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广东泓利机器有限公司1994年成立以来一直从事精密、高精密注塑机的专业化生产与研究,产品核心技术获欧、美、日等多国发明专利,主导产品曾列入“十五火炬计划”、“国家重点新产品计划”、“国家中小企业创新基金”、  相似文献   

广东泓利机器有限公司1994年成立以来一直从事精密、高精密注塑机的专业化生产与研究,产品核心技术获欧、美、日等多国发明专利,主导产品曾列入“十五火炬计划”、“国家重点新产品计划”、“国家中小企业创新基金”、“广东省挖潜改造“、“粤港关键技术招标”等国家、省部级项目。2003年研制成功我国首台数码光盘注塑成型机,成为我国塑机走向高精密市场的重要标志。  相似文献   

一、进一步规范定期监督检查工作,为我省产品质量整体水平的提高发挥应有的作用 严格落实产品质量定期监督检查计划,重点监控食品、农资、建材、煤炭、节能产品、环保产品、装修装饰材料等与我省经济发展和人民生活密切相关的产品.今年的定期监督检查计划遵循统筹安排、分类监管、突出重点、扶优扶强的原则,兼顾生产和流通两个领域,强化层级监管的分工协作机制,继续坚持"五定"原则:即定企业、定产品、定机构、定时间、定频次.  相似文献   

刘俊亨 《价值工程》2014,(25):171-172
针对企业生产管理中存在的计划调度组织层级较低且职能分散的情况,提出精简组织架构、简化业务流程、提升生产管理效率的组织架构优化方案,以期实现企业的劳动生产率、生产产值、产品销售额、企业利润率、存货周转率、资金周转率等企业运营关键业务指标的大幅提升,极大增强企业竞争力。  相似文献   

近日,国家质检总局发布了《工业企业产品质量分类监管试行办法》,这标志着我国政府产品质量监管部门将对重要工业企业产品质量启动实施分类监管。据了解,质检部门将实施"企业分类+产品分级"的二维监管模式,针对不同类别的企业和不同风险等级的产品,分别实施信用监管、责任监管、常态监管和加严监管等差异化监管方式。对工业企业产品质量实施分类监管,产品质量监管将更具针对性、科学性和系统性,既有利于落实质检部门的监管责任,提高监管效能,又有利于督促生产企业落实质量安全主体责任,提升企业质量诚信自律水平,降低和防范产品质量安全风险。据悉,质检总局已对工业产品生产许可证企业实施分类监管工作进行部署,要求各地年内对所有工业产品生产许可证获证企业基本实现分类监管。本期栏目刊登出该办法全文及《工业企业产品质量分类监管通用规则》等配套办法,供相关企业读者学习参考。  相似文献   

前不久,福建省某县质量技术监督局为贯彻落实《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理的特别规定》,按照专项整治计划对流通领域开展3C认证检查(按照福建省有关文件规定,流通领域中生产许可证和产品认证的监管职能仍由质量  相似文献   

今年凡开发生产符合国家重点新产品计划支持范围的新产品,生产企业和科研单位(包括私营企业及中方控股的中外合资经营企业)均可以申报。联合研制开发或生产的可单独或联合申报;通过技术转让获得的新产品,可由新产品生产单位申报或由生产单位与原技术开发单位联合申报。 目前国家重点新产品计划支持范围包括:高新技术产品、利用国家计划及省部级科技计划成果转化的新产品、具有自主知识产权的新产品等。  相似文献   

现有的针对股东积极主义现象的博弈模型讨论了在一次博弈和重复博弈状况下股东和高层经理的最优策略,从而得出结论:股东应当积极干预公司经营和树立严厉监管的“声誉”。另外还发现在激励因素影响下股东监管的必要性与动机都会减少,并进一步得出结论:对股权高度分散的公司,经理持股计划行之有效,但对于股权相对集中的公司,由于股权激励会对股东支付函数产生较大影响,大股东倾向于监管而较少采用股权激励计划。  相似文献   

在国内经济不断增长社会不断进步的过程中,进一步提高了对产品技术的要求,产品生产标准也得到了进一步优化。随着市场竞争愈发的激烈,对产品的质量、外观、结构等均提出了较高的要求。在此背景下,现代化机械设计制造工艺和精密加工技术的应用范围越来越广,能够很好地为产品生产提供重要的技术保障,结合社会与经济的发展规律来看,现代化机械设计制造工艺与精密加工技术具备较强的推动作用,因此对现代化机械制造的设计工艺及精密加工技术进行分析和研究具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

企业应采取什么样的方法来编制生产计划,使之能够充分、有效地利用企业内部有限的各种生产资源,进而取得最佳的经济效益,这是企业生产环节中的一项重要工作。利用线性规划法是解决这个问题的较好办法。本文首先介绍线性规划法的模型,然后通过案例来阐述线性规划法是解决生产计划问题的有效方法,同时利用Excel法和单纯形法对生产计划问题进行求解,以证明线性规划法对于解决企业生产计划的科学合理性。  相似文献   

Decentralized post‐bureaucratic organizations are deemed to display superior performance in dynamic environments, but recent evidence indicates that centralized integrative cross‐functional processes may be equally critical. Accordingly, this paper hypothesizes that organizational performance can be ascribed to the simultaneous emphasis on decentralized strategy making and strategic planning processes. This is investigated in a study of 185 manufacturing organizations operating in diverse industries spanning food processing and computer products. The study shows that both decentralized decision structure and planning activities are associated with higher performance in dynamic environments. These findings confirm that effective organizations engage in more complex strategy formation processes that complement the decentralized post‐bureaucratic form with formal mechanisms of rational analyses and operational integration. The paper highlights a need to extend our understanding of the duality between decentralization and planning.  相似文献   

