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新《企业破产法》对商业银行的影响是把双刃剑.一方面有利于银行不良资产回收率的提高、有利于追回被恶意转移的财产、防止恶意逃废债;另一方面又存在一定的金融风险:担保债权有可能面临职工债权、破产费用等侵蚀、提前停止计息影响银行信贷计息系统和受偿数额、可撤销行为期限延长使银行清收保全工作风险加大、金融机构破产制度将增大同业交易损失风险几率、破产企业重整制度对银行而言喜忧参半.  相似文献   

由于房地产具有不可移动、不可隐藏、相对保值等特点,房地产抵押作为担保方式之一,在信贷业务中应用广泛.如果审查不严或操作不当,会给银行信贷业务带来法律风险.特别是<物权法>、<企业破产法>、<公司法>等颁布实施或修改后,银行要及时适应立法变化,切实规范和加强房地产抵押贷款管理,防范法律风险.  相似文献   

从信贷评审角度看新会计准则对企业财务分析的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李峥 《金融论坛》2007,12(2):50-54
财政部于2006年初发布的新<企业会计准则>已成为我国会计制度的一项重大改革.新准则的发布与实施对企业会计核算做了一系列新的规定;同时,对企业财务信息的使用者,尤其是对作为债权人的银行如何在新准则下解读企业财务信息提出了新的要求.本文从新<企业会计准则>制定的背景及主要特点出发,站在银行信贷评审的角度,重点阐述了新旧准则/制度的差异,解析了其对企业财务分析产生的主要影响,并对银行信贷审查时使用和理解新<企业会计准则>做了如下建议,包括对不同企业按不同标准进行财务分析、对企业不同时期数据要加以判别、对公允价值运用的合理性加以区别等.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国企业破产法》已于今年6月1日起正式实施。新破产法规定,会计师事务所等社会中介机构将成为破产管理人法定主体。最高人民法院根据授权又先后制定发布了两个司法解释,对中介机构申请进入管理人名册、接受业务等事项做了明确规定。为便于广大注册会计师及时了解和掌握有关内容,更好地参与和介入破产管理人业务,我刊约请有关专家从不同角度分析介绍《企业破产法》的制定背景、核心内容以及会计师事务所介入破产业务的有关操作实务问题,分两期刊发。  相似文献   

罗颖 《福建金融》2007,(7):32-35
即将于2007年10月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国物权法》,将对银行信贷业务产生重大影响,同时也对银行信贷风险管理提出了更高的要求。本文试从贷款的贷前、贷中、贷后全过程,具体分析《物权法》在每一阶段对银行信贷业务带来的影响,并提出风险防范的对策。  相似文献   

论新《破产法》对破产会计理论的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早在1986年12月2日,全国人大常委会就发布了《中华人民共和国企业破产法(试行)》(以下简称《企业破产法(试行)》),并于1988年11月1日正式实施。然而随着我国市场经济体制的建立和国有企业改革的深化,《企业破产法(试行)》已不适应企业组织破产的实际情况。因此,全国人大常委会从1994年就开始着手起草新《破产法》,可谓十年磨一剑。目前,虽然在某些细节的制定上还存在争议,但在一些重要的基本问题上已经达成一致。新《破产法》的颁布和实施将对破产会计理论产生深远的影响,我们具体从以下四个方面来阐述。一、破产会计主体发生变化破产会计主…  相似文献   

企业直接倒闭而不破产,这是目前中国普遍存在的一个现象.数据显示,我国每年有近80万家企业选择通过吊销营业执照或注销企业的方式退出,但仅有3000多例企业破产.自2007年6月起至今,中国新<企业破产法>正式实施至已有两年时间,但实际操作过程中,真正依法进行破产的企业少之又少.  相似文献   

栾甫贵 《财会学习》2006,(10):21-22
2006年8月27日,十届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议通过了将于2007年6月1日实施的《中华人民共和国企业破产法》(以下称新破产法).这一法律的颁布实施,不仅是我国法律界、经济界的一件大事,也是破产会计的一件大事.因为以《破产法》为基本法律依据、以破产案件为基本内容的破产会计,必然随着破产法的重大变革而面临深刻改革.  相似文献   

