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刘文东 《价值工程》2012,31(26):319-321
人类的眼睛是认识客观世界的主要部分,自然的形态、色彩、以及空间定着都需要眼睛识别与感知。但是,视觉器官对物象的获取由于个体的生理原因会造成主观感知与客观存在的差异。个体对色彩的认知千差万别,既普遍也充满了特殊性;同一种族既拥有共同的色彩意指,也有不同的颜色偏好。但对人而言,客观色彩的获取基础都是由视觉的生理构成所决定。故而,对色彩获取的视觉生理探讨,将具有积极的意义与延伸的价值。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个读图的时代,图形作为一种视觉语言,不光具有形式表现、信息叙述和传达的功能,同时它还具有吸引人、感动人、缩短时空距离的功能,图形设计的主要功能就是传达信息,是视觉传达的基本形式。正因如此.图形设计被广泛的应用于:企业的VI标志设计、广告设计、包装设计、展示设计等方面。本文将对以上几点展开论述。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个读图的时代,图形作为一种视觉语言,不光具有形式表现、信息叙述和传达的功能,同时它还具有吸引人、感动人、缩短时空距离的功能,图形设计的主要功能就是传达信息,是视觉传达的基本形式.正因如此,图形设计被广泛的应用于:企业的Vl标志设计、广告设计、包装设计、展示设计等方面.本文将对以上几点展开论述.  相似文献   

21世纪是一个读图的时代,图形作为一种视觉语言.不光具有形式表现、信息叙述和传达的功能,同时它还具有吸引人、感动人、缩短时空距离的功能,图形设计的主要功能就是传达信息,是视觉传达的基本形式。正因如此,图形设计被广泛的应用于:企业的VI标志设计、广告设计、包装设计、展示设计等方面。本文将对以上几点展开论述。  相似文献   

现代标志设计与传统图形艺术的融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标志作为一种包含着特殊意义的符号,以其精辟之形传达特定的涵义和信念,早已成为人们相互交流、传递信息的视觉语言。特别是在2l世纪这样一个信息爆炸的时代,现代文化与传统文化交融碰撞。传统图形的深厚的传统文化气息,对现代标志设计的发展产生有着积极的作用。现代标志设计不仅要尊重、善用中国传统图形文化,更应重视变通求新,从而设计出富有生命力的中国现代标志。  相似文献   

正负形在图形创意表现中是重要的创意手法,并广泛应用于现在的标志设计当中。标志设计充分利用正负形的表达和组合方式,通过图底互换的巧妙安排,精心布置,寻找图形与图形组合的趣味性,体现图形组织的巧妙,从而把最小、最简洁的图形所传达的语义最大化。本文充分挖掘了正负形在标志设计当中创意的本质,对正负形的创意手法进行了简要的归纳总结。  相似文献   

任何合格商品都应有一套完善的标识,所谓标识指的是产品的生产者或销售者为区别不同的生产、销售者或区别不同的产品,而在产品或包装上使用的标记。这此标记是由一定形态的文字或图形以及文字和图形的组合构成的。根据产品质量法规定,产品或产品包装上的标识有以下10种。 一.产品要有商标。已被工商部门注册的商标,其标识为R或注。目前我国已使用的证明商标有绿色食品标志、纯羊毛标志(见图1)已,及真皮标志(图2)等,它的使用是对公众消费的一种引导,同时也是打击假冒  相似文献   

贺登昆 《秘书》2011,(4):30-31
印章是公文生效标识,是发文机关的身份标志,是证明公文效力的表现形式。一份内容完备的公文必须有正确的生效标识(会议纪要和电报除外),才具有权威性、强制性。  相似文献   

刘馨 《企业导报》2011,(18):249
随着市场竞争的日益激烈,标志作为企业的品牌视觉基础,有着重要的作用。虽然很多企业有了简单的品牌意识,但对标志设计的概念还很模糊,标志不仅仅为一个图形或文字的组合,它是依据企业的构成结构、行业类别、经营理念,并充分考虑标志接触的对象和应用环境,为企业制定的标准视觉符号。  相似文献   

张军 《企业经济》2003,(11):76-77
在竞争激烈的市场环境中,一个企业的成败与消费者对其印象的好坏有着很大的关系。消费者对企业的印象直接影响企业产品的销售及在市场上的地位。店标是商店视觉识别系统(VI)中最重要的组成部分,是店面标识系统中可以被识别但不能用语言表达的部分。也可以说它是商店店面标识的图形记号。店标之于商店的重要性相当于眼睛之于人的重要性。繁华的大街上大大小小、林林种种的店铺不计其数。如何在这中间脱颖而出,必须实施“眼睛”的亮化工程。设计一个好的店标,无疑可以起到事半功倍的效果。功倍的效果。一、店标的传统性功能1.识别并留下印象…  相似文献   

