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随着现代旅游业的快速发展,旅游市场消费日趋丰富和多样,以"吃农家饭、住农家屋、干农家活、玩农家乐" 为主要内容的"农家乐"特色休闲旅游项目在山西已经兴起,并得到了市场的广泛认同,引起了社会各界的极大重视和关注。合理引导、开发、扶持、规范"农家乐"休闲旅游成为摆在山西旅游业发展中的一项重要工作。 "农家乐"休闲旅游市场潜力巨大,发展前景广阔 "农家乐"休闲旅游在我省一兴起就受到了游客的普  相似文献   

汉字自古代传入日本后,经过日本人民的学习、使用和探索,创造出较完善的汉字利用法,其读音、字形及词意与汉字有着深厚的渊源,但其中存在着较大的差异,这是每一位学习日语的中国人的难点和应着重注意的问题。  相似文献   

五台山,文殊界里的清凉 夏季在五台山是容易忘却季节的,因为在这里很难感觉到夏季的炎热.时值酷暑,可山中却别有洞天,"岁积坚冰,夏仍飞雪、曾无炎暑".住了几天,对其气候清爽宜人就有了切身感受.  相似文献   

在汉字里,数字有大小写之分,一二三四五六七八九十等是小写,壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾等是大写。小写的数字虽然易识易写,但也很容易被更改。为了防止数字被更改,有个读书人从众多的汉字中找出  相似文献   

阿富是我的好朋友,比我小10岁,这次到日本来只是一位游客。阿富爱好艺术,日常的工作总是跟电脑、数码和平面设计打交道。据说,这次冬季到日本是他第一次离开祖国。日本的汉字尽管好认,但阿富对日语一窍不通。于是,我们的周游由此组合,一边是通晓日语的我,有时因熟知而感到困惑,甚至会觉得  相似文献   

菜肴在制作上有一个相对统一的标准,但也不是一成不变的。要根据制作菜肴的目的,调整菜肴的制作工艺。基于菜肴的用途不同,以"松鼠鱼"为例,对"松鼠鱼"在营业型、展示型、比赛型、拍照型、考试型等几种类型中采取的不同制作方法进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

高职院校是培养高等应用技术型人才的摇篮,酒店管理专业是实践性很强的专业,按照传统的"放羊式""、突击式"实习模式培养的人才,已越来越不符合社会对酒店人才的需要。寻找到一种科学有效的教育模式成为教育界迫切需要解决的问题。该文从分析传统酒店管理类专业实践教学存在的问题入手,介绍了一种新型的实践教学模式——"全程产学交叉",剖析了该模式的内涵与特点,并对该模式的实施效果与启示作了分析。  相似文献   

本刊讯(李峰)壶口风景区为丰富中外游客游览项目,吉县县委、县政府采取多项措施,实现"安全、健康、秩序、质量、效益"为目标,喜迎"十一"黄金周。推出具有黄土高原特色的"黄河风情文艺表演"。"十一"黄金周期间,县城广场每天晚上推出老年人秧歌表演,"庆国庆"篮球赛等活动,特别是壶口风景区组织编排的由吉县土生土长的"黄河帅小子"乐队表演的《黄河大合唱》、《黄河源头》等歌曲联  相似文献   

在城市化快速发展的过程中,出现了许多"城中村"所特有的经济和社会问题,这些经济与社会问题的主要根源在于集体所有制的产权制度安排及其固有弊端。江苏无锡市等地的村级股份合作制改革的实践为解决这些问题提供了一种可行的途径。文章在分析改革前"城中村"集体产权界定的局限性及其在城市化中所面临问题的基础上,对江苏无锡等地的"城中村"集体产权制度改革的路径选择及其内在机理进行了总结,认为村级股份合作制改革能有效地保护城市化中村集体成员的利益,是解决"城中村"出现的经济与社会问题的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

李岩 《当代旅游》2006,(2):48-50
观马军的画,要在寂寞的午夜,一束光柔柔地倾漫进画中,在没有嘈杂与惊扰的氛围里,那些淮北乡村的独特景致开始苏生,那些敦煌石窟中的众佛们也一下子鲜活起来,"老井"、"村口"、"篱笆小院"展示着恬淡、安然的世外桃源,"飞天""舞伎"、"观音"则述说诚真、向善的佛陀世界.  相似文献   

This study explores the use of destination mascots in tourism development. It steps away from the traditional investigation of yuru kyara by focusing on a wider range of anthropomorphic messengers. By mapping the historical trajectory of mascots, the researchers isolate a special subcategory of anthropomorphic characters: destination mascots. Destination mascots are introduced as a new tourism construct and a distinct type of marketing activity. This paper aims to develop and promote the term destination mascot in tourism literature. It describes the many facets of destination mascots and catalogues five distinct functions mascots can carry out for their destinations: mascots as place identity markers, cultural constructs, bonding tools, social engagement tools, and information carriers. Supplemented with multiple examples from past and present literature, this study deepens and broadens our understanding of mascot culture. It brings into view many avenues that invite further exploration.  相似文献   

