SFAS No. 52, represented an attempt to improve on the methods of SFAS No. 8. This study examines two questions: did SFAS No. 8 produce relevant information for valuing US multinational firms, and are the results reported under SFAS No. 52 more valuation relevant than those reported under SFAS No. 8? Valuation relevance is studied because the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has stated that relevance is an important criterion for choosing among alternative accounting methods. Considered collectively, the results suggest that the rules in SFAS No. 8 produced a poor accounting measure for valuing US multinational firms, and that the introduction of SFAS No. 52 has resulted in a significant improvement in the valuation relevance of the accounting numbers associated with the restatement of a foreign operation's financial statements. However, this improvement applies only to the subset of firms that designated a foreign currency as their functional currency (i.e., switched to the current-rate method) and not to firms that designated the dollar as their functional currency (i.e., as if they still reported under SFAS No. 8).  相似文献   

This paper examines which emerging market regions form optimum currency areas (OCAs) by assessing the symmetry of macroeconomic shocks. We extend the output-prices-VAR framework by adding net exports and the real effective exchange rate as endogenous variables. Based on theoretical considerations, we derive which shocks affect these variables in the long run: shocks to labor productivity, foreign trade, labor supply, and money supply. The considered economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, East and Southeast Asia, and South Asia, exhibit large enough shock symmetry to form a currency union; the economies of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East do not.  相似文献   

由美国庞大的财政赤字造成的美元信用危机,直接导致中国的美元资产大幅缩水。面对挑战,中国政府采取了以调整对外资产结构,优化外汇储备配置,增加货币互换协议为途径;以扩大跨境贸易人民币结算业务,培育人民币债券海外发行市场,推进人民币国际化为方向;以拓展SDR职能,建设多元化国际储备货币体系,创建超主权货币为目标的系列对外货币金融政策,分散外汇储备风险,确保美元资产的安全,加速国际货币体系改革进程。  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of currency substitution in Laos based on the function of money demand. The empirical model is estimated using the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration for the period 1993–2012. Our estimation results indicate that the interest rate differential is a significant currency substitution determinant in the Laos economy. Moreover, there is evidence supporting the existence of a ratchet effect in the currency allocation of deposits, implying that particularly strong policies should be pursued over an extended period of time in order to convince depositors to switch back to kip‐denominated assets.  相似文献   

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