In this article, we draw our attention to the growth of a new social movement, as a non-profit organization which aims to effectively communicate its collective identity and messages to larger audiences. Initially, we provide a critical discussion on the interrelationships between marketing theory/practice and protest groups' promotional tactics. Afterwards, we focus on the interface between visual branding practices and new social movement's strategies to create a visual branding identity around their protest symbols and aims. In order to do so, we adopted a moderate participant observation approach to explore how the 2014 Hong Kong Umbrella Movement employed forms of visual branding to engage local and global audiences and induce social change. Drawing on a close examination of field notes and a visual analysis of digital archives and images from the protest sites, we identify and discuss the presence of several visual branding techniques for the imaginative promotion of the movement's demands and causes. Our findings suggest that the 2014 Umbrella Movement protesters coordinated and acted as non-profit organization which employed innovative and creative visual branding methods to enhance the movement's unity and trigger emotional responses from diverse audiences. We conclude the article with suggestions for future research around the interrelationships between social movements' protest symbols, transnational visual branding practices and non-profit organizational practices.  相似文献   

This study examines how the past is used in the construction of regional identity narratives in policy discourses and documents. Despite assumptions that regional identity is based on shared culture, some authors argue that new forms of regional identity have emerged as the consequence of regions’ involvement in wider networks. Identity has been pursued as an asset to regional attractiveness and economic growth and, as such, is shaped by regional development strategies concerning particular social groups. Socially shared representations of the past through history, cultural heritage and collective memory play an important role in this process, since the past is a powerful resource that may be used to construct images of places, legitimizing claims on territories. Document analysis and interviews with planners are used to analyse strategies for regional development in five counties located in the Mälardalen region, Sweden. This study shows that regional strategies are guided by narratives framing regions from an exclusive outside perspective, leaving internal qualities unnoticed. The past is used to structure these narratives and construct identities that serve economic growth rather than the integration of the plural heritages of the region.  相似文献   

根据《黑龙江人口统计年鉴》公布的数据可以看到,在2014-2018年中,黑龙江籍高校毕业生到黑龙江省以外的城市工作的人数量大约为26万人。本文借鉴地域认同度的理念并设计调查问卷,通过spass卡方检验的方法,探讨黑龙江地区地域认同度对黑龙江籍高校毕业生流失的影响程度,以及与其他影响人才流失的因素存在的差异,在此基础上提出相应的建议。希望本文研究对缓解黑龙江省高校毕业生的流失提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

  • Branding of universities is an area that is growing in importance as competition between universities increases and creates an imperative for strong brand positioning and visual identity as the basis for differentiation. In this context, this paper describes the process by which the California State University (CSU), a major, multi‐campus public university system developed a corporate visual identity system and analyzes the key issues in developing this system, as well as the key challenges ahead.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业VI设计既是一门学问,也是一门艺术。尽管人们在企业VI计实践中总结出许多技巧,但这些技巧的运用仍存在很大难度。文章在对企业VI内涵进行分析的基础上,提出了基于立体思维的设计理念,将企业VI设计划分为表音维、表形维、理念维和情感维,实现VI设计的科学性与艺术性有机结合,对激发设计者创作灵感、提高设计效果和效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着经济的高速增长,我国物流行业也进入快速发展时期。目前,在我国有关轿车整车物流的研究很多,但大多重点仅局限于对现状的分析。文章力争在分析现状的基础上,结合国外先进经验,对国内外整车物流的发展作以比较,探索适合我国国情的轿车整车物流发展对策。  相似文献   

李晟 《价值工程》2013,(33):68-69
现场安全目视化管理是指通过安全色、标签、标牌等方式,明确人员的资质和身份、工器具和设备设施的使用状态,以及生产作业区域的危险状态的一种现场安全管理方法。它主要利用形象直观而又色彩适宜的各种视觉感知信息来组织现场安全生产活动,是以安全视觉信号为基本手段,以公开化为基本原则,也是一种利用视觉来进行安全管理的科学方法。  相似文献   

Digital transformation increasingly requires activities located outside firm boundaries, for example via alliances with start‐up companies. Despite this, German Mittelstand firms, primarily owned and managed by enterprising families and seen as role models of innovation, appear reluctant to place strategic emphasis on venturing outside the firm’s boundaries when it comes to digital transformation. Drawing on the concepts of identity and communication patterns, we theorize on the mechanisms behind this behaviour. Applying structural equation modelling to a sample of 254 members of the next generation in enterprising families from Germany, we find that family communication patterns impact the strategic priority for or against external corporate venturing via identity‐related considerations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we take an identity project perspective on careers to explore how job seekers assess potential employers. Identity projects are individuals’ self-definitions in the light of their career development and personal aspirations and have the potential to further our understanding of careers. Drawing on focus group discussions of women seeking employment in STEM, we find four identity positioning strategies through which the women assess future employers. Our analysis illustrates the role of organizational images for shaping and realizing individuals’ identity projects. We contribute to research on identity projects by extending the concept’s focus to include job seekers as external organizational stakeholders and provide insight into their identity positioning. Furthermore, our study enhances the understanding of organizational image in the context of employee recruitment by outlining how individuals position themselves in relation to the organizational images they construct when reflecting on their identity projects and on the institutional context. Overall, we develop a more nuanced approach to understanding women’s interpretations of organizational identity claims (e.g., gender diversity claims) and thus extend current theorizing on recruiting women to STEM.  相似文献   

陈红军 《物流技术》2010,29(13):158-160
以生产轿车发动机、变速箱、车桥的机加工厂为例,阐述了一人多机、快速换型、精益生产等工业工程技术在生产现场的应用情况,以及在生产能力、劳动生产率、物流及信息流方面取得的成果,供相关人员参考或引用。  相似文献   

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