国外黑色旅游研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑色旅游是近年来国外,特别是欧美地区旅游学界新兴的热点研究领域,也是一个颇具争议的领域.文章对国外有关黑色旅游的文献进行梳理,认为黑色旅游的概念界定、黑色旅游者行为特征、黑色旅游展示和历史原真性的争议、黑色旅游的影响是国外黑色旅游研究的4大主题,并对每一个主题进行了总结.  相似文献   

Leisure travel has become a major lifestyle in the United States since World War II. This paper describes the social, economic, and technological changes that have been adopted by the industry and society during three eras of travel evolution. A synoptic view of the development of travel is provided by a review of five travel industry components: transportation, attractions, facilities and services, information, and the consumer. Emphasis is placed on the consequences of the adoption of major social and technological innovations that have impacted this vibrant industry and will continue to do so in the future. The paper concludes with eight observations on the present and future status of leisure travel in the United States.  相似文献   

Studies of the local population's perception of tourism impact are useful in setting up programs to minimize friction between tourists and residents, and in formulating plans to gain resident support of tourist ventures. This study identifies the positive and negative aspects of tourism as perceived by the Santa Marta residents, and the influence of selected variables on resident response. It is hypothesized that the perception of tourist impact varies with the distance a person lives from the tourist zone and with the resident's socio-economic status. It is found that despite the perception of some serious negative aspects, Santa Marta residents consider the overall impact of tourism to be beneficial. They want their government to offer more economic incentives and eliminate any restrictive measures in order to stimulate tourism in the area. The positive attitudes of the Santa Marta residents toward tourism may be a function of the incipient stage of tourism development in this area.  相似文献   

A tourist space-time budget in the Shetland Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the need to better understand tourist pressure in selected regions of the Shetland Islands, United Kingdom, using measures of space, time, perception, region, and core-periphery. Normally an economic theory, core-periphery was applied in the context of this study as a locational and mental construct in examining tourism group movement (behavior). Respondents were placed into two groups on the basis of their activitybased motivations for visiting Shetland and asked to complete a daily space-time budget regarding their use of attractions, facilities, accommodation, and transportation. It was discovered that both groups differed marginally in their space-time use of the aforementioned variables within the various regions of Shetland.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between the literature on the issue of control and the realities of the hospitality industry. Management control is related to the unsanctioned entrepreneurial activities of operatives (illustrated by the ‘taxi scam’), the failure of computer systems used to control operatives, and the failure of the hospitality industry to exploit the potential of the new technology. The paper suggests that management's (and a significant part of the literature in this area) failure within hospitality is linked to the perception of the role of the hospitality manager as one of policing the industry.  相似文献   

Development of Africa's immense tourism potential is severely limited for reasons including lack of capital, distance from the large North American and European markets, the cost of travel to Africa, and Africa's poor image abroad. A key factor contributing to this image problem is political instability. Since World War II, almost all African countries have achieved independence. In several countries, this decolonization process has taken the form of long and often bloody liberation wars. This paper examines the impact of Zimbabwe's protracted liberation war on tourism development in Zambia and suggests that a detailed examination of major internal and external political events associated with the decolonization process in Zimbabwe could provide important perspectives on the obstacles to tourism development in other African countries.  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of geographical interest in tourism during the past half century and examines the range and scope of the geography of tourism. The available literature is reviewed and suggestions are made regarding possible research aveneus and theoretical developments. Six major areas of interest are identified: spatial aspects of supply, spatial aspects of demand, the geography of resorts, patterns of movements and flows, the impact of tourism, and models of tourist space. Through an emphasis on spatial interaction an attempt is made to provide some cohesion and synthesis for this body of knowledge which constitutes the basis of the geography of tourism.  相似文献   


Historically, women have been discriminated against in a number of ways. In recreation, the same is true. This study, carried out among Ontario recreation administrators, reveals male‐female differences in wages, responsibility, participation and programs. A number of alternatives and suggestions for change, including both legislation and economic sanction, are given in the report, along with a number of possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

IMPACT OF AN ECONOMIC CRISIS Evidence from Turkey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper evaluates the impact of the 2001 economic crisis on the tourism industry in Turkey. The research findings reveal that neither the government nor private organizations had any plans for dealing with the crisis before or after the event. It had both negative and positive impacts although its benefits were often overlooked. The overall implication of the study is that national culture, the level of economic development of a country, the availability of financial resources, and the ability and knowledge of its government officials and managers of private firms have a direct impact on how such an event is responded to and managed.  相似文献   

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