付兴丽 《金卡工程》2008,12(12):44-44
本文拟对<中华人民共和国企业破产法>关于破产重整申请人范围规定评析,明确优点指出不足,以期促进破产法律发展.  相似文献   

2006年1月1日起实行的新《公司法》对公司的内外部财产关系、组织关系进行了重大修改,增加了公司的自治制度、法人资格否定制度、放宽出资方式、出资财产等等,这些变革对公司制度具有革命性的意义,对银行信贷风险管理产生了重大影响,本文就其对信贷风险防范带来的影响进行了一些探索和思考。  相似文献   

本文对比美国、日本的相关税收法律制度,对《中华人民共和国企业破产法》(以下简称《企业破产法》)实施中引起争议的破产中税收债权的申报、破产管理人撤销权的行使、税收债权的优先性以及在企业重整中的有关税收问题进行了分析,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the background of embarking on the bankruptcy law reform of China, and examines the newly introduced corporate reorganization regime under China's new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law 2006. As a patchwork of the US Chapter 11 and English Administration, China's new regime is a good law on paper with sound intention and perfect logic. But there are still many legal and institutional impediments to the new regime's utilization. For example there is a serious institutional incapacity among the judiciary, as the necessary training and organization of thousands of professionals has not started. Also of concern is the still‐unfinished process of updating and modification of related laws and accounting standards as well as their application and enforcement. Enacting a new bankruptcy law is only the first step. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over the past 9 years since the implementation of China's Enterprise Bankruptcy Law in 2007, it has contributed to some measures of regulating market practice and rearrangement of market resources and has become an integral part in an improved legal system of China's market economy. However, a closer look at the effect of implementing the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law shows that the number of bankruptcy cases after its implementation, instead of increasing, has taken on a trend of decreasing. Even under the influence of the 2008 financial crisis, no significant increase in the number of Chinese bankrupt enterprises means that China's Bankruptcy Law failed to play its due role, leaving a large gap as desired. As such, this article aims to examine the problems arising from the implementation of the Bankruptcy Law and, taking this as guidance, probe into the reasons hidden behind and propose possible improvement measures. It is expected that the Bankruptcy Law would increasingly play a key role in the development of China's market economy, particularly under the current situation where Chinese government proposes to clean up zombie businesses. Copyright © 2018 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to the high degree of mobility of ships and the special operational structures of shipping companies, it is difficult to harmonise the cross‐border insolvency regime with the maritime law regime governing ships. One of the typical examples is the recent bankruptcy of Hanjin Shipping Co Ltd. Chinese creditors were heavily affected by the bankruptcy of Hanjin. However, Hanjin never filed an application to have its Korean insolvency proceeding recognised in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Nor did it commence any ancillary insolvency application under the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the PRC. Taking Hanjin's bankruptcy as an example, this article examines the current statutory regime of cross‐border insolvency in the PRC in detail and analyses the approach adopted by the Chinese courts to resolve the conflicts that arise between the cross‐border insolvency and maritime law regimes.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to supplement the Law and Economics area of science with regard to the scope of the ex ante effectiveness of bankruptcy law using the example of Poland. Bankruptcy law is effective in the ex ante stage when it eliminates from the market insolvent entrepreneurs who cannot even afford to cover the costs of bankruptcy proceedings. In these cases, the bankruptcy court should dismiss the petition for bankruptcy because of “poverty” of the insolvent estate. As a result, the insolvent debtor should be liquidated and deleted from the register of companies. This paper investigates entities whose bankruptcy petition has been rejected due to “poverty” of the insolvent estate. The study shows that, after the filing has been dismissed, the majority of these entities are not liquidated. To determine who is responsible for this state of affairs, the article identifies the stakeholders at the time that applications are filed for bankruptcy proceedings and also after the bankruptcy petition has been rejected. The article highlights stakeholders' diverging interests, strengths, and weaknesses to assess their potential impact on bankruptcy procedures that should be dismissed due to “poverty” of the insolvent estate.  相似文献   

