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战略联盟:营销渠道关系的理想境界   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代营销实践表明,新型的渠道关系应是一种战略联盟型合作伙伴关系。制造商与中间商之间建立紧密型的战略伙伴关系是经济发展的客观要求及社会分工和专业化的必然。制造商与中间商之间既是矛盾对立体,更是利益共同体,战略联盟作为营销渠道关系的理想境界,能够实现厂商双赢。  相似文献   

主要的营销渠道战略联盟有:经销商之间的联盟、供应商之间的联盟、供应商与经销商之间的联盟三种形式。通过对建立营销渠道战略联盟的优劣势分析揭示:建立战略联盟是提高渠道竞争力的重要手段,同时要注意维护渠道联盟的健康发展;营销渠道的发展和演变,营销渠道战略联盟发展的八个趋势;建立和维持渠道战略联盟的难点及其应对措施和方法。  相似文献   

渠道联盟是一种新的制度安排,建立渠道联盟能提高渠道效率,使渠道成员从中获取更多利润并保持竞争优势,渠道联盟正在成为渠道创新的方向。在药品营销渠道中,从制度层面进行创新的重点是要建立药品渠道联盟,不同渠道层次的成员应努力构建横向渠道联盟和纵向渠道联盟。  相似文献   

文化型营销渠道构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜岩 《生产力研究》2008,(15):128-130
营销渠道是企业开展商品营销渠道依赖的企业内部与中间商所组成的组织网络,在传统的交易营销理念指导下所形成的交易型营销渠道因现代营销环境的改变和关系营销理念的广泛应用,其地位和作用日益受到挑战和限制。文章认为,改革交易型营销渠道,建立以企业文化为指导的文化型营销渠道是一条重要出路,并结合企业文化理论研究,提出了一个构建文化型营销渠道的思想和路径。  相似文献   

国家新一轮房地产调控政策的实施,使得房地产市场环境发生了重大的变化。房地产企业只有不断地研究市场,提高自身的管理水平,改革和完善营销渠道,根据产品、营销资源、客户等实际情况建立恰当的营销渠道策略,才能获得企业生存和发展的空间。  相似文献   

何艳  范定祥 《经济论坛》2009,(4):134-135
生产企业能否很好地解决与中间商的渠道冲突,关系到营销渠道运行的效率,并由此会影响企业的核心竞争力。本文讨论了厂商企业之间垂直渠道冲突的产生过程、形成原因及冲突管理策略,旨在提高企业整体效益。  相似文献   

层次分析法思想及其在中间商选择中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择中间商就是选择商品营销的战略伙伴或合作者.也就是对有关营销渠道的功能承担者的战略性选择。因此,正确地选择中间商对实现建立营销渠道的目标具有重要的现实意义。本文应用层次分析法从中间商信誉、中间商实力、中间商产品销售组合和预期合作程度四个准则着手.结合案例对中间商进行择优.避免了指标权重确定的主观因素。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,营销渠道作为连接生产者和最终消费者之间的纽带,越来越多的企业开始关注低成本渠道建设,把它作为市场竞争优势的重要源泉。鉴于不同行业、产品、地理区域对营销渠道的建设要求各不相同,该文对营销渠道构建低成本问题的国内相关文献进行分析和比较,在对迈克尔.波特三大通用战略-成本领先战略深入把握的基础上,以成本法中的基本作业为切入点,详细阐述了营销渠道成本的基本构成,包括采购成本、信息成本、运输成本、存货成本以及促销、交易和售后服务成本等,进而对渠道成本控制采用经济学成本曲线进行了分析,得出成本控制基点。再次基础上,提出构建低成本有效营销渠道的对策,即提高渠道一体化程度、实现渠道扁平化、改善渠道关系、转移渠道流程功能、建立战略联盟和发展电子商务。  相似文献   

随着营销环境的变化,传统的渠道关系已不能适应激烈的市场竞争,取而代之的将是一种更为高效的渠道关系——伙伴型渠道关系.本文主要论述了伙伴型渠道关系的价值及其构建要素,并通过对宝洁与沃尔玛的渠道关系的实证分析,说明了伙伴型渠道关系的优势及建立伙伴型渠道关系的重要性和必要性.  相似文献   

在市场竞争逐步由以增量市场为主转向以存量市场转变的过程中,厂商面临着终端渠道或区域市场丢失的风险、厂商应得利益被侵蚀的风险、价格秩序混乱的风险和信用风险等。厂商必须在确保共同利益的基础上培育渠道忠诚度,在细分客户和谨慎选择中间商的基础上进行差异化管理,在完善渠道风险预警机制的基础上对不同类型渠道进行差异化管理。  相似文献   

本文考虑个人既是生产者(包括中间商)又是消费者的情况,同时基于分工获益与交易费用之间的冲突,运用超边际及一般均衡方法,探索了交易服务中间商出现和存在的理由。本文证明,交易服务中间商是专业化和分工水平提高的产物,而这种专业化和分工水平的提高则来自于制度效率和交易服务的交易效率所共同决定的产品总贸易效率的充分改进;交易服务中间商的出现还受到生产和交易的学习成本的影响,也会随着交易服务的生产技术的提高而加速;总贸易效率的提高同时也导致了交易服务中间商协调的委托贸易模式取代自给自足和非专业化生产者-消费者之间的直接贸易模式,并使得市场种类数增加、经济依存度提高、交易迂回度提高和人均真实收入增加。本文对于理解运输和物流服务的外包与内部化、生产与交易的交互作用以及营销渠道的形成具有意义。  相似文献   

