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江中集团运用创新的企业战略开发出了具有独创性的产品——江中健胃消食片,它的出现不但给人们提供了一种“轻度用药”的助消化良方,而且给企业带来了丰厚的利润。  相似文献   

小路 《英才》2007,(2):64-64
在距离2007年新年还有四天的时候,ST江纸(600053)终于从一家即将面临退市的纸业公司摇身一变,成为当下炙手可热的地产类公司,而导演这场变脸大戏的则是江西江中制药(集团)有限责任公司(以下简称江中集团)。  相似文献   

江中制药近期热推的蓝枸饮料在各卫视铺天盖地的广告再次把这个企业推到了消费者关注的前沿。其实,药企推出饮料的热情空前高涨,江中集团的猴菇饮料的广告传播热度尚未减退,此前王老吉药业也推出了保健饮料产品。有业内人士分析称,这些制药企业热衷保健饮料或许是看中饮料行业的前景,但又认为饮料行业难有新的产品品类或新的增长点而另辟蹊径。  相似文献   

<正>企业知识产权战略是指企业为获取并保持市场竞争优势,运用知识产权制度所提供的知识产权保护手段和信息,谋取最佳经济效益和社会效益的总体性谋划。江中集团是我国520户国有大中型企业之一,是国家级重点高新技术企业。本文通过分析江中集团的知识产权战略,试图发现其中的宝贵经验,为其他江西企业知识产权战略的制定和实施提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

本文根据AGVS(自动导引小车系统)在江中制药的应用情况,对AGVS的系统组成及关系、生产物流线工艺流程与AGVS的具体实现、项目中应用的技术创新等进行了介绍。  相似文献   

广州出现分手代理;妙龄少女吃土成瘾;网上出现“陈世美黑名单”;抱小孩没人让座,老大妈怒堵公交;男子江中救美,女友岸上吃醋。  相似文献   

一可怜江中月正明不识伊人孤寂情对岸码头灯火闪浪卷紧心细无声二身单影只凭尺素山长水阔人何在旧日好景君须记望江楼上再相会旅途有感@乔堂丽  相似文献   

近两年,不少食业跨界进入其他行业的新闻是源源不绝,甚至有企业摒弃自己的主业而投身其他行业。近日,以保健品消食片为主的江中集团开始跨业发展白酒产业的新闻,又让不少人把注意力集中在了“跨界”这个词上。  相似文献   

江中亮嗓,一个创立不久的品牌,如何在"红楼梦中人"选秀中一炮走红?热闹了一年多的"红楼梦中人"选秀活动虽然在六月份已经拉下了帷幕,但媒体和粉丝们对于宝钗组冠军姚笛  相似文献   

广东省公路建设公司是以建设、经营、管理珠江三角洲高速公路网为主的国有企业,公司系统现有广深珠高速公路有限公司、京珠高速公路广珠段有限公司、虎门大桥有限公司等三个粤港合作公司,以及广东西部沿海高速公路新会段有限公司、江中高速公路有限公司、广东京珠高速公路  相似文献   

In 1903 the well-known Dutch astronomer Kapteyn published a paper in which he discussed statistical methods which he thought would be relevant for biologists. His motivation was the 1895 paper of Pearson on skew frequency curves. Kapteyn had concluded that the theory was open to grave objections and was not adapted to nonmathematical readers. He was then led to an independent investigation of the subject. This publication would lead to a heated dialogue between Kapteyn and Pearson, in which they accused each other of inappropriate starting points, of plagiarism and of making serious mathematical mistakes. This article evaluates these claims. In addition, Kapteyn's struggle to make his work accessible to biologists is discussed.  相似文献   