In the recent international history of insolvency law reform, the reform of corporate rescue and restructuring has been an ongoing project. In China, the enactment of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law 2006 saw the introduction of a bankruptcy reorganisation procedure that incorporates the debtor‐in‐possession model found in Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. However, the Chinese corporate rescue procedure has been significantly underused due in part to various drawbacks associated with this court‐based and highly politicalised process. This paper explores the possibility of reforming China's current corporate rescue regime by drawing upon the Australian voluntary administration procedure. Found in Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), this procedure was designed to provide a relatively swift, inexpensive and flexible corporate rescue mechanism for companies in financial distress. It comprises a noncourt based mechanism under the control of one or more professionally qualified private administrators. It is interesting to note that the UK also moved away from exclusive reliance upon court‐based administration procedures following the passage of the Enterprise Act 2002. This moved the UK closer to the Australian practitioner‐dominated approach to corporate rescue. This paper argues that the addition of a voluntary administration‐style procedure to China's current corporate rescue regime may be needed as China develops its market economy based on the rule of law. Copyright © 2017 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

The closure of many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) following the global financial crisis of 2008 spurred the Chinese government to follow its international counterparts in issuing an economic stimulus package. While it was effective in preventing many financially distressed SMEs from failure by boosting demand for its businesses, in the long run, such SMEs should be rescued through a statutory regime, which affords them temporary protection from creditors and provides them an opportunity to restructure their businesses. In doing so, the premature liquidation of SMEs would be prevented and SMEs with viable businesses but in temporary financial difficulties would be given a chance to succeed again. Although China's new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (EBL) has shortcomings, it improves upon its predecessor legislation and, since it is still at an infantile stage of development, is bound for further reform. Despite the EBL's success in bringing Chinese corporate bankruptcy laws in line with international standards, full compliance with the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‐Border Insolvency and UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law remains to be seen. In September 2008, the South China Morning Post newspaper reported that the number of (applications for) corporate reorganization and bankruptcy cases had dropped, “leading to widespread speculation there are problems in the law's practical application”. 1 This article examines the implementation of the EBL, critiques key aspects of the EBL and argues for a comprehensive assessment of the EBL and for bringing the EBL in full compliance with the international standards on cross‐border insolvency. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

所有权担保的实现有形式主义和功能主义两个路径,其中功能主义采用担保程序的实现路径,是双方当事人真实的意思表示,有利于债权人和债务人双方的利益,也有利于维护担保关系的稳定。实践中,首先应当遵循当事人选择的路径;协商不成,法院再判定采用担保程序;破产案件中,法官在面对原被告方不同诉求时,可以采纳《企业破产法》第109条进行裁判。登记技术的进步和登记制度的发展可以有效地弥补功能主义的效率缺陷。  相似文献   

破产清算条件下会计要素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘家松 《会计研究》2005,(12):42-46
与持续经营条件下的会计要素不同,破产清算条件下的会计要素有其自身的特点。本文首先分析了目前破产清算会计要素研究中存在的问题:受破产法思想和持续经营会计理论思想的束缚严重,对相关会计要素的定义不准确。然后在研究破产清算条件下会计对象变化及其对会计要素影响的基础上,重构了破产清算会计要素体系:清算资产、清算负债和清算净损益。  相似文献   

银行、企业和政府间的关系一直处于改革变动之中,改革的许多焦点在破产法律制度中得以体现,其间是以转移和牺牲银行利益为代价的.正式破产法基本结束了企业关闭破产的行政程序,在一定程度上有利于银行债权受偿率的提高.但司法实践层面卜银行仍面临担保物权合同制度设计、诉讼方式选择等方面的压力.作为一种司法干预机制,破产申请程序对市场风险具有再分配功能,并对银行自主经营和风险防范提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

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