与目前有关服务经济的研究不同,本文用一个新兴古典的佣金中间商1模型来分析交易服务的经济性质.主要结果表明:在市场分工中,交易服务是一种能够对产品的交易产生正网络效应的特殊商品;由中间商数量所决定的服务网络规模会影响市场一体化程度;制度效率和服务交易效率的改进将提高人均真实收入,当制度效率比服务交易效率的改进程度更大,或当服务业的劳动生产率提高,从生产部门向交易部门的劳动力迁移将增加;而改进的制度效率也将扩大产品和服务的市场容量;因而,经济增长呈现为以服务业发展为导向的增长.本文对于服务业缘何已成为发达国家的主导产业给出了一个微观解释,也为中国通过服务业来推动经济增长提供了一个理论视角.  相似文献   

Although dispersion raises productivity by relieving crowding, concentration promotes trade. The participation of specialist middlemen, who tend to cluster around the regional center, in the trading process would mitigate such tensions, for it becomes less urgent for others to scramble for central locations then from the increase in the density of economic activities around such locations. A city, populated by a cluster of middlemen, that serves as a platform for intermediate trade among producers in surrounding areas can exist without any increasing returns in production, transportation, and exchange. Indirect trade and pure commerce may, thus, have a spatial origin.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework in which middlemen emerge to intermediate between ex‐ante homogeneous buyers and sellers in the presence of search frictions. Middlemen announce prices, and hold an inventory to provide more sure services. Middlemen can mitigate trade imbalances with price competition. Using this framework I illustrate how the frictionless limit can emerge and how middlemen can implement the short‐side principle for the market price to be Walrasian. The recent progress in the literature on intermediation will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The question of how certain types of market-intermediating middlemen can be held in low regard is addressed. A model in which pure rent-seeking middlemen emerge endogenously is provided. Individuals differ according to their persuasiveness and according to their productivity. Those who are highly persuasive but relatively unproductive are the people most likely to become middlemen. However, only productivity differentials are shown to be essential for the emergence of middlemen.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the coexistence of an uncoordinated search market and a middleman market may alleviate adverse selection in the trade of goods of different quality. Inability to conduct trade penalizes sellers of low‐quality goods disproportionately, encouraging them to trade via middlemen. A semi‐separating equilibrium exists when a sufficient number of sellers of low‐quality goods choose the middleman market to allow high‐quality goods to be successfully traded in the search market. The result may explain why a search market can survive alongside a coordinated market, a phenomenon characteristic, for example, of markets for used cars, housing and labour.  相似文献   

This article shows how allowing for goods to be divisible at the point of consumption and incorporating productive heterogeneity lead to the emergence of middlemen in an equilibrium search environment. In the baseline model, middlemen are welfare reducing and their number increases as market frictions are reduced. When the model is extended to allow for time taken in production and increasing returns to scale in the market meeting technology, middlemen can be beneficial to society by speeding up the meeting process.  相似文献   

Research on the sales channels of the household appliances market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese traditional sales channels are seriously attacked by the new ones. Household appliances industry will realize the specialized divisions of. development, manufacture, sale and services completely. The model of sales channel in marketing is set as the core of this research; the merits and demerits of different sales channels are analyzed; the complicated selective relationship and the conflicts among the manufacturer, middlemen, and ultimate consumers, and the solutions to present multi-channels market and the developments of the sales channels are elaborated in an overall view; the opinion that the only way to develop this industry is raised to establish the competitive sales channels. The aim is to let local household appliances industry use the natural merits to build up a suitable channel rapidly and efficiently, and to speed up the self development and oeffection.  相似文献   

This paper examines how different trade policies affect illegal trade practices, foreign exchange market and the degree of illegal capital outflow. It builds up a three-country preferential–non-preferential trade model where low or zero tariff prevails in the preferential trade channel and higher tariff is exercised in the non-preferential trade channel. We show that initially the preferential trade channel is likely to encourage illegal capital outflow and non-preferential trade channel is conducive for illegal transactions in foreign exchange in the local market. But finally a low tariff regime takes care of both illegal capital outflow and black market for foreign exchange.  相似文献   

This paper studies the pro‐poor bias of trade policy in India by estimating the household welfare effects of removing the current protection structure. The elimination of a pro‐poor trade policy is expected to have a negative differential welfare effect at the low end of the distribution. The paper first constructs trade restrictiveness indexes for household consumption items and industries using both tariffs and non‐tariff barriers. The results indicate that Indian trade policy is regressive through the expenditure channel as it disproportionately raises the cost of consumption for poorer households, while it is progressive through the earnings channel. Based on the net welfare effects, the elimination of the current trade protection structure is estimated to reduce inequality. These results indicate that a trade policy that is progressive through the earnings channel may induce a price effect that is regressive through the expenditure channel.  相似文献   

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