文章研究了用氨气敏电极测定制革废水中的氨氮,其方法简单、快速、准确,十分适宜大批量、色度高的制革废水氨氮的快速测定。  相似文献   

The traditional HRM system has been job-based and has reflected a bureaucratic model of organizing work. Such job-based personnel management systems have shown a tendency to break down under deregulation and exposure to competitive market situations. The study reported here suggests that, after the deregulation of the Norwegian energy sector, the industry was forced to change its primary focus from engineering and technical problems to a critical concern for customers, service, operational costs and productivity. In addition, due to increased work interdependence, numerous centralized operational units have developed in the companies. The relevance of operational knowledge was found to increase, together with the establishment of work groups. This also created a shift from a job-related performance management system to a more person-related system. Organization-specific competence was emphasized as well as increased attention to customer interface issues. Market orientation was reflected in the need to introduce pay-for-performance systems. These changes in HRM systems developed on an ad hoc basis. Due to lack of relevant knowledge on the changes occurring and clear management direction HRM adaptation was, however, slow. Implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

文章介绍了六轮铰接作业车的结构和越障原理,分析了作业车越过高度不小于车轮半径的垂直障碍时车轮所需的驱动力矩。采用动力学仿真软件ADAMS为作业车建立了虚拟样机建模,并进行了不同工况的越障过程仿真分析。仿真研究结果表明,作业车能够越过高度不小于车轮半径的垂直障碍,越障时前轮所受碰撞力最大。  相似文献   

白赵峰 《价值工程》2011,30(34):322-323
在革命战争年代,中国共产党领导的革命根据地对广大群众开展了以生存观念、生存能力、生存方式为主要内容的生存教育,形成了具有层次性和系统性的教育内容,教育方向明确,教育方式灵活,教育成效显著。开创了我国系统地、大规模地开展生存教育的先河,具有重要的历史价值。  相似文献   

利用灰色关联分析模型对泰州市2002—2009年的人口流动数据进行了分析,通过关联度的计算,指出城乡收入差距是引起人口流动的主要原因,给出了相关建议,促进农村人口流动与就业的协调发展。  相似文献   

The research objective is to examine empirically the relationship marketing and its successful implementation in Turkish Beverage Companies. Three scales were used to generate the data. Relationship marketing scale, environmental factors scale and company performance scale. Some of the variables in questionnaire used as control variables that reflect company-specific characters namely, company size, business type and sales volume. First the main effect of relationship marketing orientation on company performance was assessed, and then the moderating effect of environmental factors on the relationship between relationship marketing orientation and company performance was estimated by using multivariate techniques.  相似文献   

The surge of interest in the social impacts of the Internet has led information systems experts to apply methods and theories garnered from disciplines such as psychology and sociology. As researcher look across disciplines for methods and explanations of outcomes, they run the risk of researching badly. This may be because they are inexperienced in the theory or method, or because the theory or method is not entirely applicable to the context that challenges them. Thus, in the search for the novelty necessary to achieve publications, and given the lack of experience in applying information systems to issues beyond the corporate sphere, research that does not hold water is being undertaken. This is of particular interest because it is not necessarily being undertaken by the novice. The research reported here was undertaken by experienced researchers using experimental and interview methods with which they had experience in other disciplines (psychology and economics). However, the context of researching the impact of the Internet on the quality of life of first time users over the age of 65 was sufficiently different as to render the methods and possibly the theory inappropriate. This dilettantism must be recognized for what it is.  相似文献   

张瑞芳 《价值工程》2011,30(22):275-276
文章主要以工学学科建设层次评估指标体系的建立为重点,采用专家调查问卷的方式,综合运用层次分析法、专家咨询法构建了工科学科建设评估指标体系,并对三个有代表性的学科进行实证研究,根据分析结果进一步提出了该三个学科建设策略,在学科建设评估方面进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

面对竞争的日益加强,仓储企业的经营和管理出现了诸多的问题。文章通过从A火腿仓库存在的实际问题出发,分析得出导致问题的原因在于操作规范落后、人员配备不合理、管理制度不健全等,在此基础上尝试提出解决A火腿仓库落后管理的办法。  相似文献   

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