Current trends in manufacturing have led to reduced levels of work-in-process inventory and increased levels of automation and machine complexity. These changes have two important implications for maintenance management. First, machine breakdowns not only cause a loss of output from the down machine, but also result in lost production on downstream machines. This occurs because of the elimination of buffer stock between workstations. Second, the gap between the technological expertise of the operators and the technological sophistication of their machines has widened. This gap decreases the ability of operators to make adjustments and minor repairs to their own machines.These two factors cause an increase in maintenance costs associated with machine downtime and maintenance labor. Historically, the proportion of preventive and corrective maintenance has attempted to balance these costs. As buffer stock is reduced and more machines are coupled, the costs of downtime will increase, increasing the need for preventive maintenance and decreasing its cost compared to the cost of lost production.Increases in the use of computer-based planning systems have resulted in the development of computerized preventive maintenance systems that have proven to be successful in planning for maintenance labor and materials. Integrating planning methods with corrective maintenance tasks will help reduce breakdowns, make more efficient use of maintenance craft labor, and provide information for inventory control of maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) materials.This article examines methods of reducing machine downtime costs, maintenance labor costs, and MRO inventory costs in today's changing production environment. Techniques for reducing these costs are explored in the areas of maintenance planning, maintenance methods improvement, and MRO inventory control.  相似文献   

智能变电站分为过程层、间隔层、站控层。过程层包含由一次设备和智能组件构成的智能设备、合并单元和智能终端,完成变电站电能变换、传输及其测量、控制、保护、计量、状态监测等相关功能。智能变电站的二次设备是对一次设备进行监察、测量、控制、保护、调节的辅助设备。文章首先介绍了智能变电站二次设备的运用,提出了二次设备状态监测的必要性,探讨了计算机技术运用于二次设备监测和在线监测技术的推广运用。  相似文献   

网络化数字语言教学平台的建设规划,是将分散的多媒体数字化语言实验室等设备通过网络整合到一起,从而实现课堂教学与网上辅助教学的网络化、智能化管理,达到完善立体化语言教学资源建设的目的。利用信息技术与网络技术整合,将计算机设备、语音设备、网络设备等技术进行优化,实现资源共享,从而实现提高语言实验教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

本文将金融发展纳入出口技术复杂度的演进动因中,构建了一个解释其演进机理的四部门模型,并对1996~2006年中国出口美国的131种典型产品进行了产品层面和出口技术复杂度演进机理的实证检验。结果发现,中国出口产品技术水平的推动因素逐渐转变为熟练劳动力、利率机制、国内各部门的效率水平以及国外因素,其中外国服务资本价格和外国贷款利率的作用在增大,非本土劳动力因素对出口复杂度较高的产品影响程度较大。  相似文献   

胡滨 《价值工程》2014,(17):30-31
智能变电站是坚强智能电网的重要基础和支撑。本文阐述了智能变电站与数字化变电站的主要区别,介绍了智能变电站的体系结构、智能一次设备的功能和智能设备与顺序控制的特点,重点研究了智能变电站对应的高级应用功能。针对智能变电站运行维护及应急事故处理的特点,在智能变电站设备检修、在线监测和实时分析诊断技术、工作票自动管理系统及智能辅助控制系统等方面提出了建议,对智能变电站的发展和电网的稳定运行有一定的参考意义。本文主要介绍了智能变电站的基本知识以及今后变电站发展的趋势。  相似文献   

文章分析了沙角A电厂在使用输煤工业监视系统时遇到的问题和对其改造的必要性,提出改造监视系统的设计要求,并结合智能数字网络技术的发展,介绍了新型智能数字监视系统的总体结构,以及系统各个组件的选型和功能特点,最后结合沙角A电厂的生产实际,介绍了智能网络监视系统融合电厂输煤程控系统方面的应用。  相似文献   

批量生产中不合格品返修物流规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了物流规划对于生产物流系统的重要作用,探讨了不合格品控制程序,研究了车间设施规划中返修物流优化的相关问题:返修区的设置方式和返修物流优化的评价指标,并借助物流分析软件E-Factory进行返修物流分析,得出后桥总成返修区的布置方案。  相似文献   

Industrial network flow involves three domains: infrastructure, individual subjects of movement, and planning and control of the movement. Examples include supply chain and intelligent transportation. These traditionally isolated domains can be digitally connected to enhance their performance. Digitization of the infrastructure provides real-time data to facilitate its operation, while digitally connecting the subjects to the infrastructure allows for tailored services and support to particular subjects. Connection of both to the enterprise information systems enables adaptive control for the application (e.g. logistics) at a global optimization level. Previous results in the field cover separate aspects of planning/routing, real-time monitoring, and trip support. Toward this end, a new highway-based subject-infrastructure-enterprise (SIE) information integration model using digital connection is proposed to the field of industrial network flow control for application to intelligent transportation and supply chain management. The SIE model supports industrial network flow control in a way comparable to an adaptive control panel administering an automated material handling system. In this metaphor, the global infrastructure becomes ‘controllable’ similar to factory conveyors and automated guided vehicles. This paper presents a conceptual design substantiated with information requirements analysis. An empirical experiment at locations in New York State shows the technical feasibility of the digital connection envisioned.  相似文献   

Abstract  In modeling real world planning problems as optimization programs the assumption that all parameters are known with certainty is often more seriously violated than the assumption that the objective function and the constraints can be approximated sufficiently accurate by lineair functions. In this paper we discuss the concrete application of stochastic programming to a multiperiod production planning problem in which the demand for the products during the various periods is assumed stochastic with known probability distribution. Since the resulting stochastic program does not possess the property of "simple" recourse no direct use can be made of existing methods that have been proposed in literature for solving problems of this type.  相似文献   

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